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Hypothetical: When Is It OK To Kill A Gray?

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posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 07:12 PM
interesting thread !

well if i happen to see a gray i'll do anything that takes to get away from them asap...that includes beating them to death too !!
i say this because till now i havent come across a person saying "Gray saved my life". everytime stories include people being abducted and experimented on and i am certainly not letting any1 experiment on me for any reasons...

and plus, to be practical i think its in human nature to freak out when you see something really strange and different like a Gray...the mind stops working and you are filled with fear and at that point all you want to do is get away from them, as far as possible and for that a person might end up killing him/ them.

[edit on 1-6-2007 by psychicxperience]

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by psychicxperience
..the mind stops working and you are filled with fear and at that point all you want to do is get away from them, as far as possible and for that a person might end up killing him/ them.

No kidding! All the blood goes to your extremeties so you can either run or fight. Less blood to the brain, less thought. Just do it--now! That's why I think it is valuable to puzzle it out in advance so you can click into a pre-stored response. That's what happened to me with this dog. I had thought about it alot previously after the first time. I remembered what my plan was, so I didn't just react and hurt the big dog this time. But it took a lot of serious effort to restrain myself from pushing the button. A big part of me wanted to push down and take this dog out.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 08:24 PM
I'd have no problem putting a .45 caliber hole right between it's big black eyes,
followed by putting the stinking corpse up on e-bay,
followed by retiring to a tropical island somewhere in the Pacific.

Any greys/grays reading this, take note.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 08:36 PM
If a Gray (the four feet tall ones), decides to become aggressive and try and attack me... I'll let him try and kiss my boot's sole at mach 1. Or I can use his head to stop my fist from hitting a wall. Or I can use him as a battering ram on a metal/concrete surface. Total brutality would take place... then I'll take pictures and put it on the internet.
If they are the type that will retaliate, then that is a risk I'll take. I'll put up some photos of what I did to the previous gray, that tried to attack me, in my house and keep one with me (if I encounter them, anywhere outside my house) and flick it at them as a warning.

If the gray is neutral... I'd give a chance at what ever his intentions are... as long as it has nothing to do with probing, drugging, and attacking... then sure, I'll stand my guard.

If friendly... then it'll hopefully be ok... unless they like to deceive.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 10:00 PM
To me, I think what I'd do is fairly obvious. If said Gray were to be simply standing in the middle of my room looking at me, just standing there, chances are I'd hold out a hand in greeting. Friends are always nice to have. This is also true for technologically-advanced, evolutionarily(It's a word now)-advanced creatures. So long as such a creature were making no fast movements towards me, I don't think I'd have a problem (unless it appears to be holding some sort of firearm. At which point my lack of movement would likely be a good idea.). Even if it had some sort of tool in its hands, I don't think I'd strike so long as it moved slowly and made its intentions at least somewhat clear. If moves were made to my jollies I'd move back but not strike back.

In the event that it came at me quickly (with or without some sort of weapon) self defense seems like the best course of action. Nonlethal if possible, but not necessarily. After that call the police ASAP. No question about that. And then wait for the CIA/FBI to break down my door and inform me that what I saw was just my imagination. And then wait for the apocalypse huddled in a corner.

Seriously though, these creatures are supposed to have devices that defy gravity, while making no noticeable sounds. This signifies to me that they are quite technologically advanced. Pissing off said technologically advanced creatures is very likely a bad idea. Which is why I would probably do my best to avoid such an outcome.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 10:07 PM
To me, in such a dramatic situation, you have to think above just yourself. You are in fact representing your entire species with your actions. Were I to be able to remain calm in such a situation(and that would be a challenge of course), I have to try and have a protocol to follow. Here is an example of how the protocols would run inside my head:

First would be trying to determine if they are as interested in overcoming our communication barrier as I am.

Communication Scenarios First:

I see the Grey. The Grey sees me. It takes a step forward. I take a step back.

Scenario 1

A) It stops when I take a step back.
In evaluating this response, I believe it is in some way respecting the healthy fear and caution I have for it; it is making at least some effort to keep me calm, and encouraging/promoting our chances of establishing some form of communication.

Result: I am much less likely to attempt to harm the Grey. My next move will be to try and communicate further, and I would be very concerned with making the right impression on behalf of my species.

B) It pauses for a moment, with possibly some form of head movement, hand movement or other physical manifestation that shows it has NOTED I stepped back, however, it immediately takes another step forward.

