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Conspiracy against the black race?

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posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by xstealth

well, a theory of my own is that blacks may be less interested in working and less interested in what a white man calls "education" and "building wealth".

But that doesnt make them stupid or lazy. It just shows that they dont fit into what white people term to be "a properly working society". The same could be said of many conspiracy-theorists here....critical of the way things are. Maybe the ought to stick to their own culture and roots rather than trying to become white.

To N.B.: I cant get the video to work right now. I will try again later.

wait 1 moment, lazy by definition is: averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent. By saying theyre not lazy contradicts waht you said also stupid means:Marked by a lack of intelligence or care contradicts saying they arent stupid. White peole didnt invent scoiety we just live in it (money=work+time) just because they dont want to work or learn doesnt mean it the white mans fault and they dont want to coform to white scoiety, its just cause some are lazy and stupid.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by edude1992

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by xstealth

well, a theory of my own is that blacks may be less interested in working and less interested in what a white man calls "education" and "building wealth".

But that doesnt make them stupid or lazy. It just shows that they dont fit into what white people term to be "a properly working society". The same could be said of many conspiracy-theorists here....critical of the way things are. Maybe the ought to stick to their own culture and roots rather than trying to become white.

To N.B.: I cant get the video to work right now. I will try again later.

wait 1 moment, lazy by definition is: averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent. By saying theyre not lazy contradicts waht you said also stupid means:Marked by a lack of intelligence or care contradicts saying they arent stupid. White peole didnt invent scoiety we just live in it (money=work+time) just because they dont want to work or learn doesnt mean it the white mans fault and they dont want to coform to white scoiety, its just cause some are lazy and stupid.

While there are some blacks out there who are uneducated and just don't have any drive, you'd be surprised how many smart, articulate blacks are out there who just don't have a desire to live "in the system". I've recently been out talking to drug-dealers, pimps, etc, about why they don't want to get jobs and go to school to better themselves. Many of them grew up with an outside perspective of society, and they just didn't like what they saw. A lot of them just didn't want to be apart of the repetitiveness of a 9 to 5 jobs. They saw how unhappy a lot of people were with those repetitive lives, and they just didn't want to live like that. Just like most people, they wanted fast-money and lavish, cushy lives without any of the hard labor. So they resorted to illegal acitivties to get those lifestyles.

While I certainly don't condone that behavior, they did give me a better understanding of the situation.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by edude1992

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by xstealth

well, a theory of my own is that blacks may be less interested in working and less interested in what a white man calls "education" and "building wealth".

But that doesnt make them stupid or lazy. It just shows that they dont fit into what white people term to be "a properly working society". The same could be said of many conspiracy-theorists here....critical of the way things are. Maybe the ought to stick to their own culture and roots rather than trying to become white.

wait 1 moment, lazy by definition is: averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent. By saying theyre not lazy contradicts waht you said also stupid means:Marked by a lack of intelligence or care contradicts saying they arent stupid. White peole didnt invent scoiety we just live in it.

Today, whites are spending tens of millions of dollars every year to get away from the "rat race working society" you're bragging about. Suprisingly, there are industries dedicated to make them forget the harsh world they have created for all to live and work in. --- Not to mention all those psychiatric visits.

Violence-created-violence on the American continent.

The white man (and this is no offense) is only seeing the beginng stages of his nightmares. It's not just the internal gang-banging Blacks -- The heat is coming from all sides of the globe. The threshold of domination/humiliation on any foriegn culture can only be sustained for so long, until it stabs you in the middle of the night.

"All great warring cultures have eventually fallen on their own sword." A very wise man.

Sadly for America, It's a "one eye open" policy from here on out. This goverment has just screwed too many people & others are sick and tired of it. I'm just telling the truth. A white person can't go anywhere other than England and feel safe anymore. You'll get (kidnapped, mugged, robbed). Thanks to internet acess, countries and their people can make their own conclusions about our agressive unethical actions around the globe. And what good are you showing them?? That we can elect a clown & follow him to camp murder us all?? Please!

Many posters say -"It doesn't look good for Blacks... they are caught up in rap music and gold chains." The fact is... it doesn't look good for whites... because their goverment is caught up in trying to rule the world.

This is the real - New World Order

Why CNN and FOX give this fact such a light touch I don't know??

But seriously, why must White America try to impose their, culture, politics and religon's on a world that doesn't really what it?? Americans just don't understand that other cultures as barbaric & backwards as they seem, don't care for our style of diplomacy, false freedom, and pornographic mentality.

