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My friend has a demon attached to her.

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posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by iwant2believe1992
but if you don't find out the demons' names, you can't drive them from her. you need the name. you find the name and you find your power over them.

Is that true? I know it happens on TV but I think they do that for the scare factor. If you believe in demons then you also admit (sort of) that you believe in God. They are not equal powers. God has the power to remove a demon...I don't know that it's name has much to do with it.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:45 AM
I have to say I am very interested. I am a firm believer in demonic beings. Was her mother pregnant when she was forced to drink the blood or was it just when her mother was a little girl? I can't remember if I read that, really bad memory apparently.

Its hard to believe that she got away from that. Her mother must be a very strong individual to move on from her past.

You say the girl sees things in her dreams about the future. I'm sorry if this is a little off-topic, but what does she see?

I am going to flag this for any further detail.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by HippieontheHill

Ive heard a lot of the end of the world and time stuff but never 2029 having anything to do with it, where did you read this?

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:47 AM
I have a friend who lived in a house full of Demons (literally). There was evidence of a cult previously inhabiting the house. There were strange symbols painted everywhere. In one bedroom, there was this giant eye. It got so bad they had to move. Once, her mother was reading the bible on the steps and a demon pushed her down! And we are to think a demons weakness would be the bible? They also witnessed a demon hacking away at a bed. Also in that bedroom, came the stench of burning flesh. One time my friend was playing with a doll. All of a sudden, this doll began to float and the eyes turned bright red. This house was pure evil...

I am not making any of this up, nor am I trying to make fun. I am not crazy, neither are the people who had to endure this.

My friends have a paranormal talk show (spooky southcoast). Last night they had on Dr.William Bradshaw, who is one of the few people that actually have Ph.D in Demonology. The show will be available online most likely sometime this week. You can also browse there archives and look for other shows of interest.

Spooky Southcoast:

[edit on 6-7-2008 by Nebel]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by iwant2believe1992
but if you don't find out the demons' names, you can't drive them from her. you need the name. you find the name and you find your power over them.

I'm sorry, but where is your source? Why would a name take a demons power? How would you even find the name? If demons were once angels then I have power of the archangels Gabrial and Michael.

If you count Lucifer, everyone knows his name as well as many of his demons. Though, I can't say those demon names would be correct because how would we know? There is only the Bible and even that I'm sure was tampered with after Christ's death. Not really a religious person, I just go on feelings and what I have seen.

I don't know what to say, but knowing a name isn't going to stop a demon who has ties to the human girl. Get an exorcist or priest, calling out a name isn't going to do the job.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by mr. wildflowers

Why? I assume you want to help her? As someone who dabbled at The Arts I can assure that once you have opened the door to demons or what ever they really are, strange stuff starts to happen.

Dion Fortune has written a book how to get rid of black magicians, but I think the techniques can also be used for non-human entities.

The point is that she herself needs to stop being negative. No more inviting demons in her life will help a great deal.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Nebel

I can believe something like that happened, all but the doll. Maybe the doll moved but how could its eyes glow red? My friend was once pushed down her stairs and on her bed by what she called a ghost, though I thought it was a demon. Nothing really happened again.

It wasn't the house that was evil. If it was an occult you said that lived there or did whatever they did, then they might have comitted group suicide in there. Think of the house like a camera taking a picture, housing the image for all eternity. (Got that from the Triangle, good movie to me lol) Anyway, glad they left the house and hope no one moves in.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by mr. wildflowers

I had a dream like that once. It was a long time ago, probably when I was 12. Could you describe what it was like?

It must be horrible for her to have dreams like that often; if not repetitive and vivid.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by _Johnny_Utah_
Crazy people believe they see God or travel in time...stuff like that...and they find ways to create memories.

Actually perfectly sane people claim the same thing and check out to be "normal". Usually I don't listen to people who say the see god or time travel as you put it, but it may be true.

A demon gives a person incredible strength and they can often speak with two or more voices at the same time.
Does she do a lot of singing? Demons are said to have beautiful voices...after all, they were angels at one time.

Some people can "open" their throat and speak with two voices. I remember seeing something about Monks somewhere who practice it. Everyone is able to do it, they just don't know how. I wanted to, but I'm too lazy and I know I probably couldn't do it or it would take years.

Why would demons give a person incredible strength? The only time I have heard of someone using an impressive feat such as lifting a car is when they are in an adreneline rush such as a mother trying to save her child. You could be amazed what people can do, but I don't know if a demon could push the human body to continue pasts its limits, a short rush maybe, but nothing else.

I always read after they fell from heaven they lost their looks becoming demons as well as their voices. Thats why they are associated with howls of eternal pain and growls like beasts, but I wouldn't know never been face to face with a demon. Plus, if they were attracted to singing, then all my favorite bands would be in the nut house and I wouldn't have any music.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by anglodemonicmatrix
reply to post by _Johnny_Utah_

Whilst there is the demonic there is also paranoid schizophrenia the usual term for hearing voices and feelings of persecution such individuals can have false memories a good psychiatrist might be worth a visit before the exorcist.

