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[HOAX] 'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August [HOAX]

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posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:17 PM
Yeah 72 pages is a lot and perhaps the story is told.

I'm getting that there is a movie coming out about an ETs/Visitor false flag.

WOW that should be good. (Theres a dog joke here, see Conan)

It might wind up on the internet like the other UFO movies and false
flag conspiracies.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Captain Obvious
The possiblities are: ....

That he posted that to CONTINUE messing with minds.

He knows that people will post even more .. wondering 'who got to him'
or 'who got to his account'.

Regarding his "everything is fine; GR does not exist, there are no ETs" post...

It seems awfully hard to believe that if "they" got to him they'd post such a silly and ham-fisted retraction. Wouldn't you think they'd be a bit craftier with his account, assuming "they" cared enough to post?

Doncha think?

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by kickoutthejams
Regardless of his other claims surely this claim alone is disturbing and alarming enough to warrant action? I mean you're good people right? You have value systems? You're effectively being told in advance of serious crimes to be committed against your own people and yet nobody seems the slightest bit bothered about it.

Please someone explain this to me?

First of all, he is probably a hoaxer, so there is no reason to be bothered about what he says. Then you have to consider that if he were telling the truth, there really wouldn't be anything that we could do about it, especially if he continues to be so vague. The responsibility for all of this would really lie with him.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Simon_Boudreaux

I know if I ever had knowledge that was of importance that needed to be told to someone I damn well wouldn't bring that info to ATS.Why would I when anyone that is interested in the story whether it's true or hoax would have to skim through all the bashing that you people are filling this thread with to get to any info.

Amen. I've mentioned this same thing in other UFO threads. You WILL NEVER know the difference between a hoaxer or someone telling the truth ONLINE. Pictures will always be "found" to be fraud. You can't just take someone's word anymore. (Unless what an OP says will happen, happens. PERIOD.) That's why it's "JUST" a discussion board.

I say I wouldn't put anything amazing up at these kinds of forums, but who can you tell when your friends or family aren't interested in stuff like this? You want to tell someone, anyone. You know something so profound, yet there's no one to tell it to but here, where you will get ridiculed anyway. Two perfectly good choices!!! haha Friends that laugh or forums that you will get blasted. Before you go off and tell me that you shouldn't say anything here without proof, well you know darn good and well that no one will have the "proof" about UFOs that YOU are looking for. Not now, not ever. Until something is verified by an OP's statement. In GRs case, why can't every one just wait until the end of August and then start the MASS bashing of him if it doesn't happen? Sounds simple to me. It's really not that far off. At least he didn't say it's going to happen a year from now. haha

If GR is telling the truth and things start to happen, then take warning. If he's a hoaxer, then he just supplied us with 2+ days of entertainment. That's one reason why you read these forums, right? Entertainment.

For one, in the back of my mind, I hope he is telling lies, because if he's not, then we are going in a worldly direction that I don't really want it to go. I'm going to continue to read what he has to say and make my own judgements.


posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Tiloke

Let me also say that the kinds of responses that the OP is getting make me sick to my stomach. Post after post of FRAUD, LIAR, SCAM ARTIST, etc,etc, with absolutely NO reason given to explain why you think that way. The attacks and innuendos that are being said here are despicable and WAY below the standards of ATS. Nowhere else on ATS do I see this kind of petty crap gong on,

You must be joking Tiloke. Nowhere else? What about any Billy Meier thread? And I daresay there is a hundred times more evidence that the Meiers case is real than the GhostRaven scenario.

Sick to your stomach you say?

"Post after post of FRAUD, KIAR, SCAM ARTIST, etc, etc,"

Gee, I wonder where I have heard this before?

Nowhere else on ATS do I see this kind of petty crap going on.

Tiloke are you kidding? You are the leader of the pack! Personally I think the Billy Meier case has a lot more going for it than GhostRaven. But I haven't seen GhostRaven's wedding cake yet.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by kickoutthejams
American ATSers there's something I just don't get here please explain this to me, .... how this is in any way acceptable to you.

What are you talking about??? He's a HOAXER.

1 - where do you get the idea that anything he has said is true?
2 - where do you get the idea that people are 'accepting his behavior'?

No one here 'accepts his behavior' because, frankly, just about everyone knows he's a hoaxer.

WHAT are you talking about?

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:21 PM
Oh man, I didn't know we were dealing with an OPERATIVE

Originally posted by GhostRaven
This is a test
There is no government knowledge of ETI
There is no operation underway
All information that appeared in this thread is false
The information should be deleted immediately
There is no need to store the information
The public should not be aroused by the false information here
There is no operative named Ghost Raven

Hey maybe you know this guy, he's an operative too
Here's his DOD badge for proof.

[edit on 6/26/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by The Little Penguin

Regarding his "everything is fine; GR does not exist, there are no ETs" post...

Either that, his kid brother got ahold of his ATS name and password...

etc., etc., ad nausea............

All of his posts today seem to have been less articulated than his previous posts, imo.