Evaluation: To me this shows considerably less respect for my response, which should have fairly well universally communicated my fear; I don't want it getting too close, however, it does not seem to be very concerned with what I want.

Result: I am becoming less trustful and am likely to prepare myself for attacking the Grey. But do not make any moves quite yet.

C) The Grey steadily increases speed towards me regardless of my backing away. It makes no noticable gestures or movements other than approaching me in a swift manner.

Evaluation: Disrespect for my ability to combat him/ disregard for my species and its importance. It can be attempting no positive form of communication with this action.

Result: Battle Stations. I will make myself fully ready to combat the Grey, and will proceed VERY quickly to Scenario 2.

Scenaro 2

I speak to the Grey. I use as calm and unfluctuated, low volume tones as possible. I say things like Hello. Please Stop. Wait. I wait for a response.

A) It makes an audible noise to me that I do not recognize, in a tongue I do not understand. The inflexion of the noises does not indicate to me either aggression or passivism. It is standing still and not physically communicating aggression towards me.

I am in a jam, but not overly anxious. It is trying to communicate with me, and despite massive communication barriers, has done nothing I can see as aggressive or angry. I should try to further communicate with it.

I continue speaking in low volume, even tones, I tell it I mean no harm. I tell it everything is ok. I ask it questions about where it is from, why is it here, what is its name. If it continues to speak to me in an unintelligible language, I slowly entend my hand towards it, palm up, and gesture for it to step closer to me. I would allow it to touch my hand(arm fully extended). Often physical contact of this sort, within reach to harm each other, yet neither being aggressive, can be a powerful communication of peaceful intents.

B) It continue moving towards me and makes words/noises I do not understand.

Evaluation: It is (PERHAPS unintentionally) being too aggressive. If it were not it would stop for a moment so as to not make ME defend myself. I do not understand the language but I clearly understand the actions. They mean disrespect, if not ill will.


I firmly snap both arms out, palms up(the stop signal with both hands), and with loud volume bark at him 'STOP!' If he continues towards me those palms become fists and I am prepared to fight. I continue to back away while doing so.

(continued next)

[edit on 1-6-2007 by Alex Krycek]

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 10:25 PM
C) It communicates with my mind. Of course there is a large amount of rumor and speculation(and perhaps even true accounts) of this very thing taking place. In situation C, it communicates with my mind in a voice I can understand.

Evaluation: Obviously in this pure a form(very unlikely) I can judge based on what he 'says' to my mind. It should become very clear what his intentions are based on what he says, although by default if he is bothering to speak to me in this way, he is most likely attempting POSITIVE communication.

Result: I listen very intently to what he has to say. I may close my eyes or even cover my ears in an attempt to block out stimuli and understand
not only what is said but how it is said. I believe that in such forms of communication, the ability to affect the meaning of the message by the inflexion of how things are said, is much more dramatic than mere vocals.

D) My most fearsome of all forms of alien communication.
By choice, or due to an attempt to communicate without being able to speak a language I understand, it communicates with my brain via IMAGES only.

Evaluation: Again his effort to communicate versus merely approaching and doing bad things to me, has to be considered a peaceful act until proven otherwise.

Result: I will close my eyes intermittently, perhaps cover my ears, and focus on the images being given me. I will do my best to interpret them, and so long as the Grey is not approaching me or making any sudden movements, I will allow it to communicate images to me until it stops doing it. As I see images I recognize I will vocalize the name. Perhaps it shows me its ship. I would say SpaceShip. If it showed me a River I would say River aloud. In this way I would hope to convey that I am trying to understand, and also to give it, one piece at a time, a language to communicate with me. If the images are disturbing, violent or too fast to understand, I will treat it as a semi-aggressive act(as it should know I have no way to keep it OUT of my head, and therefore such imagery forced on me is an aggressive act) and I will thrust both hands out palms up and loudly tell him to STOP. If the images stopped, I would consider that a form of respect, look at him, point to my head again and give him a slow 'come forth' sort of wave, to request he try to communicate again.

I believe attempting these levels of communication are a great responsibility placed upon any human in this situation.

As for combat:

They are visiting us. They are more technologically advanced. They have likely initiated this encounter totally on their own terms. If it has aggressive intentions, lets face it, there isn't going to be much you or I can do. If we were a real threat to it, and it intended to harm us from the get go, and it COULDNT control you or zap you with a laser, it wouldn't be right there on the ground with you.

