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HELP. "His number is Six hundred threescore and six"

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posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 01:45 AM

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:51 PM

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 08:41 PM
I really enjoyed reading this thread. But I had a thought, and couldnt help but share it. I couldnt care less who the anti christ will be, or is, as the case may be. he cant touch me, and ill be called home before I even need to worrie about it.

but you know
thats just my thought. and thanks to all who took part in this thread! i learned alot!

God Bless! and Lots of Love!

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 08:19 PM
A man with 6 houses in his name, 6 members of family in his name including himself and a deceiver of the world for 6 months (according to a recent tabloid article) about is religious beliefs on retirement from power and then suddenly, a peace envoy in the middle east.
This in my book fits the bill of a beastly man indeed, also the man who wrote this and it is a man. Who has suffered many afflictions lost loves and almost all worldly possesion even himself to suicide. Striving to overcome defects in character such as jealously (one of my worst) and anger.
Faced persecution for righteousnous been stunted spiritually by evil forced out of my own organisation at times. Prayed to all of creation and the creator of it for help in those times of need. Learned enumerably from mistakes made and is teachable(musically especially)(this I believe to be wisdom and it can't be acquired it as to be lived), wanting only to grow in the likeness of his fellow man. Those that respect love and want to coexist with all life on earth ethically; I am not a sheep I am a lion amongst them. Praying to the heavens constantly and asking for the ALMIGHTY GOD of the heavens for help.
Prepared himself for death to be resurrected as an immortal for all of creation to avenge it; if GOD commands it(you could say I am dying for revenge).
Sees money has the mark that hasn't been forced by RFID or barcode technology yet. I was actually approaced to make this a reality of the internet (devils everywhere it appears, perhaps he should try and recreate everything. It would be amusing to watch).
I have called upon all the forrests, seas, lands and creatures upon them to fight against this even the atoms, quarks, planets and everything inbetween (this being done in silent prayer of course) to fight against anti life and its mark (money at the moment). Money seems to have been destroying the forrests, over fishing the seas and driving animals to extinction.

I am a man who is loving enough to forgive ignorance because how can anger be shown to any that just don't know (being born into money is a powerless aspect of all life). I am also a man who doesn't forgive evil or redeem it in anyway (I have lost battles to win the war in this). Truth wins out eventually however e.g No creator=No creation=No dominion=No Satan (heres the news Satan you lose)


1. Genetic malpractice (GM foods)
2. Smashing sub atomic particles together in Geneova (why would you want to figure out creation. It's already been done, we are in it. Get over it you evil ...)
3. Breaching spiritual realms possibly occupied by GOD himself or at least his creative conscience.

These I deem woes. I mean you just don't do them!
Unless you are incredibly brainless or incredibly evil.

If Time=Weight Of Mass(cubed) then let the beginning and the end of all things = time very short indeed.
It's crazy admittedly but it is a beginning and it is an end all in one. May the ALMIGHTY Creator come quickly.

ps I don't renounce any religion except those that are evil and secretive (illuminati, bilderburger, skull and bones etc ...). So I don't know which is the true religion, I wasn't there and I won't bear false witness to something I didn't see with my own eye. I have only one that works correctly and I use it very wisely.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:46 PM
I have a chicken pock scar in the middle of my forehead. It is a perfectly circled impression about the size of a pencil eraser.

On my right hand, I burned a ring of cigarette circles into my skin when I was 17 and having massive mental issues.

So I have both marks on me. And the devil did make me scar my right hand the way I did.

So, would you consider me marked as it is written in the bible?

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Johnny

This makes me question how to see or read the manner in which The Bible is telling us about what is to come. Christ said that the scriptures spoke of his comimng and the Jews all knew that a savior would be sent from God. But does The Bible illustrate this plainly or is it in code.


posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:11 PM
In the most ancient of texts we have, the number of 666 refers to man and his fallen state from includes not only the commoner but also the leader in like.

The mark so often talked about and perverted through time is "mans" (666) responsibility to care for creation and have respect for all of creation...with "creation" being GOD.

The mark threat is to remind all that it is with your mind and the deeds of your hands that you betray your first estate; that of perfection.