It's useless and just plain idiotic for America to try and convince nations of yellow, red, brown or black faces - to abandon their 3000 year old belief systems and bow down to a white faced Jesus Christ. Don't you get it??

That's why (south America, Korea, Iran, Russia) are saying --

"who the hell do they think they are.... We don't want that garbage McDonalds on every corner... we don't care about that watered down, joke of a beer Budwieser... we don't want our women to think they are not beautiful unless they have fake 44 dd's"

America moves forward only when we have our guns locked and loaded.

[edit on 16-10-2007 by Level X]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by shearder

Originally posted by POKEMANS
...DENY IGNORANCE? Your denying REALITY. Get a grip.
If you actually bothered to do any research at all, you would realize that the greeks and romans didnt do 'nothing', infact, they did quite the opposite.


Aqueduct, monumental

If i am wrong then I apologies but unless i have fallen off the wagion then i read this like the Romans invented the Aqueduct? IF that's what i am to believe then that is wrong. The Romans didn't invent the aqueduct.


The first aqueducts in the form of tunnels or "qanats" originated in ancient Persia (Iran) probably as early as the fourth millennium B.C. Their purpose was to bring water from the foothills of the northern mountains to the southern plains region for irrigation and domestic use.

The Roman aqueducts were distinguished from the earlier ones mainly by their size and number. When Rome's aqueducts were nearly completed in the early Principate, all the aqueducts together totalled about 260 miles, of which only 30 were on arches. The first was built in 312 B.C.

Even the above statement leads us to believe the Romans didn't invent the aqueduct - as it says "The Roman aqueducts were distinguished from the earlier ones mainly by their size and number."

No, many of the devices on the aforementioned list were actually invented by the Romans, but some, including the aquaduct were brought into western culture by them.
The Persian employement of this device was very primative, and no where near as organised or as effective as the Roman implentation of it.

Originally posted by wagnerian21

Originally posted by POKEMANS

"It is generally considered to be the seminal culture which provided the foundation of Western Civilization" -

..The greeks did nothing you say? Ever heard of Socrates? Aristotle? Plato? Archemedis?

These are some of the greatest men that ever lived. For someone who enforces the denial of ignorance...Your pretty...Ignorant.

Please, read about these things and tell me that the Greeks or the Romans did nothing but 'create mess for us to clean up'

You`re wasting your breath, man. When people get the disease of the intellect called afrocentrism into their minds, they`ll disregard any evidence that shows differently than what they want to believe. Even if he responds to all the evidence you gave him, it`s just going to be the standard claim that they 'stole it all from the africans'.

I know, it's a horrible thing to see. But nevertheless, we must try to sway them back to the side of truth. All we can do is present the evidence to them. The rest is up to them.

[edit on 16-10-2007 by POKEMANS]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Level X

Russia is white, Iran is populated by people who are white as well as "brown"

As for McDonalds, KFC etc, non whites go damn crazy for them, African Americans have a greater obesity problem than whites.

As for Jesus- why not pick Mohammed, two chaps from the same region, yet you isolate the Christian one.

I am white and have travelled to many areas and not felt threated, it can happen to any race, an Asian man could get killed in Africa, a black man in Russia.

I just think you are slightly unhinged

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 12:18 PM
Originally posted by blueorder
reply to post by Level X

Russia is white, Iran is populated by people who are white as well as "brown"

They may have light skin and may even look like you. Mexicans look white too... But don't be fooled my friend. Why do you think Russia has always been America's arch ememy?? Mongol /Asian /eastern block mix my man. The overwhelming majority are from a different race, who just happen to have light skin.

As far as Iran... ask George W. Bush if he would let one of his daughters marry one. How Caucasian is that??

As for McDonalds, KFC etc, non whites go damn crazy for them, African Americans have a greater obesity problem than whites.

Please ! Have you seen the Caucasian females (Blimps, Whales, & Boomsqualla's) in the mid-west and south. Are you kidding me?? The only hope they have is to leave your race and beg a Blackman for sex. Since your race has a higher population % - you see more and more of them. Don't you??

I am white and have travelled to many areas and not felt threated, it can happen to any race, an Asian man could get killed in Africa, a black man in Russia.

Right... But what you fail to realize is... People in other countries are actually going out of their way to -- kill you guy's.

I just think you are slightly unhinged

I think you need to come out of the stone ages.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by wagnerian21

Originally posted by POKEMANS

"It is generally considered to be the seminal culture which provided the foundation of Western Civilization" -

..The greeks did nothing you say? Ever heard of Socrates? Aristotle? Plato? Archemedis?

