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The INTEL Truth about Apollo and the Moon...

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posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:06 AM
Okay ATS...

Put on your "Intel" hat.

This is one "permutation" of what could be. I believe as well, the evidence points in this direction...

We retrieve the 2 New Mexico craft and "survivors". The adversary has now inserted their "moles".

The US tasks it's highest ranking and most informed personnel to handling the "grays".

NOTE: when you experience one of these things leaning over toward your face... they are NOT getting a better look at you. They are downloading your entire SELF. They now know EVERYTHING about you at that point in time. Thoughts, fears, concerns, joys, responsibilities, vital signs, everything. They know whether you went 1 or 2 this morning and how long it took. ALL of YOU is now "transmittable" data.

They make a deal with our DoD, because they know they can. We want bigger guns. We trade out technology for access to DNA.

DoD takes all the technology and distributes it (via LT Phil Corso at the Pentagons Foreign Technology desk - a BORING place for the media... hence SECRET) to defense contractors that are working on these or similar projects.

The defense contractors are told they will have sole rights to the technology. DoD doesn't want the money... they want the guns.

Fiber Optics

These are just a few of the technologies that were "traded" for access to YOUR body, DNA, fluids, genitals, etc. Again, they are dumbing us down. By the time we figure out who is responsible for the Autism PANDEMIC, it's gonna be too late, no?

LOL. I say go get a cold one and ride the missle in like in the Slim Pickens movie from the sixities... referenced again in Armageddon by the outstanding wit of Steve Buscemi! LOL

NASA and the Apollo Program. By the way... did you know Apollo is derivitive of the name SATAN? NASA + T... LOL... Apollo is the DESTROYER... also a god of other things... but ultimately, the destroyer... derived from Satan.

We go to the moon. Buzz Aldrin says they're escorted to and from the moon.

Did they go? YES. Absolutely.

Did they also film the landing WE saw in Hollywood? YES. Absolutely.

Talk to some CIA spooks about this concept. They implement it everyday. If you want to hide something... seriously conceal it...

HIDE IT RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN. Where ANYBODY could see it. They'll deny it because it is SOOOO obvious.

There are no stars. There is no blast crater. There is no debris on the landing gear. A "wind" blows the flag. One astronaut even got told (not on apollo 11) to put his visor down. For about a minute and a half straight you can see his face being lit up by the sun.

Call NASA and ask them what happens to your face if that gold visor is NOT down. Then go review that NASA tape that was supposedly "on the moon". His face woulda been SCORCHED.

We were SUPPOSED TO NOTICE. It creates a situation where the public is so caught in fighting amongst themselves about what's true that they are pushed to NO ACTION.

Bob Bigelow hasn't sent a private probe up to the moon yet to see for himself. Why not? Why not Trump? Why not?

Because we are not supposed to.

The CONSPIRACY of the Lunar Landings is that YES it was STAGED and YES they DID go. That way YOU never know what to believe. As a patriot you are called to support the flag. As a patriot WE are called to bring TRUTH to the masses.

We are ALL patriots. Yet we are nearly ENEMIES on this. LOL!

They staged an alternate landing because of what they already knew was there.

If not...

Then WHY were Apollo 18 and Apollo 19 FULLY PAID FOR. The crews were FULLY TRAINED. Yet... the missions got scrubbed.

The last flight was when Cernan and Schmidt took the Data Head photo.

Roswell is the SAME deal. DISINFORMATION to create CHAOS among the TAXPAYERS.

I've had enough of that. How bout YOU?

THAT is what is going with the Moon. Again look at the disappearing craters on the back

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:22 AM
To you truly believe what you say, or do you just tell your dreams as facts.

Because there is little to nothing to prove what you just said except for paranoid schirzophrenic dillusions

For example althought people say the technologies you mentioned came from nowhere they are accutualy traceabel to the hard work of EARTH scientists.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:19 AM
Actually there's alot of that argument that's evolved out of conversation with former CIA personnel, USMC RECON personnel, NSW personnel, DEA personnel... Several of my employees are among those.

