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9/11 Activist Arrested And Charged With Espionage At Republican Debate

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posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:10 PM

We Are Change 9/11 Activist Group Members Arrested At Replican Debate


Reporter Arrested on Orders of Giuliani Press Secretary

Wednesday, 6 June 2007, 4:46 pm
Press Release: Jones Report

Reporter Arrested on Orders of Giuliani Press Secretary
Charged with Criminal Trespass Despite Protest of CNN Staff and Official Event Press Credentials at GOP Debate in New Hampshire

Manchester, NH - Freelance reporter Matt Lepacek, reporting for, was arrested for asking a question to one of Giuliani's staff members in a press conference. The press secretary identified the New York based reporter as having previously asked Giuliani about his prior knowledge of WTC building collapses and ordered New Hampshire state police to arrest him.

Jason Bermas, reporting for Infowars and America: Freedom to Fascism, confirmed Lepacek had official CNN press credentials for the Republican debate. However, his camera was seized by staff members who shut off the camera, according to Luke Rudkowski, also a freelance Infowars reporter on the scene. He said police physically assaulted both reporters after Rudkowski objected that they were official members of the press and that nothing illegal had taken place. Police reportedly damaged the Infowars-owned camera in the process.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Video of the incident (discovered by ATS member "hoochymama"):

----- original opening post -----

I'm getting sketchy information that "We Are Change" activists attending the Republican debate have been arrested.

We seem to have confirmation that Luke Rudkowski and his camera man (Mike?) was arrested and taken into custody.

Jason Bermas of Loose Change was also reported to be in the same group, but we're not sure if he was arrested.

Does anyone have any additional information on this? The data I've been given indicates Luke was arrested simply because the "security team" recognized him.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:18 PM
Did they commit wrongful acts of violence?

If they were just arrested for their opinions, that's just wrong.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:20 PM
I hope and pray they didn't do anything stupid, cause they have been doing a lot of this lately, going after people directly with the camera. I understand their frustration but they should put more thought into what they are doing.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:21 PM
From what I've received, they were apparently interviewing people outside the main debate hall with other "press."

There was a live feed from their camera, but it apparently was only being streamed, not recorded. Another source is telling me a cop (or security) took their tape and broke the camera (seen on the live feed).

I'm sure we'll hear more.

Not that I'm a fan of Luke's latest efforts, but I know him and am concerned.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:25 PM
Were they allowed there?

Was it open press or was it private?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:37 PM
I read this about 30 minutes ago. The question they supposedly asked was to Gulinani "Did you get a chance to read the material Ron Paul suggested" and another question. I will get his info shortly.

I dont see why the press can only ask certain question and get accepted but as soon as you ask a LEGITIMATE question you get arrested?????

Follow Up:
he asked guilianis spin meister in the press room if he did his Ron Paul homework...and if he read the 9/11 comission report.

Oh my GOD. What are we to do. He asked two simple questions, maybe a little CONFRONTATIONAL as far as questions go in the ALL EXCLUSIVE Presidential Debates.

I feel that we no longer as a country have a say anymore. Time to STOCK UP, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

[edit on 5-6-2007 by hoochymama]

[edit on 5-6-2007 by hoochymama]

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:46 PM

Do you know if they were allowed to be there?

Did they really just get arrested for asking questions?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:04 AM
I believe in freedom of the press. I am sure they had credentials or else they wouldnt be ALLOWED (I wish American was free again) to be there.

I will Answer Yes and Yes to your two questions.

I just came across this video:

[edit on 6-6-2007 by hoochymama]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 02:14 AM
Well... looks like freedom just ain't all that free anymore, eh?

I just took a look over at the "We are Change" website. There's nothing current, but I did find this amusing:

Live at the New Hampshire Republican Debates
WeAreChange is concluding our 3 day road trip to New Hampshire at the Republican Debates Tuesday June 5 starting at 4:30PM EST.

We will have live continual coverage throughout the debates and after.

Stay tuned to as we truth squad our way, taking back the Republic.

National Sovereignty Will Prevail

So much for that, eh?

