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posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 08:53 PM
I personnaly think that what they believe in doesn't really make sense.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:00 PM
A persons beliefs never make sense to anyone execpt those who share that belief. As long as it doesn't involve genocide or other unpleasentess, I'm happy to leave em to it. I don't see the sense in it either, but if it's what gets them through each day then so be it.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by feygan
A persons beliefs never make sense to anyone execpt those who share that belief.

It's kind of off-topic, but I disagree with that. I sometimes knew or understood 'why' some peoples believed something, without 'sharing' that very same belief.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by feygan
Ok so technically eating grass is murder as it's stopping a living process, so by that rational we have a very large number of animals on the planet that are bad by your ethics???
Or are they just dumb non-sentient beings who don't know any better? In which case they wont have feelings or thought processess, so they won't be scared or hurt.
Gota be one or the other, can't have your cake both ways.

Notice how I'm being generous and leaving out all the natural carnivores of the planet just to give you an easy time.

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by feygan]

According to your quick conclusions, the grass in the top picture is suffering exactly as the lamb in the bottom one? Gimme a break.. animals have feelings too, it's just they don't say ''Mother#ers'' they say HHUuuuuunnn or kwiiiiiiiii, it's not because they don't speak the same language that they don't have any feelings. Btw, i'm not jain or in any religion but i respect jainism and i try to be nonviolent as much as i can... even if sometimes i feel like i could exterminate few power thirsty people on this planet.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:19 PM
Yes I'm saying they both suffer, as who are we to say that plants don't have feelings??
You sau you respect Jainism even though you don't practice it, thats cool. However if you look at extreme parts of Buddisim, then it has been known for monks to feel so bad to harm anything that they shut themselves away. (yes that includes grass, as grass is just a reincarnated form of aonther living thing, it could have been someones grandmother according to their beliefs)
So you can't say you respect Jainism and not respect buddism for that would be hypocritical, which I'm sure your not??
So a Buddist would see both images as suffering.

Oh and for the record, in the bottom picture, the lamb/sheep is already dead. In fact it was dead about 2-3 guys before that one, as he is just removing the head.

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by feygan]

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by glan

Originally posted by feygan
I guess it all comes down to your own personal perspective of if animals have any sentient thoughts or not. Myself personally I dont feel they have the same kind of thought processess going on up top as we do.

I agree with you. Also God put the animals here for us to eat.

Morbid do you eat fish? Same thing man. Do you kill ants if they come in your house next time get a magnifided glass and look in it's eye's before/while you are killing it. Nothing wrong with killing somthing as long as it's eaten. I do have a diffrent feeling if it's being killed for any other purpose such as a fur goat etc...

So is it OK to kill a person as long as I eat them?

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Losonczy

Originally posted by glan

Originally posted by feygan
I guess it all comes down to your own personal perspective of if animals have any sentient thoughts or not. Myself personally I dont feel they have the same kind of thought processess going on up top as we do.

I agree with you. Also God put the animals here for us to eat.

Morbid do you eat fish? Same thing man. Do you kill ants if they come in your house next time get a magnifided glass and look in it's eye's before/while you are killing it. Nothing wrong with killing somthing as long as it's eaten. I do have a diffrent feeling if it's being killed for any other purpose such as a fur goat etc...

So is it OK to kill a person as long as I eat them?

On a serious note though, that comes down to a societically ethical viewpoint. If you look at the inccident of the argentine team in the Andes, when they committed canibalism, then it was their only way of survival. But the food in question was already dead.
So if you look at the few cultures that still practise canibalism (including killing) it depends. from inside that society, as one of them. Then yes its perfectly acceptable.However to many other people, it would be viewed as gruesome and barbaric.
So since it's a personal ethical thing, I couldn't really answer. We all have different viewpoints on cutural practices. Although, many animals are canibalistic. So it could also come down to the problem of are they sentient? do they have feelings? if yes then it could feasibly be argued ok to practise canabalism.

