Originally posted by semperfortis
Your correct in that the Liberal Biased/ socialist controlled media would do exactly what it is doing...
Duping those in the the public that fall for the drivel they produce in the name of the news.
Blinded by a hatred against one man, it would not matter if the war was being waged against Satan, you, and the Socialist Media, all would take the
side of Satan simply for your own continuity of hatred.
Does your misguided arrogance know any bounds. Lets get a few things straight, you don't know anything about me, so it is particulary obnoxious of
you to decide what my reactions to any situation might be.
As regards the "bias" of the media, Rupert Murdoch has himself openly admitted that he used propaganda as much as he could in relation to the
reporting of events in Iraq. He admitted his newsmedia team was instructed to put a very pro-war slant on the news. And now you are crying like a girl
that the media puts the slant on the war in the other direction. Rupert Murdoch clearly doesn't agree with you, and if you didn't already know it
Murdoch is a close friend of Blair. Murdoch was complaining that his propaganda efforts didn't work so well on this occassion because the public was
learning the truth elsewhere, mostly from the internet now.
I am not blinded by hatred, but I am getting the impression that you hate Iraqis and support a war being waged against them.
And what is that nonsense reference to Satan!!! Are you suggesting God approves of the war in Iraq!!!!! Are you suggesting Satan is on the Iraqi side.
Most people of the world regard that the US/UK invasion of Iraq was a very evil crime, and certainly is against the teachings of Jesus. So what
exactly is the point of your reference to Satan!!! You are only further embarrassing yourself now with such posts. Does it give you comfort to imagine
that people who are anti-war are sympathisers of Satan. Now that is screwed up. Most people would have said that anyone who was pro-war was evil, and
those against war (any war) was on the side of good and respect to fellow men, etc, in keeping with the teachings of Jesus. Dropping bombs and using
depleted uranium is in league with Satan.
You know absolutely nothing about me if you imagine I am filled with hatred, but it probably gives you comfort of some sort to type that bile.
You have the nerve to write about ATS terms, and then you go and tye such nonsense as to say I side with Satan, because I am anti-war. And earlier you
used the term lower intelect. A measure of your own intellect would probably not do you any credit.
I was answering this thread but because you didn't like the answer you make slurs of lower intellect and start ranting about Satan, get a grip. And
you even admit I was correct about why the media would give more attention to bad stories from Iraq than supposed good stories. Still, that didn't
stop you ranting and frothing at the mouth about Satan. Does the truth hurt you so much.
You have disappointed us with the lack of forklift clips, we were hoping for a few more. Here is the story of a man who served in Iraq, shouldn't the
media be giving his story more attention?
Your reference to Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini is hilarious, they were all warmongers, so how can people who are anti-war and against inflicting
suffering on others be compared to those evil dictators. In fact you must know that GW Bush is compared more to Hitler than to any other political
leader, and this Bush admin is certainly very fascist, has introduced fascist laws, so the comparison with Hitler and Mussolini isn't so far removed.
And Bush proudly refered to himself as a "war president", something that we might expect to hear from Satan himself. How can he be proud to wage war
on the backward unfortunate people of Iraq, a war that was based on lies, or did you believe the WMD's lies, maybe you still do.
You are hilarious. I could go further on Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, very interesting subjects but that is off-topic to this thread.
I find your post very amusing, but I am sure the men, women and children in Iraq who have suffered torture, rape, maiming and murder at the hands of
US troops won't find it at all amusing that you label someone who is anti-war and anti-violence a Satanic sympathiser. I would suggest that you
actually research what Satan is about, and what God is about, and you should find that Satan would be pro-war, but I have to suspect that is beyond
your intellect, whether you regard your intellect as higher or lower hardly matters, your posts are there in black and white and are a reflection of
your thinking.
US soldiers shoot civilians on a bus..Did US Mainstream Media report that
US troops knock on door and murder civilian occupants
Iraq war vet talks about random murders in Iraq
US Marines firing at Iraqi civilians in cars
[edit on 15-4-2007 by golddragnet]