These are some of the greatest men that ever lived. For someone who enforces the denial of ignorance...Your pretty...Ignorant.

Please, read about these things and tell me that the Greeks or the Romans did nothing but 'create mess for us to clean up'

You`re wasting your breath, man. When people get the disease of the intellect called afrocentrism into their minds, they`ll disregard any evidence that shows differently than what they want to believe. Even if he responds to all the evidence you gave him, it`s just going to be the standard claim that they 'stole it all from the africans'.

the truth of the matter is, an invention is something created from what? A mess somebody left before.

I'm not saying they stole from the Africans, NOPE. I'm saying that they stole period. History is written by the winners. Who's going to give credit to who came before? Just wipe those things out and start over. That's what I'm saying. It's ignorant to say that anyone invents anything actually. All ideas exist in some form, so the term invent is more of along the lines of how this country was built. They invented this country. Same logic. The land was here before. Just because some people claim it, draw some fancy scribbles with lines to denote states, and kill off all the previous inhabitants doesn't mean they created or invented anything. They just stepped in, next in line.

Where'd the Greeks and Romans get the ideas for those things? Not out of the blue. Not from scratch.

Pretty ignorant statement saying the whole afrocentrism thing, espcecially not providing any evidence that what I said was along the lines. Last time I checked the quote feature works(refer above, I used it see
) . I'm not speaking on black and white issues, but what has been done on a whole, by hmm, historically white people.

Some people get some access to educational materials and invent stuff and they're inventors? They're not people who just used different ideas to improve already existing technology? Giving these people WAY TOO MUCH CREDIT, but then again it's not like we're left the evidence of who was before them, now are we?

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:45 PM
The Rebellion against the 9 to 5 world

I loved what was said about most outsiders or half-criminals simply not being able or willing to conform to the 9 to 5 job-world.

And I sure bet a lot of ATSers can relate to this. If someone opposes the dullards life of a 9 to 5 job, society offers only a few choices: Become an outsider, become a criminal, become a monk or become rich.

Many blacks are poor because they refuse to conform to the 9 to 5 system. I can relate to that, because I could never stand to be an employee, a corporate slave...which is why I became self-employed. And still I dont enjoy dealing with all the legal and financial stuff of being self-employed. It SUCKS. So I can choose of the two burdens: Either be poor or deal with all this crap. Therefore I have to come up with better ways to work it, and the poor will have to come up with better ways to cope.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 06:30 PM
just wanted to add this:

black music is not limited to gangsta music, go listen to jimi hendrix and find me one non-black guitarist who can better him

dunno why people forget Hendrix when mentioning black influence in music ...

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

yup, if you don't live like society dictates, you're an outsider, for whatever reasons. Leaves one in a bad position because you can't just be. It would be nice if we could chose how we make our income, but if you do something outside the corporate structure, you can be looked as a criminal for not being in the tax system. You don't HAVE to sign the w4, but then you just won't be hired...

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Level X
They may have light skin and may even look like you. Mexicans look white too... But don't be fooled my friend. Why do you think Russia has always been America's arch ememy?? Mongol /Asian /eastern block mix my man. The overwhelming majority are from a different race, who just happen to have light skin.

I'm assuming you're one of those oh-so-intelligent posters who have neither read up on basic history or seem to believe that everything in the past, present and future revolves around racial lines.
Russia has not 'always' been America's arch-enemy. It was a little thing called Communism, and if you want a general overview look up the Cold War on Wikipedia.
And if Russia is that 'shining beacon of racial integration' this is going to hurt:
Racism in Russia

They sure love their Asians, don't they?

Originally posted by Level X
As far as Iran... ask George W. Bush if he would let one of his daughters marry one. How Caucasian is that??

I'm assuming you're one of those loveable, though naive, persons that seem to believe that the 'elites' actually give a damn about preventing racial interbreeding. They don't.
Also, I'd say that every single 'racial' group has certain members that believe that they are 'all that and a bag of chips', racially speaking.

Originally posted by Level X
Please ! Have you seen the Caucasian females (Blimps, Whales, & Boomsqualla's) in the mid-west and south. Are you kidding me?? The only hope they have is to leave your race and beg a Blackman for sex. Since your race has a higher population % - you see more and more of them. Don't you??