The Day After Roswell
LTC Phil Corso
one source. obvious biased b/c it's his book... good source none the less. I don't think he had as much of the truth as he thought though

This is base on a "snapshot" based on everybody summing up their own personal experiences, the knowledge we've gather via investigation to date, and sure... a little bit of speculation... but I really am a point where, when I used to doubt something like this was possible, I'm seeing evidence from guys trying to DISPROVE IT and simply CANNOT.

Tell ya what...

Give me specific questions. Points of information that would help you understand. I'll retrieve... I'm yer google. er... wait... *scratches head*

Tell me what ya wanna know. I'll explain the truth, if we know it (not often at this point other than the generalities). I'll say we have this information on that... or I'll say we have no idea what that is...

Fair enough? There's simply way too much to "lay it all out" without writing a book... I'm talkin' white house to hollow earth to ET to birdflu, to money to deception, to Corporations and the Catholic Church...

It's coming together... in such a ... bizarre ... way.

Ask away... I'll return what info I can, and maybe in the process we get a thinktank going on the matter, kewl?


posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 10:36 AM
Ok, Cool! I like this stuff... Here are some questions for you...

1)First an unrelated question. What company do you run that you have those people as employees, and what is the nature of your business?

2) How many Astronauts from the entire Apollo program actually stepped foot on the moon? And can you name them ALL?

3)Please name the alleged 4th astronaut in the Apollo I launch.

4)When the aliens "download" our minds. Hehe. How much storage does that take? What is the storage capacity of the alien mind? Average capacity of the human mind? Please answer in Terabyte's if known...

5)Regarding all the recent sightings of late of the same type of UFO (they are all the "straightline with a dome on top" ufo that lazar, FrozenThought, and many others talk about) in recent times. Are they actually alien ufo's coming for more and more visits lately, or are they secret govt craft, building up a huge fleet for a future staged attack on America?

6)Are the Rockefellers and Rothschilds at the top of the secret govt/illuminati/nwo agendas, or do they have bosses that are directing them too? If so, who are they and what are their intermediate and long term goals? Can you "flowchart" out the hierarchy of the entire Illuminati/NWO organizational structure, and who directs who between all these secret organizations?

7)How many alien species are on the moon now, who are they, and what exactly are they doing there? How many bases/cities there? What are all the bases/city names? How many facilities are alien made? How many are made by Earth born humans?

8)Is the moon a giant artificial base itself or is it a natural moon? How about Iapetus? Is it natural or an artificial base? Is Iapetus actually a space walnut or a real life DeathStar? If deathstar, how did George Lucas get all his information? Is george a member of the Illuminati and was preparing society for our future?

9) Regarding STS-75 Tether Incident Nasa video. Are those UFO's "space jellyfish" like one comical conspiracies suggest? Or are they all different (or one) alien species and Earth is in a middle of a galactic superfreeway? If superfreeway, what did Douglas Adams really know and how did he know it? Is Earth scheduled for destruction in the future, because the greys may need a new "onramp" built?

10)Is the Mayan calendar accurate and "true"? What exactly will happen on Dec 21st or 22nd of 2012? Is it the day for the final alien attack and take over of earth and the start of human slavery for the reptilian shapeshifters? or is it just another 50% christmas sale day at walmart?

That is my first 10 questions for now... I have to go for now, but I will have another 10 questions for you later on... As well I have many follow up questions for these ten after too...


posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 11:57 AM
I hate to break this to you. If you believe that Corso is telling you some deep technical truth, then you've just told me you have no technical understanding. Corso's book is a laugh riot to an engineer.

The alien bits are sort of a fun read, but Corso didn't have a clue about technology, and it really shows to someone skilled in the art. It probably sounds convincing to others that also don't have much of an understanding of the field.

He should really have gotten a good technical consult to help him with those parts.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:00 PM
WOW. There's definitely some good stuff in there.

Catastrophe Operations Division
Tactical Operations Division
Land and Development Division

We are a 2006 start up. Our CAT Division handles Insurance claims and investigations for major insurance carriers. One of my other partners and I marketed another Independent Adjusting Firm over the past couple years, and brought more than $10,000,000 in billing to their table.

Our other partner is a USMC LTC, is a RECON Marine and is the Unit CO of the USMC Det here in Alabama where I presently reside.

Our tactical division is "under construction" completely, with SOME of the guys handling "armchair" and PRO BONO at this juncture, research assignments.