Edit in reply to the video:

That's disgusting.
"Show me your documentation or I'll have you arrested", meaning if you are not an indoctrinated part of the mass-media information/perception-control engine you have no right to a voice.

Maybe he's right.
Bombing is a better form of communication than rational discussion.
That is what he's saying, isn't it?

[edit on 6-6-2007 by BitRaiser]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 02:39 AM

I do not know how many of you are aware of Arron Russo and his film America: Freedom to Fascism but he has started a group called AFTF and they finally got press credetials from CNN to be at tonites debate. AFTF, Arron Russo is a huge group of millions that support Ron Paul for president. DAMNIT I WARNED THEM ALL!!!

Anyways the groups media supervisor is a guy named Sam Errata and Sam announced that they would be going to the spin room on my space and on the groups forums and threads as well as email posts. Good news actually right? WRONG, 22 minutes before the debate started an email went out announcing the PROUD AFFILIATION of AFTF with LooseChange and WeAreChange and that they would be using their cameramen.

I immediately notified all the TAX movements and the Colorado chapter of AFTF to demand the firing of Sam Errata as media director of the National and to inform Arron Russo to fire him, Arron is in Germany getting cancer treatment and I do ot think was behind this affiliation at the last minute. I also notified Ron Paul's staff to release a press release denouncing any links to AFTF, due to the fact that we have been keeping Ron Paul out of any links to any 911 truth movement groups so the majors couldnt call him nuts and link him to people like the Urantians and other fringe 911 groups through association.

GODDAMNIT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT... WE HAVE TO GET RON PAUL OUT OF ANY LINK OR AFFILIATION O AFTF IMMEDIATELY OR ITS OVER FOR HIM AND AMERICA. I can attest fr a fact that those people were there and had press credentials but not because Arron Russo or the national AFTF wanted them there but because some BASTARD named Sam Errata brought them in 22 minutes before the debate, he told us, THAT SOB!!!!

This better not be linked to Ron Paul, OK OK a little background. Arron Russo and Ron Paul are friends and Arron russo is trying to educate on Taxes and the Federal reserve, he has weekly teleconference calls, last thursday Ron Paul was on and he is on occasionaly and has links to AFTF, and that damn asshole has now kinked Ron Paul to Nutjobs getting arrested and apparently without Arron knowledge nor Ron Pals campaigns knowlegde. This stinks of inside smear and operation, SON OF A BITCH!!!

If anyone is interested in the emails and the Arron Russo gorups announcement 22 minutes before debate of the LooseChange and WeAreChange emails or information as well as my IMMEDIATE replies to all to get Ron Paul out of the link immediately emal me at [email protected] and I can forward you all the emails and the MySpace announcement from Sam Errata.


The guys ame is Sam Etarro, my memory sucks.

[edit on 6/6/2007 by theindependentjournal]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 03:38 AM
Wow, just wow.

Those that know my normal long winded posts will be shocked that I do not have a whole lot to say on the matter. Got to admit that guy came a whisker from losing his cool in front of the press. His calling it akin to the pies of 10 years ago was a weak cover at best. Someone could really run with that footage, especially if there is better out there.

Well theindependentjournal, I feel you might be correct. When the spin doctors want to run with this bit of throw down the links will be made and Ron Paul will be sunk. Although we are far, far away from the RNC deciding who the canidate will be. The only hope is that someone thinks Ron Paul might make a good VP and won't shoot him down with this. The good news is that this incident is only good for about 45-60 days max for causing real damage. Pulling it out afterwards will let Ron Paul call it out as mudslinging by which ever current canidate that uses it.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 04:03 AM
Wow, don't know what to say about this one.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 04:23 AM
Don't know what to say?

The words 'civil rights' comes to mind.

Freedom and democracy is so transparently absent in these days and times. I have my doubts about its begginings too, but I'd rather not go into it. I guess the communists weren't the only ones with a flawed system, we just lasted a little longer in the shadows.

Theres not enough oversight at the moment right when we need it. Feels like this runaway train of secrecy, unfair treatment, corruption and more has finally edged past the point of no return. This is not only happening in America. Bunch of greedy criminals.

