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Do Iraqis have the Right to Resist Occupation?

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posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 02:11 PM
cyberpilot: Except NONE of those things was what was actually SOLD as a reason to sacrifice Iraqi and American lives in a war.

It wasn't to ensure doctor's get 8 times their salary, it was WMD and an imminent terrible threat.

Of course, now it's all about liberation. And fixing things that the US and the UK broke with 12 years of NoFlyZone bombing runs, sanctions, and "Shock and Awe".

Funny thing, too, there's been more done to fix things in Iraq then there has been done to fix in AMERICA. When did the American people suddenly get so generous? Let's make sure Iraqis get to go to school, but let's gut the Education budget in the US. Yeehaw!

It's all a little surreal if you ask me.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 02:17 PM
From Websters;

Main Entry: free�dom
Pronunciation: 'frE-d&m
Function: noun
Date: before 12th century
1 : the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : INDEPENDENCE c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous d : EASE, FACILITY e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken f : improper familiarity g : boldness of conception or execution h : unrestricted use
2 a : a political right b : FRANCHISE, PRIVILEGE
synonyms FREEDOM, LIBERTY, LICENSE mean the power or condition of acting without compulsion. FREEDOM has a broad range of application from total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered or frustrated . LIBERTY suggests release from former restraint or compulsion . LICENSE implies freedom specially granted or conceded and may connote an abuse of freedom .
complex, yes. abstract NO

And whoever you are in CANADA I didnt much expect any other opinion from the likes of your country...
when you've selflessly risked all for another then I would be attentive to your opinion,but...

to be brief...I DIDNT ask you

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 02:34 PM
cyberpilot: "And whoever you are in CANADA I didnt much expect any other opinion from the likes of your country...
when you've selflessly risked all for another then I would be attentive to your opinion,but... "

Funny, I was under the impression that Canada was in WWI and WWII (selflessly risking life and limb yadda yadda), has peacekeepers all over the world, even in Afghanistan.

I was also under the impression that Canada's public image in the world is MILES above the USA's.

Sucks, eh? I can go anywhere on the planet and when I say my country of origin, I get a round of drinks, a clap on the shoulder, and often get laid, and you can go anywhere and you don't dare say where you're from (if American) because you'll get treated WORSE for it. 9 times out of 10.

Ah well.

And I'm just assuming you're American because of your ignorance of your immediate Northern neighbor.

[Edited on 14-1-2004 by Jakomo]

[Edited on 14-1-2004 by Jakomo]

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 03:01 PM
Well, after I read my post I thought it came of a little harsher than was intended,
I have nothing against canada period.(or you for that matter)

you live in a society different from mine for better or worse, That in and of itself will explain our differing viewpoints.

I am INDEED AMERICAN and very proud of it, NEVER ashamed to say so.

Yes there has been hero's of the first class from canada
I Salute them.

I served and I understand its meaning, did you?

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Jakomo

Excellent question, and excellent article. Do Iraqis have the right to resist against the US Occupation? Do they have the right to strike against the military to try and topple the Occupation Authority?

If America was invaded I'd sure as hell fight the invaders with every ounce of my being. Iraqis are no different in that respect. They may not have liked Saddam, but they don't want foreigners ruling them, either.

[Edited on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 04:55 PM
Of course they do its there country. I would probibly do the same in there shoes.

But its not very smart the sooner the fighting stops the sooner we leave

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:05 AM
Are you people INSANE! A totalitarian, ruthless dictatorship was toppled. Amnesty I., Canegie, the UN and all these peace lovers ought to give Bush a freaking GOLD MEDAL OF FREEDOM. He's done for more to advance HUMAN RIGHTS and DEMOCRACY than anybody in the world (including Kofi Annan and Desmond Tutu). The criminals are being shot as they well should be and a legitimate, representative democracy has at least some potential now...

And instead of thanking the US you sound like a bunch of whining babies.

Occupation is a direct result of Iraq's ignorant actions--if they were able to have a responsible nation then it wouldn't be necessary. (is the USA invading any of 250 other nations -- I think not)

But of course the real reason you are upset -- you hate the USA and whatever it stands for, even if it means being an ignorant sloth. You hate the success of the USA.

And your hate blinds you -- yours is the most selfish ideology of them all on par with Fascism, Nazism and the "vanguard" Stalinsm.

