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2012 without a doubt!!!

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posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:25 PM
Dees, well the bible what else, its an alleged record of a person that may or may not have existed in the format as stated in the bible given the fact that it was written hundreds of years after his death. Also many volumes have been left out and are omitted and the words and meanings have changed many times to suit the religeous dogma of the day. One cannot put any trust in such a document and it would be like some one writing about 9/11 in 3 hundred years time, no one can agree now after just a few years of what really happened that day and who was behind it. So how could anyone write about it centuries later with any degree of accuracy or truth.

At best the bible should be looked upon as any myth or legend, it may be true but there is no definative proof of it being so. Blind faith does not make something real or factual. Its well known that religion as we know it is based on many older pagan beliefs. Pagans believed in their physical world, they worshipped what they could see, touch taste and hear, there was no supreme being for them. At the very best its possible that the Jesus figure was an advanced alien life form that visited our world. Just how would a primitive race describe such an enlightened being in their mist.

The things we can do and take for granted today would seem like miracles to the people of 2k years ago. But that does not make us gods of supreme beings, it just means we have evolved.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

Dees, well the bible what else, its an alleged record of a person that may or may not have existed in the format as stated in the bible given the fact that it was written hundreds of years after his death. Also many volumes have been left out and are omitted and the words and meanings have changed many times to suit the religeous dogma of the day. One cannot put any trust in such a document and it would be like some one writing about 9/11 in 3 hundred years time, no one can agree now after just a few years of what really happened that day and who was behind it. So how could anyone write about it centuries later with any degree of accuracy or truth.

I totally agree mushroom.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:59 PM
Well, I'm surely glad that you have both attacked the center stone of my entire belief system. Let me know when I can return the favor, both of you darcon and shroom

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by deesw
Well, I'm surely glad that you have both attacked the center stone of my entire belief system. Let me know when I can return the favor, both of you darcon and shroom

If a belief system is true, you shouldn't consern yourself with others and their perceptions of it. I have deep and hidden understandings of realities BEHIND the bible text. These are things I know to be truer then the reality of other posters being real humans or the real phyical world being truely observable. When you find the truth absolute you need not worry about the others.

If that blind and deff man that steps infront of the run away bus slaps you for trying to pull him out of the way, maybe it was just meant to be.

I understand people's negitive responces to the pile of puke most christ-Stains left in the wake of the true spiritual message from the scriptures. However when you look upon what mankind has done to the truths of that story line, you can't blame anyone of them.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:06 PM
Dees, I'm sorry I'm not here to attack anyone or their beliefs but I am here to try and let people see with their minds, to set their minds free from the bars that have been placed around it. To let you see and read what the controllers dont want you to, remember knowldege is power those who have knowledge have power those who dont are their servants.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by deesw

My intentions were not to hurt your belief system, sorry if i did. I just agree with the one quote he said. How can you believe something that has been changed so many times?
How can you know it is true, when that time is far gone, and you have to rest your faith in something so far away. But like i have said before if it resonates within, then do not listen to me or ShroomHead. Listen to whatever feels right to you. Sorry if i hurt your beliefs.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:22 PM
Again I thought the topic was a about the facts of 2012.

I see that people like to line up to play the "hero" card, as if someone actually assigned them the role.

However the context of the thread was to be a exchange of info.

Quite like the radio interview of the dudes behind the "WEB BOT" program that was featured a well known 2012 documentary.

If you have intrest in 2012 and are not here to be a "hero" and argue blindly you might want to check out what they have to say.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

What we have is just natural or possibly manmade events but what is happening now is that every religeous nut job is now highjacking these myths and legends of natural events and trying to entwine them with their bible and giving them a religeuos supreme being face to fit their agenda. They are gods with clay feet, charlatans, quacks whatever name you want to give them, they know no more of what may happen to us than you or I yet they proclaim to know everything. With airtight minds such as these no rpogress can be made, they will lie and cheat and deceive as they have always done, whatever happens they will have excuses and reasons aplenty, they always cover their tracks to ensure that they and only they are in the know.

It's really hard to believe you are the ultimate open minded, pragmatic person when you make a statement like that! I mean no offense and wish we could have a quick pro quo conversation without the hateful overtones. The Bible was indeed COMPILED in A.D. 300 in the council of Nicea with Constantine trying to get the control of Rome back while people were up in arms to convert to Christianity after the Religion took foothold, and he himself is said to have become a staunch christian. But as Incarnated said the notes were written directly by the disciples and edited by them. After the crucifiction of christ these disciples all fled current Isreal and spread out through out Europe this is where they edited their notes taught of their leader and the documents were probably indeed not finished until a later date. This migration and documents that confirm this do exist. There are many accounts of these individuals efforts and achievements outside the christian community. Just because people edit things don't neccesarily make them completely untrue.