It really pisses me off that certain people and groups that should lose their jobs for such actions are now protected. They'd probably get a friggin medal for furthering the cause of our corrupted leaders.

Hell tomorrow someone like Bush will probably make it legal for all politicians to snort coke all day long because they have to remain defiant against the terrorist threat.

The worst thing is that no one will care. Those that do will probably run into a lot of trouble and be condemned by the gen pop because their love their newly 'energetic' leaders. I just got an image in my head of a politician I won't name wiping the powder off his nose just as the cameras start rolling.

Makes me want to break something. Hey at least the free media forced to watch from three blocks away will be able to hear them easily as they jabber on like drug crazed maniacs. Oh, wait they already do...

Edit: Cleaned it up a little so I don't get locked up while they figure out that I'm not a friggin terrorist. At least its not any worse, I mean they could shoot first - oh wait, thats happened already hasn't it.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by seenitall]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by seenitall
Don't know what to say?

The words 'civil rights' comes to mind.

Freedom and ...*insert giant angry post here*

[edit on 6-6-2007 by seenitall]

*hits you upside the head with a water bottle*

Cool down, geeze. I didn't mean "don't know what to say" as in the LITERAL meaning, I meant that the actions of the police left me speechless.

[edit on 6/6/2007 by SonicInfinity]


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:28 AM

I am also speechless..
This is so sad for those people who have to tell others about some major mind manipulation crime commited.

Think of all those people standing watching this - They are educated journalist..O.o
They just stand there like they have no idea what is going on.
They should know what is really happending infront of their eyes - but they have sheep minds..

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:39 AM
What do they expect? These people think they can get away with asking questions that could comprimise National Security. They could be held under the new terror laws. Anyone who thinks different needs to be very careful, Fema camps wont be empty much longer.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:46 AM
Ok after looking at the video footage that was posted of the questioning and "answering" you cannot just assume that the man was arrested. If he had the press pass as claimed by his comrade in the video there is no legal way he could be arrested even by backwards New Hampshire law. He was allowed a fair amount of time to pose questions to the fellow before he was taken out. There is a humongous difference between being detained and being arrested. And from the looks of the video it just seems he was just escorted out of the building. He had every right to pose the questions he did. But it just seemed a bit strange that no one else in the entire press group surrounding him were not also barraging him with questions, and we all know how "liberal" that the press is. And we also know how much like piranha the press are also. After sitting through a 3 hour debate would you want to be barraged w/ a bunch of questions that you have no idea about? Of course you wouldn't.
What we need to start doing is organizing a true group of "truthers" and actually get into the debate as opposed to the press corp. Have some people start asking real questions that can't be escaped, and have to be answered in front of the "real" media and the sheeple. And for all this freedom of the press b.s. have you people not been paying attention to history, freedom of not only the press but just about 9 other of the "bill of rights" are not "free" anymore at all. This is not the first example of this kind of scathing of a question. We at least have to be thankful that it's not like it was in the 19th century when if you did ask a hardball question like that they find you on your trek home and you just cease to exist. Thank God for the internet (even though, despite amazing sites like ATS, it is maybe "one" of the anti-Christ, lol).
Let us just hope they don't keep cock blocking Sen. Paul from the rest of the debates. He has, hands down, won every single one and the mainstream "media" continues to ignore him. But I digress just be happy that the footage is out already and not condemned to the "banned" list. And please let's grow P.A.L., it's an organization I am trying to get going (People for the American Liberation). Because if memory of "history" serves me correct there once was a time when such great men as George Washing and Thomas Jefferson were once labeled as traitors and let's just look at how we view them now.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 06:29 AM
Sig Heil, baby. Welcome to facism. I hope it doesn't spread to Oz or I'm off to Russia, I hear the weather is warming up.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by DuncanIdahoGholem]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:08 AM
Sorry Sonic, didn't mean to come across like I was having a go at you.

This stuff just really annoys me.

I've been walked over by lawless authorities in the past, and it angers me a lot.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:53 AM
Please keep this up, I find this post very interesting

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