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by feygan]

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:45 PM
why people (except in korea) are not eating their domestic cat, dogs, fish and birds? If i beat your cat or your dog with a stick would you still tell me animals does'nt have any feelings?

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by kalki]

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:48 PM
I'm not trying to convince anyone that they don't possess feelings, it's my personal belief but I realise everyone won't share it. But as I said, there are also people who belive plants have feelings too. So to kill a plant is no better than to kill an animal.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 02:05 AM
My family used to hunt alot when I was smaller. When you need food on the table and money will not stretch, then hunting and fishing and foraging will allow you to feed the family. My grandmother used to raise rabbits and hogs and when we stayed with her we always ate good. It is alot harder to eat something that is kept in cages and pens before it is killed than it is to eat animals that are killed roaming free.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 02:19 AM
i will kill and eat anything if i have to survive, i don't care if it has feelings or not.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by razorbackhater
i will kill and eat anything if i have to survive, i don't care if it has feelings or not.

Hehe "kill em f**k em eat em" as quoted by the great Denis Leary

On a side note, It's a shame our enlightened veggie hasn't thrown back a retort, I've had all day to think on the matter. There's nothing better than to roast a veggie in the evenings.

[Edited on 27-12-2003 by feygan]

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 02:09 AM
If all the soy beans died out in the world and I actually had to kill an animal to eat it, I'd do so , respectfully and then give thanks to the great spirit after lots of fire water.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 02:33 AM
Yes indeed i would kill an animal for thier meat. I would pray afterwards though, just like the Indians. But i would only do it if i were starving/hungry ands there were no alternatives such as I could get meat in a store.
If i was hunting i would only shoot the animal for meat for myself, family, or for the dogs (rabbits).

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 09:16 AM
I could care less if we eat animals. We ARE animals, although the process we do things has become a bit more efficient.

There is no feeling about it. We eat them and they eat other things.

There is almost nothing you do that doesn't hurt something at some point. We have become such a dominating force that now it is hard NOT to impact something.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 09:21 AM
Ok... i'm gonna be sick now......

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 09:31 AM
How many vegetables had to die for your salad?!

I would kill an animal if I had to, then I'd make myself some new clothes too.
I hate vegetarians who say eating meat is cruel, then they're wearing leather.
And I don't like many vegetables either, so I'd have to kill an animal.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:39 PM
I'm vegan, so I don't eat leather, wear wool, or use any products made with animal ingredients. What I do not understand is how people can stand to eat something that once lived
To me, that is cruel and disgusting, because these animals all had a life. Not a humans life, but a life non the less. The thing on your plates aren't just food, it is a part of a body, once flowing with blood, and life. But if you choose to continiue eating other beings with whom we share the earth with, that is your choice, and I will say nothing further. I am sorry i I offended anyone, and would like to point out that these were my thoughts, and nothing I forced upon you.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 05:23 PM
I definitly think the way some slaughterhouses kill animals in barbaric and sick. Though some Slaughterhouse kill them right away, & painlessly, companies like KFC and Wendy's do not. There are other alternative foods. Being a vegetarian, I have a lot of soy products or food high in protein like veggi burgers, soy milk and tofu. Now if i actually ate healthy, this would be way way healthier than eating meat.

The matter of the fact is some meat companies are money hungry, so they become cheap on machinery, or get more effecient equiptment, that is more painful toward the animals. One of the most brutal part of slaughtering the animals is transportation. Animals are stuffed in a truck, without much room, broken limbs, laying in their own fesus, and laying with some dead animals for 6-10 hrs. Companies like Peta are trying to get the word out about companies like KFC and Wendy's, and also trying to convince them to send their animals to different slaughter houses. While Peta can be a bit extreme at times, i give them big time props for what they do. Geting involved with them would give you an opprotunity to help. Even if your not a vegatarian or vegan. I know thats hard to do. If it was survival, it wouldnt gross me out to kill an animal, but i'd be sad cause i'd become attatched to it. When it comes to animals and eating them, the indians had the best approach, they werent wasteful, and they weren't inhumane.

If you havn't noticed, I'm a big dorky animal activist

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