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Are ETs behind collapse of US in prep for invasion?

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posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:38 PM
The US has been the world's great super-power in the past few years. We also have the world's largest military.

If ET were planning an invasion, they would want to "soften up" the world's biggest military in order to limit casualties and damage of infrastructure. Perhaps ET is as fond of power as we are, so they would seize control for that reason alone.

If the stories of alien abductions are true, then ET has an awful lot of human/alien hybrids running around that could be put to use as sleepers and alien agents.

If they damaged the US, then an invasion would be pretty easy for an army supplied with superior technology.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:45 PM
Only if they're all Banksters...or employed by the Fed. Maybe they are using a replicator to manifest money out of thin air, making it worthless.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by AWingAndASigh

I see no collapse in the near future.
Since when has the United States had the worlds largest military? Last time I checked, this was not true.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:48 PM
You paint a fairly realistic picture of our chances in such a situation.

Which is why i declare that the #1 objective for any resistance movement in the event of Alien invasion is to capture enemy Technology, because otherwise we simply will not stand a chance.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by AWingAndASigh

They probably would do a better job with the economy, than the Fed is. Maybe we should welcome them. On second thought, WHY would they want to inherit the mess we're in right now. Maybe they can buy out a few banks, before they go under too.
No, I think that after they've observed our financial situation, they're decided to go back to Zela Reticula.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by bobafett1972

OK, the US has the second largest military after China:

We're number two. But we're certainly number one in terms of ability to project military force.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The recent controversy over the possible transfer of weapons technology to China has brought new focus to bear on China's military.

Whether U.S. security was in fact compromised, the incident has renewed fears that China is on its way to becoming a military superpower in its own right.

How does China stack up to the U.S.?
The United States is widely regarded as the world's sole military superpower. But many experts expect China to challenge that status on the military front by early next century. Still Western analysts see little reason to fear from China's military:

I think if ET were looking for the primary military risk, they'd be looking at the US and how to limit our ability to project military power. Perhaps by destroying our economy and getting us involved in multiple global wars, depleting our capability and the morale of our military personnel?

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
No, I think that after they've observed our financial situation, they're decided to go back to Zela Reticula.

...If economics even means a thing to them. Maybe they don't give a crap about money? Maybe they've found another way to make their civilization work. But really.... I think it's more likely that they'd be peaceful anyway. I mean, aliens don't have to be genocidal monsters. If they're advanced enough to get here, then they might just be advanced enough to be peaceful.

I'm not saying all aliens are peaceful... but I think the peaceful ones would be able to keep the hostile ones away from younger civilizations like humanity.

All just speculation though. Technically, almost anything is possible.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 10:31 PM
I was just having a little fun with the comments. Actually, some of the threads were getting a little too hot for me, and I kind of strolled onto this one.
Here's what I really believe. Any civilization that is advanced far enough to be able to span the vast distances between solar systems would have to be SO FAR ahead of us, that we would be no match for them. So friendly or not, if they wanted to "invade" us, I think they easily could. IF they've been around for awhile, then I don't think that they'd be here to invade us. They might be trying to gauge our reaction. They might have their version of the "Prime Directive".
There I go again. Sorry

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 10:32 PM
I don't really agree with your point of view, but, it does make one think. Maybe this whole economy problem is the method they (ET, NWO, Illuminati...who????) are using to replace the US Dollar with the Amero. Kill economy of the US and then be a savior Fed by bringing Mexico and Canada into the save and voila! Continental brotherhood! Open the borders...(oh..wait...) Texas and Mexico, together again!


Nope. IMO, it's just greedy humans.

My $.02

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by AWingAndASigh
The US has been the world's great super-power in the past few years. We also have the world's largest military.

If ET were planning an invasion, they would want to "soften up" the world's biggest military in order to limit casualties and damage of infrastructure. Perhaps ET is as fond of power as we are, so they would seize control for that reason alone.

