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younger generation believers...with experiences

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posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 09:34 PM
I have a question to anyone on here that might be able to help.I tried to post a new topic about this but there was already one.

I just remembered that some years back(like when I was 16 or 17)I woke up in the middle of the night COMPLETLY PARALYZED,I was eventually able to think my self out of it(I might have prayed,I dunno).It lasted for like 1-2 minutes,I didnt feel another presence in the room or anything.I forgot about it till recently in my psycology class we were learning about sleep.I told my professor about it and she said she's never heard of it.So w/ me knowing about alien abductions and that I kinda got freaked out,I just thought maybe my body mistakingly(?)woke me up from REM sleep while I was still paralyzed.So if anyone can help with this I'd appreciate it.Thanks.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 09:35 PM
you sound normal to me im 42 but have had experiances since I was little not with being abducted but I have been as far as a few feet away and the first one they came to my house lol but take it from me I grew up feeling the exact same way and i never heard of anyone mentioning the stare thing but now that i think about it I have always complianed about that but just thought it was me lol I wounder why they stare and what they are thinking that deep stare like they are trying to read you or figure you out but i have had many experiances and like you Im still looking for a why I feel this way or why I got to have the experiance too

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by rjmelter
Sorry, again the name Rjmelter will start getting annoying lol.

I was wondering I myself just had a birthday... all these people that have been posting just recently had birthdays... Anyother posters just recently having birthdays?

My birthday is on May 4th,I was born 5-4-1986-my mom brought that up to me the other day as well as someone I spoke w/ in the past about people born on that day and in that year cycle are different or something?

But the Challenger exploded that year,Halley's comet came that year.........kinda odd.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 09:38 PM
Hello everyone,

Let me ask this nicely, do any of you feel you are "humans with alien souls" like myself.

I do believe after reading those words, you will know in your gut exactly what I am talking about.

Many things you are feeling is the way it works. For example one day you might have an urgent need to move to a specific location and not know exactly why you feel like that, but you know you have to do it. You might feel as if you are here to do a job but not sure exactly what it is you are to do or how to do it.

The best I can tell you is please do not worry about it, when you are to know you will know and when the time comes they will allow the knowledge locked within you free. Enjoy the gift of life here and try to make this planet the best you can whenever you can.

Remember "The Tree of Life" without it human life will perish.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 09:39 PM
I wonder if those "starers" are aliens?

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 09:40 PM
I am of a similar age to you (26,) and when I was younger (12, 13) I had some pretty unusual experiences as well as dreams. As a result I discovered that my mother had had similar experiences when she was a teenager, on into her early adulthood. At that age, I was totally convinced that something paranormal or alien was happening to me/us.

However, with greater age, distance, time, perspective, and years of introspection and life changes since then, I've become unconvinced. There are a lot of alternative explanations for what we experienced, and dreams could always just be dreams, however strange they may have been.

That said, there has always been one experience that will always plague me, because I simply remain at a total loss to explain in. One night I, my mother, and several friends all had the same dream on the same night. The events in the dream were initially similar to the stereotypical "mass abduction" phenomenon you might read about, but devolved into something more human oriented, confusing, and frightening in nature. Not only were the dreams the same, but the details of who did what when, where each of us stood, what each of us did, etc. all matched. My mother remembered seeing a street sign from her perspective in the dream, and so she, I, and one the only friend who was willing to tag along with us went to that street to look for a location similar to that in the dream. I couldn't have been older than 14 at the time; my memory is a bit fuzzy on my exact age off the top of my head, but I have journals that would pin point it.

Lo and behold, we found a place that was not only similar or reminiscent of our dream, but which had identical topography, landmark locations (such as trees, a hillside I slid down in terror fleeing something none of us can remember, the parking lot my mother was "kept" in while myself and other children were taken to a nearby playground for whatever was happening to us,) space between locations, directions that had to be traveled between one location and another, and "feel." We even came back at night to see if it was just like the dream, and it was so frightening that we had to leave. My friend even stopped talking to me shortly thereafter.