There are more than one set sayings in the bible that tell you of this. The most famous due to the new testament being what the Christ of that time Jesus told the people when he was being questioned by the priests.. that being.. it isn't what a man puts into his mouth that defiles a man but what comes out of the mouth that does... you have to "think" to talk therefore your mind is part of your fist estate and the deeds of your hands reflect how you think.

You must remember that most of the bibles in circulation today have been translated and rearranged "many" times to serve the needs of that current religious leaders needs. That also included what the people where supposed to be taught and where allowed to know based on their level of intelligence as dictated by the church.

The only way for anyone to truly understand and know what the original message was ( the few I have seen where so basic in their wording a five year old could understand it). One would have to get a degree and permission to examine the ancient texts or know someone who had access to them. I.E the Vatican so far are the only people who know the true and original writings as they are the keepers of the texts and have only allowed very few of the originals to come into the public's hands. The dead sea scrolls have nothing on the cache of writings that they have locked away.

Simply put and very easy to understand way..... how could all of the disciples have written their "books" hundreds of years after the Christ had been put on the cross? Easy answer is that they didn't and it wasn't some oral tradition either. Everyone has been given bits and pieces of the truth, as has always been done through our history in an effort to keep the masses under control and feel that they are relatively safe.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:49 PM
xoxo stacie
[how could all of the disciples have written their "books" hundreds of years after the Christ had been put on the cross?]

They didnt ..they wrote notes then they wrote in letters all before 65 0r 70 AD ..they were put in book form later ....
The scriptures do not say how old the disciples were when they started following Jesus ........ but Jesus was 33 and 1/2 years old when he began his full blown ministry ...and the apostles could have only been 18 or nineteen years old when they started writing them and passed them to their kids upon their deaths ....which eventually they made it into book form .....65 to 70 AD is not hundreds of years later ...

((Read this))
Most scholars have considered Luke and Acts to be two parts of one document.7 Because the book of Acts gives a detailed account of the later portion of the life of the Apostle Paul, but ends abruptly in A.D. 63 with Paul's two years at Rome (Acts 28:30) without mentioning that he was tried in Rome and martyred under Nero,8 it would be reasonable to date the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts prior to A.D. 63 or 64.

Moreover, the temple at Jerusalem was destroyed in A.D. 70, and the city was overtaken at that time.9 The Jews and the Palestinian church were scattered, causing conditions totally different from what one would expect during the time of the writing of these documents.

Because of these considerations and others, in the second half of the twentieth century there was a trend toward an earlier dating of the New Testament. For example, in a 1963 interview with Christianity Today magazine, William F. Albright (1891-1971) stated:

In my opinion, every book of the New Testament was written by a baptized Jew between the forties and eighties of the first century A.D. (very probably sometime between about 50 and 75 A.D.)10

Albright was one of the world's foremost biblical archaeologists.

More at link above ...that is just a snip .

Now check this out
Scholars Piece Together Ancient Bible

By Matthias Schulz

Parts of the 1,600-year-old Codex Sinaiticus -- which includes the world's earliest complete New Testament -- are scattered between Leipzig, London and St. Petersburg. Now researchers want to digitize the fragments and publish the whole volume on the Internet. But controversy still rages over the proper ownership of the relic.
(the rest at link )

The New Testament
The Greek Manuscript Evidence

There are more than 4,000 different ancient Greek manuscripts containing all or portions of the New Testament that have survived to our time. These are written on different materials.
Papyrus and Parchment

During the early Christian era, the writing material most commonly used was papyrus. This highly durable reed from the Nile Valley was glued together much like plywood and then allowed to dry in the sun. In the twentieth century many remains of documents (both biblical and non-biblical) on papyrus have been discovered, especially in the dry, arid lands of North Africa and the Middle East.

Another material used was parchment. This was made from the skin of sheep or goats, and was in wide use until the late Middle Ages when paper began to replace it. It was scarce and more expensive; hence, it was used almost exclusively for important documents.


1. Codex Vaticanus and Codex Siniaticus

These are two excellent parchment copies of the entire New Testament which date from the 4th century (325-450 A.D.).[5]

2. Older Papyrii

Earlier still, fragments and papyrus copies of portions of the New Testament date from 100 to 200 years (180-225 A.D.) before Vaticanus and Sinaticus. The outstanding ones are the Chester Beatty Papyrus (P45, P46, P47) and the Bodmer Papyrus II, XIV, XV (P46, P75).

