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Terra Papers - I was there

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posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:44 AM
the lost book of enki is listed as visionary fiction and genre fiction on he wrote it that way on purpose so he could exercise some artistic license without having to give references for everything he said. it's meant to
be on the same order as a greek drama. might be based on some realites or extant texts, but isn't actually or exclusively, direct quotes or entirely blow by blow descriptions from the individuals in question.

and yes, i'm a christian, just as much as you are not one. if i have a paradigm, so do you. let's not forget that part.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by undo]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:28 AM
I just finished the first part of the Terra Papers. I must say the story is very interesting indeed. I'm not saying I believe them, nor am I saying that I don't believe them. I posess this knowledge without ignorance and will respect it for what I think it is. I will investigate as the author has challenged you to. It would be truly amazing if these stories were true. As tragic as the whole story is.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by undo
i'd like to state for the record, that you have at least two conclusions incorrect in your statements above: 1) that there wasn't a supreme god prior to marduk and 2) that there wasn't a panthenon of gods after marduk. both of your examples are sitchin theories. they are not reality. they ignore the obvious. there WAS a supreme deity before marduk and there was and still is a divine council, as it discussed here:

the divine council

We are speaking in generalities. Virtually all ancient civilizations had Gods. Not a One God Only. And today, the One God Only, popularized by the Bible, is the dominant concept. And there is no issue with the One God Only concept except in the dogma that surround that concept.

It is the "We have the only true God, and we have a right to kill any who do not believe!" dogma that is the worst. That is manufactured to get us to kill one another (population control), to allow sales of weaponry and other support goods to both sides (for profit), and to cloud the reality that the Creator is the observer (which is all of us).

Sure, you can find examples of the One God Only concept prior to the Bible. And examples of a pantheon today. But overall...

And as for your link, it is quite interesting, and I thank you for it. It is one interpretation of what was meant, and may be wholly valid.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by USMC-oorah
I just finished the first part of the Terra Papers. I must say the story is very interesting indeed. I'm not saying I believe them, nor am I saying that I don't believe them. I posess this knowledge without ignorance and will respect it for what I think it is. I will investigate as the author has challenged you to. It would be truly amazing if these stories were true. As tragic as the whole story is.

Hi USMC - The Terra Papers are Robert's first writing decades ago - unfortunately they were never re-done (as in typos, etc. fixed) however since then Robert has put out volumes of work in linguistics and history to document the story (and yes, it does rely on Sumerian in part). The story parallels Sitchins work a lot - besides some differences in interpretation (like Robert says the king's chamber in the pyramids is actually the queens chamber), for the most part they resemble the same story but the Terra Papers makes it more of a story (which my mind appreciates cuz I don't do well on technical stuff, like linguistics).

I often take in information and just let is sit to see if fits or not - is a wise thing to do

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by undo

Who's denying we've been lied to?

don't you find it odd that there's only one group who gets to decide what is and isn't the truth for the rest of us? what is and isn't put into our history and science books? how'd they manage that and what's the names of their organizations?

Don't you find there's answers to all these questions already? Not trying to be sarcastic here - but you have heard about the NWO and it's agenda... which has been in place long before we were here? Having devious aliens behind the direction of 'all' global governments ensures the entire planet is doing whatever it is told. The name of the group ? Grays, Sirians, Orions, take your pick. What I am sure of it's not people making these decisions for people!

So I will clarify for anyone else here and now, when I talk of things going on, I am talking from a place where the NWO is just the front for the aliens behind everything - politics, religion, you name it.

Everything else within that (who's fighting who) is just details. It's not the top of the pyramid, it's all the playing out to us of orders from above - or below - and as long as humans don't interfere with their plan, they could care less what we do otherwise to each other, another layer of 'why' they do it.