You can goto, but it's lingering online in a state of repair. We added some backend crap including integration with our partner company in Georgia (the catastrophe side) and their own MIS, which is what our appraisers use now in the field.

Likewise even our logo has been finalized and looks only similar to the one on that site. The site was never supposed to be visible until May of this year... the guy that we hired to handle it is no longer with us, and our "internet" presence is being repaired, or really, "completed" now. Man, talk about a money pit... LOL! The site is not advertised currently... and looks like somebody's backyard attempt at a web presence... but it'll be up and running soon. I'll keep ya posted...

We have a Catastrophe roster of more than 250 adjusters, I don't know the exact count. My Director of Catastrophe Operations, or DCO handles that. He reports to one of my partners (the Colonel) who is our COO... he in turn reports that data to me (not in a "dr evil" sense either... he acts on the data... he "drives" the operations division... even though I am Pres/CEO I work more on the marketing side with the third principal of the company, who is also the EVP of Marketing.

Our tactical side has a tentative roster of more than 100 operators... mostly RECON guys, but some NSW, and SF boys in there as well... They are going to be engaging a program called "Leucocyte" soon. We are in the process of seeking private funding for this program as it is "not for profit". We are soliciting County Governments, State Governments, and even local LE guys like Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, AZ to get our shooters out on the Border.

Unlike the Minutemen... my shooters cost about $400 per day... EACH... so we've gotta make certain we've got the program backed financially before we engage it.

We also have a smaller, more cohesive team of prior military guys/motivated civilians that are also abductees. People that have stories beyond anything I'd ever heard in my life. And NO that's NOT a teaser statement. I'm going to give you honest answers. THIS site is where I'd make ANY announcement of finds/participation on our part anyway...

These guys will run security for another company that engages UFOlogy, Abduction, etc. Their expeditions take them to the four corners of the planet... and I mean that in NO lightheared manner either.

We're unique. I guess that's about the only

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
I hate to break this to you. If you believe that Corso is telling you some deep technical truth, then you've just told me you have no technical understanding. Corso's book is a laugh riot to an engineer.

The alien bits are sort of a fun read, but Corso didn't have a clue about technology, and it really shows to someone skilled in the art. It probably sounds convincing to others that also don't have much of an understanding of the field.

He should really have gotten a good technical consult to help him with those parts.

Listen... no disrespect intended here... we know this. I understand.

Colonel Corso never professed to be technically savvy either... bet nobody mentioned that fact. With regard to Corso... I say "bits and pieces". His job was to make certain we understand adversarial military hardware, weaponry, etc. When something was captured on the battlefield, it would go to HIS office, and they'd get it to right contractor, and would PAY THEM. It's STILL an SOP in that office. That office is also one of the MOST boring for the media... there's never anything "new" there to report... So the media stayed away from Corso as well. I think he even made mention of this in the book.

One thing we've already found is that "the answer" is not neatly packed into one box somewhere in a covert safe on mars. It's spread out all over the place. Bits and pieces. Corso lends SOME truth... In fact, gave GREAT support to the fact that the technologies WERE integrated into defense contractors' agendas. Nothing more. Nothing less.

In fact, later interviews with Corso himself show that the co author is the culprit, and had actually altered many of the Colonel's statements severely prior to print.

So yeah... I'm with ya... there's ALOT of chuckles that can come out of that work... but there's ALSO some REALLY good info, and tangential testimony to be grabbed from personnel mentioned in the book.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Southpaw11
Corso lends SOME truth... In fact, gave GREAT support to the fact that the technologies WERE integrated into defense contractors' agendas. Nothing more. Nothing less.

In fact, later interviews with Corso himself show that the co author is the culprit, and had actually altered many of the Colonel's statements severely prior to print.

So yeah... I'm with ya... there's ALOT of chuckles that can come out of that work... but there's ALSO some REALLY good info, and tangential testimony to be grabbed from personnel mentioned in the book.

The fact that so much of it was just wrong, and other parts of it seem to be intentionally incorrect would lead me to discount the entire thing.

[edit #1...whoops]
[edit #2...more thoughts on it]

Some of what he tries to front as 'alien technology' is blatantly not, Corso was simply not connected to technical developments and the history of the art. This is one reason I don't believe a lot of what he has in there, in the parts I can't (don't have the urge to) verify. If you're gonig to lie or make smoke in one area (the primary drive of his book IMO) then the rest of it could be as bogus.

