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Is Christianity Dying?

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posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by kangjia57
Reply to madnessinmysoul
Nope Islam will never go down. Allah has said that it’s his responsibility to protect the pureness of Quran and will be never changed. This religion will grow and will keep growing at its fastest rate.

actually, atheism is growing at quite a clip if you exclude births and look at conversion rate...

and where is islam thriving?
where IGNORANCE thrives. where anti-semitism, sexism, and homophobia thrive.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:21 PM
Reply to Luxor311
I am taking that your question is why didn’t Allah preserve the Tauraat,Zaboor and Injeel because they were pure in themselves when Allah revealed them?

That’s because when Allah sent those scriptures to those Prophets in that time, Allah didn’t state that he would protect the scriptures and each word stated in them! After the humans tampered and changed those scriptures Allah finally revealed the QURAN and stated that he will protect every single word from being changed or tampered with. So that’s why after 1400 years it’s still the same.
And everything stated in Quran, we Muslims have to believe in and will continue to believe in till the day of the judgement!

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by J.Smit
reply to post by Kacen

Of course, this has changed for the betrayers who actually believe Harry goPotty is a tail of Good vs. Evil. White magic vs Black magick - God hates magick in total. Hope you find the Truth.

I actually don't care for Harry Potter, personally, if thats what your getting at.

...I have nothing more useful to add.

Originally posted by kangjia57
Reply to Luxor311
I am taking that your question is why didn’t Allah preserve the Tauraat,Zaboor and Injeel because they were pure in themselves when Allah revealed them?

That’s because when Allah sent those scriptures to those Prophets in that time, Allah didn’t state that he would protect the scriptures and each word stated in them! After the humans tampered and changed those scriptures Allah finally revealed the QURAN and stated that he will protect every single word from being changed or tampered with. So that’s why after 1400 years it’s still the same.
And everything stated in Quran, we Muslims have to believe in and will continue to believe in till the day of the judgement!

Oh, wonderful. Guess that blows the chances away of there ever being a reform Islam. Hey, why don't you let women marry non-Muslims, exactly? Only men can? Why? Can you tell me? Is a woman incapable because she puts herself in an "inferior" position to a non-Muslim and it "insults" Islam?

Doesn't really matter what your answer is, it's sexist no matter what answer, explanation, or excuse you can give, unless the answer you give is that thats actually not stated in the Koran and just "extremists" or something, which I'm hoping for but I doubt.

Prove to me that Islam is not sexist, or admit it is. And no, different but equal is not true equality.

[edit on 12/3/2007 by Kacen]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:33 PM
Reply to Kacen

Oh, wonderful. Guess that blows the chances away of there ever being a reform Islam. Hey, why don't you let women marry non-Muslims, exactly? Only men can? Why? Can you tell me? Is a woman incapable because she puts herself in an "inferior" position to a non-Muslim and it "insults" Islam?

A Muslim man can marry non- Muslim women if she accepts Islam. So she has to become Muslim for him to marry her. And for Muslim women to marry a non- Muslim man is allowed only if he accepts Islam and becomes a Muslim. I think it’s better like that because more people will become Muslims!!! So Islam is not sexist!!!

Soz guys going off the topic abit! And I hope I didn’t answer your question in a terrorist manner Kacen.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 07:47 PM
Well, I've heard first hand that a male Muslim can marry a Christian or a Jew, but a female cannot.

And kangjia57, I'll say right now my criticism of Islam has very little to do with terrorism, I am well aware that the terrorists are an extremely small minority, and I am also well aware there are many sources on the internet, mainly Christian, that make up lies to make Islam seem worse than it is.

Regardless, Islam feels very cold and unnatural to me, even more so than Christianity.

The very word meaning to "submit" to god, the exceedingly conservative rules regarding sex, dress, and freedom in general, how it's built like a strict indoctrination system; it feels so utterly dehumanizing to a pagan like me, and to be fair the Abrahamic religions in general feel that way to me, but Islam most of all.

I had taken a long rest since my last post so I'm a less condescending now; I'm bipolar, I should mention that. *cough*

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 07:53 PM
Well I think Christianity will eventually go through another reformation. I don't think it's going to die out, neither do I think it should. However, I think somewhere down the line, Christianity will have to admit it was wrong during the crusades and the inquisition and witch hunts...

One thing that I think Christianity is capable, albeit begrudgingly, of doing is admitting its misdeed. Now, if it turns out that it cannot do that, then, it may very well fall by the wayside..

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Kacen

Good post

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Kacen
And no, different but equal is not true equality.

And just how do you figure this? You continually continue to make this statement in order to prove your point but it defies all reality in its most basic form. You are not the same as anyone else by any stretch of the imagination, yet are equal to everyone else as an individual. Defining a gender role as such plays no factor in determining whether one is being treated equally or not. The only time this would become a true statement is when you are using the definition of the specific gender role to stop someone from pursuing a personal goal. Again we find you on here completely bashing another persons faith, explaining to us how your particular religon is so much better and proper than anyone else's, but in turn condemn them using the very same statements and methods employed by them. So what makes your alternative all that appealing?

Another thing that seems to escape you is that it for the most part it is perfectly natural for any given group to not want thier members to marry into another group of people. Is it right? I don't know, but it is natural. If you doubt that then you must not go out in public very often. Look around you, people divide and subdivide themselves continually. And if you really want to see just how enlightened you yourself truly are, ask yourself this would you want your Son/Daughter to marry a Born Again, Bible Thumping, Tounge Spitting Christian? If you can't answer yes to that your just being a hypocrite.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Jovi1

Originally posted by Kacen
And no, different but equal is not true equality.