So when you throw in Hitler and Iraq, these are all symptoms, not the cause. I looked for the cause of all things, including creation and can only say after forty years of looking (I'm 54), reading at least a thousand books, meeting dozens of the authors (like Sitchin and Bramley), etc. I found the Terra Papers to be the best overall view at a story so large it defies our senses for the most part. But - what if it's true? What if the contactees aren't crazy? What if the channelers are being lied through? What if the grays really do control (as in they're the ones here doing it under anothers commands) our essence at death?

Once you understand that, then these things like Hitler and whatever become understood from a whole new layer of understanding - probably not the be all end all understanding, but definitely gives us a MUCH more plausible explanation of everything. Because anyone who thinks for themselves already 'feels' the churches are off, the politics are stupid, etc. but what's the explanation besides the bible, a most recent writing which is what half these wars are over (god)?

So all the time discussing why Hitler did this and why Iraq is having that doesn't answer anything unless you keep climbing to a higher reason. Every layer/faction/individual/group, etc has a reason for 'doing' anything.

And I am still interested in hearing your version of our history of existance and what happens when we die, sincerely, I am.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by undo
the lost book of enki is listed as visionary fiction and genre fiction on he wrote it that way on purpose so he could exercise some artistic license without having to give references for everything he said. it's meant to
be on the same order as a greek drama. might be based on some realites or extant texts, but isn't actually or exclusively, direct quotes or entirely blow by blow descriptions from the individuals in question.

and yes, i'm a christian, just as much as you are not one. if i have a paradigm, so do you. let's not forget that part.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by undo]

How lists Sitchin's books has nothing to do with Sitchin's work -

Sometimes his work is listed as history. I suggest your bias on these points has zero merit and you need to have something more credible than how a company categorizes something as to its value!

Well, now, "just as much as you are not one" is a huge presumption/judgment on your part. I will guarantee you I have more love and giving in me than several christian/god fearing people I've met along the way - and also for the record I will state I believe all religions on this planet were intentionally created to keep the masses controlled.

I do not believe in any religion that says "We are right, they are not" So there goes the Christians, Muslims, Catholics, etc. etc. etc. until there's not one religion left that says "all are beloved whether they believe in us or not" To me God (capital G) includes everything and excludes nothing, period. No exception - nada. ALL - without ANY judgment, fear, guilt, etc. etc. as is in every religion. It's a sham made to keep people busy. Works, doesn't it?

That's where my search for my soul began, with that premise: that God had to be ALL inclusive. That took me through a cursory look at religions (like I said, as soon as they portray they're right over anyone or anything else, I turn it off) and native stuff first in my teen years and early 20's. From that it led here and there until this point in time now -

Closest that ever came to a whole religion I ever came was Native American because for them all things had life and existance (even rocks). Their oral history talks of star beings, and will post Robert's writing of the Hopi (he is Hopi himself) creation myths shortly.

I do not challenge anyone beliefs - you are most welcome to them - Nor do I care to change them.

But if you insist on holding onto any bible writings without re-organizing the reasons it looks the way it looks and reads the way it reads, then that is also a form of discrimination in pursuit of Truths. Perhaps instead of insisting to fit history's writing into your star gate belief, if you would open up to other possible explanations, perhaps it would all make sense... in that perhaps parts refer to star gates, others do not, this could mean something different because the language blah blah blah.

I believe Mary isn't a name but a title that was misinterpreted. Just that one idea makes a huge difference in the ramifications of the entire story, doesn't it. What if Mary Magdelane was Jesus' wife? He was a Rabbi, wasn't he? Don't they have to be married? Anyone wonder why there were so many Mary's in that story? I can provide the linguistics on it and reasons for suggesting it is a title of a priestess (in relationship to the Orion Queens) and not a given name like Jane. What if the Holy Grail is the bloodline of Mary like Baigent, Lee and Lincoln wrote about decades ago and she left for France and blended in with the Merovingians, the mystery kings of ancient?

