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How come the Media does not show the good that US soldiers do??

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posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 04:30 PM
Your correct in that the Liberal Biased/ socialist controlled media would do exactly what it is doing...

Duping those in the the public that fall for the drivel they produce in the name of the news.

Blinded by a hatred against one man, it would not matter if the war was being waged against Satan, you, and the Socialist Media, all would take the side of Satan simply for your own continuity of hatred.

All you and the socialist media can find the time to do is pick out incidents where a force of 135K over a period of years, "A few" "did bad things" and now you concentrate your entire lives on that. Evaluating the grand efforts of those wonderful men and women that had and have the courage that we do not, by your standards all the while in mommies basement typing away.

Iraq Rehab Center]
Actual Iraq Facts
Iraq Central Government]
Provincial Iraq Control
Iraq Reconstruction
List of Iraq Reconstruction Report

Of course none of that will mean anything.

Being Socialist, the only people that are blinded are those that disagree with you. There were several other people, famous in fact, throughout history that thought exactly like you all do.
1. Stalin
2. Hitler
3. Mussolini

You have a proud heritage to follow in accepting and understanding the truth. Not one I would engage in, but it is your lives after all.


posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
Your correct in that the Liberal Biased/ socialist controlled media would do exactly what it is doing...

Duping those in the the public that fall for the drivel they produce in the name of the news.

Blinded by a hatred against one man, it would not matter if the war was being waged against Satan, you, and the Socialist Media, all would take the side of Satan simply for your own continuity of hatred.


Does your misguided arrogance know any bounds. Lets get a few things straight, you don't know anything about me, so it is particulary obnoxious of you to decide what my reactions to any situation might be.

As regards the "bias" of the media, Rupert Murdoch has himself openly admitted that he used propaganda as much as he could in relation to the reporting of events in Iraq. He admitted his newsmedia team was instructed to put a very pro-war slant on the news. And now you are crying like a girl that the media puts the slant on the war in the other direction. Rupert Murdoch clearly doesn't agree with you, and if you didn't already know it Murdoch is a close friend of Blair. Murdoch was complaining that his propaganda efforts didn't work so well on this occassion because the public was learning the truth elsewhere, mostly from the internet now.

I am not blinded by hatred, but I am getting the impression that you hate Iraqis and support a war being waged against them.

And what is that nonsense reference to Satan!!! Are you suggesting God approves of the war in Iraq!!!!! Are you suggesting Satan is on the Iraqi side. Most people of the world regard that the US/UK invasion of Iraq was a very evil crime, and certainly is against the teachings of Jesus. So what exactly is the point of your reference to Satan!!! You are only further embarrassing yourself now with such posts. Does it give you comfort to imagine that people who are anti-war are sympathisers of Satan. Now that is screwed up. Most people would have said that anyone who was pro-war was evil, and those against war (any war) was on the side of good and respect to fellow men, etc, in keeping with the teachings of Jesus. Dropping bombs and using depleted uranium is in league with Satan.

You know absolutely nothing about me if you imagine I am filled with hatred, but it probably gives you comfort of some sort to type that bile.

You have the nerve to write about ATS terms, and then you go and tye such nonsense as to say I side with Satan, because I am anti-war. And earlier you used the term lower intelect. A measure of your own intellect would probably not do you any credit.

I was answering this thread but because you didn't like the answer you make slurs of lower intellect and start ranting about Satan, get a grip. And you even admit I was correct about why the media would give more attention to bad stories from Iraq than supposed good stories. Still, that didn't stop you ranting and frothing at the mouth about Satan. Does the truth hurt you so much.

You have disappointed us with the lack of forklift clips, we were hoping for a few more. Here is the story of a man who served in Iraq, shouldn't the media be giving his story more attention?

Your reference to Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini is hilarious, they were all warmongers, so how can people who are anti-war and against inflicting suffering on others be compared to those evil dictators. In fact you must know that GW Bush is compared more to Hitler than to any other political leader, and this Bush admin is certainly very fascist, has introduced fascist laws, so the comparison with Hitler and Mussolini isn't so far removed. And Bush proudly refered to himself as a "war president", something that we might expect to hear from Satan himself. How can he be proud to wage war on the backward unfortunate people of Iraq, a war that was based on lies, or did you believe the WMD's lies, maybe you still do.
You are hilarious. I could go further on Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, very interesting subjects but that is off-topic to this thread.

