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Here Come the Black Haters?

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posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:14 PM
The biggest travesty of all will come when millions vote for Obama simply because he is black.

FF, I applaud your posts!

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

As horrible as this sounds, it doesnt really matter if he's elected or not. Why ? Because some damn whacked out looney tune will wax him before the end of his first year,of that I have no doubt whatsoever.I do not like Obama,but it's damn sad that after all those years after The Kennedy assassination this nation still harbors nutcases.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by kidflash2008

You could also mention the rift between the English and French speaking in Canada. There will always be some who hate others because they are different somehow. An entire Race or Nationality should not be judged by the actions of a few.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by eric52081
reply to post by Gools

The Fact that you are not even from the United States means that your opinion is useless. Leave US politics to people who live here. Canada has been carried by the US for too long anyways. Go talk about some mounties or something.

Now, this is an attitude I have a problem with. It's purely nationalistic and xenophobic - nothing more can be said about save this. Of course the world and especially Canada and Mexico have opinions about American politics seeing how they are directly affected by our foreign policies, trade policies NAFTA, security policies (Boardergate 2008) - I could go on but you get the picture. Pop the bubble you live in, you need some fresh air.

Originally posted by kidflash2008
First of all the War Between the States was not about slavery, but about a state's right to secede from the Union.

I'm also really tired people saying this only when it serves their argument. Not to mention the fact that it's blatantly wrong. The Civil War was about a lot of things including Slavery. Downplaying the role slavery and it's subsequent abolition played in the Civil War is a blatant slap in the face to civil rights activists past, present and future.

[edit on 6/9/08 by WickedStar] - edit for content

[edit on 6/9/08 by WickedStar]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

That was what I meant to say. You can look at most any country where there are differences and find hatred. It does not have to be race or religion, but language and anything else. The United States is a melting pot and we have much more diversity than most other countries (Russia, China and Brazil also have many different peoples). We have a lot less problems than many other countries. We still have much more to do, but we have come a long way since the 1960s.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Gools
Congratulations on the US for setting this historical precedent for themselves (although most of the planet is wondering what the big deal is -i.e. it's about time - same reaction if it had been a woman).

Yes. For the first time in a long time, I'm really proud of my country and what it is doing.

Now, without meaning to insult the entire US portion of the membership, I'll just say that the perception of many people outside the US (including myself) is that the United States is an extremely racist and violent (gun loving) place in some areas.

I can understand that perception. Especially recently. Race and the discussions about race are really coming to the forefront. And I'm sure the media coverage of the US is somewhat skewed toward the dramatic and "weird". However, there is some truth to the perception. There certainly is a racial issue in the US and violence exists.

We were in for a History making moment no matter who won the democratic nomination this time around but in my humble opinion we are about to see the United States tested in a way it has not been tested since MLK's assasination.

I agree. The country is sitting on a precipice and we'll either go one way or the other. It's scary but hopeful at the same time.

I have personally noticed an uptick in what I would call "black haters" or racists coming to post on ATS.

So have I.

I fear what could become of ATS if this gets out of control.

That's why I think it's important for the moderation staff to carefully review posts and make sure they're not violating T&C. I'm a bit surprised at what I have seen "allowed" and I wonder why it seems ATS is leaning toward a "free speech zone", letting racial hatred be spewed sometimes.

So I ask the membership (I'm speaking for myself here not the staff), do I have reason to worry?

I think you do, but I've always learned to trust the staff and membership on these kinds of issues. Ignorance doesn't thrive unless we fan the flames.

Am I wrong in thinking that... "the black haters are coming"... "the black haters are coming"... ?

You may not be wrong, but I'm not sure it's anything to worry about.

Will my beloved ATS be a victim in this US election cycle?

Absolutely! But it will survive, stronger than ever.

Great thread, Gools.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:30 PM


Okay...I take it back.

[edit on 9/6/2008 by kosmicjack]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:37 PM
I get it now! If you don't vote for Obama you are a racist.

No need pretending you don't like his socialist policies, no need pretending that you don't like his inexperience, no need pretending you don't like his acquaintences, (Wright, Farakhan, Rezko, Ayers, his wife, etc.) All these are excuses for you racism.

The Democrat Primaries was an exercise in what we as a nation wanted to be less of....racist or sexist. We all know now that we would rather be seen as sexist rather than racist.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:53 PM


posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:57 PM
Guys, discuss the topic and not each other.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:59 PM
I believe there is the race factor that played into how many voted but I dont think thats main reason for the majority of republicans. Heck some core conservatives I know say they wish colin powell was running for president because they prefer out of other republicans and these are same people spewing out this garbage about Barack Obama. The major issue with these core conservatives,libertarians and reagan democrats... oh wait hold on their all the damn same and will all be voting for Bush for the third time... is that I believe there is more of a cultural discrimmination than race.

I know plenty of core hard conservative americans and their more afriad of Obamas unique backround and heritage than his race, I mean maybe race takes up a third of the reason at most but the rest is just cultural discrimmination. "Oh look his name is hussien, oh he sounds like Osama, oh that must make him muslim, oh his a racist christian, his a communist pig!" etc.