The same ASSUMPTIONS you make of the Bible can be made of every literary work of ancient, every historical document that is in existance. The dictionary is even revised and edited on a regular basis.

It seems that with all theories if you can't disprove them with fact and they seem to have historical signifigance and people have believed it for centuries but you still can't even admit the possibility exist these events actually occured. It is increasingly evident you have done nothing with your accusations but prove with facts that you are not a pragmatic thinker at all if you can't conform to the prerequisite of denying theory with facts instead of a bunch of hostile posts, and your pure opinion.

For instance, I believe in life on other planets is extremely possible, I can't disprove it. I have seen things I can't explain in the sky and whole heartedly believe they are E.T's. however I would never claim this as fact. There is not an ounce of PHYSICAL evidence to prove this theory. I wouldn't dare argue with someone who says they do not exist because they have more speculative evidence than I do. The many pictures and video could be easily considered manufactured with the exact same arguements you use to prove the Bible. If there are that many videos and visitations it would be impossible for a true skeptic to believe they left no physical evidence whatsoever in thes trips. However I told you I have experienced these strange occurances and through critical thinking alone I theorize these were most likely E.T's!
In the same respect I have not SEEN angels saving me from precarious situations, but have experienced things,which through critical thinking I devise they are divine. You may have not experienced anything of the like, but if you use this as your basis of arguement you are the same as those who don't BELIEVE in E.T.'s but have no evidence to diprove them!
I personally through critical thinking theorize you are not open minded enough to read this entire post as you will most likely skip through the parts you don't want to hear. You have to admit there is no basis for you to argue your points and I have heard nothing but insults to support your view. It's a travesty to those who really want to have conversations but can't get past your petty insults! I LOVE YOU if nobody else does as I Love all mankind so take no offense please but I will side with knowledge and the greater basis of credible evidence.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:54 PM
Az you not siding with knowledge your siding with hearsay and theirs a difference. Before the 20th century it was historical that man would never travel to the stars and it was herasy to believe so, history as proved different has it not. I think I said if you read my posts correctly that nothing is proven one way or the other. What I object to is those that wish to enslave the minds of the weak to control them and to this day what has religion stood for other than ignorance, murder and torture, while people starved some got very rich on religion.

And everything known to man is contested at some point be it Dawins or Einsteins theories, thats what knowledge is about, forever changing in the light of near theories and experiments. Religion on the other hand has not quite the opposite in fact. But its fine if people want to be controlled if people want to be under the control of others, if they want others to think for them thats their choice but I would rather have a free mind than one tainted with lies, deciet hatred and bigotry.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 06:56 PM
As to the Bilble prophecy sections we are talking abou the Mayan calendar in this thread. References to Christian beliefs and this prophecy are mention as they seem to coincide with this date, maybe! That's all noone I believe really wanted to hear your extreme anger towards a certain sect of society. It doesn't disprove the notion other predictions of the like seem to have come true, the fall of Rome and many others I just can't mentally reference right now due to a certain exhaustion from trying to defend Religion when it has nothing to do with my interpretations and inferences, and through limited conversation with the O.P. it has nothig to do with his either. I was once angered at Incarnated's referal to Christians as christstains and proved myself rash and impatient when I assumed he was referring to all people who belived in Christ. This is one of the many reasons I have decided not to lash out towards people. He explained his position in an honest apollogetic manner, and I felt bad for popping back with accusations when I did not know his intentions, my thinking was cloude and I think yours is in the same way. I really respect yaour opinion and am trying not to insult you. I appologize if this was the result.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Incarnated
I need help figuring out exactly what, if anything was specifically predicted by the mayans, I have only uncovered the calendar ended on that day, I have some knowledge of how the calendar works but can't determine what it may mean. Pls help I haven't finished watching the videos you posted but I am through with two of them and wanted to ask due to time restraint on my part!

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

The post I spent so much time on, but to no avail, revealed many facts which contridict the beliefs you have stated. I see no need to contiue my arguement in this regard as the theories exerted by you have already been disproved in this thread to this regard. I cannot continue to argue speculation with fact and be accused of the things you say these beliefs embody. All basis for your rude interjection in an otherwise civil conversation have been disproved and again this does not make ME close minded and blinded. Also, again please forgive any insult which may be drawn from my statements of debate, I do not intend this! I forgive you~!?

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by azblack

You sound kinda conserned so I sent you a U2U about the topic matter. Feel free to message me through there. I grow tired of the "heros" trying to "save" the consciousness of "readers" so that they feel they need argue as if they are very smart people. Their Egotisim is really leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 07:49 AM
Hello, first time poster here. I have been posting over at Climate Patrol for some time now and I was doing some research on 2012 and this thread popped up in Google so I thought I would post a comment on it.

