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Outrage at Puppy in Police Officers Hat

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posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:53 PM
I know a fair few Muslims and they like dogs! I swear some Muslims make stuff up about their beliefs, from my understanding ritually unclean means more along the lines of inedible or not to have in the house, if it caused serious offense i'm surprised we haven't seen a jihad against dogs lol, i fail to see how anyone can complain about a picture of a dog this is either media hype or an incredibly irritating person trying to get attention.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:13 PM
HAHAHAHAAHAA. This reminds me of that jew squabble a couple of christmas ago at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport where the employees put up christmas decorations on christmas trees. Than a big time rabbi jew shows up for a flight and shows everybody how big the jews are with there beliefs and (demands) to have a menorah included with the airports christmas decorations.

Long story short, he files some legal BS and the airport takes down there holiday decorations. This country is being run on fear. We fear to be called a racist for saying something that may offend a nationality. We fear showing our right to enjoy life as we have for so many years and must now bow to foreign intrusion. This is not our land anymore.

The nerve of foreign nationalities to think they have the right to change our ways we have so enjoyed before they agreed to accept our ways as they came here. I know, some one try that in israel and see what they do about it.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Solarskye

I people expect me to respect their religion, then I in turn expect them to respect me and my opinions. Too much is made of religion for all the wrong reasons. My opinion of religion is that it is more detramental to society than almost anything else. God don't like ugly, and neither do I. Don't judge unless you are willing to be judged. Let people live and stop the scare tactics. I

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by blueorder

Sorry, I have no idea what you are talkin about- the story did not emerge from a Daily Mail reporter, it emerged AFTER complaints (plural) were made to Tayside police.

I have no idea why some people, who are quick to do mental and moral acrobatics to deflect criticism of islamic problems, are the very same who pounce on Christian issues (not saying this is you personally btw)

It's OK, I just wanted to know who "they" were. The word is indeed used too liberally. Similar to saying, "everyone says that..."

Did anyone see the PBS special a while back about dogs? "Dogs that Changed the World."

There is a segment in part 2 of that series that talks about Bedouin and their hunting dogs. Many Bedouin are Sunni Muslims, according to the link below.

Pulled up some other weblinks for fun because I really don't know about Islam at all.

I think I understand why they didn't like that ad. They don't like black dogs. Other dogs can be kept for protecting herds and for hunting purposes. But black dogs were to all be killed.


posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by SugarCube

this took place in SCOTLAND. Not England. I know the basic issue crosses borders but calling Scotland 'England' can be just as offensive to the Scots as another ethnicity (this Muslim issue) trying to force itself on a different society.
Carry on.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 04:42 PM
If it was just BS, and blown out of proportion to make people feel even more anti-muslim, then why did the police chief publically apologize. There are many things about fundamentalist muslim that are complete opposites to the rest of the world, and UN human rights codes. They are seen as things that must change in order for the middle east to become a modern civilized society. Many muslims themselves fight for social justice, equality of women, and a secular society where Shaira law does not govern a state, but each person has the freedom of religion in the privacy of their own home.
Many muslims who live in western nations are escaping Sharia law and a very frightening fundamentalism. And lately they've been discovering, due to the sell out of our leaders with Saudi Arabian businesses, and an overall agenda to send most of the world back to serfdoms, with nwo, that suddenly these oppressive, barbaric feudal practices are occuring in western nations.

The truth is, they have to adapt to our culture when living here. Its not negotionable. We love puppies. Soon, they will be criticizing pictures of women without veils.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 05:08 PM
People will complain about anything. This is just plain stupid. Its suppose to cute. If they dont like it then maybe they shouldnt look at the pic. or ad.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 05:23 PM
It's just the way it is.

Especially in the U.K.

When you take in so many people of a different ethnic origin, you're basically giving up your origins. (traditions etc.)


Starred and flagged.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 05:46 PM
I think the point is: how offensive is this, really? Just because Mohammed was a cat person, doesn't mean that a picture of a dog is some kind of social oversight!

This is just a reason to have a whine, pure and simple. Did these Muslims walk past the picture and just stagger back in horror at the picture of the puppy? No, they looked at it and thought "we can make a fuss about this".