I find your post very amusing, but I am sure the men, women and children in Iraq who have suffered torture, rape, maiming and murder at the hands of US troops won't find it at all amusing that you label someone who is anti-war and anti-violence a Satanic sympathiser. I would suggest that you actually research what Satan is about, and what God is about, and you should find that Satan would be pro-war, but I have to suspect that is beyond your intellect, whether you regard your intellect as higher or lower hardly matters, your posts are there in black and white and are a reflection of your thinking.

US soldiers shoot civilians on a bus..Did US Mainstream Media report that
US troops knock on door and murder civilian occupants
Iraq war vet talks about random murders in Iraq
US Marines firing at Iraqi civilians in cars

[edit on 15-4-2007 by golddragnet]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 06:12 PM
I'll tell you why. Because it has become too dangerous for American reporters to operate in Iraq, and no one else has any interest in depicting us as good guys. Who can blaim them, we aren't the good guys. The Majority of our troops are performing extraordinarily and humanely, but how many lives have been lost for no reason? There were no ties to Al Qaeda in Iraq; their were no WMDs; and Saddam Hussein was found to be completely in compliance to his UN sanctions. We are supposed to set the standard for international conduct and we go around acting like impulsive schoolyard bullies. I applaud the effort of our troops, but I would never expect to see anything positive about this war.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 07:12 PM
Hatred that is unbounded and prevalent in ones attitude is damaging..

Shame, there was actually some potential there prior to the personal attacks..

Now if we could just cease with attacking other posters for lack of any other substance and get on with the debate..

135,000 minus 6 = 134,994 good soldiers. Pretty good odds. Better than some major cities.
Ridiculous assertions based on specific hatred and a lack of information or the desire to leave mom's basement and get it.

AOR Iraq

Google Video Link

Video can be seen here until Google gets on the ball..

Freedom Journal


[edit on 4/15/2007 by semperfortis]

[edit on 4/16/2007 by semperfortis]

[edit on 4/16/2007 by semperfortis]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
Hatred that is unbounded and prevalent in ones attitude is damaging..

Shame, there was actually some potential there prior to the personal attacks..

Now if we could just cease with attacking other posters for lack of any other substance and get on with the debate..

135,000 minus 6 = 134,994 good soldiers. Pretty good odds. Better than some major cities.
Ridiculous assertions based on specific hatred and a lack of information or the desire to leave mom's basement and get it.

Your free use of the word Hatred is based on what!!! Just posting nonsense again. There was a song written quite recently refering to GW Bush's War in Iraq, called "Marching the HATE machines into the Sun", clearly the author of that song (The Flaming Lips) thought the Hate was in the weapons of destruction and the US military in general that was responsible for so much death and destruction in Iraq.

You like to talk about moms basement which is appropriate for you, You like to give out personal insults freely but you can't take the very same insults yourself.....a mommies boy!!!

And what was that other clip you posted supposed to signify? A clip presented by the US military, a propaganda clip. If communist China produced such lame propaganda clips most americans would be laughing at how pathetic and see-through it was. The forklift clip was better, a clear demonstration of your higher intellect.
You ask to leave personal attacks aside and then write "moms basement", a lame personal attack, is that another display of your "higher intellect".

And I disagree on another point, I didn't see any potential in your posts prior to YOU starting the personal attacks with the pathetic "lower intellect" snide.

And I won't even ask where you got the 6 figure from, you obviously haven't been following the real news and prefer the Pro-US military propaganda channel. The numbers of reported crimes commited by US military in Iraq by various soldiers comes to much higher than 6, but we hardly expect the US military to report anything different, and it isn't likely the US military will do any fair investigation on crimes commited by themselves.

[edit on 16-4-2007 by golddragnet]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 08:06 PM
The six figure was from you...

The insults are from you...

You obviously have a difficult time in defending what is more and more revealing to be a weak and insubstantial argument.

You insult the very men and women that having more courage than you, stand for what they believe in and do not simply sit on their guffs and post drivel about how it should be according to some psychologically hate filled point of view.