Secondarily, some of the really interesting work in..a similarly related field... which if he had access to it he could have exposed, he did not. I know that's circumlocuted but there is something he could have discussed if he were in the mood for disclosure but he didn't even do a dance around the edges of it. IMO if he were so tightly embedded into similar projects and wanted to tell all, he would have at least dropped an easter egg into the book, yet he did not.

[edit on 11-2-2007 by Tom Bedlam]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:30 PM
2.How many Astronauts from the entire Apollo program actually stepped foot on the moon? And can you name them ALL?

If you want the NASA Civilian Alert count... it is located at

As far as the backend military space program goes... I have NO idea. The best information we've been able to get ... and is HEARSAY at this juncture ... is the presence of TWO military space stations orbiting earth since the mid 80's, a manned installation on Mars (32 USAF and US Navy personnel). These facts are NOT "all" we've got, and the only reason I'd bring them up in the state they are in is because this same data resurfaced in the BBC interview with Gary McKinnon recently. THAT was an interesting day for us. All of a sudden, info that we had heard from reliable USAF and USN sources, became MORE than just THEIR account of what they'd seen, heard, or been told by those involved directly. All of a sudden there was some British hacker who saw the WHOLE motherload, and did it, if you ask me, PERFECTLY LEGAL LIKE... *best texas accent*

The units he accessed were apparently set to the default password... that means ANYONE could get in... nice.

3. Please name the alleged 4th astronaut in the Apollo I launch.

There's some controversy here. Some say it was a russian. Some say it was SUPPOSED to be the NASA Director that day. Either way, there's NO denying that the tower was SHUT DOWN for more than 45 minutes right after the burn so that the fourth body could be removed.

Gus Grissom was a fiesty SOB. We believe he was getting ready, with Ed White to blow the cover off the entire thing, b/c they did NOT make the cut for the Lunar Installation/Military Astronaut Program.

True? I have NO idea.

4. Regarding all the recent sightings of late of the same type of UFO (they are all the "straightline with a dome on top" ufo that lazar, FrozenThought, and many others talk about) in recent times. Are they actually alien ufo's coming for more and more visits lately, or are they secret govt craft, building up a huge fleet for a future staged attack on America?

I have NO idea. Right now the most anybody can tell you is NOT all of it. I've never heard of the future staged attack on america... but if you check out the Bible... book of Job... right at the beginning of it... you'll understand that Satan's been coming down to the earth for thousands of years... messin' with us. Laying the thin, almost invisible veil over us all... dude's pretty damned sneaky too.

My best bet, based on information we've seen, is that sightings WILL increase in frequency. It's part of a staged integration... absolutely. But are you noting these sightings increase in frequency right at the time when NASA is also talking about doing a major investigation regarding scientific information that has been withheld from humanity? I'd find out which contractors NASA and DoD don't like anymore... and that may very well be who gets blamed for NON disclosure...

Who knows. It's a crapshoot bro. We have "tip of the iceberg" info on this. you know as much as I or the next human.

I do NOT think they are our though. There would have been some dude camping out by skunkworks in a pup tent that woulda seen it, to be sure...

Again... who knows.

6. Illuminati

If YOU can figure that one out... and prove it... you just won. You are talking about dissecting a deception that's been passed down from generation to generation... sometimes leaping from family to family...

Remember... whoever wins the war, gets to write the history.

7. Again, speculation at best. How could we possibly know this?

I can give you this much:

Watcher - shadow people. gray eyes many times.
Bigfoot - not as smart even as the gray. clumsy too. cloaking capable
Gray - IQ of about 80. Workhorse. biomechanical. the "toaster"
Brown -
MIB - black cloaked figure with red eys wrapping around side of head

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:44 PM
8) Moonbases

Man... I've got 2 University of South Alabama students researching this. They come back the craziest SH** I've ever seen. There are DEFINITELY structures on both Earth's moon and Iapetus.

Remember when the staging was dropped on the LEMs? There was a massive "reverberation" when it hit the surface of the moon. WHY would a solid piece of rock "ring"?

