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Iranian President Says No War With U.S., Israel!

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posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:02 PM

Iranian President Says No War With U.S., Israel!

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that he sees no possibility of a war between his country and the United States or Israel.

"I assure you that there won't be any war in the future," Ahmadinejad told a news conference during a visit to Malaysia for a summit of developing Muslim nations.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:02 PM
That's odd, because every day I hear the propaganda being bellowed out of the Whitehouse, Propagandacon, and their Corporate war-profiteering mouthpiece medium-the main stream media. Every day we hear how aggressive and dangerous the Iran regime and Ahmadinejad are, and how they are constantly threatening Israel and the U.S....We just had that idiot Joe Lieberman saying how "Iran is going to wipe Israel off the map, then come after us next!"

Fear, Fear, Fear...Lies, Lies, Lies....War, War, War....Profits, profits, profits....

I wonder how Washington will try to spin his words THIS time?

The guy DOESN'T want war with ANYONE!!!

Ahmadinejad also predicted Israel would collapse without any Iranian action.

The Israelis "are a complex political group, but you should know this regime will be eventually destroyed and there is no need of any measure by Iranian people,"
he said when asked to comment on whether he has called for the destruction of Israel.

Pay close attention to this last sentence, as this has been the basis for both Israel and the Whitehouse war-mongers to attack them-claiming that he was threatening Israel! Now you have it from the horses mouth! Don't let those pathological liars in the whitehouse BS and fear-monger us into another PROFITEERING CATASTROPHE!!
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 8-7-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

[edit on 8-7-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:09 PM
The suggested idiocy of Sen. Lieberman notwithstanding, would you consider it within the realm of possibility that Ahmadinejad is being deceitful? You say "[t]he guy DOESN'T want war with ANYONE!!!" Is that what he said when you asked him? It seems that you'll gladly accept his [alleged] proclamations, if you find that it serves to support your distrust of the United States.

The misinformation can and does come from EVERY direction. Are Americans somehow the only ones that lie? By that ill-logic, to be American must put someone, inherently, at some sort of national/ethnic disadvantage.

Don't be foolish.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
The guy DOESN'T want war with ANYONE!!!

Unfortunately for him it's not his call and war will come it's just a matter of time.

My guess is just after the US economy crashes, poor economies bring about wars for the simple fact creating war machines bring jobs to the people and rejuvenate many industries.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by ItsTheQuestion

Right back at ya.

Do you buy the propaganda coming from the pathological liars in the whitehouse who lied a bare minimum of 935 TIMES in the lead up and aftermath of the Iraq debacle?

Apparently you do.

+8 more 
posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by ItsTheQuestion

since iran hasn`t actually started a war in over 1000 years , and the last revolution was to eject the US installed puppet - after he used the military to remove the democratic government.

so yes , i do trust him more than the morons in washington who want to use nukes on everyone who doesn`t like them.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:22 PM
So NOW we are aware that It IS the USA government provoking a war that NOBODY wants. It is America wanting to go to a war that we and their targets do not want.

Says it all really.

If I was in America I would march to the whitehouse this minute. I would create enough attention in my walks, that within an hour a revolution would begin. Why can't you people DO something. There is nothing to be afraid of when you stand to a behaviour that is not good.

Overthrow these morons. The behaviour is unnacceptable, and it has to stop NOW. This war mongering and war provoking tactics are just absurd.

In my 22 years of existence, why can I see that this is just non human. I'm in this world, and I believe that we should be free and evolve from what we were before. I believe that we can all change and deal with things we never could. I believe that the world can be given to us once again. START NOW.

[edit on 8-7-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:28 PM
Yes all well and good, but you see he thinks this purely because he thinks they are scared of him
and Allah.
When he starts up the first nuclear missile, I think you would have to agree that something will be done.
Perhaps even before that perhaps when there scans detect enriched uranium they will do something.
Immadinnerjacket is what many would call a religious extremist.
An Islamic extremist.
99.9% of his statements are religiously based.He believes in prophecies that Israel will be destroyed with the blessing of Allah etc.
This is why nuclear weapons in the hands of people like this is even worse than kim jong.

[edit on 8-7-2008 by Being_From_Earth]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Discotech

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
The guy DOESN'T want war with ANYONE!!!

Unfortunately for him it's not his call and war will come it's just a matter of time.

My guess is just after the US economy crashes, poor economies bring about wars for the simple fact creating war machines bring jobs to the people and rejuvenate many industries.

Oh really? Haven't we been *at war* since 2003? What jobs has it brought us? What rejuvinated economy are you living in?