Its cultural and ideological discrimmination.

[edit on 9-6-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Wow I thought I was, the oringal poster was pointing out the "black haters" and I was pointing out an example of what they ment, the example I gave was a clearly what they were eluding too.

Anyways, I agree with the original poster and I hope the ATS owners and mods act swiftly in doing away with those posters who are BLANTLY here to starte trouble!

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:05 PM
I won't be voting for him because he lacks any real substance. (like any other canidate has any?) I am sure there are plenty of racist reasons for him not to be preident, just as there are sexist reasons for Hillary not to be. The leader of my United States needs to be strong and diplomatic. Obama having stated the way he will try to talk to the leaders of terrorist nations is a crock. He cant even deal with the media putting his wife in a bowl of warm soup. McCain is a war hero. He suffered more than most do in death and he is still here to tell about it. That being said, I think he will make a fine puppet. Maybe in 2012 there will be a better choice. Untill then, better the devil you know. (IMO)

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Gools

One of the presidential candidates in the upcoming US presidential elections is "black" (despite the fact he's half white).

Congratulations on the US for setting this historical precedent for themselves (although most of the planet is wondering what the big deal is -i.e. it's about time - same reaction if it had been a woman).

Oh, great! Time for a history lesson for ole' Sir_Chancealot.

How many black (or even 1/2 black) Prime Ministers have the UK, NZ, Australia had? How about France, Portugal, or Spain? What about the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, or Germany? How about Switzerland? What about any Asian country?
Has ANY predominately white country in Europe ever had a black Prime Minister/President? If so, when?

If not, why are you calling the U.S. "racist"? Pot, meet Mr. Kettle.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Gools

Wow is your liberal view twisted. You think guns make a person violent? Most lawabiding citizens that own guns will not go and rob a liquor store or hold someone at gunpoint for their money or be involved in drive-by shootings, you know who will? Negroes. 97% of negroes in this country own guns illegally, they are not registered they are want ot be criminal or are criminals already.

You think negroes are in jail because of racism? Wrong, its because they are criminals, they broke the law. Who kills the most if not all negroes in this country? Other negroes and a few latinos. Whitey really doesnt care and want to be left alone, thats why whitey moves out of bad neihborhoods.

You metioned rodney king, did you know he was driving his auto at speeds over 100mph while high on crack, he almost killed a pregnant woman and 4 others, he cost the city and state thousands of dollars in damage. Did he deserve a beatdown...hell yeah he did. He was even beat by other black

You think whitey is oppressing all the other non-whites by keepin them down with crack coc aine, thats funny, i have never oppressed any negroes in my life. You want to know why they as a race have not and will not move forward, its because the vote democrat 100% all the time, where has that gotten them in the last 50 years? Jail and public housing, uneducated, right where the liberals want them.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
I get it now! If you don't vote for Obama you are a racist.

No need pretending you don't like his socialist policies, no need pretending that you don't like his inexperience, no need pretending you don't like his acquaintences, (Wright, Farakhan, Rezko, Ayers, his wife, etc.) All these are excuses for you racism.

The Democrat Primaries was an exercise in what we as a nation wanted to be less of....racist or sexist. We all know now that we would rather be seen as sexist rather than racist.

Get a grip RR conservative, with the amount of garbage you people have been spewing out all over this forum I think it fair you get over this one thread.

I’m an Obama supporter and I don’t think you’re a racist if you don’t vote for Obama. I will accuse of being a racist however if your making remarks about the mans mixed racial heritage and cultural inheritance, things that should be irrelevant to voting in POTUS.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Gools
reply to post by groingrinder

Well I think it's pretty easy to distinguish between someone who has legitimate issues with his policies and senatorial voting record and those who have other issues.


You mean his voting PRESENT instead of yay or ney. That sounds like a copout loser to me, what a wussy ass way to vote...I AM HERE!

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:15 PM
I think racism is alive and well in America ... sadly.

I tried to argue against it, continually saying, "Racism is dead - apparent by how well Obama is doing in the primaries."

Only to have Obama take the nod from the democratic party and then see McCain stickers popping up left and right on bumpers and windows throughout my state. BTW, I reside in "Hilary Country" ... again: sadly.

It seems to me, at least in my area, people would rather vote for McCain than to have a black president. I saw only one McCain sticker before Obama clinched the nom. But, now - every 3rd sticker I see is a McCain sticker.

It could just be that the McCain stickers just arrived. But I doubt it.

America is an infant in it's maturity to the rest of the world. We have a long way to go. One fine example is our foreign policy campaign of, "If we want it - we will take it." Like a small school child, our government is now realizing that there are consequences to our actions.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:18 PM
Edited ... put the wrong date ... never mind.

[edit on 6/9/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:20 PM
"Here Come the Black Haters?" This is exactly what will be used if you disagree with him thats for sure. I can just see the headlines on ATS now. Black Hater=Someone who disagrees with the Obama communist line.

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