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John Lear, Disclosure and Do You Really Want To Know?

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posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 09:38 PM
I enjoyed reading this thread and I appreciate everyone's input and their views and experiences. I would say that everyone should be given a choice to either know everything that is going on or to just keep on going as usual for them. This could be done either up front with a yes or no answer or perhaps everyone is given the full info and then if you can't handle it either mentally or emotionally, then they can opt out via a pill or scanning. Something like a matrix style of pill (not to sound hollywoodish).

I would definitely love to know what is going on. Everyone who can separate the daily distractions from their minds, know that something is wrong or odd going on. Whether it is good news or not, I'd rather know so I can work it out better for myself in the long run. Even if it is leading everyone to a dead end, I'd rather know about it and prepare better or perhaps really focus on enjoying what I can until then..

My .002 cents..

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by bigbert81

point taken, i see what you mean and i'll even go as far to say i agree with you.. unfortunately

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by The Phantom


Fair enough.

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 07:07 AM
The ongoing debate about the purpose/benefits of disclosure between Omnicron and John Lear interests me because it raises the question that's often left unasked on these pages - not so much "do we want to know?" (because I think the fact that we are all looking at these forums kind of suggests we probably do...) but why do we want to know?

For what it's worth, I think both of you go a bit far!

JL, if I read you correctly here and elsewhere you prefer the idea that we look to our own integrity, feelings and behaviour rather than worrying too much about whether or not the authorities (space-based or earth-bound, I guess) are decent people. The "how are things at home" question. I think that's true, and should give pause for thought, in the same way that our interest in exploring the wider universe should be tempered with the fact that a relatively large proportion of our home world remains a mystery to us....

But, I can never decide whether it's a good or a bad thing that our desire for knowledge is so ambitious. I love my family and my girlfriend, I try to let them know as often as I can, and like most of the rest of us I do the best I can to be viewed as vaguely decent human being. But our two nations (UK and US) above most in the world at the moment should surely be aware of the collective responsibility that comes from living in a "democracy". Whether you agree that our nations are actually democratic or not is of course another matter entirely - but what can't be denied is that we must be conditioned to some extent by the society we live in. We vote our authorities in - we ought to expect them to be straight with us. It would be irresponsible not to. And if we agree with the idea of a democracy, it would be irresponsible not to fight against authority we HAVEN'T voted for. And that level of social responsibility is not distant enough from the "how are things at home?" question for me entirely to agree with what you say. The values I have at home are the same, or at least run parallel to those I expect from my government. Eg, I expect my housemates to be honest about nicking my food from the fridge, just as I expect my government to be honest about what it's doing with my taxes...sorry to sound glib, but my point is meant seriously.

However, Omnicron - aren't we in danger of using our enforced ignorance of What's Really Going On as an excuse for not being responsible for ourselves? Is there not a danger that in demanding the wider perspective to be revealed to us we lose sight of the much narrower but just as worthy perspective that ultimately is what makes our little worlds go round.

So my theme, if you like, is responsibility. I can't separate collective responsibility from that in the home as clinically as you can, JL. I think you're right that if you want to go staring at the stars, you're better off holding someone's hand while you do it - you'll get more from shared experience and shared spirit of enquiry (just like you did with your pals on the hills above Groom Lake, that time, maybe) than you will from solitary, blinkered obsession. But Omnicron's right in the sense that our governments and other authorities might find the same thing to be true - knowledge is like manure, it's only any good if you spread it around...


"We are such stuff as dreams are made on - and our little lives are rounded with a sleep..."

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

You sound a very interesting man,with his finger on the pulse of humanity

That made for a fantastic read and soul cleansing if one needed it.The age of Aquarius is ahead of us and if we are allowed to evolve in this galactic orgasm i feel most of us will break free from this dimension into a world where thought itself will manifest physical objects of our choosing

so in a sense,to use your terms there will be a lot of lesser gods!That would be amazing-but there are forces who dont want us to change just as there are others who need us to rise for them to rise up a level too!

yes i indeed remember Monoroe talking about that,a friend has that book so i will have to get it back.

would love to hear about some of your spirit world stories,if you have mentioned any here on this forum please reply with a link so i can have a look when i get a chance

[edit on 23-8-2007 by noangels2006]

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 05:57 PM
A soul catcher on the moon; anything is plausible in the universe of thought and matter. Perhaps it is a filter for soul/spirit shakeout for those who have not fully served out there term on earth only to be rerouted back into the earth plane for another rebirth within the realm of the material universe.