Iapetus is VERY interesting. The "belt" that's 10km high. hmmmm.... half of the damned thing is PAVED. That's the best description they could come up with at NASA... "it's as though the darker side has the qualities of... having been paved... or something... with tar"


when you bring up George Lucas... you touch on an interesting point. Our researchers are looking into this. Lucas, Spielberg, King... what if THEY were abductees? Get it? THEY are just "cattle" to the gray.

Star Wars alone...
the stormtrooper = possibl nephilim connection in this matrix only
the emperor = satan?
darth vader = satan?
luke skywalker = christ (?) a savior of some sort none the less
han solo = every redblooded blue collar american man!
chewbacca = interesting. BIGFOOT!
jawa = gray.
death star = nibiru/iapetus/moon

NOT saying these "true". Just saying that's an off the cuff evaluation of something that DEFINITELY has to make an investigator say... "hmmm... maybe I better check that out just to be on the safe side..." right?

Don't forget. Look at Phobos too. It's JUST as funky. And remember those cylinders around Saturn. THEY WERE NOT PHOBOS.

9. The Tether of STS-75

The tether was EIGHT MILES LONG. Some of the "anomolies" passing behind it were MORE THAN THREE MILES ACROSS.

If the objects would have passed IN FRONT of the tether, then we could argue ALL day about the size. The fact that they passed IN BACK of the tether which was EIGHT miles LONG and at a range of 77 miles at that time of the imagery....

Those would have to be some PRETTY BIG JELLYFISH. So NO. They flocked to the tether. Like flies to a ZAPPER! And they were VERY large, indeed.

The Douglas Adams point has come up in conversation in our camp as well LOL... laughingly at first... and then people started getting serious faces and contemplating... LOL... I left. *evilgrin*

10) The Mayan Calendar

Brother, if I could tell you that one, I'd be writing a book to sell... LOL. I have no idea bro. I think the Mayans were genius. Anything we've heard/know about them is definitely pointing to the fact that they are MORE THAN credible... what does that mean for 2012?

I'd dig a VERY deep hole. I'd start packing seeds and water and food.


posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 01:46 PM
Well here are some things to consider:

Fiber Optics

So, if Corso is being truthful that means that Narinder Singh Kapany (who performed the experiements leading to the invention) is party of the Alien Conspiracy
Micro Processors
Again, if Corso is being truthful that means that Intel, TI, and Garrett (who all three had completed microprocessors) are a part of the Alien Conspiracey, and more specific people such as Federico Faggin and Marcian Hoff (Intel) and Gary Boone (TI) were partt of the Alien Conspiracy to some extent.


Once again I must ask, if Corso is being completely truthful, that means that in 1941, Georges de Mestral, who wasn’t even in the US, is a part of the Alien Conspiracy 6 years before Roswell.

Night vision:

Development and deployment of Night Vision started in WWII which again was a few years before Roswell.


Well it appears that Einstein and many other people helped with the proof of these beams, etc, etc…..

I honestly believe that most of us “Earthlings” are smart enough to even come up with these concepts ourselves. I think with so much focus on Extraterrestrial influence, that we tend to forget that we as Ordinary humans are extremely capable of Extra-ordinary things, without Extra-terrestrial influence.

However, I will not be insulting towards anyone here, I'm just saying that this is what I found online.....


posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Drewsillac
Well here are some things to consider:

Fiber Optics

So, if Corso is being truthful that means that Narinder Singh Kapany (who performed the experiements leading to the invention) is party of the Alien Conspiracy

NEGATIVE. That only means that someone else would have to have been given the same technology, no?

This "barter" doesn't have to happen only in the US.

Micro Processors
Again, if Corso is being truthful that means that Intel, TI, and Garrett (who all three had completed microprocessors) are a part of the Alien Conspiracey, and more specific people such as Federico Faggin and Marcian Hoff (Intel) and Gary Boone (TI) were partt of the Alien Conspiracy to some extent.

Actually, I have a contact at Intel. Their upper level management is noticing technology in their structure that simply should not be there. what does that mean? I have no idea. I know these guys know what they are doing. I was in Mesa, AZ about 2 months ago visiting one of them. That's when he told m about this... that Intel is making leaps and bounds that simply are not possible. He said it's really technical, but he prove it all.