If the stories of alien abductions are true, then ET has an awful lot of human/alien hybrids running around that could be put to use as sleepers and alien agents.

If they damaged the US, then an invasion would be pretty easy for an army supplied with superior technology.

Interesting Theory. However I personally would be more likely to believe that they are "softening up" the United States government not because they want to invade and take over, but because The United States government is preventing them from simply revealing themselves. letting us know that they are out there.I tend to believe that the US government is trying there hardest to keep the general public from knowing the truth because if we did then the united states would collapse so fast. SO mabye by hastening the collapse of the United States government they will be able to reveal them selves to us faster. I dont know. It just fits my personal belief system better.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 10:52 PM
ET is the reason for the eventual collapse of the USA as it exists today, but they're not engineering it. Well, you could say that their continued presence here will eventually destroy the USA, and every other government on earth, but they're not going to come down and blow up the White House with a laser. The mere fact that they're here and continue to come here coupled with a cover up is what will bring down the USA, the EU, and every other country on earth.

The USA government itself is keeping this massive secret and using a vast global military presence to enforce a worldwide UFO/ET coverup. This has got to be extremely expensive. I imagine the black budget is so large that if one were to compare its size in relation to planetary bodies, the black budget would be Jupiter and the rest of the USA spending budget would be the size of Mercury.

The cover up is real. I've seen UFOs with my own eyes so I'm certain of the reality of some insane and large cover up in progress. ETs also do their own evidence removal as well, but I'm certain our governments take no chances and use every resource they can, and then some, to ensure this secret remains as it is.

The problem with this is that eventually the size and scope of this secret will destroy our world governments and their attempts to keep it hidden. Its like trying to keep a grizzly bear locked in a closet. Eventually its going to get out and there isn't a thing you can do about it in the end.

The massive amount of spending needed to keep the secret, the wars needed to justify the overt spending and global military presence, all of it is going to lead to economic meltdown. Though this may be planned as I'm sure our governments know they can't keep this secret forever. They can only delay its eventual revelation. Which appears to be exactly what they intend to do.

Why delay the inevitable? It may allow some of them to live out the remainder of their lives without having to face the consequences of their actions.

[edit on 17-3-2008 by Frith]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Frith

Unless of course the U.S government intends to use the Aliens as an excuse to start the NWO.

But then, surely they are not that feckin mental that they'd start a war with an inter-galactic race of aliens in order to get what they want?

p.s; also possible is that the Aliens have elected the united states as the leaders of a NWO, and are promoting their cause.

The old 'manufactured alien invasion' scenario.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Throbber

That is certainly a possiblity. And I know that theory well.

I'm just fairly certain ETs, if they wanted to, could dispell all the illusions our governments heap upon us. If the Phoenix Lights incident or any of the other mile+ wide UFO reports are true, then I suspect there would be no way for our governments to lie about ETs and make them overt enemies. Sure our governments could nuke a city and blame it on ETs, but I'm 99% sure ETs have the power to ensure such an event would be revealed for what it really was without leaving a doubt in the minds of even the most skeptical and terrestrially indoctrinated human.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 11:25 PM
I don't mean to be condescending, though many will think that I am...I really can't believe the nature of this thread.

People - there are real issues in the world. Issues and problems created by human beings. It will take human beings to fix them. Smart ones. Not aliens. The aliens, if there are any (not saying there are/not saying there aren't), did not cause this problem and could not care one way or the other about what happens to us. Speculating on what aliens are doing, feeling or saying about the planet or our problems is no different than believing in the Easter Bunny.

However, I am quite sure the PTB, Banksters and all, are more than relieved that we are happily willing to consider that aliens are fleecing us and not them. Just as they are more than happy to let us wait around for aliens to bail us out.

In the meantime, they will just call a bank holiday while they sneak the money out the back door.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 11:48 PM
People say some really dumb comments here...

OMG look up! It's Oprah!

Mod Note: General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 18-3-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Frith


Bush: Hey Carl, These Alien guys want us to disclose information about them so they can help out those Africans!

