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Iran threatens missile attacks on US targets

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 05:52 AM
Okay you live in Switzerland, what are you preparing for?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by Project_Silo
news.You have to admit watching the "shock and awe" of Iraq was pretty exciting.

Well just imagine this.

All I saw of "schlock and awe" was some jets taking off from carriers on TV. I don't remember by being particularly impressed but anything except the 'solid-state' hairdo's of some of the "journalists".

Besides, a pathetic third world embargo starved country like Iraq wouldn't be very hard to awe but I imagine would be almost impossible to shock.

Over confidence in a military that has completely failed in its objectives in Iraq and mainly missed the point in Afghanistan is not an attitude I would be touting when lining up an infinitely better equipped, trained and connected force like Iran. Sure, the Air Forces will knock hell out of a lot of hardware like Air Forces always do but that doesn't always win wars does it.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:09 AM
Can anybody really blame Iran here? In there eyes it's the so called peace keeping enforcers of democracy who are the terrorists...

If the US think it's invincible then they really, really should start thinking again...

It's basically a case of USA = lots of manpower and firepower VS Iran = Incredibly clever and tactical.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
Iran has been relativly quiet compared to the bullying Bush.

*COUGH COUGH* excuse me? Maybe you missed the half dozen or so times now that Iran has publically announced that Israel must die OR the two or three times now that they have directly threatened the US. Surely that's at least "relatively equal" to the "bullying bush", if not "relatively loud". This comment alone certainly shows where your allegiances are.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle

*COUGH COUGH* excuse me? Maybe you missed the half dozen or so times now that Iran has publically announced that Israel must die OR the two or three times now that they have directly threatened the US. Surely that's at least "relatively equal" to the "bullying bush", if not "relatively loud". This comment alone certainly shows where your allegiances are.

Threats against Israel are to the Arab world the same kind of sabre rattling SPAM that the White House issues daily. Even we who do not live in the US are are constantly exposed to the ridiculous rhetoric that issues from Washington and to a lesser extent Tehran.

Tehran did not pick a fight with the Washington saying "USA should not have the bomb." So Iran is only responding to unreasonable demands made upon it from the US government.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by JimmyBlonde

Absolutely spot on there...

Maybe if the Whitehouse could crawl out of Israel's arse and see the sunshine and realise that Israel should never have existed in the first place, then maybe realise why places like Iran etc are feeling threatened, then and only then will the muppets in the whitehouse realise why the US is stepping on extremely fragile eggshells when threatening Iran.

Iran never ever threatened Israel, this is just media spin that is so easily swallowed by the unwitting public.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by arclore

Theres nothing brave and heroic about either Bush the Idiot or Ahmadinejad the Lunatic. They are both leading their nations to ruin; Iran to be devastated in a war they cant win and us into a war we dont want to fight and will just further divide our nation ... then again, somehow I have the feeling that alot of this board is so brainwashed and filled with hatred for their own country that they actually want to see us to lose.

I truly think some of you need to be given a few counts of treason (the US members that is).

[edit on 18-9-2007 by ChrisF231]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:40 AM
I have no doubt that the USA is instigating Iran to the point where they WILL strike soon.
The war between a dry drunk & the little man with the Napoleonic complex.
Oh yes.
Agitated, i liked your speech, only you didnt sound very emotional and its as though you didnt shed any crocodile tears
Because you know, that speech will come WITH CROCODILE TEARS.

And nobody does anything about that deadly duo in the White HOuse.

BTW, who's reporting this, because i have the tv on and i'm not hearing a thing. That figures!

Anyway, thanks for the info, OP

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I have no doubt that the USA is instigating Iran to the point where they WILL strike soon.

No they are not stupid. They must know damn well that any overtly aggressive move will unleash the floodgates.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:48 AM
Relax guys,no where in that article do they say they are aiming or pointing them at us.It's def more saber rattling.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:55 AM
I just have to say that the interpretation of the information in that article is kind of strange. Let me get this straight... USA puts lots of troops and weapons around Iran, and Iran points out that they are within range of Iranian weapons... and thats threatening the USA?

