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Ron Paul Blows Away The competition In Freedomworks Presidential Straw Poll

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posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 02:10 PM
As the results came in from the 2007 Freedomworks Presidential Straw Poll, the evidence is well....evident, that Ron Paul is no joe shmo in the upcoming '08 elections.

With a whopping 56% vote majority, Ron Paul blows away "front runners" such as:
Rudy Giuliani (3.7% votes)
Fred Thompson (16.3% votes)
Mitt Romney (4.7% votes).

Check it out for yourselves here

Go Ron Paul !

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 03:07 PM
I actually hope he gets it. Mainly because he's Texan
, but, other than that... I think that change would be good. He doesn't seem to be mainstream and "alternative" is good as far as I am concerned.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 03:09 PM
This only shows that Ron Paul has a lot of people swaying the vote in these useless internet polls.

Where is he in the scientific polls?

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
This only shows that Ron Paul has a lot of people swaying the vote in these useless internet polls.

Where is he in the scientific polls?

Who do you want to see elected? Really? I keep seeing these posts that you make on all of these threads about Paul, I have to ask you who you want to see get the nomination. Anyone other than Mitt Romney or Ron Paul, I wouldn't vote for hardly any of the candidates. Oh, Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo are good, but they don't have a chance.

[edit on 3-8-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Who do you want to see elected? Really?

I don't even know, probably none of the above right now. I just hate that people are skewing the results on these polls then turning around trying to use it as some sort of proof of their candidate's strength.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 03:24 PM
DJ,I'm not really convinced he's as strong as some are saying. He may be within the internet community, but, I don't think he is getting enough mainstream coverage to be ias strong as some are insinuating

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 04:12 PM
If the media were as focused on RP as they are on Hillary and Obama, I'm sure a lot more Americans would be rooting for him. In fact I don't think the others would stand a chance.

Course we all know how big of an influence the media has.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 01:06 AM
We all know public media is trying to ignore and pass over some of the important things this man has to say! Well here it is, the simplest way to get his name out there! I have a feeling that if the majority of Americans took their time to understand what this man is about and why the things he say make so much SENSE he would be our next president. So here it is. Simple... yet very effective.. and coming to a city near you.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 04:57 AM
can I ask you all something?

What is wrong with Dennis Kucinich?

I actually want a Kucinich/Paul ... Paul/Kucinich ticket ...

I know ... a bi-partisan Pres./V.P. in a democratic republic country?!!?

I think they both have OUR interests in mind.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 03:21 PM
I don't know if it's been brought up here before, but I have a strong suspicion that many folks supporting Ron Paul will not be eligible to vote for him in the Republican primary. There's still time to change this, but it came to my attention during another discussion that "closed primaries" are not common knowledge even amongst otherwise politically aware members.

I say this because Ron Paul seems to have a lot of support amongst people who consider themselves Independent (or "no party affiliation" depending on the classification of your state) or Democrat. In such states you can only vote in the primary of the party you're registered as, unless it's a modified closed primary which means Independents can vote for any party in the primary.

So if you live in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, West Virginia or Wyoming and support Ron Paul but are not registered Republican, you'd better change your official party affiliation before the primary deadlines. I only bring this up because it seems many folks here who don't seem to be traditional Republicans seem to support Paul.

Just a head's up, I think he has some interesting ideas, but there's something I can't put my finger on about him. He's not the smoothest speaker, that's for sure, but Bush isn't exactly Cicero himself. I'm still quite undecided, but leaning towards Romney. Liked Allen, but I don't think he's even in the running anymore.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 06:15 PM
I think it's great that Ron Paul wins internet polls. Opponents like to imagine just a few supporters who are scouring the internet, spamming polls to make it look like Paul has more support than he really does. This, however, is grossly inaccurate.

Yes, Ron Paul has a lot of supporters online. Yes, i'm sure more Ron Paul supporters vote on internet polls. This is the reason why he consistently ranks high on the internet, but is virtually invisible elsewhere.