From these five manuscripts alone, we can construct all of Luke, John, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Hebrews, and portions of Matthew, Mark, Acts, and Revelation. Only the Pastoral Epistles (Titus, 1 and 2 Timothy) and the General Epistles (James, 1 and 2 Peter, and 1, 2, and 3 John) and Philemon are excluded.[6]

3. Oldest Fragment

Perhaps the earliest piece of Scripture surviving is a fragment of a papyrus codex containing John 18:31-33 and 37. It is called the Rylands Papyrus (P52) and dates from 130 A.D., having been found in Egypt. The Rylands Papyrus has forced the critics to place the fourth gospel back into the first century, abandoning their earlier assertion that it could not have been written then by the Apostle John.[7]

4. This manuscript evidence creates a bridge of extant papyrus and parchment fragments and copies of the New Testament stretching back to almost the end of the first century.

Evidences are here (actual fragments can be seen here )

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Simplynoone]

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 02:26 AM

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 02:59 AM
I would like to present a different theory on this 666 nonsense thats being posted.

David Wilcock and indeed the great author of The Dimensions of Paradise John Michell, in his book labled " Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth " - has this to say about this subject -->

" When you go into the Book of Revelation and you’re reading about the Antichrist, it doesn’t say 666 is the number. It actually says six hundred, three score thirty, and six. And before that little passage, it says, for he who hath ears, let him hear. Now, for anybody who’s a cabbalist, meaning somebody who knows the secret magical tradition, when it says that little phrase, for he who hath ears, let him hear, it means take the numerical value of each letter and add them up, and the number that you get from this passage is a secret code.

So when you add up the passage that describes the Antichrist and the number of the beast as being 666, the number it adds up to is 3160. And that number, in the secret code, is Lord Jesus Christ.

When you actually go through the account of the Antichrist in the Bible, what it says is that the Antichrist would be wounded on the side and yet did live and fashioned into an idol to be worshipped by all peoples, in nations, of all tongues. "

Well, i kinda go with this theory given that John's book goes into alot more detail and makes alot of sense when put together.

My opinion, of course


posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by mikromarius

His name was NERON with an omega not Nero

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by THENEO


I don't believe that we are already marked. The Anti-Christ has to apprear and take leadership before that happens. Besides, there will be Christiions who will not take the mark for any reason.


posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by glan

Yes, I do believe it will be a actual mark upon the right hand or forehead. The anti-Christ will not be all-knowing like Christ. He will need to mark on his followers to know who his enemys are.


posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by glan

I believe that he will be a Jew (like Christ)

He may already be here and no know he is the lucky man picked out by Satan to be the anti-Christ.

He will make a peace between Isreal and their enemies. This of course will be a false peace. He will let them rebuild the Holy Temple, I am not sure if the animal sacrifices would ressume at this day and age.

However, after about 3 1/2 years he will defile the Temple by making a throne in the Holy of Holies and setting up there to rule. He will tell the Jews and everyone that they must worship him,,,,,,,,,as he is the true God. He will survive a mortal head wound and after raising himself up from the dead declare himself Christ. There also will be a false prophet around him at this time to help him force people to worship him. It will be during this time the great tribulation will begin and the Lord's people will need each other more then ever for help.

Some here believe in The Rapture. Which is a taking away of God's church before the Tribulation or just as it starts. Either way I think we need to be ready to endure the long haul.

Peace to all,

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 07:14 AM
Its a birthday.

Here is wisdom.

Three Score = 3111

and 66.

As these numbers can only represent
one day the birthday is clearly

13-11-66 or in american 11-13-66.

It is the birthday of a man.

Trust this puts a stop to all bickering.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 10:27 AM
Here is what I always end up asking myself when the mark of the beast comes up. What makes this mark so powerful that it instantly damns your soul forever? If it's a tattoo on your skin so you can buy food, what does that have to do with a spiritual decision? If it's an RFID chip so you and your family can not get thrown in prison how does that relate to what your allegiences are to God or Satan?

If I were to be knocked unconscious or medicated and had the mark tattooed or the RFID chip implanted to my body you mean I wouldn't be allowed access to Heaven? I don't think it works that way.

