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"Gun Control is the Only Answer"

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posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 11:05 PM
The only way someone would take away my guns is if they were to kill me. For all of you who are afraid of the NWO or you think that martial law will be declared, how will you protect yourself from these things without guns? Maybe this is the work of the NWO, the government does have mind control experiments going on, or they have in the past and maybe they are controlling these people and having them shoot up public places to rally support for a gun ban so when the time is right they can take over the country or the world or whatever. The 2nd amendmant is very important to me and it should be to everyone. Guns are not the problem, it is the poeple who are using them.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Hey just a thought, there were 8 bystanders killed after a street race. The car veered into onlookers after the race was over. Let's ban cars.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by Tinhatman

It is not power I give to the constitution but power that the constitution gives me and it is not so much a power thing for me as it is a hope and faith in the constitution I believe in the constitution and what it stands for until it is changed I will stick with the beliefs that I have..

as far as moving goes where there is a will there is a way we should all know that by now aren't we all adults here, the only thing stopping you from doing anything that you want is you if you have the desire there is always a way to get that desire to come to fruition..


posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

lmfao- this post is classic i missed it
you are totally right- ban sex. no std's so people don't die unreasonably too appease those who care about unnecessary deaths but with no pregnancies the world population would then stay even- if not drop
kudo's i never thought of that.
and i an NOT being sarcastic btw

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 12:24 AM
When I was taking criminal justice in college, the professors were highly anti-gun and favored banning all weapons from being used by citizens. They were anti-American sovereignty (sp?) and pro-world government. They were also anti-parental rights in favor of basically the government raising the kids. The agenda is being shoved down our throats. If you didn't write your papers and such from their viewpoint, you were marked wrong.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by Jessicamsa

had the same thing happen to me in -altho not about guns- professers believe they canforce anything they wish on you and if you don't follow they can fail you.
i had 1 professor who wanted to go to a rally and we weren't going to have class that day and i said "no you aren't i'm paying to learn not for you to go to some stupid rally" he got pissed so i went and reported him to the dean and guess what? we had class the next day!!! then even tho i was an a student in that class i got an incomplete. back to the dean and i got my a back and him on report

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:06 AM
Well, my take on "banning guns" is kind of like prohibition era logic. Just because they become illegal doesn't mean they will go away. Crack coc aine is illegal and probably easier to get hold of than a pistol in your average American city. The sheer tonnage of everything from illegal drugs to fake Nike shoes that gets shipped up here every day is astounding.
Whats to say a crate of cheap chinese pistols won't slip in with them? I kind of ride the fence on this whole debate, not because I'm for or against gun ownership (I own a couple, never fire them, and could care less if you do), but because the task of getting them all is impossible. We can't stop thousands of people from jumping the border every week. How would we stop a gun runner?

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Jessicamsa

That is interesting. I am also in attending college for criminal justice and I have not experienced any of the things you and bigfoot speak of. I was allowed to voice my opinion freely and write about how I felt on certain issues with no repercussions. I would never allow anyone to take away my guns or let the gov raise my kids. Crazy stuff.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:32 AM
Gun control is crap.
I come from a country where illegal guns are common from past war 15 years ago but we do not shoot ourselves in schools, supermarkets...
Try with education, free hospital care, lowering number of homelless people.
Laws are uselless if you have poor people.
U.S. always thinks repression makes results.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:34 AM
what i notice here in canada, is that we the itizens now have no more guns. But all the gangsters and cops still do. hm.. now i am a helpless i feel safe.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by Dinamo
Gun control is crap.
I come from a country where illegal guns are common from past war 15 years ago but we do not shoot ourselves in schools, supermarkets...
Try with education, free hospital care, lowering number of homelless people.
Laws are uselless if you have poor people.
U.S. always thinks repression makes results.

Gun control is crap to a certain point. We still need to know who has guns and control who is allowed to have them by registering them and not allowing felons purchase fire arms. Im sure there has been shootings in your country like there has in ours and everywhere else. What country is it? I will do some research for you. Laws are not useless if you have poor people. There will always be someone that will break the law regardless of how wealthy they might or might not be. I would not agree that the US always thinks repression makes results, but that is your opinion and you obviously dont live in the states so...........