Not only are you powerless, impotent to affect freedom, but you criticize, discredit it and destroy it. It's shameful.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:08 AM
I think that if even a counrty did something wrong.

People can still be patriotic and resist the enemy.

That is way I dont hate the terrorist in Iraq.

But they are very chickenish.

And they are still to somepeople FREEDOM FIGHTERS.


posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:13 AM
The Iraquis see the US as the French saw the Nazi's in WW2 - as an occupying force, and they will continue to resist the US occupation until they see things getting better for the average Iraqui.

Currently things are much worse; Thousands are dead, including children, the countrys infrastructure is in tatters and the occupying force is acting like a group of John Wayne wannabes. Many Iraquis see things now as being far worse than in the time of Saddam.

If the US wants to stop these attacks, they need to get off their arses and rebuild what they destroyed.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by GeniusSage
and why the HELL would russia invade canada? dont even use comparisons like that - its utterly stupid.

No what's utterly stupid is the fact you don't get that he was just using those 2 countries as an example. He wasn't saying Russia will invade Canada... it was just an example.*sigh*

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:20 AM
As for the other question..... Hell Yeah I The Iraquis have the right to resist an invasion.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:31 AM
Yeah criminals have the "right" to kill everybody. Criminals have the right shoot blow buildings of AID workers HELPING PEOPLE... disguise themselves as Ambulance drivers and blow up residential buildings...uhh right....

If Iraq sees the USA as occupiers then unfortunately Iraq appears to be composed of losers who can't run a country and who will suffer and suffer and suffer, until they make better choices. Ok we'll lose a few hundred of our best (millions of loser terrorists are worth less)

I reiterate: You hate America. You are boring. You have no original idea, no power and nothing worthwhile to contribute. Whether Americans are morally right or wrong is not of concern to you--only that America loses--loses power, loses "face", loses in improving the living conditions of people throughout the world. You seek, not to create prosperity but destroy it.

You can say John Wayne or throw out whatever insult you like prepare to "suck it down" if you are against us.

"Not only are you powerless, impotent to affect freedom, but you criticize, discredit it and destroy it."

[Edited on 15-1-2004 by superpower]

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by superpower
Whether Americans are morally right or wrong is not of concern to you--only that America loses--loses power, loses "face", loses in improving the living conditions of people throughout the world.

Only those who are morally bereft should lose power and face - whoever they are.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by superpower
Yeah criminals have the "right" to kill everybody. Criminals have the right shoot blow buildings of AID workers HELPING PEOPLE... disguise themselves as Ambulance drivers and blow up residential buildings...uhh right....

"shoot blow" That's a new one.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 02:51 AM
Oh yeah I've got all kinds of "shoot blow"-type phrases saved up. Stand by

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 08:21 AM
cyberpilot: Thanks for that, bud. I may have gone a little off on you too in response to your unintended Canada slam. I apologize.

superpower: "Are you people INSANE! A totalitarian, ruthless dictatorship was toppled. Amnesty I., Canegie, the UN and all these peace lovers ought to give Bush a freaking GOLD MEDAL OF FREEDOM. He's done for more to advance HUMAN RIGHTS and DEMOCRACY than anybody in the world (including Kofi Annan and Desmond Tutu)."

BUSH has done more to advance Human Rights and Democracy than anybody in the world? He LOST the US election and still WON, how is that democratic. He LIED to the US public about WMDs in Iraq, how is that democratic? How is Guantanomo Bay advancing Human Rights? How is the Patriot Act (I and II) advancing human rights?

"But of course the real reason you are upset -- you hate the USA and whatever it stands for, even if it means being an ignorant sloth. You hate the success of the USA. "

LOL! What exactly are the US's successes that I am hating? The economy that's in the toilet? The stupid foreign policy? The laughable justice system? Fox TV?

Lay off the crackpipe.

"If Iraq sees the USA as occupiers then unfortunately Iraq appears to be composed of losers who can't run a country and who will suffer and suffer and suffer, until they make better choices. Ok we'll lose a few hundred of our best (millions of loser terrorists are worth less)."

Haha! So if the US brings their own style of McDemocracy to Iraq then everything will be okay? What a stretch. Fix your own broken country before you go fixing others.

And fyi, if you did some testing, you would find that your average Iraqi is better educated and smarter than your average American. Obviously in your case it's very evident to all of us.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 08:44 AM
You're joking, right?