Paranoid schizophrenia could be a possible diagnosis but onyl if "nancy" is over 25 research shows the human mind develops in stages so realistically and psychologically if she is under that age schizophrenia will not be the cause. More than likely a delusional intersatial psychosis. If nancy is not ill take her to the local university let her chat with a parapsychologist. They wont judge and should make more sense than most on what the issue is.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 11:47 AM
I believe you. Been there done that.

Unless the stress and tension is causing physical ailments which require professional attention, please do not put too much faith in conventional medicine. If she needs help for sleeping, or headaches, etc., please look to natural remedies first. Medical doctors will assume a mental/emotional disorder and prescribe pills that will probably do more harm than good, and sent to a counselor who cannot and will not help because they refuse to recognize the real (paranormal) root of the problem, and then label her with "paranoid schizophrenia" or "borderline personality disorder" or another severe mental illness. When the pills prescribed don't work, they will prescribe another pill - either to be used in conjunction with the first pill, or to replace the first pill. Only when they find that perfect drug combo that turns Nancy into a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual zombie will they consider her "cured." Conventional medicine has its place, but limits itself.

Would also strongly suggests she avoid excess alcohol, synthetic drugs whenever possible, and to eat organic as much as possible. It's important to avoid toxins in her body and in her "aura."

I believe you said she is a strong Christian. If so, she has all the tools she needs to deal with this. Regular routine prayer and meditation is a good start. She can also DEMAND that all beings not of love and light desist and remove themselves immediately in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Mother (or Holy Spirit, if she prefers). Nancy owns her body. She can do this. She can also call on her spirit guides and guardian angels, or invoke the Archangels Michael and Raphael, for protection. When she feels threatened, she can call for them, such as: "Lord Michael before me! Lord Michael behind me! Lord Michael above me!" She can employ creative visualization to ward off the demons - surround herself with white light or picture a mirror as a shield which deflects all negative energy.

Prayer of Protection:

"The light of God surrounds me. The love of God enfolds me. The power of God protects me. The presence of God watches over me. Wherever I am, God is, and I am safe in the arms of the Lord."


"Around myself and mine I place the divine ring of protection. Pass not evil! Only positive energies of love and light may penetrate my divine ring of protection. Pass not evil! All negative energies of darkness are repelled by my divine ring of protection, and are rendered impotent. Pass not evil! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Mother, so be it."

I also strongly recommend that she learns to master this gift, or it will be a constant battle for control with negative energies. There are many tools to help her do this; candles, stones, herbs, aromas, etc. There are many excellent books to help her in her journey. If she would prefer a mentor, many metaphysical bookstores also offer classes in metaphysical subjects.

If she would like some spiritual counseling, or just someone to talk to who won't think she's crazy or worse, I'd suggest a Unity minister. Very, very helpful in my situation. Not Unitarian, but the Unity School of Christianity, based in Lee Summit, Missouri. She might also try a minister from the Spiritualist Church, tho I cannot recommend one from personal knowledge.


posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:07 PM
Hey I know im just throwing random thoughts here...

But seriously demonic possessions and all that seem to be mainly from schizophrenia and paranoid behavior. The movies hype it up to make it out as things like this, but seriously as was suggested before I would personally at least try to seek professional medical help like psychiatrist or even the local doctor.

I mean a lot of these type of behaviors can also be caused by traumatic times in peoples lives. I mean I wont go so far to say as she may have been abused however even just the comments from her mother about witnessing satanic rituals and etc could heavily affect her thoughts and mental processes.

I mean I myself have read up on some incredibly 'out there' satanic rituals which can blow your mind. But then I also know a friend whos girlfriend just is schizophrenic and has tried to knife him, and do all crazy things because despite being prescribed medication refuses to take it sometimes since she fears it.

Before I was talking about traumatic times, and by this I do not mean something light. I personally do not believe demons can possess people, but then ive never been possessed and the only actual views I have are what Ive watched from horror movies. But stress and other factors can really create havoc in a mind.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Nebel

As a child I had a very similar incident. My family moved into a house that was next to an old Church (Which I believe though it was closed long before we moved in, was for the last part of its existence a catholic school) The house we moved into had used to be the nun's house, and as it turns out we got an extremely cheap price renting the house.

Once we moved in we found out why the price had been so low the upstairs seemed fine like a normal old house that hadn't been used in many years but when we checked out the basement everything changed. A terribly old set of dry rotted wooden steps led to a large dark one roomed basement. As soon as you stepped foot in the doorway you would feel cold, and uneasy.

Upon walking down the steps we found satanic symbols decorating every single wall, there was a strange stink to the basement, not your typical musty wet basement but a real stink. There was but one piece of real furnitur in the basement and that was a large old bookcase on which EVERY shelf was stacked with photos of sacrifices, mutilated people, and general disgusting horrible things.