I could give a dozen more examples of history twisted into a new story in a new way for a new time. I've always said I'd love to see an original writing of the bible, but haven't wasted my time on any today because they've all been bastardized and abused and I don't trust the content - One example given years ago by a linguist showed that the ancient writing (can't remember - hebrew?) where the j and z were very similar, and that on the transcription he believed where the phrase in the bible went something like "I am a jealous god and ye shall have none before me" should have read "I am a zealous god and ye shall have none before me"
Even this one change in one letter makes an entirely new interpretation of the sentence, I think I made the point. That's why I tried to go as far back as I could in history to find less manipulated information...

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:59 AM
First off let me say WOW. reading this thread has really done a number on me. I want to THANK ALL of you have done soooo very much research
I could never begin to do that.

Another things that has been written here and I quote... EPHESIANS 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (NKJV)

I have several idea to though out.
Could the Moon be the source of the "warning, "net" that keeps us on the prisoner planet? Very similar to the "death star" written about the the Terra Papers?

Could the moon the source also of keeping us confused?

I also have the thought that many of us, are old/older souls from another time. The awakening that is beginning to take place is a result of a small memory of the events that took place before the memories where altered. I am thinking some/all of us have small clues as how all happened, but not enough to figure it out completly .


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by starwatcher1
First off let me say WOW. reading this thread has really done a number on me. I want to THANK ALL of you have done soooo very much research
I could never begin to do that.

Another things that has been written here and I quote... EPHESIANS 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (NKJV)

I have several idea to though out.
Could the Moon be the source of the "warning, "net" that keeps us on the prisoner planet? Very similar to the "death star" written about the the Terra Papers?

Could the moon the source also of keeping us confused?

I also have the thought that many of us, are old/older souls from another time. The awakening that is beginning to take place is a result of a small memory of the events that took place before the memories where altered. I am thinking some/all of us have small clues as how all happened, but not enough to figure it out completly .


Hi - yes, big story isn't it -
It would be my guess the references you quoted from Ephesians (and most of the bible) makes more sense (to me) when substituting god for ET, likewise for ruling principalities, etc.

The larger premise here is that we are trapped souls, recycled (not reincarnated) back here over and over and over again, each time having our memories wiped out, fed science fiction on tv for fun, etc. That we are even questioning this is a good sign that there's hope we'll wake up to our true origins and regain our freedom. I don't think the moon is the only net - I think there are nets over earth (like HAARP, microwave towers, satellites) all the way to the end of this solar system - that's how far in I think we're hidden (electromagnetically) away -

And yes, I absolutely agree we all have pieces and why this is so important - to help each other wake up from the deep, deep slumber we've been in for... ??? centuries???

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:19 AM
Another thought popped into my mind is about the Tower of Babel.

What better way to keep the "beasts" confused? If each of the different populations were under rule of different "Gods/Et's wouldn't that explain how the different religions got their start? ie Buddah, Allah, Jehova, etc?
Thru our history most all war that has been started is in the name of religion. Perfect way to keep us from
figuring out what is really the truth.

I was raised Southern Baptist... I remember being taught, and I don't believe the way they do now, If you don't believe in Jesus, you go to HELL. I remember asking if the other religions of the world haven't heard of Jesus would they go to hell? No one could answer that.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by kshaund

I hope I am not stepping on toes here but .... another interesting read are the Blogs from a former "Sleeper" While his slant is somewhat different than has been talked about on here... It is an interesting read. He gives many "clues" that when thought about reaffirm what was written in the Terra Papers. He often refers to earth as a prison planet... interesting to say the least....

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:32 PM

How lists Sitchin's books has nothing to do with Sitchin's work -
Sometimes his work is listed as history. I suggest your bias on these points has zero merit and you need to have something more credible than how a company categorizes something as to its value!