Lets face it now:

There would be no choice of whether or not to begin combat; either its aggressive and will turn you off like a switch and do what it wants, or it is not aggressive and it is your responsibility to help it communicate.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 11:00 PM
I do believe that if there are in fact real entities as described "the greys" they should be fairly easy to take out as it has been reported they they are "plant like" (spray some weed killer?) They have the ablity to think for themselves and have a mastery of mind control or telepathy , although it is said that if you avoid direct eye contact with them their telepathic abilities are greatly diminished.

Also many have reported (even a total atheists if I remember correctly) to have stopped an unwanted alien advance by crying out in the name of JESUS.

Other sources report that they (the small ones) are only little drones, or clones, little diabolical errand boys for the real GREYS and they are a dime a dozen.

he Greys are part of the Unholy Four. (“Bee People”) Most of the Natives call them Insect People. I like to call them Bee People, mainly because—first off, let me say this: These, out of the Unholy Four, do not suck on energy. It doesn’t turn them on at all. They have other reasons to be in the Four. Their reason is: originally they became as they were, which is now an almost totally extinct people, because they went, eons ago, to the Federation of Planets, asking to be allowed to come to this Earth to experiment, to get our DNA into their bodies, so they could eliminate hate, anger, and so forth. They were given permission. ......the tall Greys, the real Greys. The little short guys are like “plants”—greenery, growing—with the ability to think for themselves, but are basically nothing more than cloned shorties of the real thing, to do the bidding of the real thing; kind-of a slave. And there are many, many of those. And easy come, easy go; one gets killed or whatnot, just grow another one.

So go ahead and kill em, they'll make more.....

[edit on 1-6-2007 by 1nL1ghtened]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 01:46 AM
Man I hate to sound like the A typical John Wayne type of American ( because that's sure as heck not who I am in life )

But if I was face to face with a Gray I gun the little F@#% down like a dog in the street. Then I would burn the body and bury the remains and hope to God no one would ever find out what I did.

If those little guys are real I would never trust one.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 02:04 AM
Wow, Alex.

I tip my hat to that response.

You summed up my thoughts to the letter.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 02:13 AM
It is only okay to kill a grey on Tuesdays.

And maybe on Wednesdays.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by TheBadge
awww i wouldnt want to kill a grey they are cute! hahaha I would try to make friends with them no need to be mean if they are just chillin

but maybe if it was attacking me or something .. you know self defense even then i dontknow if i could kill it, i would feel really bad afterwards. i'm pretty sure i could beat one up.but i bet they have crazy powers that will beat my lame high kicking skills haha i picture them all jedi mind force type of thing.

[edit on 1-6-2007 by TheBadge]

Yeah I don't know what value my training in Tang Soo Do would be against them, I would feel pretty silly getting stopped midkick with the power of the mind of a being that if it exists is far ahead of us technologically.

Attacking a Grey might be like the part in Raiders of the lost ark where that Arabic guy starts showing off his sword techniques and Indiana Jones just pulls a gun and shoots him. Game over.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by subject x
I'd have no problem putting a .45 caliber hole right between it's big black eyes,
followed by putting the stinking corpse up on e-bay,
followed by retiring to a tropical island somewhere in the Pacific.

This was my initial gut reaction to the question posed. Last night I was thinking about why I would feel that way, when I generally avoid violence in my daily life.

It all comes down to trust. If a grey showed up in front of me, looking like the classic grey we've all seen artists renditions of, this would mean they've been skulking around the planet for a long time, maintaining the secrecy of their existence almost 100%.
Now, as a general rule, I believe that anyone/anything that is sneaking around trying to conceal the fact that they are there at all is up to no good (or trying to arrange a surprise party).

Any race with enough technology to either travel from another planet or live here on Earth undetected would be a very dangerous potential threat to us. Combining this with the idea that they mean us harm (why else stay hidden?) I would assume it was a case of it or me and act accordingly, killing it in any way available.

As for the e-bay thing, why not? A valuable commodity (i.e. 100% actual proof of alien existence) just fell into my hands, so why not make a profit off it? I'm not sure how much a dead alien would bring, but I'll bet there are people/organizations who would pay top dollar for this proof. Heck, the government would probably buy it just to make it go away.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 10:13 AM
Subject X

I agree with the secrecy thoughts. Our government, businesses and people in general back up that idea. If the greys were here to help us they would let us know or at least we should see something positive in the world. If what we have been seeing is the positive then their help is not doing much on a grand scale. Maybe they have helped the government and military but is does not seem to be doing a lot for the average human.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by roadgravel
Subject X

I agree with the secrecy thoughts. Our government, businesses and people in general back up that idea.