Ron Paul supporters need to make the transition from internet to other means. My 58 year old mother may go to to get her gossip, but if you ask her to do her own research on Ron Paul, she's going to blow it off. She doesn't know where to start.

When supporters are able to get their message across in avenues beyond the internet, that's when you'll find his main stream support growing. He has good ideas and ideas i fully support. But i'm not going to start defacing currency and putting his name all over it. I don't have a problem defacing currency, but i bet a lot of people who start seeing Ron Pauls name on their dollar will view that entire practice with contempt. It'll probably scare more people AWAY from Paul in the long run.

No, the answer is good old fashioned exposure. If you support Ron Paul and he's in your area, go see him. Get a group together, express your support not as someone sitting behind a computer, but as a mass of people who all feel the same way.


posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Who do you want to see elected? Really?

I don't even know, probably none of the above right now. I just hate that people are skewing the results on these polls then turning around trying to use it as some sort of proof of their candidate's strength.

Scientific polls only prove name recognition this early. Lets not forget Ron Paul pretty much has the independent and Libertarian ( steve kubby just endorsed RP ) vote locked, and they are willing and going to reregister for the primaries in states that don't have open primaries. They only poll recent GOP voters and IMO in a very non scientific way, it's bias. IMO thos scientific polls are worthless at this point, if the internet polls were so easily " skewed" ( I assume you mean spammed ), then why aren't the other candidates supporters doing the same thing?

This guy also won the ABC debate poll by almost 30k votes, which dwarfs the freedomworks one. He has now reached over 30,000 meetup group members ( more than all the candidates on both sides combined, that's 30,000 non paid staffers working on their own dime to get the word out. That's priceless, and something nobody else is receiving from their supporters ). He is also getting the most donations from the military and military veterans. I hope he shows well in the Ames straw poll, Romney is over there buying up votes like a rich chump. I think it said alot when the quarter 2 numbers came out, and RP was third with cash on hand ( would have been second, romey pumped almost 9 million into his own campaign ). RP's donations are almost 99% personal donations, and 47% of that are from people donating 200$ or less. I've seen the numbers for the other guys including the democrats, millions from special interests and little personal donations.. I think RP is for real.

If Ron Paul was getting as much media coverage as the corrupt candidates, he would easily be dominating this race, and the old media knows this. For proof of a corrupt media all one has to do is look at the AP's ABC presidential debate pic when all the candidates were on stage, they cut out Ron Paul. It's so blatent the bias and lack of journalistic integrity, we really are in troubled times. The CFR controls the media.

[edit on 7-8-2007 by ape]

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by FreeThinkerIdealist
I actually want a Kucinich/Paul ... Paul/Kucinich ticket ...

Sounds like a dream ticket to me. It would have to be Paul/Kucinich since Kucinich can't win the nom and because Paul is more divorced from the party platform (where nothing gets done) than Kucinich.

Originally posted by ape
For proof of a corrupt media all one has to do is look at the AP's ABC presidential debate pic when all the candidates were on stage, they cut out Ron Paul. It's so blatent the bias and lack of journalistic integrity, we really are in troubled times. The CFR controls the media.

Blatant is the only word for it. The talking heads never miss an opportunity to NOT mention him. I find the whole thing frightening, yet most people are blissfully unaware of the role the media plays in elections, even when it's completely obvious.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 11:27 AM
Ron Paul wins antoher spammed online poll! The fantasy continues!

The straw poll for the Democrats, on this same site, has Bill Richardson winning by a landslide. I wonder how many Republicans "spammed" this poll?

[edit on 9-8-2007 by RRconservative]


posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Ron Paul wins antoher spammed online poll! The fantasy continues!

The straw poll for the Democrats, on this same site, has Bill Richardson winning by a landslide. I wonder how many Republicans "spammed" this poll?