I believe the mark will be something else entirely.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by glan

I have been watching world events unfold for 30 years now with great focus on the US ans middle east. It is easy to associate events with preconceived ideas of what is supposed to happen. Revelations state that the end will come as a thief in the night. We will however see events come to pass that will signify that the end is approaching. In relation to 666, we need to be objective. We have always associated the number of the beast as a physical mark or an equation leading to his name. Another possible interpretation is that the number of the beast, as it says is the number of a man. That is the number or symbol or physical entity is created by man, not adopted from nature or any physical concept. If we look at the Global ecconomic crisis, is it really a crisis, or do the powers who be want us to believe its a crisis for some alterior motive. If the global ecconomy were to collapse, what would that do? It may open a door to one government employing one ecconomy and one global government with one type of currency. Those who oppose the world government will not be able to trade because they will not be accessible to the currency, heralding a new world order, a world order that is created by a man or men with a definite number relating to all aspects of existence. I'm not saying that this is how events will unfold, its just food for thought. Look at the US president's stance on world events. Somewhat of a peace maker, winning the hearts and minds of foreign sovrienties, altering the foreign policy. In time he might be worshiped by many as a restorer of world order possibly preparing the stage for the one who comes after him. Since his inauguration it will be 3 and a half years to a certain date in 2012. Possibly the first 3and a half years of tribulation, just speculating. Cosmically speaking, 2012 is going to herald some potentially life changing events not seen for 26000 years. Look at 9/11. The head of the beast will be cut off and will die. A new head will grow and beast shall live again, being seen to perform a miracle. Just speculating again. Fear not, for we all have a path to walk preparred with love, compassion and mercy by almighty God. We need only have faith and pray for wisdom to see that path, Courage to walk it and strength to complete the journey.

Igor Suto


mod edit: personal information removed

[edit on 16-2-2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 04:56 PM
The Mark of the Beast and the Number of the Beast are two separate things. Mark of the Beast refers to the mass manipulation and status quo. Once you stop thinking for yourself you must obey the norm that lies about it's intention. The great deception. You can't buy or sell without out conforming to it, is more a reference and not an absolute, indicating the accepting the status quo will get you further in the lie.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:01 PM
I too am of the theory that the mark is something else all together. The chip thing is way to easy to see. I see it all as part of the greater deception. I think the mark will have something to do with religion. Choose your sides. If you belive in and worship the beast whomever and whatever it may be then you will be marked accordingly. Perhaps the mark of the beast can be tied into the one world religion. There is currently a great movement to organize the religions of the world into one. perhaps the mark is your agreement to this new religion that will of course have a leader that will be the antichrist or one that procalims himself as God.

Look at the new age movement... emlightenment.. astral projections, man is god.... then tie all this into the prophesy of revalations.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:51 PM
Here is an opinion from a preacher I think walks down the right path.