Im also not for free hospital care either, if someone wanted to put in place universal health care or something along those lines where it is funded through taxes and what not that would be fine. But not just handing it out to people who dont work becuase they are lazy or to illegal immigrants who use and abuse our hospitals and clinics and then I am stuck with the bill.

What is you problem with the education in the US?

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by jerico65

If you take away firearms then when "raggedy ann men" comes here you will be defensless. He will bring his over border or in shipment containers.

less. These are spoiled children acting out emulating what is seen on NEWS. If you cut out news you cut out sensation, and crime is not worth it. What good Ter would waste C-4 if it were not on the NEWS. The NEWS people no this and live off copy cats.

Gun go the they go to ice picks...there is no end to weapons.

Jim..........My thoughts

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 06:31 AM
Guns are here to stay, that is an unfortunate fact of life. If you try to get rid of them now, pretty much only the honest people would turn over their guns, leaving the rest of us defenseless. Sorry folks, not happening as long as I'm alive. Espescially with the current economic situation. If it gets to the point where people start to panic and loot, your gonna wish you were able to protect yourself.

Honestly, I would be lot more worried about nuclear control. The damage is a little more widespread.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by bakednutz

don't get me wrong 99.9% of teachers are not like that- but some are and you have to stand up for your rights (which you have by paying tuition)and not allow them to force their beliefs down your throat under threat of retaliation. teachers have a responsibility to teach the facts not what they believe. if they want to have a discussion about it in the clasroom fine- but let evryone talk and make up their own mind. had quite a few teachers like that and it actually made really boring classes fun. and alot of teachers start teaching their beliefs on young school children so they can brainwash them early. ie- guns, hunting, animal rights, evolution, creationism, just to name a few.
sorry for getting off topic

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:17 AM
I've had many college instructors try to push their agendas on their students. I couldn't help but notice that all of those that did so were born and raised in other countries, who came here to the US to teach. In some classes, if you didn't tell them what they wanted to hear, then you failed the class. I was fairly young and impressionable at the time so it never really crossed my mind to take it to the dean, (most were tenured anyway).

One of my instructors professed that he didn't believe the US constitution was necessary and said that most of the world doesn't think so, either. He went so far as to start a heated debate about it for almost an entire class period. I know that his opinions don't necessarily reflect the majority of beliefs outside the US, but they were reverberated by what most other foreign instructors hinted at on a daily basis in our classes (ghost messages in logical terms). And these are some of the people "educating" the minds of our generations to come.

Our constitution IS the backbone of our country. It is our Legacy. And as a patriot it sickens me that so many "Americans" are willing to allow it, or even cause it to disintegrate under the auspices and coercions of foreign interests and knee-jerk reactions to sensationalized events. If we allow our constitution and civil liberties to be chipped away, we WILL cease to be the America our forefathers fought so hard to secure.

The bottom line is that law abiding citizens follow the laws... criminals and mentally disturbed people do not. No matter how much legislation or ratification we make to confine law abiding citizens, there will be those who don't follow the rules. And if one can rationalize a ban on firearms (or radically restrict firearms), then one can use that argument for all of our civil liberties. Imagine your freedom of speech being limited, so much so that threads/forums/blogs are banned because it is a readily accessable medium in which criminals can and do use to commit their crimes, (ie. pedophiles, creditcard/ID theft, etc).

And on a side note, if there should be a ban/restriction on anything it should be vehicles. They kill/injure FAR more people than firearms do, and it is not a right to own and operate a vehicle. Consider how many times you've seen people drive recklessly, putting everyone around them in immediate danger. Then consider how many times you've had bullets wiz by you. Honestly, which happens more often?

I'll get off the soapbox now...

[edit on 19-2-2008 by Flux8]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:28 AM
i totally agree with you flux. i said before ban cars- far more deadly. guns only are by people who are criminals or just morons when it comes to them. or of course in the hands of a trained person who needs to use it. most people don't respect how deadly their car can be. most gun owners do know how deadly they can be- that makes a huge difference. while we are at it we should ban bungee cords- leading cause of eye accidents in the US. and stairs- leading cause of home injuries. where will it stop?

