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Iran, Syria and Lebanon attacked in 30 days, III WorldWar, how it will Happen!

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:30 AM
We are running to new world war, as Illuminati has planned the NWO. Greatest world war is reality in 30 days? How Israel, USA, and NATO members will make it?

First. Many indicator and expert has repeatedly warn people from coming war against Islam in large scale. Afganistan, Iraq and Iran seeing as the main target, Syria, Lebanon and maybe even Egypt and Jordan as hostile territory. Pakistan is in crosshair and under pressure.


11.2.2008 we get the warning from coming events, just read:

Chertoff Warns Of "Earth Shattering"
Lieberman Sends Nuclear Note to Executive Branch
Olmert urges Germany to sever Iran ties
Iran sends defiant message to West on revolution day

12.2.2008 we get news what closely connected to next days coming events:

Bush accuses Iran, Syria of undermining Lebanon
Germany: Rocket fire must stop, Olmert in Germany
Damascus car bomb kills man
Olmert says certain Iran still seeks nuclear arms

13.3.2008 Happen events that finally explodes the Agenda to new wars:

Hezbollah says top militant is killed
Iran puts uranium gas in centrifuges
Russia warns Iran on missiles, uranium enrichment
Sarkozy, France attacks Iran for its stance on Israel
Killing of Hezbollah commander "terrorist act"-Syria
Lebanese majority leader denounces Hezbollah commander's killing
Bush imposes new sanctions on Syria
Germany aims to up sanctions on Iran
CIA official: Mossad behind Mugniyah killing
US 'not satisfied' with Egyptian efforts to scrap tunnels
Iran has capacity to produce nuclear arms: US intelligence

Today 14.2.2008 Hezbollah announced open war against Israel, and Israel has lifted its alert to highest level, witch means calling more troops to duty. Its no accident that all of this happened in the memorial day of assasination of Harriri, Lebanons president 3 yrs ago.

What is going to happen?

Hezbollah do what it has promised, and will revenge to Israel its newest assassination. Syria and Iran will be accused of supporting in those acts, and will be attacked "pre-emptively" from its support. Egypt will be accused from its arm supply to Palestinians, and will be attacked after next Palestinian revenge from killings in and concentration activities in Gaza.

Attack in US soil, likely to be made in 10.3.2008:
will be the trigger to large scale US attack in Iran and Syria. Israel will join its forces in those attacks and Nato will support.

China and Russia will act against westerns with economical warfare and support war efforts of Syria and Iran. North Korea will stand against South Korea, China start operations against Taiwan. Russia will defend Iran because The treaty of Caspian country and Straight of Hormuz will be blocked. Europe will suffer from lack of oil supply.

If this all goes to nuclear war, we are doomed!

[edit on 14-2-2008 by JanusFIN]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:57 AM
Starred and flagged
A very well put together thread Janus, surprised it's been looked over.

Seems everything we're hoping won't happen is finally coming to a head and we will be seeing some action very soon.


I was about to say God help us but I cannot in good faith say that anymore - I don't doubt He is getting real tired of us

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:05 PM
There will not be a WW3 in six months let alone 30 days.

BUT keep on trying, one of these day someone will guess correctly.


posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:09 PM
WW3 won't happen before Dec/2010

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:14 PM
I mean no disrespect to the OP, but there will be no WWIII in 30 days and what will the story be when the prediction doesn't come to fruition? Plus, China wouldn't be involved anyway, they have no interest in the Olympics being postponed or cancelled.
Something I've always wondered, if the NWO is so powerful, why would it need a battle to cement their stature? This is a huge hole in the NWO theories out there.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by keops
WW3 won't happen before Dec/2010

I thought it was December 2001. "the Global War on Terror" is what I am taking out of context for the sake of discussion. I mean Global is Worldwide and it is followed by the word war.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:09 AM
I'm glad we have a lot of fear mongering like this. Really shows how desperate some people are for attention.

[edit on 2/15/2008 by Masisoar]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:16 AM
A well informed post, but I doubt the 30 day time period, world war III, oh, and the nuclear war bit. Who would target who? I can't see anyone using nuclear weapons unless it was real armageddon-type stuff. You know... Like McCain getting into the 'House? That won't be within 30 days

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:36 AM
It all makes sense in theory, but as we all know things do always follow a pattern. I agree that the signs are on the wall, but 30 days is a bit of a stretch.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:52 AM
Who knows what could happen this year...its already off to a very rocky start. Everyday in the news you hear about a country and another country budding heads. Tensions are at an all-time high and the word "Nuke" is thrown around all the time. Scary times to live in and for normal people like us that can't do anything if god-forbid a nuke does go off- its horrific. With all the shootings and killings and everything- you'd think people would be more understanding and humane but everyone seems to be turning on each other...No-one on ATS or in the world can predict when WWIII will happen...lets just hope it doesnt happen at all right now...Bush still has a few more months left in office- I doubt he'd hesitate to invade one more country for his daddy.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:00 AM
I hope it happens...

[Snip] about time something "catastrophic" happens.
Let it happen and get it over with, so people can [snip] and get on with their lives.

[Mod Edit: Please see ABOUT ATS: Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors. Thank you - Jak]

[edit on 15/2/08 by JAK]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 03:24 AM
I dont know much about the other nations listed for attack but there are very obvious reasons to attack Iran

1. Iran is refusing to accept the dollar as the world reserve currency for oil
2. Iran has a national govt owned central bank
3. Iran has a ton of oil under its sand

Ironic that Iran has a stable economy thanks to a state run central bank that keeps inflation in check and the United States is bankrupt.

And yet in another round of "might makes right" thinking, its likely the United States will invade Iran because they wont accept our crappy worthless currency. How dare they defy the elite...