I have seen the universe of light and traveled about as a sphere of luminance light. I held my physical form as only a conscious act. In essence I was nothing but a sphere of luminance with awareness.

I also, am an abductee of the gray alien phenomenon experienced by so many and believe the grays are hybrids created by the secret builders of the human race to maintain order within there creation.

We are created beings empowered from the universe of light. Our worlds sophistication is created by our minds interpretation of a world we have fallen into and grown to believe as reality.

Those stars and that moon maybe there as props for our mind to build theories on and create new realism to the scheme of things to come.

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by WorldShadow

Good to have you here,thats a very good angle on the soul catcher and something I havnt thought about till now.From what i have read Humanity is like a drug,an adictive one that pulls on the players here and once the game has started like a moth to a flame these High Freq light beings crave more life choices.The soul catcher could be used to pull out the addicts after their time is up,but your idea on making sure the souls return back into bodies to complete their karma passage of learning is also possible

Good to see another voyager on these pages

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by noangels2006
You sound a very interesting man,with his finger on the pulse of humanity

Thank you.

Originally posted by noangels2006
That made for a fantastic read and soul cleansing if one needed it.The age of Aquarius is ahead of us and if we are allowed to evolve in this galactic orgasm i feel most of us will break free from this dimension into a world where thought itself will manifest physical objects of our choosing

The Age of Aquarius is already here. In order to be part of it, one must take the personal initiative. One must strive on an individual basis to raise one's consciousness, to improve upon the ability to love genuinely and deeply - and the best way to do that is by using Heart Chakra Radiance daily

Originally posted by noangels2006
so in a sense,to use your terms there will be a lot of lesser gods!

According to our Guides, many of them have already emerged, i.e., thousands. A numerical estimate is on our home page and glossary. Those lesser gods and Gods have to Ascend into The Light in order to actualize in energy but are being delayed by Group Entities from astral projecting via a Gift from discarnate Saints. Eventually, one of us will transition regardless, expand in The Light, and become Co-Creators. This cosmic unfoldment can be delayed but it cannot be stopped.

Originally posted by noangels2006
That would be amazing-but there are forces who dont want us to change just as there are others who need us to rise for them to rise up a level too!

True. Billions of subangels (common spirits) and angels (discarnates of basic spirituality) are opposed to Co-Creators emerging in The Light and the consequent First Coming of The Original Creator. All of which will basically end the false god hierarchies - which the large discarnate communities or large Group Entities of angels and subangels represent - everywhere.

So yes...there is a very big power struggle going on in the discarnate dimensions; it has been unfolding for decades.

Originally posted by noangels2006
yes i indeed remember Monoroe talking about that,a friend has that book so i will have to get it back.

That insight about the future that Robert Monroe found in his astral journeys is priceless and makes perfect sense

Originally posted by noangels2006
would love to hear about some of your spirit world stories,if you have mentioned any here on this forum please reply with a link so i can have a look when i get a chance

My metaphysical anecdotes and communications with Spirit are all over the place in ATS and BTS. I wouldn't know where to begin. I suggest perusing our site, starting with the links provided in my signature.

[edit on 24-8-2007 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 02:20 PM
I will check out your links next week mate,recording with band this weekend and sinking a few brews so there wont be a chance to go online

Anyway have a great weekend

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by noangels2006
I will check out your links next week mate,recording with band this weekend and sinking a few brews so there wont be a chance to go online.

Sounds like fun. We all need to get away from our computers on a regular basis and pursue other interests.

Originally posted by noangels2006
Anyway have a great weekend

You too.

I'd be curious to know sometime the reason behind your chosen nic of "noangels2006."