My father was a generally religious man and threw away all the pictures and we painted over the many satanic symbols (most of which I had never seen) I was young at the time but the main one I remember was some sort of strange goat head symbol and after painting over them we returned the next day to find our paint gone and the symbols once again there. Many times we would paint and repaint the walls and still every time the symbols would be back like no paint ever touched them. My father was a house painter for many many years and knew what he was doing there was no reason why this should have happened.

I know it sounds strange but soon after I found myself doing odd things I was only around 5 at the time but I remember starting many fires with gasoline when I could sneak away, I also remember setting a door on fire for no reason at all I know thats weird. It seems the house influenced us all in odd ways.

Not soon after while trying to paint the church next door for my landlord my father fell from a ladder and passed away, god rest his soul. I have always felt the house influenced this in some way. After my father moved on, we went to the landlord (after promptly moving) and demanded some answers.

As it turns out the landlord got the old church and the nun's house for extremely cheap due to horrible things that had happened in the past. As he put it in the 70's some sort of satanic cult of kid's in there 20's and 30's rented the house for a while and were evicted a while later when it was found that they were performing sacrifices, and strange rituals in the basement. Supposedly when they left they put a "curse" on the house I was and kinda still am skeptical about the curse but I am 100% sure there were demons there.

After he told of the cult he moved on to tell us about two renters after the cult but before my family, as he put it the first family the father had a nervous breakdown and was locked away and the second one the father snapped one night and stabbed his wife and daughter before killing himself.

All that said demons are very real. And I believe that this girl could very well be legit with the things that her family has been through.

Sorry for the anonymity and long post haven't registered yet.

- Afeckt

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by UnforgiveableSin

No demons are the workers for Satan. Satan is the fallen angel. Demons come from another demension and are not human souls.

This man knows a lot about exorcism. Maybe u can learn something from him.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:41 PM
The posts seem to be of two types: Religious help and psychological help.

The mind is a very powerful thing (pyschic or not) - under hypnotherapy I was asked to get my emotions out in my dreams - and I did for some time after. Even writing this down - means I am more likely to dream.

I suggest that your friend tackles this from both perspectives - drawing from the strengh of her religion and also maybe chatting to a professional to see if there is anything within her childhood that is ripping her up from the inside (parents that are devil worhippers - she could have witnessed anything).

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:41 PM
The posts seem to be of two types: Religious help and psychological help.

The mind is a very powerful thing (pyschic or not) - under hypnotherapy I was asked to get my emotions out in my dreams - and I did for some time after. Even writing this down - means I am more likely to dream.

I suggest that your friend tackles this from both perspectives - drawing from the strengh of her religion and also maybe chatting to a professional to see if there is anything within her childhood that is ripping her up from the inside (parents that are devil worhippers - she could have witnessed anything).

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Aoxoa
Hey I know im just throwing random thoughts here...

But seriously demonic possessions and all that seem to be mainly from schizophrenia and paranoid behavior. The movies hype it up to make it out as things like this, but seriously as was suggested before I would personally at least try to seek professional medical help like psychiatrist or even the local doctor.

I mean a lot of these type of behaviors can also be caused by traumatic times in peoples lives. I mean I wont go so far to say as she may have been abused however even just the comments from her mother about witnessing satanic rituals and etc could heavily affect her thoughts and mental processes.

I mean I myself have read up on some incredibly 'out there' satanic rituals which can blow your mind. But then I also know a friend whos girlfriend just is schizophrenic and has tried to knife him, and do all crazy things because despite being prescribed medication refuses to take it sometimes since she fears it.

Before I was talking about traumatic times, and by this I do not mean something light. I personally do not believe demons can possess people, but then ive never been possessed and the only actual views I have are what Ive watched from horror movies. But stress and other factors can really create havoc in a mind.

Not everything is Schizo. My brother was Schizo and it was nothing like possessions. People who are possessed have super strenght and weird things that happen around them. U know someone is possessed when their eyes roll back and they speak in another language that they wouldn't know.

My friend's sister was possessed and her body would levitate when they did the exorcism.

[edit on 6-7-2008 by amfirst]

[edit on 6-7-2008 by amfirst]

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:49 PM
you need to get the help of a mental health proffesional,sounds like a mental illness.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:50 PM
Once somebody has offered a blood sacrifice in order to dedicate their progeny to satan, you will need the help of a professional. Nothing from amateurs will help here. These demons feel they have a right to the person due to the generational nature of this type of possession. The exhorcist will call them out and convince them that their claim is false and make them leave. If you got in touch with George Noory at Coast to Coast AM, he could tell you somebody to call. You do not have to bother the Catholic Church. There are others who can do the job.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 12:55 PM
Sounds like another inbreeding case or consanguinity.

Probably should check if her parents are brother and sister....

[edit on 6-7-2008 by Desmond]

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