Well, now, "just as much as you are not one" is a huge presumption/judgment on your part. I will guarantee you I have more love and giving in me than several christian/god fearing people I've met along the way - and also for the record I will state I believe all religions on this planet were intentionally created to keep the masses controlled.

no, i can't find it right now, but in an interview, even sitchin says the book is a fiction. he wrote it that way so he could introduce theories into the mix that have no textual or archaeological support. there's nothing wrong with having unsubstantiated theories. where the problem lies is with people who will quote from it as if it were gospel fact, when in reality, it's only partially supported by the texts themselves. sorta like the terra papers.

as regards the -you are no christian- comment: i was basing that off your own words you had said just prior, that the whole thing was extremely suspect to you including the reality of jesus because the text hadn't been written till some three hundred years after his death. (it had been written, it just hadn't been compiled into a collection).

you won't find many christians as open minded as i am about the sumerian history, so let's not jump off the deep end and assume because i'm a christian i'm being closed to any other possible explanation. if you've read my theories, you know i try to be fair to all the ancient texts, something the terra papers doesn't allow for, and instead assumes all our history is a series of lies.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:01 PM
I absolutely see that undo (that you are more open-minded than most christians) - which is why I asked because it explains where you're coming from in your posts so it's easier for me to understand the contexts ! Most church-abiding people won't discuss anything outside that box.

I always want more information - and if you could find where Sitchin speaks of fiction in the book of Enki, I'd love to hear his exact terminology and context. In the foreward it says some of it is pieced together from here and there, but never says parts were made up or fiction - so yes, if you do find it please pass along - it would be appreciated.

I don't know if Jesus existed or not - and if he did exist I don't know if he was who religions claim he was/is. Jesus could have been an alien with technology or advanced powers which would explain how he walked on water -

Have you checked out some recent info about Jesus actually being the son of Clepatra sent from Egypt in the days when they were slaughtering all the first born males (think was the story) - pieces together the analogy of the son of god being the son of god (pharoah) etc. Apparently the time in history has some possibilities?

I do not belong to a church - but I absolutely believe in a Creator of All That Is (that doesn't have judgment, etc.). Within that Creation I think we're on our own - and that, for me, sucks big time -

Other than that, I can only hope our souls truly are eternal and will find a way out of this 'prison planet' in which I truly believe we have been mind-wiped over and over to the point we're all confused and numb.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by starwatcher1
What better way to keep the "beasts" confused? If each of the different

I was raised Southern Baptist... I remember being taught, and I don't believe the way they do now, If you don't believe in Jesus, you go to HELL. I remember asking if the other religions of the world haven't heard of Jesus would they go to hell? No one could answer that.

Exactly! It never made sense to me either. I had a roomate many years ago who would routinely astral travel in his sleep. Then one day he comes home and says "I've been saved." And I said "From what?" (knowing full well he'd been hanging out with the then popular 'born-again christian movement'. He says "A christian - I've been born again as a christian. Don't you want to be saved? And I said " Well, what about all those people in remote areas who are born and die without ever having heard of christianity, what happens to them?" He said "I don't know". And I said "Well, it doesn't make sense that some innocent baby born remotely dies and goes to hell because they haven't been saved." Then I finished with... " I figure the very fact we've been born entitles us to all any religion would promise, and excludes none, therefore I have nothing to be saved from". He continued with his group, we parted ways as suddenly his astral projecting had become devil's work and I went on my way.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:15 PM
i'm not so sure that humans are the "Beasts."
i've read the terra papers off and on for a few days now but have only read them from start to finish, one time. can you please explain what reference text he is using to support the "humans are beasts." concept?

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:26 PM
Probably most common during ancient civilisations was hu-brids and also that, any intelligence can target an individual and download that into his brain, which is nothing more then a computer switchboard that picks up and recieves messages, then the brain uploads the information into that individual.

But changing the vibrational speed of a beings energy is shifting the space in which that bodies being resides in, that's why they used the pyramids to increase their speed that slowed down their position is space, which allotted the body more time -to live out of time- and only in space, it would be the equivalent of being outside Earth, you would need less energy to survive because the density state you are in.

The less inertia pulling on the physical body the less energy reserves you would need against that state of density.

Gravity itself is an -Intelligently Engineered feat- without it one would fly right off into another position in space.