Carl: Really? That's awfully good natured of them.

Bush: Yes, it is.

Carl: Well i suppose we should do what we always do and play things to our advantage, we'll just tell them we'll do disclosure next year, and they'll go away for a while.

Bush: Er... why would we want to do that Carl?

Carl: Because we stand to become even more powerful, you buffoon!


@ Kosmic; Dude, you really think i would rely on a little green man to do the grunt labour of helping out my fellow man?

[edit on 17-3-2008 by Throbber]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Quite right. We have created many problems for ourselves and it appears that there isn't anybody else around smart enough to help.

Its my opinion that the UFO/ET cover up is a man-made issue as well. If our governments weren't hostile to ET presence, I don't think we would have the massive institutionalized government secrecy and global military presence that starts wars rather than prevents them.

ETs, if real and covered up, would require a giant cover up mechanism, would it not? I would say the USA military is basically the largest part of that cover up with its multitude of military bases around the world. To justify their global military presence, terrestrial wars have to come around every now and then.

Due to what I think is our governments' unwritten policy regarding a real extraterrestrial presence, human suffering and environmental damage is increased.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 05:49 AM
There are some problems with the "invasion" scenario. First off, why would aliens want to invade the planet to begin with? There are no resources on Earth that cannot be found elsewhere in the cosmos, and certainly in more abundant quantities. Why go through the trouble of invasion and conquest when you can get those resources somewhere else with less effort?

Secondly, why would the aliens need to go through the long-drawn out process of making the US or any other government collapse to "soften us up," sort to speak? Why not just push an asteroid towards us? The effects would be more devestating and serve to soften us up more than any government collapse. Given enough devestation, we would look to the aliens more as saviors than conquerors.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
However I personally would be more likely to believe that they are "softening up" the United States government not because they want to invade and take over, but because The United States government is preventing them from simply revealing themselves. letting us know that they are out there.

That make absolutely no sense, whatsoever. Say the stories we've heard about aliens and the capabilities of their machines are true; there is no way the United States or any other government would have the ability to prevent the aliens from revealing themselves. The aliens could appear over any city, at any time, in grand fashion to reveal themselves to the world, the US or any other government be damned.

But let's say it's true for a moment, that the US is preventing the aliens from revealing themselves. Has it ever occured to you that this is for a very good reason, and not simply because "THE US GOVERNMENT IS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL!!!111"? One only need to look at world history to see what happens when one sufficiently technologically-advanced culture meets an indigenous people. Are we to doubt the same scenario has not occured time and time again across the galaxy, and that humanity as a whole would not suffer the same fate?

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 06:09 AM
A) EVIL ALIENS - All they need to do is, well.......let us destroy ourselves and watch...simple. I mean im sure they could easily manpulate the government of the world. I mean, say they can -travel faster than the speed of light, or possibly into dimensions of time or whatever. They oviously have advanced more.

B) Or if they (aliens) are just for themselves, only to study us/assist in little ways making themselves not wanting to be known for certain RESONS..

C) Or completely for us, then......why no CONTACT with the mass public making more people "enlightened"/our true purpose with the universe. Or are they waiting.....EXACTLY FOR WHAT? A mass panic? Thats the only option. Atleast they make it known.

D) I mean really they keep hidden or they really just DONT EXIST.

We see UFOs......but it doesnt mean they are aliens (Uhmm maybe certain places like US & Russia or possibly China are aware, but why wait to unveal the technology when supposedly we've had them in history for years & maybe planning to unveil a certain date for universal space travel). We know space has not been fully reached through fast travel as of yet (so we think), we can only go so far and so slow to mars, jupitar or wherever.

Yes UFOs are debunked or explained as evidence. However reports fly by and no one catches the message but few who are willing to actually read about it and review the history of such.

Conclusion A B C OR D

My belief. I'm not sure but its one of them LOL

[edit on 18-3-2008 by ItsFrickenAndrew]

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