Perhaps on purpose, or because he didn't take the time to carefully write them, as he did when he posted less frequently.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by The Little Penguin
It seems awfully hard to believe that if "they" got to him they'd post such a silly and ham-fisted retraction.

Exactly. That was posted BY HIM so that he could watch people scurry around saying 'oh, the feds got to him' ... I'm sure he's enjoying himself.

Schools out for the summer.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:23 PM
I'll state right now that Springer can "finger my ports" if he so wishes, I've nothing to hide and if I'd never accidentally clicked on my rubbish bin I'd have probably missed the whole thing (since it was from an email update from ATS that got caught in my filter).

I'm glad I didn't and hope I've contributed something, but the main reason I personally don't believe him any longer, is that he suggested several times he was attempting to get the information out to the public, to warn us and help us, and yet when questioned, he said "I'm not your supervisor, do what you want". That seems a strange thing to say in the face of the possibity that so many people might die in what is fast approaching, a new month.

I also because suspicious when he gave random information, and VERY detailed information as to what his job is, how he does it, and how long he's been doing it (and his background as someone who is possibly at least, available for grooming into the 'Shadowy Elites'. His bio reads like someone from Cambridge who gets groomed to join MI5 because of their connections, I'd have preferred he left that out and probably would still be a believer).

When he they suggested he would give us a LOT of info on the 'Visitors' I welcomed it and was hoping to be taken back to my feverant, if somewhat sicken when it happens belief in him. He possibly 'partied' the night away and was worried about a PENSION not family, not friends. Never once did he say "I've got my family safe, here's how to protect yours". If I was whistleblowing on such a huge projected, that would be my first instinct - money would be almost useless, and you are unlikely to get to old age in a WWIII scenario, so why be concerned for your job, and wealth?

He reneged on his fabled information on 'Visitiors' by suggesting what he knew was false, yet takena at face value, what he was told and shown was ALL that it took for him to become a believer and convert to OUR side in the first place.

Its not that I think he's hoaxing, I think he's misguided and selfish if true and just wanted to be remembered when the # hits the fan, or he's having a sick joke. We're in the community that is near the edge of reason and reality; each time someone hoaxes us we become more disillusioned and more paranoid, which is likely what the government want anyway, so when it does occur, NO-ONE, not even us will be aware and protected.

Those who are quick to call hoax are just as wrong as those who feverently believe based on no other information than a date. OK, the thread ballooned a bit and somethings needn't have been said, but what's done is done and by his last three posts alone, he, for me, has broken any sort of bond I had with him in trust.

I WOULD believe him if he came back now and gave further information, that was of factual use for my family. I don't care about me in all of this, but that I can be of use to others, so they needed be unaware. LOTS of people don't know anything about such plans, hardly anyone knew of the plots to overthrow Cuba or Project Northwoods, etc so who's to know the lady five doors down from you who is pregnant with a new child and stands to loose a LOT if this occurs would either.

There's my reason for calling him a fraud AT THE MOMENT.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Megadeth
I remember a post a few pages back where a specific government office was found that deals with exactly what GhostRaven says he does, and pictures posted of people in that agency.
Then he says what he said, so can we assume that post on the money?
I have noticed my cable going out 2 different times yesterday just going to a black screen with no audio. I know that is very mundane but I have never seen it go out before.
If you know the locations of these broadcast interruptions, which clearly you do,then please tell us where.

Hi Megadeath, I am having the same problems with my cable as well. I had posted this information last night...Something is going on, just what it is I don't know..??? Everyone's Cell phones have been acting weird too...

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by kickoutthejams
Regardless of his other claims surely this claim alone is disturbing and alarming enough to warrant action? I mean you're good people right? You have value systems? You're effectively being told in advance of serious crimes to be committed against your own people and yet nobody seems the slightest bit bothered about it.

Please someone explain this to me?

We've got over 70 pages of people being bothered about it along with a lot of people calling BS. Just pretend for a moment that the whole issue concerned citizens in your country. Same scenario exactly, different country--yours. What would you do? What COULD you do under the circumstances? You have a certain amount of information. It is very possible, if not probable that it isn't true at all, based on past similiar incidents. You have a forum that has privacy policies in place that prevent you from getting to this person.

I'm trying to figure out what someone could do differently here. Maybe ATS could have called the cops. Then what would happen? Play that scenario out. The cops would do what, then? And you have this other little issue. GhostRaven is not guilty until proven innocent. he may have given us a load of BS, but that doesn't mean he has broken any laws. All he's guilty of is playing ATSers as suckers. That might make a lot of people angry, but it's not against the law to bait ATS.

So what kind of action were you thinking of?

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:25 PM
kick, as an American I will try to answer. No one is holding him blameless. But in the cloak and dagger trade many ideas, some monsterous, are discussed and planned out on a what if basis.

If there is such an epidemic that we can't control it, do we nuke Miami? If the Iranians have a suitcase nuke on a plane, do we shoot the plane down and kill all the passengers.

At this point, we don't know enough about the OPs involvement or placement to determine just where he was on the scale of things.