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 06:45 PM
This isn't actually a whine, it is a fundamental change that nwo is attempting on western nations. It is occurring everywhere. Canada, UK,and other countries are already dealing with Sharia law in family law amongst other things. This is planned assault on western freedoms. This is truly a slippery slope kind of thing.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 06:54 PM
There is always something offending the Muslims. I think they need to slip back into the dark ages they came from and get out of our way. All these Muslim fruit loops can do is cause problems for the rest of humanity. They whine and cry more than my 2 year old. Its time they shut up!

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 07:11 PM
I would expect Muslims to revert to Sharia for civil matters, but I’m sure that despite the bearded lunatic Williams British law has primacy in this country, and apart from the onslaught from the EUSSR that will not change.

Has for this particular shaggy dog story, we have a politicised Police Force that is absolutely cowed by the liberals. One idiot complains and they go into reverse. It is not the fault of the Muslims or the Natives. This Government is to blame. They politicised the Police and they are using the Muslim threat to bring in ever more draconian laws to beat us all down with.

That said, coming to live in Britain should be a privilege not a right, and anybody who wants to change this wonderful land to suit themselves against the greater good should be sent away. I’d start with Gordon Brown, I hear Devils Island need a new fool.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 07:18 PM
I just don't get it...

The purpose of immigrating to a country is because you like their culture. You like their way of life. You like it so much you want to be a part of it...

And then you get offended at the cultural differences...

Tisk tisk...

Somebody put their huggies on the wrong way that day it seems. a bunch of folks as a matter of fact.

Sometimes the human race as a whole bothers me and this is why.

hopefully one day people will get over themselves and see past the crap. If we just worry about ourselves (and helping our communities; which in turn further betters ourselves) and quit looking to blame others for our unhappiness, the world we be a much more lovely place.


posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 07:29 PM

The affront to the Muslim community has been caused by the fact that dogs are considered ritually unclean and has sparked such anger that some shopkeepers in Dundee (Scotland) have refused to display the advert.

Should England, Scotland, or anyone else care if a pic of a scottie in a hat pissed off the Muslims?Why? Didn't the Muslims get pissed off over a cartoon as well?

Seems like the standard is that there are groups of Muslims that are just pissed off...and this is simply a focal point.

I believe that the shopkeepers have every right to/not to display the images as they see long as it is for a viable reason. Political Correctness will eventually make the whole of the world mute, deaf, and blind...and more scared...

Flame on...

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Solarskye

Religion only blinds you and holds you do not view it objectively and with maturity. To me, my reliigous beliefs provide a framework for how I conduct my life and provide guidance for my decision making.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Solarskye

Religion only blinds you and holds you do not view it objectively and with maturity. To me, my reliigous beliefs provide a framework for how I conduct my life and provide guidance for my decision making.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:09 PM
Your leaders are encouraging immigration from Muslims on purpose, To destabilize Euro society. In France there are already no white zones. This is just one of the plans of Zion. Beware.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by SugarCube

Maybe the British should say that they are offended by their offending so much. No one is saying that they have to eat this or that or look at this or that. They have no right to be offended unless Britain wants to be offended by such things. If the Muslims don't like it then they should just leave or live and let live. That, ofcourse, seems impossible at this time. Hopefully the same thing will not happen in the US. Incidents like that happened somewhere in Michigan if I remember correctly that the Muslim cab drivers wouldn't take anyone from the airport if the passenger was carrying alcohol or was drinking as it offended them. Last I heard they either have to take the passenger or lose their license to drive. I believe they took the passengers.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:46 PM
What I am saying has nothing to do with sending them back to the stone ages. That unfortunately is what I think of Sharia law, and there are so many muslim people fighting with their lives for equality between men and women, and separation of religion and state in their countries. The film Roses of Iran on youtubes is a wonderful one. There they say, "you say you won't help us unless we do something, well look at this.." (paraphrased by me) and it goes to show the struggles imprisonment and execution of citizens. I support them in their fight for freedom, so many women in western worlds have wanted nothing else than the removal of this from the world. But, if you think that means they can be used by nwo to erode western freedoms, instead of having it go the other way. Please think again. The government will be drawn and quartered!!!! Nor is it ok to use any form of feudal Sharia law in our countries in family or schooling. Women and children, including of muslim origin, are protected by our constitutions. Ontario backed down when people rose up against it, including a large number of muslims in Canada.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:48 PM
F'n people are such Religious Fanatics...

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