And, I am assuming from your statement, that these 'whales' will assumably get sex from the aforementioned 'blackmen'.
Therefore, as they are not recieving sexual gratification from 'my race', it would be logical to assume that, on general, white males do not find these persons sexually appealing, while black males do, indicating that white males have a 'higher' physical standard of sexual attraction than black males (ouch).
Also, as it is presumed the black males are having sex with these women over fit black females, it would be logical to deduce that they would rather have sex with obese white women than fit black women (ouch again).
That's why we don't use race or any other kind of social contruct and sex in a debate.
And I'd be more disturbed if a higher percentage of that race over a higher number was obese, but thanks for the 'blinding flash of the obvious' anyway.

Originally posted by Level X
Right... But what you fail to realize is... People in other countries are actually going out of their way to -- kill you guy's.

Where are these 'countries'?
Outside non-racial motives, such as kidnapping, etc I'd hazard a guess at saying that, outside Africa, this statement is false.
Wouldn't the presumably white-biased media be swarming over stories where white people 'mysteriously' disappear on every other continent known to man outside North America and Europe?

Originally posted by Level X
I think you need to come out of the stone ages.

That was just stupid.

Also, for the comments on afrocentrism, thankfully no-one's mentioned the Melanin Theory yet.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Chaoticar

Also, for the comments on afrocentrism, thankfully no-one's mentioned the Melanin Theory yet.

Yeah, but the level of psychosis in threads like these tends to increase exponentally given the lifespan of the thread. Which is to say...give them time.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by wagnerian21

Originally posted by Chaoticar

Also, for the comments on afrocentrism, thankfully no-one's mentioned the Melanin Theory yet.

Yeah, but the level of psychosis in threads like these tends to increase exponentally given the lifespan of the thread. Which is to say...give them time.

yea, lets wait for somebody to touch that one...

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 04:18 AM
Originally posted by Level
They may have light skin and may even look like you. Mexicans look white too... But don't be fooled my friend. Why do you think Russia has always been America's arch ememy?? Mongol /Asian /eastern block mix my man. The overwhelming majority are from a different race, who just happen to have light skin.

Some mexicans look white because they are of pure European stock, others look white because they have a European lineage that dominates their amerindian heritage.

Your analysis of Russians is incorrect, the majority are white (you may be trawling back through ancient history, at which point we are all "black", but you and I both no that has no relevance to man today), there are certain asiatic influences from some of their provinces, but they are majority white- hence the recent immigration clampdown in Moscow of such asiatic immigrants and upsurge in non white russian attacks

As far as Iran... ask George W. Bush if he would let one of his daughters marry one. How Caucasian is that??

This is a strange statement, race is now determined by whether George Bush would let his daughter marry an Iranian? Think you are getting religion and race mixed up there old bean

Please ! Have you seen the Caucasian females (Blimps, Whales, & Boomsqualla's) in the mid-west and south. Are you kidding me?? The only hope they have is to leave your race and beg a Blackman for sex. Since your race has a higher population % - you see more and more of them. Don't you??

I have seen fat white girls and I have seen fat black girls, statistically speaking black girls are more likely to be obese than whites (I dont think you understand the concept of percentages)

[QUOTE]Right... But what you fail to realize is... People in other countries are actually going out of their way to -- kill you guy's.

No, I have travelled to North Africa, Russia and the Middle East, no one came out of their way to kill me, and in fact, many made disparaging remarks about blacks, go figure the irony

[QUOTE]think you need to come out of the stone ages.

oh the irony, I rekcon some of your immediate ancestors still lick ants of sticks

[edit on 17-10-2007 by blueorder]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 10:00 AM
I see this thread has turned into another idiotic, mudslinging, whites versus blacks arguement. This always happens with every thread reguarding race.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 10:01 AM
Have any of you studied Balaams error. That should explain my policy on race mixing.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 10:38 AM
I would much prefer original research pro or con to fill this thread than average-joe steakhouse talk.

Any researchers out there that can provide SOMETHING WE DONT KNOW YET?

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:17 AM
Well thats the problem anyway. Research. Who the hell deals with these issues the most. The middle class thats who. Who gives the researcher credit. Do you believe that college degrees outweigh the common sense. I could research a topic and get views for either side in this debate but the truth is some doctorate holder doesnt even deal with these problems. Im in the trenches. So i value the working mans opinion.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 01:32 PM
I dont think you want to go home. Looks like some racism going on over there too.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by ccclean

Of all the videos you could have posted (literally thousands) pointing out various topics discussed, you just HAVE TO pick out the most disturbing and violent, dont you?

Shocking though.

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