Is he gonna step out? Not just yet. I don't know if he ever will. And I won't comment on the guy beyond that right now either.

The effect you are "quoting" is precisely what that program would have done...

THEY take credit for the discoveries... the "exchange" disappears... leaving guys like us babbling like this... *evilgrin*


Once again I must ask, if Corso is being completely truthful, that means that in 1941, Georges de Mestral, who wasn’t even in the US, is a part of the Alien Conspiracy 6 years before Roswell.

Again, please consider the fact that the United States is probably not the only point of entry for these little buggers. What if they gave it to that guy too?

Again. Reserve Judgement. Open the mind. WHAT IF? has GOT to be your question. Prove it WRONG. Let's make certain we are not simply "damning" thoughts, concepts, and ideas.


Investigate. Uncover. Overturn. Examine. Re-Examine. Scrutinize. Break out the fine toothed comb... the microscope...

Hey ... this is starting to sound like an abduction event! AAAGGGHHHH!!!


Night vision:

Development and deployment of Night Vision started in WWII which again was a few years before Roswell.

Again, even Corso said "technology was given to contractors either working on that specific technology or something similar to it...". having a "pre-gen" version would qualify in that respect, no?


Well it appears that Einstein and many other people helped with the proof of these beams, etc, etc…..

Sure. Not the ones they yanked outta that busted up "mole delivery system" though...

I honestly believe that most of us “Earthlings” are smart enough to even come up with these concepts ourselves. I think with so much focus on Extraterrestrial influence, that we tend to forget that we as Ordinary humans are extremely capable of Extra-ordinary things, without Extra-terrestrial influence.

I concur. We are absolutely smart enough. Imagine them picking our brains for concepts and ideas to get to where THEY are...

Hmmm... there's a weird thought.

However, I will not be insulting towards anyone here, I'm just saying that this is what I found online.....


posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 02:52 PM
By the way...

That was OUTSTANDING work on the research! If we KEEP looking just like that... then we will eventually FIND...

Just remember to NOT succumb to the veil of deception, that's all...

If somebody is trying to deceive on the FRONT... then they'll have security in there to do it on the BACK as well. For instance, you go and research all these things as you did... VERY WELL at that, I might add... and just because there is what appears to be ANOTHER explanation... we somehow assume the answer has been found, and the game is over.

I say not so fast. Keep looking. SCRUTINIZE. If it looks OKAY... then look closer.

I just showed you above that there are additional permutations to your thought process... as there are to MINE and EVERYONE ELSE'S in the world as well, no?

I think you did great finding all that stuff, and I appreciate you having done so... I hope you have found in this the possibility of permutation.


posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 03:01 PM
hey southpaw, i found your line of work interesting, I am an Independent Adjuster as well.
I tried to go to your website to find out more on your company but it didnt come up for me.
I am on several companies rosters and have did actual work for a lot of them to but its hard to find a really good one that can keep you busy throughout the year.
I sent you a U2U also
Im still reading the rest of your posts but i have to say, from what i have read so far it is all very interesting.
the coming of the year 2012 is going to be an interesting time indeed, im still trying to decide how im going to react in preparations for it, probably toss around a few ideas and end up doing nothing, like i did for Y2K lol.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 03:42 PM
Just chiming in to reafirm that it is cold hard fact that many lunar landing pics and vids were faked. My take on it is, if by chance the film was ruined by radiation or such, the people would not go for just a "story". Remember, a picture tells a thousand words ;-) So NASA did what it had to do to keep the space program up and running healthy.

Did we really go to the moon? Maybe, but it really doesn't matter now does it?

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 04:25 PM
Well I have to say,whether some of this stuff you've put forward is true or not,this sort of thing is what the whole conspiracy community should be doing.

I've often wondered why there is no concerted effort on our parts to take the pieces of "evidence" we've been given over the years,and put it all together into a timeline of sorts.Like you said,that could probably fill a book,but I think it'd be much more productive if done online.

I believe if we want to fully understand the big picture then we need to begin putting the puzzle together first.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Drewsillac
Well here are some things to consider:

Fiber Optics

So, if Corso is being truthful that means that Narinder Singh Kapany (who performed the experiements leading to the invention) is party of the Alien Conspiracy

Eactly... it's very unlikely. Remember that these experiments didn't just come from nowhere. There are papers and theoretical work and research that leads up to this. YOU might think they "come from nowhere"... but I think it just reflects someone's not looking at and knowing what the terms were called and where the precursor research is.