Thanks, roadgravel. It's good to know I'm not alone in my general dis-trust of humans, especially those in power.

If the greys were here to help us they would let us know or at least we should see something positive in the world. If what we have been seeing is the positive then their help is not doing much on a grand scale.

Assuming they are here and are "helping" anyone, I guess they might not be as powerful as we are led to believe. You would think that extra-terrestrial "help" would at least be noticed if said "help" was enough to make any difference at all.

Maybe they have helped the government and military but is does not seem to be doing a lot for the average human.

I heard a fella on the Paracast recently who claimed that the stealth aircraft were results of alien technology, but I think his logic probably runs "off the paved road", as it were.
As far as the average human, at least we get hours of entertainment speculating about these greys on forums like this one.

At least that's something.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 10:47 AM
If greys are responsible for most abductions, then why not turn the tables on it. Rear naked choke the grey till it was unconscious, tie it down in a dull lit room with some spot lights in its face, make some alterations to some household untensils and see how it likes being probed!!!
I might consider releasing it after I've given it a stern talking to about the way it and its friends have been treating people!!

[edit on 2-6-2007 by Kurokage]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel
Has anyone reads accounts by contactee's that describe anything that might repel or cause fear in these grey's? Maybe then a person could have a workable plan that does not include deadly force.

I'll try and dig up the exact reference where I read it first, but from what I can remember "grey's" react to our thoughts directly. If we "think" violent, they are repelled as if we had already started choking them.

Gene Roddenberry used this idea in the very first episode of Star Trek to illustrate why they put Capt. Pike in a cage even though the aliens were far superior. Just his thoughts would drive them away.

Whitley Strieber described his very personal "home" encounter as such. The moment he forgot about his musty smelling alien and thought of an intruder in his basement...the alien was gone.

Can we use our collective thought to invite the good aliens?

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 02:54 PM
A bit of an odd thread, but I'm game!

Hypothetically speaking, it would depend what said Gray would be doing in my presence. And of course, though I say "Gray", this pretty much goes for any creature, human or alien (I'm still not 100% convinced of an extraterristrial cause for much of the documented phenomena, but I can entertain it as a possibility). I'll use some examples to illustrate.

Lets say I'm walking late at night, a bad habit of mine which is really going to get me into trouble one day. I see aforementioned critter nearby, all on its lonesome, or with a few fellows. After I finish #ting myself I'd likely try and watch, from a distance, while fumbling for my camphone. No harm, no foul. Random encounters are not always an excuse for a bit of loot and pillage, as it were.

In my home though....thats another matter entirely. Its pretty much standard for most creatures to have a territory to defend and even if these guys are from another planet, I can't see animal behaviour changing that much. And intelligent creatures have to know invading private territory is a hostile action.

Of course, this is the UK and I do not farm, so firearms are out of the question. That said, I do keep a few blunt items close to hand which would do serious damage to anyone hit by them. Purely for their aesthetic properties, of course.

I wouldn't whack them, not just for breaking and entering, but my hands would stray towards such items. After all, it is unusual to break and enter for altruistic reasons, but so is alien life in general, so we may be up against a cultural thing here. That said, sudden moves in my direction or any attempts to handle me without even attempting to communicate will not be looked on kindly. A little warning swing, maybe.

Now, should they repeat such actions, all warnings are out the window. Self-defence is the first law of nature, after all. And I was being pretty fair, all in all, before it got to this point.

Now, if I wake up and I'm already on the flying saucer...well, probably not much I can do. I'd likely try my best, but if drugs or whatnot are involved, mounting any sort of resistance is not going to be easy. And if I'm already on the operating table....well, no chance there. I'm not going to rip a bloody hole in whatever organ they are messing with to make my point.

I like to think thats pretty fair. I mean, considering it all.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 03:04 PM
Blasted connection....a double post here

[edit on 2-6-2007 by Kaliayev]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
Yeah, you see the dilemma. If I were to see a single Gray and it seemed friendly or at least threat-neutral I might choose not to "reach for a weapon"... maybe. It's that moment of change - from concern to threat to kill.

So exactly how many Gray's have you met in your life? And how many of those have been hostile? Or are you basing your "kill a Gray" witch hunt on stuff you have heard on the websites?

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