You have now degraded to only verbally refuting those actual intellectual posts that, as a matter of course, are truthfully posted in contradiction to yours. This is significant in one having little or no further input.

This is appreciable and understandable with guilt feelings of inadequacy in comparison to the men and women you so obviously hate for standing up when you wont.

Reading your past posts, I simply await further insults and curses.

Again, this is expected and not entirely misundersood within the context of who you obviously are and the brave men and women you hate so much.

Having reviewed your prior postings, I now understand who I am dealing with.

I originally thought that something may come of an intellectual discussion, but now I understand the futility of my endeavor.

I can not change your hate. I can not make you stop hating what you can never be, the heros those men and women are.

As such, the thread is yours and I hope one day that you find some peace and can appreciate what is being done for you even though they know that some, like you, hate them with every bone in your body.

I am sorry.


[edit on 4/16/2007 by semperfortis]

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 02:51 AM
You must be one of the most deluded posters I have seen on ATS. I don't have any hate, but it gives you comfort to imagine it. The HATE is in the killing of Iraqis and destroying their country. I don't see any courage in following orders and attacking a 3rd world country with vastly superior weapons and I would never want to associate myself with the killing of other human beings. Obviously you think dropping bombs on Iraq is couragous.
And it is very clear for all to see that you do not belong to the higher intellect despite what delusions you have.

It was you who first resorted to lame insults, everyone who reads the thread can see that, but you have deluded yourself.

And the rubbish you post is so pathetic it is almost laughable. The whole world knows the war on Iraq was illegal and evil, but you seem to imagine it was couragous. And you want to jump to conclusions that I am somehow jealous of the people who dropped bombs on Iraq.

Henry Kissinger described the US military as "useless, dumb animals" to be used by those in power. I would never be jealous of useless dumb animals. And before you write more lies about my hatred and insulting people who went to an illegal war in Iraq at the request of the fool GW Bush, that was Kissinger who said useless dumb animals, that was his insult.

I made my arguements about why the US media doesn't show the "good"that US soldiers do, you have not in any way refuted that, but you are so deluded that you imagine you have, and your best contribution so far was to post a forklift clip.

I do have peace and I have a great life here. I hope the victims of the evil and disgusting war in Iraq will find peace in their souls, I hope the rape-victims, those who have been wounded and maimed, those who have lost family members, those who have been tortured by US troops, I hope they will all find peace in their souls, may God help them.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 12:51 PM
I've noticed that our media is not our parents media. These people aren't really american, they aren't really anything. They act like they are Switzerland. But they try and tell me that George W. Bush caused global warming all by himself, or all Democrates are good, and Republican are all evil. They do this by their slant on the news. Apparently there are a lot of sheep in this world. Because those who watch too much news, are quickly comformed to the collective.

The News isn't the news anymore, they either take one side or the other. They are only Propoganda machines for one side or the other.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Royal76
I've noticed that our media is not our parents media.

Please stop. I mean spouting propaganda is wunderbar, but have some decency when denying reality.

Our parents media? Walter Kronkite, Murrow, TIME/LIFE?

Our parents media stopped wars, took down presidents, had conscious.

Now we have FOX 'n' FRIENDS and MANCOW. Get over it.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by RANT

Please. Are you seriously trying to say that today's media isn't the most biased and bought media ever in our history. Back when i was a child, ask anyone else about this. When people told the news on the tv, or radio, or reported in on the newspaper. People did not have to look at what paper, or channel it was to know who's message they were telling. It was about the truth, and nothing else.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 03:52 PM
Because bad news brings ratings.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Royal76
The media in the uk for instance, the BBC being the worst culprits, only print or air one version of war/conflict and that version is their own one. Just to start with iraq and the bombing of that place before the ground actions, it was said many times that selected targets were bombed with limited actual views of the ground being shown. The logs of those events do not back up that version stated many times by BBC & COs. I am probably not explaining this very well at all,,,What I want to say is that the media probably dont mention positive actions/outcomes [and I do not doubt that there were many] but on the other side of the coin the real facts of the badness caused are not truly reported and we get nice clean news storys so far removed from the truth as to be worthless except as news leads to research and explore.Basically it does not really matter what they say, the truth that is out there will always be out there, media fairytales just get replaced daily with more of the same with yesterdays long gone.

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