I'm so tired of this "War is good for the economy" rhetoric.


How is another war going to help?

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:28 PM
Maybe Amad is smart... we don't want the war, we just want the price of oil to go up, we love what all this saber rattling is doing to oil prices... so long as our sources o renewable energy become comparabl to the price of crude, our guys are happy... They must know this in Tehran...

I hype the US all day, but only a nut case wants war... Bless him, maybe he is getting smart and leading Iran into a poition of playing ball with our goals, we wnat high oil prices and want them to stay that way... just as easy to get by continuous tension as an actual hot war...

Even Bin Laden must be saying "oh crap" right about now...

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
reply to post by ItsTheQuestion

since iran hasn`t actually started a war in over 1000 years , and the last revolution was to eject the US installed puppet - after he used the military to remove the democratic government.

so yes , i do trust him more than the morons in washington who want to use nukes on everyone who doesn`t like them.

I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Another side take, to what your saying. If I was Iranian, and I didn't attack another nation, why suddenly should someone threathen to attack my country.

For argument sake, If I was the Iranian president, (I consider myself to be quite sane) and a country continuously provokes and threatens me, Why am I not allowed to have weapons or nukes to defend myself?

Lets get real here people. Stop this madness. I'm sooooo sick of this war. Could we just stop it already.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Double post.


[edit on 8-7-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:29 PM
The Third Reich said they wouldn't wage war with the Soviet Union, BOOM, invasion! I wouldn't trust my politicans no less then I trust theirs! All politicans are in one gigantic metaphorical frat house. They all want the same thing. So, Iran says they assure us there will be no war with the United States, or Israel? Why would you believe that for even two seconds? It's going to happen because both countrys frat teams want it to happen. Why would you believe one countrys words, especially out of the mouth of a political figure? People believed Hitler, Stalin, and now G-dub. Are the Iranians super honest, or something?

If the United States announced that it "assured" us there would be no war with Iran, would you believe that? I know I would announce it as b.s. before the announcement was over. I'll prepare for war and pray for peace. There is no chance in hell for any government to be honest to their people. It simply doesn't happen ANYWHERE.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:33 PM
there is alot of spin and pro war propaganda out there, the artical you quoted said that the "israelis were a complex political group"

and inferred he was talking of israel. he was not he was talking about the zionists. there is a diffrence, and here is what he really said:

(He predicted that Israel’s “Zionist regime” would collapse without the need for any Iranian action.

They “are a complex political group, but you should know this regime will be eventually destroyed and there is no need of any measure by Iranian people.)

so this artical inferred he was talking of israelis when he was really talking about zionists. that is propaganda. unfortunatly most people dont know the diffrence between a zionist and an israeli. this is why the world is falling apart. people are stupid.

here is the story

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Quazga

It doesn't, it helps the 0.001% of the population. The 99% of the world will suffer. The last war is an example of this. War will benifet only the elites.

This is why I'm saying for people to wake up. See how the 0.001% control us! See how America has turned into a retarded playground.

Its actually disturbing to be aware once you realise.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by mind is the universe
So NOW we are aware that It IS the USA government provoking a war that NOBODY wants. It is America wanting to go to a war that we and their targets do not want.

Says it all really.

If I was in America I would march to the whitehouse this minute. I would create enough attention in my walks, that within an hour a revolution would begin. Why can't you people DO something. There is nothing to be afraid of when you stand to a behaviour that is not good.

Overthrow these morons. The behaviour is unnacceptable, and it has to stop NOW. This war mongering and war provoking tactics are just absurd.

In my 22 years of existence, why can I see that this is just non human. I'm in this world, and I believe that we should be free and evolve from what we were before. I believe that we can all change and deal with things we never could. I believe that the world can be given to us once again. START NOW.

[edit on 8-7-2008 by mind is the universe]

LOL hello Ireland... you been hanging around with Bono? (Jk)

Hey seriously I was going to say something about this century in Ireland, but you know what... Ireland has a long dang history of fighting for what's right and never went to empire and...

well okay, you can say these things

Ireland really does have nothing to do with the Nwo... Ireland is essentially as clean as a European nation gets of this blood... I just get irked because no one sees the truth that this is all a big game and the US really is not working alone here...

almost everyone in here that bitches about the US has the blood on their hands, acts as if talking bad about us because we bring the guns is justification... makes them clean... Europe practically heads the global elite behind this all... America is the hand gun of Europe and The Saudis and the multinationals... and now China...

