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A note on free energy devices

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posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 08:45 AM
Here is a simple thought that might have not occurred to people:

If free energy devices were real, then their authors would not sell them, instead they would use them to sell energy to others.

Free energy devices would be money printing machines.

Think about it, next time you post something on free energy.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 11:39 AM
dear masterp

I have a free energy system using synthetic tornadoes which I partially published here on ATS.


Selling energy really was a consideration of mine. But, It takes a lot of money to

1. Continue my research to a point where I have enough energy to sell.

2. Fabricate an buy the necessary equipment.

This is money I just don’t have.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by masterp
Here is a simple thought that might have not occurred to people:

If free energy devices were real, then their authors would not sell them, instead they would use them to sell energy to others.

Free energy devices would be money printing machines.

Think about it, next time you post something on free energy.

Yea that proves it! I now believe there was never a man named tesla, and there's never been hundreds of patents made on free energy devices. They are all hoaxes cause they didn't try to sell energy out of their house.

posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 12:52 AM
Ya know....

Maybe just maybe some of us don't want to get rich at the expense of the human race. Ever considered that?

Ever considerred that whether you like it or not it's been proven that large corporations with monopolies tend to play hardball and do blatantly illegal stuff to their competition? You know like oh I don't know STANDARD OIL, BELL TELEPHONES, AND MICROSOFT!! Just to name THREE!!

Ever considerred that it is not in the best interests of the ruling elites to allow people the abillity to generate plentiful clean energy? Because with that they would eventually figure out how to go back to cottage industry where most people lived at least decently....

I could go on in this vein for hours however I won't. I think the real problem with the OP is it's utter JEALOUSY at the creativity and generosity of some of the population. And Even if I get slapped for this OH WELL because I am sick of people with NOTHING remotelly constructive to add to conversations come in with their preconceived notions and flail away at anything they disapprove of.

Greed and divisiveness is the cause of a large portion of the worlds misery currently. The reality of it is there really is PLENTY of resources for everyone. BUT some people can only feel good when they have POWER to lord over people, And unfortunatelly these people manage to convince the Weak and NAIVE populace at every turn that their hoarding of resources is the AMERICAN WAY and any attempts to enforce legislation etc. aimed at correcting the GRIEVOUS IMBALANCE of POWER that has been fostered and nurtured is not keeping with the spirit of FREE MARKET CAPITALISM.

First off: America is not in any way shape or form free market capitalist in nature. Most of the people pulling this crap recieve subsidies and lobby for tarriffs to help them keep their market shares. BEtween that and corporate welfare the American public is lied to, taken advantage of, and wholly subservient to a set of GREEDY PETTY TYRANTS who have conspired to teach greed as a virtue and apathy as a survival trait in order to reshape the american dream into the small minded and morally stunted morass of pop culture idiocy that passes for consumer group think.

Please if you are infected with said apathy and love of greed, spend more time examining why you feel you have to have power and dominance and less time trying to crush the spirits of those that haven't learned to like the BITE OF THE MASTERS WHIP.

After you have considered this maybe then come and speak with people who only want to make the world a better place for everyone ESPECIALLY those who have been misguided. I do not write in a spirit of animosity, but rather in the hopes that maybe I will get through to just one or two people.



posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 01:01 AM
Extension cable and open neighbours window = free energy

I think it's quite likely that a viable method of producing energy is already understood ~ just that it's not financially viable, and the dude who invented it and didn't really care bout money can now only eat baby food and watch kids programs.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 05:36 PM
What can I your mind, free energy exists...I am amazed.

There is really no hope for the human race.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 05:48 PM
[edit on 24-9-2007 by ATSS32]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 05:59 PM
While over unity might not be obtainable... 99.99% efficentcy just might be!! And that is really what free energy scientists and garage tinker's should be striving for first. Something that can take one form of energy and change it to something else with great efficentcy!

I think it can and will be done in due time!

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 06:05 PM
Actually, all reactions run at 100% efficency. Energy in always equals energy out. It comes down to the human factor... how much of that energy can we harness. It is there, thats a fact. We just need to learn to harness it. In theory it is impossible to have any thing less then 100% efficency in a reaction. It's just a matter of learning to harness ALL the energy from a reaction.

[edit on 24-9-2007 by ATSS32]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Great point ATSS32 and that is sorta what I was driving at... sorta... kinda.. The whole efficiency thing... You explained it a little better though!

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 06:31 PM
I think if free energy ever becomes a reality (don't hold your breath), there will be no need to debate it because it will be so self-evident.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by masterp

I think the author of This Thread on political aspects of free energy makes a pretty good point that the Big Boys and suppression are real. Check it out before you try to market your device!

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 07:54 PM
The energy of the future will be water...we have the most of it...everyone knows by now that water can be "split" and the hydrogen removed ,...and do it at will..."browns gas" ,...this tec is being surpressed...this is a crime ...I think.,.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by masterp
What can I your mind, free energy exists...I am amazed.

There is really no hope for the human race.

You might want to reduce your ego and try and learn the history of free energy devices, and you might not post such uninformed words. No hope for humanity? Yea no hope with a negative attitude like that.. Instead of devoting your time to try and tell everyone free energy is impossible, why not try to help, and contribute something. Whats the point of trying to convince everyone there's no such thing as free energy. Seriously what are you trying to accomplish?

Quote from Buckminster Fuller -
" There isn't an energy crisis. Its simply a crisis of ignorance."

Quote from John W. Ecklin -
"It is amazing that in the sub-micro world of the atom, quantum physics requires the perpetual motion of particles both as to spin and orbital motions. In the macro world, science is based on the law that a perpetual motion machine is absolutely impossible. This is the state of todays science?"

[edit on 24-9-2007 by Freezer]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by mrmajestyk6309

Is "we" Canada? Bear in mind that saltwater can also be used.

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