[edit on 24-8-2007 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 03:03 PM
I have always thought of my body as a container... I am not my body I am just using it as a way to experience this world in the physical.
I am very confused about what is going on myself so whatever I post is only my opinion and what I get from my experiences, so for me... astral travel is very real. Maybe some people pay lots of money or whatever to learn how to have one but unfortunately I was doing it since I was a small child and it scared the hell out of me. There was no silver cord or anything like that, I had no form, I was light and sound and color all rolled into one and speeding super fast along some type of grid. Try and explain that one to your folks when you wake up screaming, I think that was the worst part!
I did have a physical sensation though, that I was electricity, like pins and needles. The other thing that happened which really freaked me out, when I was in my 20's was a dream, if you can call it that... that I was traveling down a tunnel of light towards a black hole. The tunnel got smaller as I got near the end of it and closer to the hole. Then I got up close to the hole and two people were on the other side saying "we got her, we got her" and they tried to pull me through and I got so frightened it was like I snapped back and was pulled back into my body. It was sooo real!
I have had much sleep paralysis and strange encounters with some awful creatures. I dont know if they were alien or from another dimension or both but I was under major attack as a child, or someone was slipping '___' into my baby bottle.... I haven’t ruled that out either as I found out my birth family may have had ties to Ewen Cameron (I was born and adopted in Montreal in 71 found my birth family when I was 25 and they have similar stories to mine) but he died about a year before I was born, so that’s probably a long shot. Most of my odd experiences happened when I was little till about the age of 25. I did dream of aliens a week ago though and they said disclosure is going to be soon... they didn't look like greys though, they looked human but tall, one of them reminded me of a monk. Do I think our souls could be captured.... yes, I do... but I don’t know if it can be done without the souls consent, ultimately I believe, we are in charge. As a human I may find some things frightening or not right, but as a soul I most likely have more control over my destiny then I know of at this time.
I have thought about writing about my experiences but I would not want to gain any recognition from it... I quit riding horses because they pushed me to compete and Irish dance classes cause they wanted me up on a float for a parade so although I would love to go to a convention and I like talking about my experiences, I would be afraid of being in the public eye. If I do write something then maybe I will publish it online as a free read because after all it is just my story and the purpose would be to help others figure out stuff too. I prefer these groups though and ATS rocks!
What if... people who are being abducted (don't get all mad now) choose in their spirit form, to be abductees??? How many humans walking around on earth now, in a past life (if you believe in such things) were actually what we would consider aliens???

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 09:25 AM
Hi JEnigma,

Sounds like you have expeirenced astral projections AND Zetan abductions

Originally posted by JEnigma
As a human I may find some things frightening or not right, but as a soul I most likely have more control over my destiny then I know of at this time.


View or get yourself a DVD copy of The Secret. I agree with about 90% of their teaching; it is inspirational and very practical, and will show you how to slowly shape future events.

I've actually been applying much of that teaching for many years.

This looks good too.

Originally posted by JEnigma
I have thought about writing about my experiences but I would not want to gain any recognition from it... I quit riding horses because they pushed me to compete and Irish dance classes cause they wanted me up on a float for a parade so although I would love to go to a convention and I like talking about my experiences, I would be afraid of being in the public eye.

Avoiding the public eye is completely understandable, especially in light of the fact that you have had some very unusual experiences that many frown upon as fantasy, delusions, etc. However, keep in mind that there are many people that have had similar experiences to yours, and some of them are in ATS/BTS.

BTW...I LOVE Irish dance.

Originally posted by JEnigma
What if... people who are being abducted (don't get all mad now) choose in their spirit form, to be abductees??? How many humans walking around on earth now, in a past life (if you believe in such things) were actually what we would consider aliens???

A common misconception that many have, partly caused from the Zetan brainwashing of abductees and partly due to a belief in New Age and elsewhere, is that everything that happens to us is a direct result of our thinking, beliefs, etc., and that many if not all of the horrible things that occur to us in our lives was planned by us before birth.

That belief is not only untrue but also psychologically unhealthy.

Circumstances and reality is the result of a blend of many people's energies, on This Side and on The Other Side. We control some but not all of our destiny. If we keep working on it, we can eventually overcome great adversity and have better circumstances. Moreover, no sane individual would strive to plan on being abducted by spiritually retarded aliens and used as a laboratory animal, slave, for dissection, etc.

