Okay, here's the real skinny
First you need several background points
The scapegoat in the old testement, is not that word scape, it is Azazel's goat. It is to be driven from the jews with their sins, where the sin is
to be transferred to Azazel in the desert of Dudiel.
Who's Azazel...book of Enoch (online)
He was the worst of the angels who cohabitated with earth woman and caused the destruction of the earth (the flood). He and his buds were chained in
the abyss under the desert of Dudiel until the end of days.
Then they will escape and take over the Earth again.
Jesus said...as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be when I come again.
Azazel is the one who was (head of the earth) is not and will be again. The abomination that causes desolation. Get it.
Behold I saw the beast rise out of the abyss.
Who better to be a counterfeit of Christ.
So he sets up statues of himself and whoever will not bow, is executed.
Those who do not take his mark...are executed.
Don't worry, this is not something they will slip onto you, you will know.
Those who side with Azazel will be executed when Christ returns.
But not everyone will be caught and killed. The church of Philadelphia is kept safe.
So who is the church of Philadelphia?
Those who have left the Church as instructed by God, to await the end.
You might be interested in the material here. It's not end days stuff, but it was predicted in Enoch that this would be discovered