This Oil is a huge agenda man and... call us mercenaries if you will, mercenary is real, mercenary is what we are, we love money, we are greedy... but our debts to do this are held by the leaders of your countries, Whats Nato the Usa 3 mounties and a french helicopter? Where will most of the mideast oil be going? to us or China and India?

Everyone says march on Washington...Londons right across the water bro, How much investmet comes out of Paris? How many cars run on this crap in Europe?

So we carry the guns... woo hoo, march on your leader...

even in hating us everyone looks to us, I hate meing number 1 lol, I want a mediocre nation state many days... you gys set the example... throw the corporations out then... ride more bikes, go do soemthing...

Until then your just balming the soldier country not the nations really in charge, we aren't the leaders... how much debt and assets, which countries which corporations lobby in the Us? who needs the oil most?

Come on guys open your eyes, yelling boooo America doesn't help, you yelled boo Russia for years and years too... didn't do anyhting, lol (they were a much cooler bad guy in all this huh?) Genuinely frightening, we look kind of dorky at this... no expeience being the bad guys...

but it's a game, your leaders are our leaders, we are financed...who's writing the checks is who you should be after, not us...

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:47 PM

I've been saying for some time now that Iran hasn't waged war with anyone in a very long time, and thats not about to change.

Any country under the constant threat of invasion by a massive military is going to look at all options to defend itself.

Notice though, that even with all the threats against Iran, Iran has yet to threaten to launch a war themselves... all threats have been reserved to "we will retaliate if you attack us."
A purely defensive argument.
Clearly this is not the stance of a country that wants a war.

The US has been threatening Iran in the hopes that Iran will strike first attempting to take the element of surprise, which would in turn give justification to an invasion of Iran.
But Iran isn't playing that game... and it must be making the warmongers pretty hot under the collar.

Either way though, I still think the warmongers in Washington will seek any and all excuses they can get their hands on to launch an invasion. It's our duty as citizens of the free world to deny Washington of any excuses they make. Make your voice clearly heard, the people of the free world do not want war.

Deny them their war, in the name of peace.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

LOL hello Ireland... you been hanging around with Bono? (Jk)

Hey seriously I was going to say something about this century in Ireland, but you know what... Ireland has a long dang history of fighting for what's right and never went to empire and...

well okay, you can say these things

Ireland really does have nothing to do with the Nwo... Ireland is essentially as clean as a European nation gets of this blood... I just get irked because no one sees the truth that this is all a big game and the US really is not working alone here...

almost everyone in here that bitches about the US has the blood on their hands, acts as if talking bad about us because we bring the guns is justification... makes them clean... Europe practically heads the global elite behind this all... America is the hand gun of Europe and The Saudis and the multinationals... and now China...

This Oil is a huge agenda man and... call us mercenaries if you will, mercenary is real, mercenary is what we are, we love money, we are greedy... but our debts to do this are held by the leaders of your countries, Whats Nato the Usa 3 mounties and a french helicopter? Where will most of the mideast oil be going? to us or China and India?

even in hating us everyone looks to us, I hate meing number 1 lol, I want a mediocre nation state many days... you gys set the example... throw the corporations out then... ride more bikes, go do soemthing...

Would you behave yourself. For a start. Second I'm not a country. I'm a human being, with something to add to this world. I'm only 22 and I'm not even started yet

And leaders and the illuminati and all that crap won't budge or nudge me in the slightest. Nor do i fill myself with hate and junk. Nor am I swayed by what you say, what fox news say, what America says, and even what Irelands says.

I feel empowered to what I say! I'm here on this planet taking up space, the leaders bet get used to it. I don't agree with the control crap. I won't follow it and never will.

They can look for me, they can check my details, find my whereabouts and even kill me, but someone else will replace me. Awareness will not stop.

[edit on 8-7-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
reply to post by ItsTheQuestion

since iran hasn`t actually started a war in over 1000 years , and the last revolution was to eject the US installed puppet - after he used the military to remove the democratic government.

so yes , i do trust him more than the morons in washington who want to use nukes on everyone who doesn`t like them.

Well said!

The only people who are looking for a war are the neo cons and the zionists, yes there are a few idiots (well unfortunately there are a LOT of idiots) who support bush and co, but all in all most of the world doesn't want a war...

I say pro-war supporters should be the ones locked up in guantanamo and shackled up and humiliated, at least those idiots would deserve it.

Well done Iran, not everybody hates you.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 02:59 PM
Well if he really means this, then its time to stop ALL nuclear work being done and cooperate 100% with inspections. If he does this I will believe him and will not even think about Iran again or at least until the next ordeal comes up.

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