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 06:28 AM
I respect the OP for voicing his opinion. I don't agree with it in anyway. All countries listed are always at each other and while bad things do happen between these countries, I don't see WWIII happening in 30 days or soon or ever(I hope).

Why is Israel guilty? I don't think anybody here said that it was Israel that killed that P.O.S. extremist, but already they are guilty.
Hezbollah and Iran(who stick their nose in Israel bussiness way to much) have already tried and convicted them. BTW Israel denies any involement. I know that Israel could have very well been the culprit, but Iran and crew don't care and won't invetigate as to who actually killed this guy. As far as their concerned Israel is guilty, as friggin always.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 06:45 AM
I thought i would apply my own opinion.
I don't believe that anyone could let it go that far, however, i do believe possible Israel in some form would be attacked more through terrorism there for can not directly be accused to iran/syria. Like a criminal who wants to target someone but he hires another criminal to do his work, so no evidence leads to him, however is suspected and arrested, in nation terms sanctioned or then attack them in some form with no actual evidence and only guessing, they have then have an excuse to claim their innocent and attack on self defence. So it could be possible but that's the what i believe how it would happen. Am sorry to say but if people also are willing to see the terror they want on soceity and all the loving familes, then i advise you to seek physcratic help.



edit: spell check

[edit on 15-2-2008 by deathpoet69]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 06:49 AM
This is exactly like the Alex Jones 9/11 prediction. Backs facts up with news. Thank you! Will look into it.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 06:54 AM
OK, so on March 16th we get to come back in here and laugh at you when WW3 doesn't happen? People should lose 1000 points for every claim of doom and gloom they predict that doesn't come true. I'll even give you 1000 points if it does come true but alas if it does then I think we will all have bigger fish to fry...

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by JanusFIN

your projection sounds plausible enough...
lays out another vista of a WWIII, by Albert Pike

the 30 days window takes us to March 15th...
& the month of March is known as the windy month,
but it comes in like a Lion and ends up like a Lamb...
(not too encouraging a sign for your escalation from RPGs to Nukes,
in this regional confrontation)

but you do offer a interesting 'window'... because on Wednesday the 20th
there will be total Lunar eclipse, with the Moon in shadow probably turning
that eerie & orange-red ! many biblical prophecies are accompanied by
sign in the sun, moon & stars...
perhaps in the day of the eclipse, the regional conflict goes multinational!?

with a few of the opposing heavy-hitters in the nuclear club making their presence felt.... who knows ???

we've had Ramadans come & go, we've seen the golden Mosque from where the 12 Imam is supposed to be revealed get bombed to smithereens, but at this moment in time the usual stressful events which could have escalated into a major conflict before..
Now has an additional Puncutation --

the total Lunar eclipse as a marker for the human psyche to tremble at,
following the Israeli admission of murdering another people's freedom fighter

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 07:20 AM
If we take the scenario that JanusFIN has outlined, we would have to accept the premise of the NWO as I can not see what Iran, Syria and Lebanon stand to gain by an attack on Israel.

Lets take this apart:

Lebanon is in no postion to attack anybody, has a small military and is looking inward more than outward, and even if some parts of the Lenanon adminstration decided to attack, they would be destroyed and I am confident that Israel has intelligence assets in place at the highest levels in the Lenannon Government and military. Of course, the question we have to ask here is the amount of influence Syria still has. And in some sectors of the Government and people, they have a great deal of influence, but again, just how much military is subject to that influence. I suspect very little.

Lets turn to Syria. I have to ask what Syria would stand to gain. Has its military grown in actual combat experience? It has been a client state from Russia, and some of its hardware is fairly modern. But what good is the best equipment if the operators do not have the combat experience. And in a straight fight with Israel and by extention the US, Syria will be hammered. They have aims for getting back the Golan Heights back. If they felt that can use their military to get it back, they would have done. So we have to rile Syria out unlike it feels that Israel and the US would not bomb it back to the stone age. Of course, we have consider what Russia might do, and I do not see Russia wanting a major fight. It might continue to fund and equipe Syria, but I can not see the political aim of encouraging Syria to attack Israel. I think Russia has more of its eyes toward Iran.

Iran's leaders have been vocal in their opposition to Israel, but I still question what Iran would have to gain? I would suggest that Israel has better intelligence assets in the high command in Iran that the other way round, and I think it would be fair to say that the US spends time monitoring Iran's military as well. I think Iran has other aims in the region that an attack on Israel, and as I have mentioned, any attack on Israel is in many respects an attack on the US and just look at the assets the US has in the region.

So, I have to agree with many of the posters on this thread, we are no more closer to an attack on Israel that we were last week.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 07:23 AM
I'll bet someone a penny it doesn't happen

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by dj05544
Who knows what could happen this year...its already off to a very rocky start. Everyday in the news you hear about a country and another country budding heads. Tensions are at an all-time high and the word "Nuke" is thrown around all the time.

1. Every year is rocky depending on how you look at it. This one is no different.
2. Everyday in the news since there was news, we have heard of a country butting heads with another.. today is no different.
3. Tensions are NOT at an all time high, you have a selective history it seems.
4. You said the word "Nuke" is thrown around all the time.
You mean like "We're going to Nuke you", or as in Iran is trying to build a "Nuke", NK has the "Nuke"... Context dude.. look it up.

Many of you lack simple context. Too many.

You are either a scaremonger or just ignorant to the events around you.
The OP is just another guy trying to predict WWIII and hope he's right so he can become the new profit. When it comes and goes and there is no war, he will change user names and post that it will come in 30 more days and there will be sheep like you to come rally to his defense.

The EOTW and the NWO are two of the most common topics I see here and yet.. neither has come to pass or come to light.. but I guess I should just wait 30 more days

(lather, rinse, repeat).

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