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100% PROOF of Controlled Demolitions @ WTC

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posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 01:58 AM

[edit on 16-1-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 05:59 AM
The first video link is now dead as the video has been removed.

What is truly exceptional among the remaining videos is the third one, at the 1:42 to 1:55 mark, the tilting collapse of the south tower.

Watch closely the corner of the building about 10-12 stories above the collapse zone. Shortly after collapse begins, a charge goes off, with a flash and smoke. This is the first photographic proof I've ever seen of the detonation of charges in the upper building mass, which disintegrated in mid-air in contradiction to basic logic and reason.

The thread title is indeed accurate.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 08:55 AM
Thank you. The video link is now fixed.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:14 AM
There is something I really want to know-

Why are threads titled "100% Proof" always a rehash of old information and/or poor quality youtube vids?

None of this is new and all of it has been discussed to death already. It may be "proof" for some, but for others its merely debris falling ahead of the collapse and causing blowouts. This is not tangible proof.

Tangible proof is not an idea, a theory, or a feeling. It needs to be solid, viewable, and its existence and relation to the event need to be verified. For example, "Loose Change" is not a proof, nor are Dylan Avery's conclusions. Neither are the videos of others. They are all theories, without merit, i.e. without proof.

In regards to all of the 9/11 theories, proof is a memo from Dick Cheney to the owner of the WTC. Proof is an internal DoD document linking the government to the attack. Proof is a piece of Tomahawk wreckage from the Pentagon. Proof is a Sidewinder tailsection embedded in the ground someplace near Shanksville. Proof is a undetonated demolition charge found in the WTC debris. Proof is one senior Bush Administration official going on camera and saying, "We did this, and my conscience can't take it anymore".

Thus far, not one of those things has happened. conspiracy theorists have not one single tangible piece of evidence to back up their claims.

Before you go ballistic on me, understand that I personally believe that there was some form of 911 related conspiracy. However, I can say that it is a belief and theory, it is not fact. It is the responsibility of people like me to obtain and present empirical, tangible, and demonstrable proof, which has not happened yet.

Sorry to break it to you, you can believe all you want, but without something solid in your hand, you have absolutely nothin'.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:19 AM
I was wondering when the guy will show up and say "NO! IT ISNT SO!"
"This is old news"
"Nothing to see here"

Meh, either you see it or you dont.

If you know controlled demolition tactics then you would of loved these videos.

[edit on 16-1-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:24 AM
I said "no it isn't" proof, you are correct. And I stand by that, because it is not proof. It is a video of a collapse. Nothing more. Something we've seen 100 times or more now. I have illustrated what proof would be, and this is not it.

You can believe and you can feel, with all of your soul, that a controlled demolition happened, but that does not make it a fact. To make it a fact would require something solid, tangible, and demonstrable. My friend, you do not have that yet, and you won't find it on the internet.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 11:33 AM
those are great can see the building just exploding outward...intense

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts
I said "no it isn't" proof, you are correct. And I stand by that, because it is not proof. It is a video of a collapse. Nothing more. Something we've seen 100 times or more now. I have illustrated what proof would be, and this is not it.

You can believe and you can feel, with all of your soul, that a controlled demolition happened, but that does not make it a fact. To make it a fact would require something solid, tangible, and demonstrable. My friend, you do not have that yet, and you won't find it on the internet.

I too have seen these videos literally hundreds of times now, as you say, but each time I do watch them, I study them intently, to see if they will offer up a better understanding of the collapse mechanisms.

Well, lo and behold, today, watching one of these videos, I discovered something in one of them I believe is quite important.

Yes you will scoff that it is a you Tube video, sent over the internet, as if this is some sort of proof that both you tube and the internet itself are works of Satan and simply on no account to be trusted. This of course simply cannot be true, as you well know, but it is a nice, hard-edged talking point to throw out there.

In a way I admire your cocksure certainty, it must be a comfort--or a shield.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Reality Hurts

What the hell are all those flashes dammit?
What about those....forget about the puffs of smoke you can mark that up to preasure and thats fine. Yet what about the hundreds of flashes you see when you slow it to 1/4 speed? You didnt see them?!?!!

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by gottago

I'm dealing with fact and reality, nothing more. I'm objective and realistic.