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by bakednutz

Yes, I had professors push their agendas, everything from gay rights to banning firearms. One professor was even in favor of eliminating education and laws about child abductions and such because it was mostly parents who abducted the kids. That a kid would occasionally be abducted and murdered was no problem to him because kids are horrible anyway and people should stop having them. I had another professor insist that milk allergies was a quality control problem with the milk companies and that the companies were responsible for his milk allergy.

I got into graduate school and finally dropped out even though I was making As and Bs in everything. They had the curriculum so dumbed down I felt like I was being robbed. All the professors did was push their agendas on you. Three different graduate classes required us to watch the movie the Matrix and write a ten page paper I believe it was on how the movie applies to real life. I was paying $3k/semester to watch movies and write papers on them for graduate level criminal justice classes. I felt like I was being robbed.

And I had to listen to constant insults regarding Christianity. And Islam was heavily promoted as a 'religion of peace'. Excuse me, I was majoring in criminal justice...not religion. Stop trying to shove your religious preferences down my throat. If a bunch of loons strapping bombs to themselves to kill as many people as they can is 'peaceful' then I want war! They even had the gall to promote Islam for women saying it liberates them. Ha! If that's liberation, I'd rather be in chains! They kill women just for speaking to a man. How is that liberating? They want to kill a woman teacher for naming a Teddy Bear Muhammad. Yeah, sounds real liberating to me...

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 11:42 AM
I have a question about those who are for gun control. This whole board is about how the government is pretty much evil and shouldn't be trusted. You are now proposing that same government take possession of and regulate guns and that is going to make it all better?

Just a thought.

I'm gonna feel sorry for myself I want to blame it on everyone else I want to be self centered And make everybody feel sorry for me - Bowling for Soup (Self Centered)

[edit on 19-2-2008 by Lou2You]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 12:00 PM
Leave as is, its a great form of population control. Plus it makes you look really cool when you're holding a gun, try smoking while you shoot, like John McLain in Die Hard.

Also when the American Civil War II starts I'll make great viewing seeing all these people that keep guns at home running around shooting their fat neighbors like some kind of African genocide, but fatter. Keep your rights and your guns you deserve them.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 12:40 PM
they can have all of my guns when they pry them from my cold dead fingers.
making guns illegal would only mean that only criminals and law enforcment would possess them. here in the U.S. our law enforcment are growing ever so close to being undisguinishable from the criminals themselves. legal organized crime is how my constituants and I classify the modern police department's these day's.
in one town here in the states it's law that every citizen own a firearm and from what i hear the crime rate is virtually non existant there...
the right to bear arms is one of our constitutional rights and if we were to bend over and let our government jam the perverbial stick into our rear ends then we might as well live in north korea people....
the way i feel about the citizens of the UNITED STATES who want our guns taken away from us is that they should go and live in the same country that we fought so hard to seperate ourselves from. the one where they don't allow guns!!!!!!!
TEXAS is a very wonderfull place in which you are still allowed to shoot and kill criminals without fear of being incarcerated . where you are still allowed to protect your family, your hard earned property and last but not least yourself from from blood thirsty ,greedy ravenous criminals who really don't care if you live or die.
if everyone knew for a fact that everyone else carried a firearm with them at all times ,then they would 99.9% for sure have that second thought of trying to massacre innocent people.
trust me when i say that if guns were made illegal here in the united states than i would be 100% criminal.
i feel very comfortable in knowing that i do have the right to bear arms and that i do flex that right to the fullest extent and if you were to try and take that right from me than you just might be meeting your maker sooner than antisipated my freind .... that's because i'm 100% AMERICAN to the bone.
if we only took guns away from the people that feel we as citizens shouldn't own them ,,, well i bet they would change their mind's very quickly now wouldn't they .....
so take your gun control laws and stick them in your wazoo and focus more on raising your stinking little spoiled brats not to have temper tantrums and shoot people every time they don't get what they want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! quit worring what stupid S.U.V. the jones's have this year , spend a little less time at work and more time with your children teaching them morals and value's. taking away our right to bear arms won't ever make up for your lack of parenting..............

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