I'm a skeptical person. Skepticism, contrary to popular perception, doesn't mean not believing; it means not believing without proof, but also refraining from making any assertions of your own, such as the assertion that these things do not take place, without proof. In essence, I neither believe nor disbelieve. However, I know something happened that I can't explain. I just can't make any sort of assertion as to what, because I simply do not know.

To answer the OP's questions, I do feel a powerful empathy for other beings, and a strong connection to the cosmos, the stars, and nature. My mother also has this. Even as a child, when she was having her experiences and dreams (those which could be explained via mundane extrapolation,) she could "sense the life" in things like plants, rivers, etc. according to her. We keep an open mind.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 09:56 PM
I too have a strong emotional connection to people,esspecially peopl I care about and know.And also can any one explain my "abduction"question I posted above?

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

Who were you refering to?We are all almost the same age.

[edit on 3/23/2008 by jkrog08]

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by observe50

Funny you mention the moving thing cause thats why I moved back to the state I was born which is were my first experiance was but not the exact same area but I just felt like I had to go home and got back into this stuff and found someone who understands how i feel maybe just me and got back into all this stuff all over agian too?

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 09:58 PM
I just turned 25 and I can heavily relate to the OP's post.

Its like there was a seed growing in my mind that has just sprouted and is growing at a rapid pace.. not sure how else to describe it.

I am a father from the age of 18 as well, perhaps the act of raising a child has really opened my mind to the world, but I think I have always been more in tune to life, nature, and the world than most people I know.

I really don't know how to describe what I feel... It is like my mind has recently learned how to take a deep breath of fresh air. Everything is clear and makes more sense. Time moves slower and curiosity is everywhere.

I enjoy it actually, lately I find meaning in normally meaningless things.

I believe we are all connected in the world and always have been. Right down to the subatomic level. However, lately there is a growing movement of awareness in the world. Perhaps it started with one and created a chain reaction.. or perhaps I need sleep and am beginning to ramble...

One thing is for sure though, something in my mind is changing and has been for the past year.. and it feels good.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 10:01 PM
I have been interested in UFOs and Aliens since I was 7, when my older cousin Kyle told me about some stuff he saw on the Discovery Channel about UFOs and Roswell.

When I was 8, I saw my first UFO. It was a clear summer night and Kyle, my brother, a friend, his mother, and I had just left from church and noticed lights in the sky. There was an airport 5 miles away, plus everyone told us all our lives that aliens aren't real while an invisible man in the sky was real, so we had no reason to think it actually was a UFO. When we were driving by the Hancock County Airport, the "plane" looked like it was circling around to land when it suddenly turned toward the road and flew over the runway, perpendicular to the runway. When it came within 100 yards of us we could see it had no wings, it made no noise, and was about the size and shape of a large car, it even had 2 white "headlights". The craft stopped midair, turned parallel to the road and flew away from us among the treetops. Then it hovered over the road, by now it was about 200-250 yards away and it turned toward us and lowered onto the road. It hovered right above the ground for a few seconds, then it lifted up and shot off into the sky.

Ever since then, I would never look out my bedroom window at night, thinking I would see "them". I would never look at the stars. I would lay in bed trembling in fear with my heart racing, thinking "they" were watching. I would try to lay perfectly still and I'd feign sleeping, thinking "they" wouldn't be interested in my. Eventually I would watch TV late into the night to keep from thinking about them, which would instantly knot up my stomach. I'd watch TV until I could barely keep my eyes open and then go to bed, so that I would be too tired to think about them. I would often have nightmares about being chased by an object or being in the sky. I never looked up to see what it was.I never had any other kinds of nightmares.

I am 18 now, and my mother has told me that when I was young, farther back than I can remember, I would tell her stories about seeing and meeting aliens and UFOs in the backyard. I don't know if I was making it up or not.

[edit on 3/23/2008 by dirigo]

[edit on 3/23/2008 by dirigo]

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 10:02 PM
I agree, great post OP. I think that many people can relate to this thread. I also feel that there is a blooming of the minds so to speak as was mentioned above. I would expect to see more of it in the future.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by AceWombat04

Who were you refering to?We are all almost the same age.