Micro Processors
Again, if Corso is being truthful that means that Intel, TI, and Garrett (who all three had completed microprocessors) are a part of the Alien Conspiracey, and more specific people such as Federico Faggin and Marcian Hoff (Intel) and Gary Boone (TI) were partt of the Alien Conspiracy to some extent.

Not only that, but the people who manufactured the components AND the people who made the base material for the components were "in on it." The "area of knowledge" spins out to a ridiculous number of people. If it was true, they'd have been speaking up long before this.

Well it appears that Einstein and many other people helped with the proof of these beams, etc, etc…..

His theory was part of the background work for developing lasers, yes. I think this was some of his 1918 work (which was built on the work of other people.)

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by DocGonzo
Well I have to say,whether some of this stuff you've put forward is true or not,this sort of thing is what the whole conspiracy community should be doing.

I've often wondered why there is no concerted effort on our parts to take the pieces of "evidence" we've been given over the years,and put it all together into a timeline of sorts.Like you said,that could probably fill a book,but I think it'd be much more productive if done online.

I believe if we want to fully understand the big picture then we need to begin putting the puzzle together first.

Now THIS is what I'm talking about. Let me tell you this. There is such an effort being organized. Not a money making scheme... a unified quest for truth. I'll be keeping the people here apprised. I've got a good feeling that the fplks here will want to participate... who knows...


I think you are RIGHT. We need to compile the WHOLE THING. We have NOT put the "whole thing" together yet... and THAT is our problem.

Once we can step OUTSIDE THE BOX and look at the whole thing... WOW.. imagine THAT day... when we all are sitting here saying ... whoa... I never would have even guessed... and see... I told ya so... and oh my god... etc...

Yeah... It's time to unify. It's OUR world. It's a gift for US. Whether you believe in God or just spirituality... this world is alive, and we are KILLING IT... and ourselves along the way...

Well done.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:14 AM

Apollo is satan and a destroyer?

Hm,I would like to know where you got this knowledge?
Because as far as I know, Apollo in Greek literally means "not of many" meaning to show the principle of Unity or the Monad by the Pytahgoreans, wich is the underlying continuum out of wich numbers or emanation emerge.Apollo could be viewed upon as being number ONE but that would be wrong too, because the Pythagoreans said the Monad is not a number at all.

Theon of Smyrna writes this in his work Mathemathics Useful for Understanding Plato.

"Unity is the principle of all things and the most dominant of all that is:all things emanate from it and it emanates from nothing.It is indivisble and it is everything in power.It is immutable and never departs from its own nature through multiplication (1*1=1).Everything that is intelligible and not yet created exists in it;the nature of ideas,God himself,the soul,the beautiful and the good,and every intelligible essence,such as beauty itself,justice itself,equality itself,for we conceive each of these things as being one as existing in it self."

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by 11an

Apollo is satan and a destroyer?

Hm,I would like to know where you got this knowledge?
Because as far as I know, Apollo in Greek literally means "not of many" meaning to show the principle of Unity or the Monad by the Pytahgoreans, wich is the underlying continuum out of wich numbers or emanation emerge.Apollo could be viewed upon as being number ONE but that would be wrong too, because the Pythagoreans said the Monad is not a number at all.

Theon of Smyrna writes this in his work Mathemathics Useful for Understanding Plato.

"Unity is the principle of all things and the most dominant of all that is:all things emanate from it and it emanates from nothing.It is indivisble and it is everything in power.It is immutable and never departs from its own nature through multiplication (1*1=1).Everything that is intelligible and not yet created exists in it;the nature of ideas,God himself,the soul,the beautiful and the good,and every intelligible essence,such as beauty itself,justice itself,equality itself,for we conceive each of these things as being one as existing in it self."

I'll go dig up the Apollyon, Apollo, Destroyer, Hunter stuff... and post it in abit...

The second part of your reply however...


THAT is truly amazing... yet so, absolutely simple... and true.

I venture my "soft" side to call that statement simply beautiful. Nice work!


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