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According to a few abductees ive heard from...

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posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 12:12 AM
it sounds like these aliens dont mean us any harm, it rather sounds that they are trying to help us survive...
ive heard a few abductees talk about how the aliens are saying we need to help ourselves soon or something big is going to happen .. they are giving us messages like that..i think this big disaster or whatever it is thats supposed to happen in 2012 is what they are warning us about

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 01:11 AM
Yeah I think this is true. I did never talk or know people who were abducted but, something in my head is keep saying that all the time.
But as all humans, we can't help ourselves...

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 02:47 AM
when planet x passes by our sun, the magnetic war between the two will cause planetary disturbances on many planets. It could possibly ignite saturn turning it into a sun. These aliens know this and built themselves craft to survive it. We have four years to find out if someone has, or setup a large fleet of space craft for families to live through this. According to the sts 75 tether video, it appears a whole country of ET's are hovering around, we need to also im afraid, underground isnt stable enough.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 02:56 AM
no no no, you have just seen the tip of the iceberg. i believe that some of the aliens visiting us are here for our own good, but there are others who are not here for any good reasons. my sister, nephews and daughter, that i know of, are current abductees. my daughter says that a "doctor" alien puts something in her ear that hurts. there are many stories of people being taken against their will and messed with. they want our DNA. they want our eggs and sperm. one theory i had, that i have heard a little bit about, is the idea that they are creating a clone race to take over our planet some day. research people like David Jacobs, Stanton Friedman and John Mack for some interesting stuff. then you have David Icke who thinks that there is a reptilian race here on earth, and i agree with that idea as well. just keep researching and you will be amazed.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 03:12 AM
Alleged abductees always spout off the same type of meaningless and generic B.S., it's always the same. There's never anything specific or credible, it's just guru type ramblings and nothing more.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 04:18 AM
We can't classify all ETs as friendly or say they are all looking out for the human race. I believe that the Greys want us to survive because they need our DNA not because they value us as a sophisticated or valuable race. The Reptilians I think have more sinister motives.

Just like there are good and bad humans, there will be friendly and unfriendly aliens. You can't classify such complex races in such a "slap-dash" fashion.


posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by fweshcawfee
Alleged abductees always spout off the same type of meaningless and generic B.S., it's always the same. There's never anything specific or credible, it's just guru type ramblings and nothing more.
Kind of true but a tad insulting. They do tend to spout the same stuff but it's all they know. Don't you think it's a bit cruel, turning their lives upside down and leaving them with very little info in way of explanation. I think it's criminal the way they're treated.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by fweshcawfee
it's just guru type ramblings and nothing more.
BTW I have heard some guru ramblings too, lol. "I have much to tell you. When the time is right. "

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by fweshcawfee
Alleged abductees always spout off the same type of meaningless and generic B.S., it's always the same. There's never anything specific or credible, it's just guru type ramblings and nothing more.

imagine your 3 1/2 year old daughter telling you some "boy" with "all black eyes" and "gray skin" is grabbing her hand at night and taking her out of her room to a room with a bed where some "doctor" is hurting her by putting things in her ears and then tell us it is meaningless and generic B.S. nothing specific? this is coming from a 3 year old, how specific can this be? how does one describe this stuff anyways? of course a lot of it sounds the same. if lab rats could talk how different would their stories be? "yea i got taken out of my cage (abducted) and then laid out and had something injected into me and then was watched by these weird looking beings" wow same story as the other rats...

stay out of this section of the forum if you have nothing relevant to say

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[edit on 10-9-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:09 PM
You guys are all way off...
What if we share this planet with a parent species that lives underground?
Wouldn't that be the smartest place to live and survive global catastrophies?
What if they were synergized, Yes with the protective perma shades...
Thought to be primarily, "Reptilian" and they created the "Greys"?
what if they could implant most every child at the age of 3 or so with non metalic conductive material, usually under the eye lid and alter perception? what if they tagged us and followed our movements in life and could read our minds at will and share the moments of our lives?
What if they chose certian individuals for whatever reason and implanted metal implants in the frontal lobes of these individuals and tiny speakers in the ears and cameras in the eyes and other implants all over their bodies?
What if they used microwave cellular towers to "stimulate" these imlpants, inducing pain and pleasure? You may have heard of these beings referred too as Angels from the Bible, or the Greek Gods... What if they could harness the elements, like the weather?
what if they were getting fed up with our progress and nasty ways? All the garbage we make and leave all over this precious planet?
How would you like to baby sit us? You can learn more off my threads and profile if you would like...