We all have FREE WILL. Evil, which exists on many levels, does as well. Their FREE WILL often results in innocents being abused in some way. It has little or nothing to do with the innocents planning on being victimized before birth and much to do with the decisions of those who pursue unethical activities.

As far as some people here now, in Homo sapien bodies, having had one or more lifetimes as a Zetan-alien - like a Grey, Praying Mantis, Hybrid, or Reptilian - yes, that is quite true. You can easily pick these out by their affiliation and beliefs.

I have come across a number of alien spirit channelers who really identify with the twisted Reptilian "culture" (for lack of a better word). They believe that the Zetans are the rightful rulers of this world, if not the Milky Way Galaxy.

But not everyone that is alien is morally corrupt. There are many medieval systems that have peoples and cultures that strive to live by The Golden Rule and who have not gone down the path of Mind and Technology to the point of believing that Science is God. These alien spirits are benign, spiritually based, and do not wish to see this world officially become a Zetan slave planet.

Just don't expect any discarnate Zetans to be a positive and truthful.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by johnlear

Disclosure wouldn't do any real good. It wouldn't stop the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. It wouldn't stop drug use. And most important not very many people are going to believe it anyway. Especially if its the government who does the disclosure.

So how about it omnicron? Is arrogant the word you actually wanted to use?

I would think disclosure would allow closed doors of technology to be opened up. If much of the world problems are only perceived, would it not be in our best interest to use that technology. It would affect everything from the environment, to oil, to population control, to medicine, and on and on, and would heal the ills of society.
I’m not ready to go the direction where technology is interlinked with our spirituality such as the soul collector does. The other direction that I really do not see any use in is the theory that everything is just an illusion. With disclosure then maybe I would be willing to move up a rung on the ladder of enlightenment, but until we can at least have the truth of the very bottom rung I see no reason to speculate about what might be beyond it.

I think the reference to arrogance is more that the general public i.e. us, is looked on as inferiors that do not need disclosure. Should we not be in control of our own fate and not a small group that “knows what is good for us?”

Noun Arrogance - overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors

[edit on 26-8-2007 by Xtrozero]

posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 01:24 AM
mr lear im going to have to agree with you bcuz even if they give disclose they will manipulate sum how to make more fear in us so they can take even more control of us, listen poeple for most part john is right maybe

the way he puts its is not the best way to explian but he is blunt, you dont need a disclose in order for you the individual to wake up! the earth is not 1 big person we r individuals, you dont need earth (gaia) to wake up with disclose you need to wake up on your own you need to want to wake up

posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 03:01 PM
I agree. Most people do need a wake up call. But sometimes it's hard to overcome the grogginess when the government wants to keep you dreaming.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 08:16 PM
i believe the vast amount of chemicals induced into our bodies via food air etc. has helped in creating these realities sure there things that are true that one cannot touch or see why do these truths trump the ones that we all can see or touch? because i believe we create these other topics to divert our attentions from all truthes that we dont want to face....commen sense will will get you farther in answering lifes questions than any psuedo science or religion in this world a couple questions will help to find answers who profits from?where do the profits end up? if those can be answered the picture should materialize easily even with i/qs of lower rungs....

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 12:11 PM


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by tyranny22

I'm not religious but I know one thing, our souls are at one with the Divine and there's no way some alien with an antenna kit from Tandy can "harvest?" our essence. It's downright EVIL.
You call it "fascinating" you must have a screw loose!
The idiots may be attempting to do it but the only way it could happen is if we believe it is possible, I guess that's where Lear comes in.
They can mess with our physical bodies but the concept that they have technology that can do that is absolute BS. NOT NEGOTIABLE!!!
We have free will and once free of the body our spirits can go where we like.
You can sell your soul at the crossroads NOT ME!
Also that garbage about human mutilations is in the same bag, BS.
Lear is a FEAR MONGER a disinformation shoveler, preparing us for the alien false flag operation.
These aren't valid concepts they are out and out fear tactics, he's an agent of the black ops people.
You can defend him all you like but I won't be gagged I'll call a spade a spade.

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