[edit on 9-8-2007 by RRconservative]

you know, that used to be a convenient excuse, but that was before the second quarter fundraising numbers came in. How do you explain almost 48% in personal donations from people who donated under 200$, and almost 99% from personal donations alone? Do you considerl that spam? The other corrupt candidates received little in personal donations, most of their money is from special interests. Lets take a little look at where all the " big money - top tier " candidates get their money...

The Washington-based Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan, nonprofit group, tracks contributions by selected industries.

In the “hedge fund & private equity” category, the winner to date is Republican Mitt Romney (co-founder of a private equity firm) with $797,325 in contributions.

Nice to know your friends remember you.

Democratic Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut is second with $726,950.

Oh, yeah, he’s chairman of the Senate Banking Committee.

Hillary’s third with $703,600, suggesting maybe the Clintons didn’t sell out quite enough (though 700K is a nice asking price).

Barack Obama and Rudy Giuliani are fourth and fifth, each with more than $640,000.

So I’m betting hedge funds won’t suffer no matter who’s elected.

Now from the the “securities and investment” industry.

Front-running Democrats seem to own that crowd (or, maybe, vice versa). Hillary got $3.3 million, Obama $3.1 million.

Rudy and Mitt are right behind with $3 million and $2.9 million.

gotta diversify.

In contributions from “health professionals,” Hillary (the queen of health-care reform) is out front with $998,851, which has to be disquieting for those hoping she revisits her former issue with gusto.

Romney is second with $829,337 and Obama’s third with $701,993.

John Edwards is sixth with $254,297.

In money from “pharmaceuticals/health products,” it’s Romney first ($277,455), Hillary second ($172,150) and Obama third ($160,572).

Edwards is a dismal 11 of 17, with a paltry $6,758.

(Guess they remember malpractice or personal-injury suits he won.)

Don’t weep for Edwards. The North Carolina trial lawyer is remembered well by colleagues. He leads all candidates with $6.5 million from “lawyers/law firms,” the biggest single giving group.

Hillary, also a lawyer, is second with $6.2 million. Obama, also a lawyer, is third with $5.5 million.

So while the corrupt candidates on both sides are raking in special interest dough, Ron Paul is starting a grassroots movement in this country that's taking off like wild fire. 30,000 meet up group members is astonishing. That's people from all over the country working on their own dime to help the campaign. That's also more than all the candidates on both sides combined. But hey, I'm sure it's just spam and a bunch of Democrats, right? I'm also assuming that you think having the most donations from the military and military veterans, as on record with the FEC, is also spam?

Also, why aren't the other candidates supporters " spamming " the online polls? I would also think if the Democrats are voting in these online polls that they would be voting for Giuliani or Mitt Romney, hell even Fred Thompson. These 3 candidates belong in the Democratic leftist camp, they relate much more to them than Ron Paul does. The leftist Democrats know any of those stooges would be crushed in a National Election by the Democratic nominee. Ron Paul? Not so much.

[edit on 9-8-2007 by ape]

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Why can't we get Robin Williams to run in stead of Paul. At least Robin would be funny. Its bad enough Paul is an idiot, but atleast he should be funny if a comedian is going to run for President.

[edit on 13-8-2007 by Royal76]

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Who do you want to see elected? Really?

I don't even know, probably none of the above right now. I just hate that people are skewing the results on these polls then turning around trying to use it as some sort of proof of their candidate's strength.

I just literally became a fan of Ron Paul. Some of his views are a bit extreme, but i think he has the american peoples best interest at heart.

As for your skepticism of these polls, Ron Paul was "the little guy", the nobody, I think hes come a long ways in regards to where he started at, these polls are just proof of it. Now, this doesnt make him a sure thing, but, it does make things a bit more interesting.

[edit on 13-8-2007 by West Coast]

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Its bad enough Paul is an idiot...


For the poll, I suspect that it was circulated among Paul supporters but not anyone else.

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