[edit on 3/23/2008 by jkrog08]

The OP, but anyone else including yourself who is of a similar age actually. Sorry for any confusion!

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by dirigo

I used to do that too,watch tv late so I wouldnt be scared,although like I said I dont believe Ive had any experinces.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 10:28 PM
This thread is pretty interesting.

How many of you guys are artistic in any way?

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by cosmicstorm

I know exactly how you feel also. I have had several experiences throughout my life also that I don't share with anyone. Not that I don't want to, I do. It's just that I have never felt that anyone could relate to what I have had happen. It would either go over their head, or they would think I was nuts. Just last month I had my latest experience. I was standing outside my front door at around 2am having a smoke since I don't smoke in my house, and was looking up at the skies as I always do just enjoying the night when I noticed a large group of strange shaped things moving across the sky. They weren't craft, but more like little beings sitting on small craft. Very strange looking things. Suddenly I had a very intense feeling something was wrong and just as I felt consumed by this uncomfortable feeling, one of the beings broke from the rest, and in an instant was coming down and heading right for me. I hauled a$$ in the house and slammed the door as fast as I could. I waited about 5 mins and looked out the window and they were all gone. What made this so unusual compared to other experiences I have had, is that I have never felt uncomfortable about being in the presence of, or in touch with different beings, but this time it was a feeling of downright terror.
I guess that's what is so good about ATS, is that although I have never really shared my experiences even with people here, I still can at least be in touch with people who have and are having the same types of experiences as I am.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 11:01 PM
And also can any one explain my "abduction"question I posted above?

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 01:35 AM
A few thing here hehe where to start. Umm like alot of you i feel the same in more ways than i can explain with words. I have had what i believe to be an abduction and infuences by so called aliens. The what i believe to be first abduction was when i was about 5 the rest i think are just faith based mostly.

Spotnik you scare the hell out of me dude with your 11:11 number cause get what time it was when i read your post =/ kinda scared me a bit but this stuff usually happens to me just never so well with numbers.

Jkrog its known as sleep paralysis where you wake up even though your body is still asleep although this can be brought on by them. I know this for a fact in my mind because for over 2 months ina row when i would lay down in my bed there would be a peircing noise that would get lowder and lowder over about a minute until i was completly immobalized and could only move my eyes. I never told any1 i heard it or expierienced it becase well theres some medical history in my family and i dont want no doctors poking around in my head for something i know already even if it is mostly based on blind faith.
The scary part though is when i was paralyzed i would feel a pair of hands grab my ankles and drag me for about 10 yards until i passed out when i hit the wall. This i find odd cause even though i could hear and feel myself being dragged it was as iff i never moved from my bed.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by rjmelter
Sorry, again the name Rjmelter will start getting annoying lol.

I was wondering I myself just had a birthday... all these people that have been posting just recently had birthdays... Anyother posters just recently having birthdays?


My birthday was the 28th of February.

And in case someone was wondering it wasn't on or near a leap day. I was born in '86, two years between leap years.

Edit: to avoid double post.

Originally posted by Kidachi
This thread is pretty interesting.

How many of you guys are artistic in any way?

I guess you could say I'm musically inclined.

Though, not in the sense of PLAYING instruments. I however make music. Hip Hop.

[edit on 24-3-2008 by Amplifeye]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Kidachi
wow, my life is very similar (Iam 18):

1. never done drugs at all, never drank, I dislike all that social crapr

Please don't mistake substance abuse for sociability. I know it can seem that way during high school. I am one of the most anti-social people imaginable. I never "partied" during HS and kept pretty much to I do know...and though I was mostly sober during those days, I spend alot of time with my whiskey and whatnot these days....but it has nothing to do with being social. I despise the idiot drones I see everyday in yuppie suburban america - sometimes you have to dumb yourself down just to survive and enjoy a "normal" existence.

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