The american forces are in their backyard ffs. They have every right to defend their territory. This is like me coming into your house, and you telling me that if I dont leave I will get my ass kicked, but instead of leaving, I accuse you of threatening me and demand my right to your house.

Yes, USA will get their war, but Iran will go to history as the one not doing anything wrong.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by ChrisF231

Funny you say some of us americans on this board should be charged with treason for what??? Exercising or right to FREEDOM of speech under the Constitution of the UNITED STATES! No I think what you are saying is what would happen under a communist or fascist state. Perhaps you should re-think what you are saying and think about what life would be like under one of those conditions. I love my country and would fight to protect it,however under this current administration with its love for killing and creating the have's and have not's. I can not and will not support anymore of what our boarder line dictator
of a President.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by InterWeb

If the fighting starts down there, the whole world will feel the tremble and nobody can tell where it will end.
We have to expect massively increased oilprices and as a direct result food prices will increase as well because most food is imported everywhere.
This in turn could lead to civil unrest even in the most stable places when people realize that they are affected by a war so far away.

In the end, I prefer having a fully stocked food storage and the ability to consume the stuff peacfully with no emergency situation around me to having to resort to looting because I didn't have the foresight to prepare.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 09:53 AM

I don't think we need to start climbing into our reinforced bunkers yet.

Of course the Iranians are saying that they will fight back. If you were reading in the news that that US had 2000 of your military/nuclear installations targeted you may want to let them know that you have some stuff to blow stuff up with too.

Does this mean the missiles are aimed and ready? NO.

We all have to remember that sometimes the threat of conflict is FAR more valuable than actual conflict. Americans should know this better than anyone.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by apc
They have threatened and only have the capability to strike our forces in the ME.

Saber rattling. They know giving us an excuse to demolish them would be a very bad idea.

Anyone with half a brain (and apparently the President of Iran has one) knows that Iran cannot win a war between the US and Israel. They aren't going to fire any missiles unless fired upon. This is a basic defensive measure that any nation in Iran's position would take.

I thought that would be obvious.

With foreign ships and troops at Iran's border and the constant threats of attack from the US and others, let me ask all of you who find this alarming one question: Where should they aim their missiles???

Should they point them aimlessly at the sky, or into the ocean so when the US and/or Israel attacks they can launch them without a target? Where does a nation that is at the brink of an imminent war aim it's missiles I wonder?

If the answer is at the enemy then clearly none of you have actually seen how ridiculously unnecessary this "alarming" article really is. It's only shocking for those that apparently cannot fathom the simplest precautionary tactics of a nation at the brink of war. I mean come this a surprise?

Here's another easy question that I pray those in fear of this article know the answer to, do you think the US and Israel have Iranian targets by now?

Think hard...and you'll see this fear propaganda piece really means nothing.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:20 AM
Maybe I'm giving most of you too much credit here but I have to say, I am really surprised at those in fear or even outraged by this articles statement of the obvious.

I saw this on some conservative news site and I didn't even bother reading it, because I thought "DUH" of course they are going to target us if we attack them. I didn't realize the articles purpose till I saw the reactions by some readers. Fear, and outrage.

Looks like this propaganda piece has sadly served it's purpose I suppose.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:26 AM
Iran nuke plant started by Siemens, Anyone know if the russians got complete blueprints? Is siemens supplying the parts still (embargo?)
If these two answers are no, then this turbine mechanic, ex-siemans key man would take sick day on start up.

Missiles: where is Judy Cobra? What is liquid sunshine?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:29 AM
Iran nuke plant started by Siemens, Anyone know if the russians got complete blueprints? Is siemens supplying the parts still (embargo?)
If these two answers are no, then this turbine mechanic, ex-siemans key man would take sick day on start up.

Missiles: where is Judy Cobra? What is liquid sunshine?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Everythingyouknowisalie
Lol i jsut thought of this... 9/18/2007 9+18=27 2+7=9 then take the 2 and the 7 in 2007 and u also get 9 and 9+9=18 weird huh? lol

..what the heck? I think you're crazy...

But whatever it is, they should stop talking and do it already, they are taking too long and i'm pretty sure most of us are tired of hearing these propaganda's mainly seen only on ATS

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux

Anyone know if Israel is within 2,000 kilometres from Iran?

Oh look!

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