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by jefferrari
it sounds like these aliens dont mean us any harm, it rather sounds that they are trying to help us survive...
ive heard a few abductees talk about how the aliens are saying we need to help ourselves soon or something big is going to happen .. they are giving us messages like that..i think this big disaster or whatever it is thats supposed to happen in 2012 is what they are warning us about

so yea. we need aliens to tell us we need to help ourselves...
big disaster in 2012, try 1999, try 2001, try 2000, the list of disasters go as far back as prehistoric ages. the aliens didn't help us then... why you think they are here inconspicuously here now trying to help us by creating propaganda, lies, deceit, cover ups, and uncertainty amongst us.
so if i go to Africa or other third world countries, im going to start abducting villager randomly and "probe" them, then tell them im here to help them and stop world hunger...sometime in the near future. and a bad thing is going to happen at some rand year...

we need to get our head straight and see what is really going on here people.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:42 PM
That person makes it sound like they, the Et's are are obligated to prevent our own mistakes... Not the case and they aren't obligated to tell us the truth either as I have observed... We are lucky they tolerate us at all... Most are given alot of leash and others get full wirings and the crap shocked out of them all the time, like me...
They like to get the best of you...

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by jefferrari
it sounds like these aliens dont mean us any harm, it rather sounds that they are trying to help us survive...
ive heard a few abductees talk about how the aliens are saying we need to help ourselves soon or something big is going to happen .. they are giving us messages like that..i think this big disaster or whatever it is thats supposed to happen in 2012 is what they are warning us about

were they abducted by the Greys? and which planete did they go?

[edit on 10-9-2007 by keops]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by evo80
no no no, you have just seen the tip of the iceberg. i believe that some of the aliens visiting us are here for our own good, but there are others who are not here for any good reasons. my sister, nephews and daughter, that i know of, are current abductees. my daughter says that a "doctor" alien puts something in her ear that hurts. there are many stories of people being taken against their will and messed with. they want our DNA. they want our eggs and sperm. one theory i had, that i have heard a little bit about, is the idea that they are creating a clone race to take over our planet some day.

I'm interested in abductees, could you elaborate?
were they the Greys?which planet yr family was carried out?

[edit on 10-9-2007 by keops]

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by keops

I'm interested in abductees, could you elaborate?
were they the Greys?which planet yr family was carried out?

[edit on 10-9-2007 by keops]

okay i started a new thread and described the whole story, and what she has told me so far. i have notes somewhere, so i will check tomorrow and make sure i didnt forget any of it. and what do you mean which planet? here is the thread

anybody else who's kids are seeing things should read it and respond if similar things are happening.

i also made a thread previously about my sister. basically her son came to her and said he was being taken at night and that his brother sometimes does too. i told her to set up a video camera to catch them on film. i kept pressing it with her and finally she saw something in her hall that told her telepathically "tell him to back off" and then an image of my face went in her head. very interesting and she still has not set up a freakin camera... here is that one

so anyways there are my abduction stories. i find it very interesting. anyone else have abduction stories to post?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by evo80

Hi evo, I should have elaborated more perhaps.

What I was referring to are the alleged abductees who have their tales of alien abduction and supposedly maintain some type of interaction or contact with the aliens... yet they still can never give a clear viewpoint or answer on anything. Everything they say always has this twilight zone mysterious air to it; They speak in riddles, parables and odd guru-esque speech that makes not a darn bit of sense whatsoever.

As for your demand that I stay out of this section, I think I'll continue to participate in any section I darn well please, thank you. Feel free to make liberal use of the ignore function if you have a problem with that.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by evo80
a "doctor" alien puts something in her ear that hurts. there are many stories of people being taken against their will and messed with. they want our DNA. they want our eggs and sperm.

Sounds alot like what humans are doing to the animals in the wild. I think they are just studying us like we study wild beasts. And humans would sometimes attach an object onto a animal so we can track it and recapture it when we need to study it more, which is what I think alien implants are for.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 09:12 AM
The Grey abduct people, but there are other alien races that are trying to help. Unfortunately the government has made a agreement with the Greys - technology for abductions.

I believe thats what George W Bush meant when he was talking about being hanged by the american people if they knew what they have done.

Anyway, a good site with lots of different documents concerning the alien races is Make sure to read this document about what the different alien races really want. Its very interesting.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 09:51 AM

[edit on 9/17/2007 by EarthSister]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by evo80
stay out of this section of the forum if you have nothing relevant to say

Thanks, I'll give it consideration.

...and taking her out of her room to a room with a bed where some "doctor" is hurting her by putting things in her ears...

So you have taken her for medical attention, right? what was the result?

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