To state that you've "discovered something important" is self deluding. You watched a video, you didn't "discover" anything. You watched something that someone else edited, thats it. You have nothing in your hand that you can shows to others that would conflict or drastically alter the perception of the official story.

Please understand that what follows is not any form of attack, merely constructive criticism. I can see that you are emotionally attached to this. By reading your response to me it is plain to see that you are already acting snide, sarcastic, and superior, and that your contempt is thinly veiled. Distance yourself emotionally from this topic. Take a step back and look at it objectively without letting your feelings, opinions, and emotions run rampant. Much like those who zealously follow the official story, your bias taints your argument.

And for the record, I am going to again state my position so that I'm not labeled as one of those people who buy into the official explanation for 9/11:
I personally believe that something is drastically wrong with the official 9/11 story. There are glaring misrepresentation of facts. Many things do not add up or make rational sense. However, to state an opinion as absolute fact, without the presence of tangible evidence, does not make your "feeling" real. It remains an opinion, not fact.

[edit on 16-1-2008 by Reality Hurts]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by GUICE2

I don't know what they are.

I also don't know if the videos were altered.

Thus is the problem with what you find posted on the internet.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 12:42 PM
We are on the same page man....we all are thats why we are on this forum.
WE know videos can be altered....we know pics can too which is why we investigate. However, why would someone alter a video and insert graphics that are too faint for the eye to see at all in the video? If they wanted to alter it to show something would it be clear as day when you slowed it down? Some people cant even see it so obviously it wasnt altered with the intention to target i highly doubt that. There are people who want to start court cases over this and will fight it to the end and are probably currently looking for ways to do so. To alter this video to take down the us government will yeild nothing more than violence so who would want to prove that and bring it upon themselves by faking a video? I wouldnt....

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 01:09 PM

watch this video, it had me convinced. If you listen carefully you will hear dozens of explosions.

Here is a hint. What looks like a demolition, sounds like a demolition, feels like a demolition and smells like a demolition most likely is a demolition.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by GUICE2

Why might they alter the videos?

To be right.

Don't underestimate a person's determination to win an argument on the internet. So many people today will invest hours, sometimes dozens of hours, just to create something that may improve their standing in what ever internet community that they are a part of.

I am a conspiracy theorist. I have been for decades. However, I am also dedicated to finding the truth, not winning an argument or "being right". I'm not trying to make anyone "look bad" in this thread, only to get them to understand that "feelings" and "opinions" aren't fact. Listen, I've been wrong before, and I will be again, I accept that, but these videos aren't any sort of proof, they're just videos that people have cut and edited again and again.

If you want to really find proof, really make a difference, read my first post. There are ways to obtain proof, they just aren't easy. But they are waiting to be found. Unfortunately, it involves effort, which is one thing that the Conspiracy Theory community has gotten lazy about lately. Everyone wants to "discover" something on youtube instead of getting off their butt and going someplace. For example, over the years, I personally have been to Dealey Plaza where JFK was killed, Kecksburg & Shanksville PA where a ufo was sighted and a supposedly hijacked plane went down, and (years ago) I talked personally with respected ufo researcher Stan Gordon, visited the curator of the NJ State Police Museum to review the Lindberg Kidnapping case, and had several other adventures.

Point being that I've gone to these places and looked around with my own 2 eyes, I've seen the sights, smelled the smells, talked to people, and touched things with my own 2 hands. Did I discover anything? No, but I tried. And not to toot my own horn, but in the 1980s I was telling anyone that would listen that a guy hiding in the water drain in Dealey Plaza could have off'ed the President and gotten away. While wearing a black business suit, I actually laid down in the gutter of Elm Street (while traffic was still moving) and with a tape measure took the dimensions and depth of the thing....and this was 10 years before I watched a Discovery Channel special that proposed the same thing.

Problem is, nobody does that sort of stuff any more. Everybody wants to sit at home and create their own myths about stuff that other people have developed. THen they defend their biased, entrenched positions to the death, accepting no countering evidence or theories, in an effort to "be right", even if they know they're not.

Bottom line is this- I don't like it when people try to show me "proof" when it isn't proof. Go get some proof and I'll jump for joy, even if it disagrees with what I think happened. Just don't give me rehashed crap.