Sure, even planning for this, if he really thought it could happen, was wrong. But if he was part of a study for 5 years of we nutcases, and then got a new job, one that he came to realize would kill innocent people, and so decided to blow the whistle, then what do we say?

Now I have said all along that this smelled of hoax, but that I would weigh all the evidence, and I do. We don't have enough evidence to morally convict GR yet either.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c
I guess one can only hope that your D-ego has been sufficiently stroked.

I'm glad I'm not the only cynic here.

Cry for attention?

Some sort of reaction study?


The point being, Project Blue Beam is nothing new. This is the second time [to my knowelege] that it has been used as a basis for a shaggy dog story here on ATS.

A little escapeism is cool once in a while, but sometimes I wish the real horrors in our world would get as much attention from the membership as this poor sci-fi campfire story has garnered.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:27 PM

Amen. I've mentioned this same thing in other UFO threads. You WILL NEVER know the difference between a hoaxer or someone telling the truth ONLINE. Pictures will always be "found" to be fraud. You can't just take someone's word anymore. (Unless what an OP says will happen, happens. PERIOD.) That's why it's "JUST" a discussion board.

so i guess if someone came here and told you the general scheme of events on 911 say a month beforehand, that would be useless information?

it would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were either psychic or in on it.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:29 PM
you can confess to plotting and planning mass kidnappings or 'disappearances' or any other serious crime can you? If GhostRaven had walked into a police depot and made those statements that would be all hunkydory would it? Nothing to see here, move along?

And yes of course I'm familiar with all sorts of monstrous activity mentioned in relation to conspiracy theory but how many come to ATS and Fess up personal involvement in crimes that are substantially underway?

[edit on 26-6-2007 by kickoutthejams]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:30 PM
OK i'm getting a little too heated so i'm going to step back, i'm sorry if i came on too strong but the the lack of moderators from DAY 1 could have halted this really quickly, it didn't have to get this far but there is still nothing, from a massive handful of posts from GR and he is ready to call it a night, is this what i came here for all those months ago? i come here EVERY day and i have seen threads FAR more credible than this being closed down. Where are you people?

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by kickoutthejams
you confess to .... that would be all hunkydory would it?

Again - WHAT are you talking about????

how many come to ATS and Fess up personal involvement in crimes that are substantially underway?

Again .. they guy is a HOAXER.
1 - He isn't really doing any of those things.
2 - WHERE do you see anyone 'hunkydory' with what he is doing?

WHAT are you talking about???????????

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32

Originally posted by The Little Penguin
Did GR say "what happened this morning?" before anyone here mentioned the accidental signal in Illinois?

Yes, and I have pointed that out several pages back.

Actually, it was Freenrgy2 who was the first to mention it.

GR, in his first post this morning, said that; "The schedule for EM interference/signals is being changed, with experiments in some areas being moved forward."

However, he made no mention of Chicago.

In his second post he asked "What happened this morning?"

It wasn't until Freenrgy2 mentioned it that he said, "EAS? Yes. Keep on that story and further developments."

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by EBE154

Originally posted by Spec01
Hi all. This is my very first post on ATS.

I know this belongs in the 'new members' section, but anyway... love the site! been reading for ages and finally decided to join.

The people saying that (assuming the op was accurate and truthful) the false flag op will now be postponed or canceled because this site and thread are being monitored are simply wrong.

If this were true and big things were planned for August, I don't think that the views this thread has had regardless of the influence of it's readers warrants a cancellation or postponement of such a large scale operation.

So what?! Even if 10 000 people read about this only a very VERY small percentage of them would hold skepticism at bay and believe what they were reading. that's a drop in the ocean of the American (never mind the worlds) population. Not enough to have a significant impact.

Therefore, were the op correct and honest. It will still likely happen in August, if not... it would be for other reasons.

hey, welcome to ats! this thread has really magnetic influence somehow!

i totally agree with what you stated above. our discussion about this topic would definitely not be a danger for the actual realization of the whole 'ffop'. therefore we just have to wait and see what GR comes up next with. nonetheless i hope you will continue to be part of our ultimate thread for the ultimate disclosure to come!
greetings -EBE154

thanks for the warm welcome. I understand that this thread has pulled a whole mess of new members... sounds like an ATS marketing ploy :p jokes.

I have to note, that even here in South Africa we've been witnessing some strangeness... all our radio signals (at least in Johannesburg) have been acting up lately, in a big way!

But more unusual is the sudden movement at our 'secret' military installations. During apartheid South Africa was a front runner in military technology, we created many technologies still used today including the blueprint for the best fighter chopper ever made, the rooivalk. We have formally secret installations scattered throughout SA, and just this morning while driving near one I happen to be in the position to know of I noticed something most unusual... while the installations are mostly kept open they are used for very little. This morning I noticed guards posted at the entrance to a dust road leading to an installation near Hartebeespoort Dam. I have NEVER seen guards posted there, on top of that there were new warning signs posted on the outer perimeter fence (which is still full of gaps from disrepair).

Very strange indeed.

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