Originally posted by superpower
Are you people INSANE! A totalitarian, ruthless dictatorship was toppled.

Rhetoric 101. Now give us your own thoughts, please. How many totalitarian, ruthless dictators do we support all around the world? Plenty. But they know better than to get out of hand. The U.S. government knew full well what Saddam Hussein was when they helped install him into power. The Reagan/Bush administrations knew full well that he was using chemical weapons against his adversaries within the country and without. And I might add, it was largely the U.S. government who supplied Saddam with those weapons. Don't get me wrong, after the '79 Iranian revolution and the taking of our hostages, Iran was definitely our enemy number one. The decision to support Saddam came because (A) he was pro-west, (B) he was the enemy of our enemy and (C) his nation sat atop the world's second largest oil reserve. The decision to align with Saddam, I suppose, was one of those necessary evils. Giving him WMD capabilities is debateable.

Amnesty I., Canegie, the UN and all these peace lovers ought to give Bush a freaking GOLD MEDAL OF FREEDOM.

Or put on trial for war crimes in the Hague. By the way, I'm a veteran, who fought for what I thought was right at the time, but I am also a lover of peace, first and foremost. War makes you appreciate peace in way those who have never been there can never understand. Loving peace and hating war does not make one a coward. It's reprehensible to even suggest that.

He's done for more to advance HUMAN RIGHTS and DEMOCRACY than anybody in the world (including Kofi Annan and Desmond Tutu).

Simply laughable.

The criminals are being shot as they well should be and a legitimate, representative democracy has at least some potential now...

Again, ludicrous and laughable. Legitimate?

And instead of thanking the US you sound like a bunch of whining babies.

You sound like a bloodthirsty war monger. Congratulations.

Occupation is a direct result of Iraq's ignorant actions

I suggest you go back and take a long hard look at what really happened with regard to Saddam and Iraq, particularly leading up to the invasion of Kuwait. Bush Sr., Baker and Ambassador April Glaspie tricked Saddam into thinking we wouldn't "have any position" if he invaded. Remember, that is, if you weren't in grade school at the time, Kuwait and Iraq were embroiled in an economic war. Saddam warned them, asked us if we had a position, got the green light and then invaded. Then lo and behold, suddenly the Bush administration absolutely had a position. And that was, now that we had Saddam baited into it, with all the world watching his aggression, we could easily invade. Hence, marking our presence in Arabia forever more. There was no other way to gain access for our military inside Saudi Arabia. They had to be threatened on a colossal scale. Worked like a charm.

--if they were able to have a responsible nation then it wouldn't be necessary. (is the USA invading any of 250 other nations -- I think not)

With all due respect, judging from your comments, you don't have a great deal of understanding when it comes to the country known as Iraq (something the Brits named their little creation).

But of course the real reason you are upset -- you hate the USA and whatever it stands for, even if it means being an ignorant sloth. You hate the success of the USA.

Did you ever serve your country? I hate the USA? I hate the country I love and served? Simply ridiculous. That's just one of those weak as hell things to say when you can't think for yourself. You'll have to dig a little deeper, if that's possible.

And your hate blinds you -- yours is the most selfish ideology of them all on par with Fascism, Nazism and the "vanguard" Stalinsm.

Again, you're gonna have to start studying a little more. It is your programmed ideology that is fascist. Before you accuse someone of such nonsense, it would help if you had a clear understanding of the terminology you use.

Not only are you powerless, impotent to affect freedom, but you criticize, discredit it and destroy it. It's shameful.

In the U.S., we have the constitutional right to dissent. If you disagree with that, you are a definitely a fascist. And one thing I've noticed about Bush and just about every last one of his supporters, they cannot bear disagreement with their policies. They cannot handle dissent. Because they cannot justify their racist, inhuman ideology intellectually. It's pathetic.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 09:51 AM

"In the U.S., we have the constitutional right to dissent. If you disagree with that, you are a definitely a fascist. "

Dissent is the big difference between ACTUAL democracies and puppet democracies. If you cannot disagree with your government for fear of reprisals, you are NOT living in a democracy.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 09:56 AM
should iraq have the right to resist occupation?

YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 10:44 AM
Are we truly living in a Democracy? (The kind we thought we were?) Or is that just an illusion? The Patriot Acts have given the President the right to label anybody he wishes as a terrorist. Anyone who exercises their right to dissent now becomes a target. This new century is, indeed, a "Brave New World."

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