[edit on 16-1-2008 by Reality Hurts]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Reality Hurts

Your right my friend....i understand the overwhelming need for some people to be "right". However you have to question who will benefit and what is benefitted. You cant say that they just want to be right for personal satisfaction when speaking of issues with such tremendous implications. That is one sick and twisted human being, actually it would have to be many many sick and twisted human beings. Even the 9/11 commission would have to be in on would these people gather all the tapes and alter them correctly? Wouldnt you be able to tell if a video file has been edited over and over again?
What about videos of interviews which refer to people hearing multiple explosions on several floors? Were those dubbed over or something?
There are somethings you just cant edit man.....and the freedom of information act gets you no where in this country. You are all too right when you say that people just want to be be right in an argument and arent worried about the truth but for something like this dude?

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Insolubrious
watch this video, it had me convinced. If you listen carefully you will hear dozens of explosions.

Here is a hint. What looks like a demolition, sounds like a demolition, feels like a demolition and smells like a demolition most likely is a demolition.

Again, an edited and re-edited piece. And fast forwarded no less. You can't tell what those sounds are. Where they edited in? Was it something else? Who and I cannot say for certain.

[edit on 16-1-2008 by Reality Hurts]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 01:49 PM
Sounds aside,those flashes that happen seconds before the collapse are pretty damning.
I've yet to hear a great explanation as to wht tey are or what caused them.And the timing of them are just too perfect.They happen literally as it collapses.
These videos can go up there with the other evidence that shows we werent told the truth about 9/11.This along with the Pentagon's lack of tape release and WTC 7 are just going left unanswered.
But dont blame those who dont believe,some people cant see the forest through the trees,or they just dont want to.
All you can really do,is keep trying to educate others as to the questions you have about the day,and move on.
Its up to them to believe or not.
To each their own.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by GUICE2
the freedom of information act gets you no where in this country.

And its worthless for gathering evidence.

You will not find much through the FOI. To find proof, you need to get out there. Remember "The X Files" motto? The Truth is Out There, meaning that you have to go find it. FOI isn't going to give up much, they get to redact anything they want and keep it from you.

Want to know where find proof?

If it was a controlled demolition, someone did it. Someone paid for it. Payments can be tracked and traced, even if it was cash. The cash came from somewhere, an account, a safe deposit box, but it did come from someplace. That means someone stored it, and some one handled it. A bank, a personal account, a government account, the proof of the funding is there, with dates and times of withdrawal.

And someone had to lay the explosives. More than 1 someone, most likely. And someone needed to plan it, you don't just stick C4 in a building and hope it comes down, if this was a demolition, this took someone with a background in not just explosives, but structural engineering. So someone to plan, some few to emplace the explosives. Who were they? Who saw them? Where did they stay? Where did they eat while doing this? Did they drink? Did they get drunk and accidentally spill the beans to their spouse?

See where this is going? IF this was a controlled demolition, THAN someone knows about it. that same someone will have physical evidence as well, not just a tale to relate. They'll have bank statements, left over diagrams, they'll have something, somewhere to corroborate their story.

Find them.

And find their funding.

That will be proof.

Internet videos are NOT proof.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
along with the Pentagon's lack of tape release and WTC 7 are just going left unanswered

Agreed 100% ! Something is dreadfully wrong there.

Originally posted by Black_Fox
All you can really do,is keep trying to educate others as to the questions you have about the day,and move on.

Here is where you are wrong.

You can be objective and unbiased, taking ALL evidence into account and not setting your opinion into stone. You can encourage others to do the same. Try not to propagate faulty reasoning and call others on it when they do. Work from a solid basis in fact, and work to gather real evidence to support it.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 02:05 PM
We know that this isnt proof....but its a catalyst to the investigation that needs to be done and is testament to the fact that we have not fulfilled our due dilligence in investigating thus far.
I see what you mean about going out in the field. will probably end up murdered like most whistle blowers. Also...there are so many people who have testified to the fact that the buildings were often wide open to large construction crews for reason that no one knew. they would go in and out and they could have planted the bombs but really that isnt proof either. Yet that is how it could have been done.
In terms of finding the payments....probably not a good place to start considering the social implications of money and how all of it is makebeleive. If they control the money they dont need any...

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