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World’s Largest Supercollider Could Destroy the Universe

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posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by AcesInTheHole

aces...what has always intrigued me is that there are so many governments putting billions into colliders and they always say it's for research or possibly to find a new sourse of energy. but, i am a skeptic and let me explain why. there is ample proof that we have the capability of harnessing tidal wave power for some years now...if only we could put a few billion dollars in a couple of trial power systems. there are several large inlet bays around this country where there are enormous tidal flows. these flows are constant and predictable and they would provide enormous amounts of energy according to several scienctific articles that have been put out even in mainstream media. and yet, this government has consistantly spent money (large amounts) on nuclear energy reseach and other fossil fuel energy sourses. so, as my signature indicates, the reasons put forward by governments for the large expense, of these ever increasingly large colliders does not pass the "smell" test. another sourse of energy that the government could subsidize with a couple of billion dollars, would be solar panels on the rooftops of businesses and homes, but this doesn't get the play it deserves either. so, in my opinion, this "research" is being used either to line somebodys pockets or for something that is being kept secret.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 07:01 AM
This is pretty old news, and there is no chance of anything bad happening. I've researched it abit and theres nothing to worry about.
Mini black holes aren't as bad as they sound. Just sounds scary that's all.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 08:27 AM
The black hole itself remains theoretical doesn't it?
So we may just prove that we don't yet have a large enough collider to prove we can't produce one but there'll be plenty of spinoff knowledge of commercial value so I say go for it.

The one thing harder than a black hole to find, let alone produce, on this planet is 'free' energy. I'm sitting here with GWatts of clean, non-polluting energy from renewable sources at my fingertips and I can assure you it's far from free, it's actually costing far more to collect than the usual 'dirty' sources.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
I guess it's human nature to push the limits. One day we might regret that...

Well the human race has only advance this far by pushing the limits, it has to be done. Yes it may destroy our world, but then again it might uncover the origins and meaning of the universe.

If we don't push the limits of our knowledge for advancement then what are we going to be doing for the next few thousand years anyway? Sitting around watching MTV and starting more wars?

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 09:45 AM
Testing the boundries of Humanity for universally positive growth, good.

Creating mini black holes here on earth, bad.

I find quite irresponsilbe that these people would conduct an experiment with such large possible repercussions, however small the odds, without the concern or care in regards to how the general population feels about this.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by kleverone
Creating mini black holes here on earth, bad.

"Mini" is exaggerating the size. "Micro" or "nano", if we are talking distances, are too big. I don't think they will manage to make one big enough to last long enough to swallow matter faster than it evaporates.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 09:55 AM
Nothing bad is going to happen. But what will happen as a result will be finalization of the Unified Field Theory, which is going to open up an incredible amount of doors in the scientific community. We're talking about the confirmation of other universes, free energy, etc.

Personally, I'm excited.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 10:11 AM
Well since a black hole is based on gravity then this would be one on the sub atomic level and I wouldn't bet a subatomic black hole would destroy the universe with ones out there already the size of a galaxy.

There are also measured forces that are faster than the speed of light, so I do not think the speed of light is a limit anymore. (maybe for matter it is)

I see this collider as a way to physically prove a lot of math calculations without the doom and gloom.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 10:52 AM
I did a research project on CERN last year for my College Physics class. Sure there are risks involved with firing the LHD, but can you imagine being able to create brand new particles never before seen by man! These particles can lead to the creation of new elements (metals stronger than titanium ect.) that are not present on the table of elements! This would be absolutely fascinating and will greatly help humanity steer away from our addiction to fossil fuels.. I can't wait till they fire that bad boy up!!

Just my 2 cents

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 11:00 AM
I cant believe anyone would consider trying to create a black hole
when we know naff all about them except that they are extremely
dangerous, all that we are told about them are just Theories and
best guesses and nothing more .. very stupid . in my opinion ..


posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 11:03 AM
I think your all worrying far too much about this, I reckon they will spend millions on this thing and it'll just end up heating the place up -a multimillion pound electric heater. On the other hand it may give us some answers about particles and the way they behave in extreme circumstances but nothin more, tiny black holes at the fraction of a second wont do much!
All the power on this planet wont be able to cause the sort of worst case scenerio you guys' n' girls are talkin about!

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 11:26 AM
I was watching something on TV about this (can't remember what it was called).

They said if a black hole was created on earth, even a pin-head sized one, that it would immediately sink to the centre of the earth and then swallow the earth whole, and all this would happen in about a hundredth of a second.

Not that I believe any of it. I'm just telling you what they said.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 11:34 AM
There is a risk, that's the point. A risk to destroy the Universe, yeah it's small just like every other "calculated" risk but if you take a step back and say it in a complete sentence a little flag should go up in your head.

Say it out loud now.

"We want to take a small risk that could destroy the ENTIRE UNIVERSE."

What do you hope to gain? Free energy? No. The ability to travel across the universe? Great, if Earth couldn't get more F*'d up, let's spread our retard seed across the Universe. There might be oil out there.


posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 11:41 AM
These are not black holes. It has to be big enough to be black to be a black hole. These things are smaller than a photon. They have squat for mass. They couldn't attract a speck of dust. They are just very very very very very very very small singularities that evaporate in a minuscule fraction of a second.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 12:40 PM
Should the fractal universe theory hold true, and wormholes are in fact a means of exchanging space and time between an infinite number of constantly growing/contracting universes; then we are in fact opening a Pandora's box of instantaneous and total destruction for our little part of the galaxy.
Perhaps this is why CERN's activation date is being constantly postponed.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 12:51 PM
I should also like to add that size like time is a relative thing, especially when related to of quantum physics. The tiniest wormhole need only exist for the briefest moment in time to destroy us.
Remember, no one actually knows how fast a wormhole can consume a planet or even how much matter it can consume or how fast. All wormholes started out as "babies" before growing into monsters, it is the whens and hows that we still do not know.

Once I had a professor who jokingly theorized that the universe inevitably spawns intelligent life simply so that the will create this system of matter exchange. He also said that although we may not be creating wormholes or spacial anomalies within our universe, who is to say that each nuclear detonation or particle collision here, in our universe, does not affect other universes.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 12:59 PM
This was actually on a documentary on the BBC (I think was teh channel).

The black hole danger was actually downplayed, as the scientist involved said they woul dissappear in miliseconds, and as such are no threat.

Just for the 2012 theorists though: the documentary did say that it would be fired up in 2012!!!

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 01:03 PM
I remember hearing about this problem regarding the creation of the mini black hole many years ago.. and yes it did sound scary.. to slowly devour our planet....

.. but you know at the moment we have a very huge garbage problem here in the Naples region.. hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage in the streets.. the mafia and the camorra are probably involved.. who knows maybee we could get rid of the garbage through this black hole....

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 01:56 PM
The Earth is not going to be destroy. John Titor said that CERN will create a Time Machine and WW3 is going to happen because of human greed and power. So don't fear my friend a diffrent world will unviel to humanity.
Here is a link to John Titor website


posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 02:06 PM

the documentary did say that it would be fired up in 2012!!!

Well fine, the documentary was wrong, according to CERN it will fire up in may 2008, so no, it won't pull any planet x into our orbit

John Titor

Isn't the use of that name in Science & Technology punishable ?

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