And just how do you figure this? You continually continue to make this statement in order to prove your point but it defies all reality in its most basic form. You are not the same as anyone else by any stretch of the imagination, yet are equal to everyone else as an individual. Defining a gender role as such plays no factor in determining whether one is being treated equally or not. The only time this would become a true statement is when you are using the definition of the specific gender role to stop someone from pursuing a personal goal. Again we find you on here completely bashing another persons faith, explaining to us how your particular religion is so much better and proper than anyone else's, but in turn condemn them using the very same statements and methods employed by them. So what makes your alternative all that appealing?

Another thing that seems to escape you is that it for the most part it is perfectly natural for any given group to not want their members to marry into another group of people. Is it right? I don't know, but it is natural. If you doubt that then you must not go out in public very often. Look around you, people divide and subdivide themselves continually. And if you really want to see just how enlightened you yourself truly are, ask yourself this would you want your Son/Daughter to marry a Born Again, Bible Thumping, Tounge Spitting Christian? If you can't answer yes to that your just being a hypocrite.

Nice job of character assassination...

[edit on 3-12-2007 by luxor311]

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Jovi1

Originally posted by Kacen
And no, different but equal is not true equality.

And just how do you figure this? You continually continue to make this statement in order to prove your point but it defies all reality in its most basic form. You are not the same as anyone else by any stretch of the imagination, yet are equal to everyone else as an individual. Defining a gender role as such plays no factor in determining whether one is being treated equally or not. The only time this would become a true statement is when you are using the definition of the specific gender role to stop someone from pursuing a personal goal. Again we find you on here completely bashing another persons faith, explaining to us how your particular religon is so much better and proper than anyone else's, but in turn condemn them using the very same statements and methods employed by them. So what makes your alternative all that appealing?

Another thing that seems to escape you is that it for the most part it is perfectly natural for any given group to not want thier members to marry into another group of people. Is it right? I don't know, but it is natural. If you doubt that then you must not go out in public very often. Look around you, people divide and subdivide themselves continually. And if you really want to see just how enlightened you yourself truly are, ask yourself this would you want your Son/Daughter to marry a Born Again, Bible Thumping, Tounge Spitting Christian? If you can't answer yes to that your just being a hypocrite.

You completely and utterly interpreted what I said wrong.

I mean that they let a male marry a Jew or Christian but not a woman, if neither could I wouldn't pull an issue specifically about such.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 07:30 AM
Christianity is dying, and it is dying because the age of Pisces is coming to an end. What the age of Aquarius will bring I'm unsure - I have pondered this and the signs are unclear still. Aquarius obviously relates to water, and water represents rebirth, so perhaps the age of Aquarius will bring a time of huge awakening and revelation - something so different from Judeo-Christianity that none of us can possibly know what it will be like.

An interesting fact for you - the "Christian" act of submersion, baptism and christening is not actually a Christian act at all. It was stolen from the Pagans along with almost every other practice. When you take away from Christianity all of the things that were stolen from earlier belief systems, you are left with nothing more than a half-written "sacred" book, a few cold, empty stone buildings and a few million disenchanted people who are adherents by habit or social conditioning alone.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 07:37 AM
It's not dying folks. lol. that's some myth the non- believers want you to accept. it's a bogus claim with no proof.

Maybe the religious part maybe dying, but not the heart of christians and their beliefs. I keep saying that Christianity is NOT A religion and people pretend never to hear that..

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller
Christianity is NOT A religion and people pretend never to hear that..

"Christianity is NOT A religion" as Muslim, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, isn't a religion........they are all religions, groups of people following one core belief in a deity. That is a religion.

"A religion is a set of beliefs and practices generally held by a human community, involving adherence to codified beliefs and rituals and study of ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience" that is exactly what Christianity is.....

And what's more amusing, is that priests and such themselves claim that Christianity is a religion, the basic idea itself that it isn't a religion is ridicules to any main stream American Christian or Christian worldwide.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 08:21 AM
Christians don't have priests..those are catholics.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

ok ummmm owned funny how this link supports both this post and my last one....., take a step back and rethink what you say.......

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 09:06 AM
I'm not worried. If Christianity is the true religion, then God will not let it die. I also believe these are the last days. The Bible states in the last days there will be a great "falling away from the faith". It also says there will be a lot of "scoffers" saying where is this Christ.

I have only one reply for the Athiest, I can only quote scripture. "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God".

Someone said earlier that Christianity was to control the masses. Mr Marx the communist told that to his masses to control them. How can Christianity control masses? Christ only requested accepting Him by faith. It simply ask's you to put faith in the works that was done on the cross by a sinless man. The requirement for heaven was a simple faith in His works upon a cross. Most religions including those who claim Christianity require sacrifice on the individual. In this case Christ the Saviour paid the price and did the sacrifice. Religion controls the masses but it is not true with real Christianity. Christ never tried to control people. He always left it to free will with inidividuals making there own choice based upon simple truth.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

Good to have you on board. Apparently, "The Force be with you" is a Wiccan farewell or goodbye. Just so you'd know.

But you are correct: Christianity is not a religion. If God is your Father and Jesus your King and the Holy Ghost your Guide, maybe it should rather be lived as a relationship.

[edit on 4-12-2007 by J.Smit]

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by royalblood

With Love in Christ!

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by andre18

Concerning your current signature:
So your Grandpa's nephew is in NATO.
W I guess...

[edit on 4-12-2007 by J.Smit]

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by J.Smit

Yeah thanks lol, I actually just found out about 2-3 months's kind of cool to have some relative in such a high place

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