Nobody can really say for sure how many will die in 2012 if any at all. The fact that the Mayan Calendar ends in December of 2012 has many people spooked.

In order to find out what really happens we need hard evidence and facts and not a bunch of religious zealots predicting anything. So far the only facts I can find is the Mayn Calendar does end. So what does that mean?
I have no idea. The only thing I can come up with in searching for 2012 events that could actually be a threat , is the sun is supposed to swap poles in 2012. But is it really a threat?? Notice I said "could be".

It is my belief that our sun is the main source of energy in our solar system. I would have to say that is a fact although there are other sources of energy such as the magma below our crust, and our own magnetic poles but I believe those are controlled by the suns gravity in various ways as well. Even our heat generated by the core is somehow in sync with the suns gravity.

Now if (I'm not saying this will happen) the sun does change poles, what effect will that have on the universe. More importantly, what effect will it have on our planet?

Our solar system sits inside a universe that is spinning around in space with a bunch of other universes. Maybe if a bunch of these universes all lined up in a specific way it could have an effect on our universe, then down to our solar system. I'm trying to think of a much bigger picture here.

Locally we could have wars, or a rogue comet or asteroid impact, or some other issue such as a super volcano blowing up (Yellowstone or Toba) and while all are possible I don't really know if they are probable. War would be the most likely fought over oil but less likely than the sun effecting us the most. With the recent inactivity of solar flares from our Sun, I'm looking outside of our planet for answers at this point.

We have less than 4 years to figure it out. Either it will be a y2k event where nothing happens, or something will happen and things will be different.

The longer our sun sits quietly with no activity the more curious I am becomming. Should it swap poles and fire up a huge amount of activity (gamma, solar, magnetic)...I fear it will have a large and lasting impact on earth. Volcanic eruptions, massive plate movement, huge tidal surges, you name it.

Again I'm looking for factual stuff. Not some prohpets words with predictions, bible code, or somebodies superstitious beliefs. I want to get down to the science of things.

The Mayans calendar ends in December of 2012 that is fact. They studied the sun and stars and their calendar is based on the Sun.

I thought this link was pretty cool

[edit on 6-3-2008 by fatalwishes]

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by fatalwishes

I know you didnt go thru every post in this thread but i have a couple post around 29 to 32 page on this thread with evidence. Pointing to the facts that support the theory and with some external links to qualified geologist and physicist. there you will find the facts thank you for joining the forum.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 04:50 PM
the last time this occured was 26,000 years ago. at that time. carbon dating suggested that we went from neandertals to standing up and writing symbols in caves. they suggest this happened within a years time.. a HUGE leap in conciousness... visit wikipedia on the subject called the omega point.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 05:03 PM
But keep in mind that carbon dating is not very reliable. Carbon dating depends on the rate of decay, and if the rate of decay is not constant, wildly random numbers show up. (things have been dating at thousands of years old when they were only 10 years old, because elements IN them were thousands of years old. )

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 05:07 PM
Sorry,I've not read this entire thread,just snippets here and there. I really don't know what to make of this planet x stuff. I mean,I can definatly see it as a plausable scenario. With the photos from dulce (if they are believed to be kosher) Those screens,the alledged photos on zeta talk,which to me look like lensflare on the most part. I'm in 2 minds,I suppose it's my rational mind saying,no,it's not possible. Maybe as a self defence mechanism. Because there's a little voice in the back of my head,and it won't go away. It's telling me that it's coming. Now,it could be nothing,I certainly hope it is. As a video on youtube I watched the other night says "If we're wrong,all that happens is we feel silly for a bit,maybe slightly dissapointed. But we'll move on. If your wrong,we're all dead"

So,I shall remain undecided,but definatly interested,until some hard proof appears.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by fatalwishes
The magnetic pole and the planets magnetic force are derived directly from the flow of Iron ore in the earth's magma. The end of the age when our planet lines up with three others is what is astronomically accepted as the indicator of this. From my understanding of this it sometime between now and 2150somethin', what's interesting is the calendar Incarnated speaks of ends at this same time, it is based on observations of this occurance. Our planet's Northpole drift is expected to pass the axis of said planet in a very close proximity, from a glance it appears on it's current path it will be around 100 miles or closer on this date, it even seems as if it will line up perfectly. Religious buffs tell you it's time to be saved 'cause the end is coming, (please don't reply to any religious comments from me). I posted this link awhile, this you tube video I remember so I can find it easily, other evidence is available about the other stuff, look it up though 'cause it would take me to long, google: Magnetic poles, north pole drift, etc.....

How stuff works: magnetic poles, this site rules, click here

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Incarnated
I was wondering if you have seen this thread? Just one of the things pointing to increased activity in govt. indicating everything could be upside down by then!

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