Have Christians Already Accepted The Mark Of The Beast? by Chuck Baldwin August 14, 2007 Christians throughout church history have debated the nuances of Eschatology. These debates will doubtless last until Jesus Himself decides to end them. Until then, the theological battles extolling or condemning premillennialism or postmillennialism, pre-tribulation Rapture or post-tribulation Rapture, etc., will continue. To be sure, this column is not an attempt to resolve or even argue these interpretations of Scripture. Let every man be persuaded in his own heart. Personally, I don't think it's worth arguing about. Whether a Christian is premillennial or postmillennial, whether he or she believes in the pre-tribulation Rapture or not is immaterial to our responsibilities. We Christians have a duty to be the "salt" and "light" of society until Jesus returns--whenever that is. And, frankly, the time of His return is His business, not ours. If we would concentrate on those matters that truly belong to us, we would be much more effective. Arguing and battling between Christians over the nuances of Eschatology only serves to advance the cause of the Enemy. It is counterproductive and fruitless to anything worthwhile. That being said, a brief reference to the belief that a literal antichrist is yet to come is in order. Accepting this interpretation of the Book of Revelation, there will come in the days of "great tribulation" a Western World leader, known as the antichrist, or beast. Christians accepting this interpretation believe that the antichrist will unite the Western World, mainly Europe and the United States, and will implement a satanic despotism. Part of the antichrist's reign upon the Western World (called, by some, The Revived Roman Empire) will be the demand that everyone accept "the mark of the beast" in his hand or forehead. Of course, the number Scripture uses is 666. Everyone who does not accept this mark will be deemed to be an outlaw: unable to buy or sell, or contract normal daily business of any kind. However, acceptance of the mark will also mean rejection of God and salvation. Premillennialists believe they will be "raptured" to Heaven before these events take place. Some believe the church will go through the "great tribulation," while most postillennialists don't believe in a literal "tribulation" at all, but believe these Scriptures are related to other events altogether. Regardless of how one interprets the Book of Revelation, I think most all believers will accept the Apostle John's warning that the spirit of antichrist is already in the world. (I John 2:18; 4:3) Can we not readily agree that anything that resembles antichrist is a form of antichrist? Accordingly, did not the German church have an obligation to resist Adolph Hitler? Of course they did. However, at the end of the day, out of over 14,000 pastors and church congregations in Germany at the time, only 800 properly discerned the evil Hitler for who he was and openly opposed him. The rest not only tolerated him, but openly praised him, promoted him, and punished anyone who failed to do the same. Yet, Hitler definitely personified the spirit of antichrist. While publicly professing to be a Christian, he privately disdained Christians and was caught up in secret societies and the occult. He was driven to lead Germany into preemptive wars of aggression. He cast off Germany's republican form of government and consolidated power unto himself. He implemented a total surveillance society in the name of national security. He was so completely accepted and adored by Germany's churchmen that German congregations were told that in order to be good Christians they had to be good Nazis and that to support any other political party than Hitler's was to fight against God. He enacted strict gun control laws. Why did Germany's pastors and Christians not recognize Hitler for who he was? Can we not say that, in their own way, Germany's pastors and churches accepted the mark of the beast? Sure they did. No, Hitler was not THE antichrist, but he certainly exemplified the spirit of antichrist. As such, he deserved to be resisted. However, before we become too judgmental toward the Christians of 1930's Germany, we should look in the mirror. Are not many Christians in these United States behaving in the exact same manner? Have not many of us already embraced the spirit of antichrist? And if so, have we not, in our own way, already accepted the mark of the beast? Sure we have. Many pastors and Christians embrace the authoritarian policies of one George W. Bush with the same enthusiasm and blind loyalty as Germans did Hitler. For example, according to White House insiders, while publicly embracing conservative Christians, the White House is privately said to have nothing but disdain for Christians. Mr. Bush acknowledged being a member of Skull & Bones, a secret society with a dark history. Others have reported that he is a member of Bohemian Grove, which, according to some, is an occultist society of the most sinister variety. Yet, all of this is rejected out of hand by most Christians today. Plus, George W. Bush (as did Adolph Hitler) has led America into a preemptive and aggressive war against a foreign nation without provocation. Now, there is even talk at the White House of expanding the war in Iraq with attacks against Iran and Syria, and maybe even Pakistan. In addition, he is in the process of turning America into a Hitlerian surveillance society where our every move, phone call, and email are being monitored by federal police agencies. Yet, conservative Christians are still so infatuated with President Bush that they actually believe that anyone who resists the President is resisting God. They further believe that if anyone votes for any candidate who is not a Republican (Bush's party), they are fighting against God. They gladly surrender their constitutional liberties and safeguards. They enthusiastically support an unconstitutional war in Iraq and would no doubt support expanding the war to wherever Bush decided. They happily cede Bush the power to tap their phones, read their emails, or open their mail (without warrant or court order, no less). Regardless of one's politics or religion, the spirit of Big Brother, the spirit of military aggression, the spirit of occultism, the spirit of a police state mentality, the spirit of deception are all part of the spirit of antichrist. Therefore, whether one identifies himself as a premillennialist or a postmillennialist or anything in between; whether we believe in a Rapture or not; no matter what our understanding of Eschatology might be, every Christian has a duty to "resist the devil" in any form in which he reveals himself. And that certainly means that any political leader, regardless of party, who embodies or exemplifies the spirit of antichrist, must be resisted. Anything less means to accept, in a way, the mark of the beast. © Chuck Baldwin This column is archived as

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