Extraterrestrials set-up civilisation, but what maybe outside people, are those that have forgotten their identity while here.

Matter is nothing more then compressed light, we eat food which is matter the body breaks down the matter and EATS THE LIGHT. That is why we are LIGHTBEINGS.

We are not eating the physical matter, but the light that makes up the matter.

Everything that we consume as humans has light in it or is a conductor for light to keep the soul charged. That would be the matter free from space.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by USMC-oorah
I just finished the first part of the Terra Papers. I must say the story is very interesting indeed. I'm not saying I believe them, nor am I saying that I don't believe them. I posess this knowledge without ignorance and will respect it for what I think it is. I will investigate as the author has challenged you to. It would be truly amazing if these stories were true. As tragic as the whole story is.

Thanks for your open mind and willingness to research. I, for one, appreciate that.

Obviously, I am one for whom so many WHY's were answered and I embraced this easily. (Not to mention there were enough things I already had information on that clicked.)

Thanks again!

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by starwatcher1
Could the moon the source also of keeping us confused?

I am just finishing The Gods of Eden, and in that work I find mention of the I AM movement and a recounting of the founder's experiences. He was shown places (four out of seven, I believe) which he was told suppressed humanities "evil" ways (warring amongst ourselves, etc.). One was inside of one of the Grand Tetons in Wyoming. Bramley points out, however, that the evil ways we have are generally ways we are moved to by the Brotherhood - in other words, if we were left to our own devices, war would seldom be a solution we would decide was good.

When I read this information, I was astounded at how well it meshed with the "blanketing" mentioned in the Papers.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by undo
i'm not so sure that humans are the "Beasts."
i've read the terra papers off and on for a few days now but have only read them from start to finish, one time. can you please explain what reference text he is using to support the "humans are beasts." concept?

We are, from the "god's" perspective, beasts of burden, animals, much less than they themselves.

Not as in "The Beast" of the Bible, 666 and all that.

So when a "God" speaks of the Beasts, (s)he means the animals they have doing their work for them. It is not that there is a reference text. This is what the Papers offer, and in there I think it is explained.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by kshaund
I don't know if Jesus existed or not - and if he did exist I don't know if he was who religions claim he was/is. Jesus could have been an alien with technology or advanced powers which would explain how he walked on water

Have you checked out some recent info about Jesus actually being the son of Clepatra sent from Egypt in the days when they were slaughtering all the first born males (think was the story) - pieces together the analogy of the son of god being the son of god (pharoah) etc. Apparently the time in history has some possibilities?

That's very interesting. I'm not common with that theory. One of the most interesting stories I heard about Jesus was that his father was actually the Panther (which the Pantheon was named after).

The story goes that Mary's bloodline was connected to Jewish royalty (I think). Though I don't remember the exact details, Mary found herself pregnant to the Panther out of wedlock - and hence would be stoned to death if the Jewish community found out. Josephs family owed some kind of debt to Mary's family and hence Joseph was promptly married to Mary and then they were whisked away for what was to become "A Miracle Birth" as Jesus was born far less than 9 months after the "marriage".

I remember there was much evidence that hinted at this - It may have been a Nexus article, I can't quite remember. Perhaps someone should ask Duncan aka "nexusmag". I'm pretty foggy about the whole thing.

Anyway - sorry to digress from the Terra Papers - but I just found the Cleopatra thing so interesting!


[edit on 17/7/08 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:41 PM
Once during astral travel, I saw this round craft in space. It was unmanned, and it was solidly locked in some kind of orbit outside of earth. It was doing whatever 'work' it had been programmed to do. From our perspective here on the planet it looks to us like any star in the sky......

I got the feeling it was some type of barrier, or area marker.....either to keep others out or us in. I didn't know which.

I have been reading through my OOBE thread to find my post about seeing this so I could copy paste and do a direct quote.

I saw this thing myself and know it is up there.
Seems to me it is part of the blanket.......

[edit on 17-7-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

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