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HELP. "His number is Six hundred threescore and six"

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posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 09:27 AM
can you explain what the avatar is?

2nd line

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by ChemBuster
That is easy.. math in a word form. since threescore is actually 3 times twenty that is 60.

in that phrase? so it would be "His number is 600 60 and 6

and means in addition to so you add 600+60+6
which is six hundred sixty-six

Why does it not say plainly sixhundred and sixty six? Can it be that these 600 60 and 6 should be considered as numbers on their own? And would this maybe be a way to point out who that evil person is?

Just a thought..

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by glan

There is no name, per se. The real hidden secret to the Riddle of 666 is that 666 is number of all life. It is the number of man, man is human, man is a carbon based organism.

666 is the basis number of everything that has ever lived upon this Earth, and very likely in all the Universe. So any ET life form that has a carbon based body, they too are 666.

666 is the number of the Carbon atom. The Carbon atom is made from
6 protons,
6 neutrons, and
6 electrons.
add these together, 666!
The Carbon atom has an amazing ability to bond with more other atoms than any other basic element of the Universe. It has the mystifying ability to create long chain molecules deliberately, intelligently and repetitively. The Carbon atom is the basis atom of the DNA molecule.

The Antichrist doctrine is a camouflaged illusion made in order to confuse, and astound. Much like the Rapture doctrine and the risen Christ doctrine.
666 is the basis number of all life. To call it anything else is being blind to wisdom.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 11:08 AM
The hour is grave, and so we earnestly invite you to use your intelligence for the service of what is good. For evil, like a consuming fire, is fueled and increased in strength the moment men voluntarily choose to reject what is right. Then, set ablaze by the curse, they receive the due reward of their evil deeds...
This is part of the full text available at Go to this site and you will find your way out of this necessary evil inflicted on the world.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 11:18 AM

600 + 60 + 6 = 666

6 + 6 + 6 = 18

1 + 8 = 9'%C3%AD_symbols

According to the Abjad system of Isopsephy, the word Bahá' has a numerical equivalence of 9, and thus there is frequent use of the number 9 in Bahá'í symbols.[7] The most commonly used symbol connected to the number 9 is the nine-pointed star; there is no particular design of the nine-pointed star that is used more often than others. While the star is not a part of the teachings of the Bahá'í Faith, it is commonly used as an emblem representing "9", because of the association of number 9 with perfection, unity and Bahá’.

The number 9 also comes up several times in Bahá'í history and teachings. On the significance of the number 9, Shoghi Effendi wrote:

"Concerning the number nine: the Bahá'ís reverence this for two reasons, first because it is considered by those who are interested in numbers as the sign of perfection

The second consideration, which is the more important one, is that it is the numerical value of the word "Bahá’"…

When the pope goes down as the antichrist, millions are going to end up worshipping the real antichrist.

The next 'black pope' literally black pope is being set up as the antichrist. They are relying on people to act on their hatred of catholicism and blacks to destroy each other and ultimately Christianity.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 05:59 PM
Okay, here's the real skinny
First you need several background points
The scapegoat in the old testement, is not that word scape, it is Azazel's goat. It is to be driven from the jews with their sins, where the sin is to be transferred to Azazel in the desert of Dudiel.
Who's of Enoch (online)
He was the worst of the angels who cohabitated with earth woman and caused the destruction of the earth (the flood). He and his buds were chained in the abyss under the desert of Dudiel until the end of days.
Then they will escape and take over the Earth again.
Jesus it was in the days of Noah, so will it be when I come again.
Azazel is the one who was (head of the earth) is not and will be again. The abomination that causes desolation. Get it.
Behold I saw the beast rise out of the abyss.
Who better to be a counterfeit of Christ.
So he sets up statues of himself and whoever will not bow, is executed.
Those who do not take his mark...are executed.
Don't worry, this is not something they will slip onto you, you will know.

Those who side with Azazel will be executed when Christ returns.
But not everyone will be caught and killed. The church of Philadelphia is kept safe.
So who is the church of Philadelphia?
Those who have left the Church as instructed by God, to await the end.

You might be interested in the material here. It's not end days stuff, but it was predicted in Enoch that this would be discovered

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 06:54 PM
I should've taken the blue pill.......I like what you have written friend. That is certainly a good point to be brought up when the topic of the Beast is brought up. Everyone says "anti-christ" because of conditioning but it is the Beast we are speaking of when concerning the number Six Hundred and Sixty Six. Many people also mistakenly say "six, six, six" or write 666 which people then say as "six, six, six". These are all incorrect. The Koine Hellenic manuscripts are clear that it is Six Hundred and Sixty Six or Six Hundred Threescore and Six.

When dealing with this we must look at the context surrounding this statement. Who wrote it, when was it written, who was it written to, etc, etc.

YaHuWchanan wrote it. He wrote it around 66 A.Y. (after YaHuWshuwa) and it was written to the Called Out Ones who were the followers of YaHuWshuwa Mashiyach.

Since YaHuWchanan read and wrote in Aramaic/Abrahuw he of course wrote the letter in this language and sent it to a particular YaHuWdaean somewhere in the empire to then be distributed to the other Called Out Ones assembly's (the word "church" is found nowhere in any Koine Hellenic mnuscript). Their is only one person who fits all of the 18 requirements for the Beast including his name which adds up to Six Hundred and Sixty Six in both Aramaic and Abrahuw (hebrew).
Had YaHuWchanan written Nero Ceaser in his letter and it had been intercepted he would have been killed and all of those at the assembly would have also been killed. He needed a type of code that was difficult enough that the authorities couldn't figure it out but not so difficult that the Called Out Ones couldn't figure it out.
By this time the Other Nations (gentiles) were also coming to have faith in YaHuWshuwa Mashiyach as YaHuWaH and YaHuWchanan must have known that this code number would have also been very difficult for anyone who intercepted the translation into Koine Hellenic to figure out as well yet not so difficult for the Hellenic converts in YaHuWaH YaHuWshuwa Mashiyach to figure out.

An interesting note is that right now Prince Charles of whales meets around 11 of the 18 requirements for the Beast including his name which comes to Six Hundred and Sixty Six in Hebrew, Latin and English. When Prince William becomes King his name will then also equal Six Hundred and Sixty Six in Hebrew.

I highly recommend the YouTube video "the Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea". Some very interesting information on the Royal Family and the Beast of Revelations.

Baruwk hta BaShem YaHuWaH!


posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 07:15 PM
I can't imagine who has taken the time to actually process all of the names to find this stuff.
That is some amazing research.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 07:18 PM
my first, middle, and last names each contain six letters. sometimes i like to tie a towel around my neck as a cape and play antichrist around my apartment, spreading pestilence and famine and disease and whatnot.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 07:22 PM
if you don't accept the mark you will be put to death when the time comes. but before that time you will not be able to buy sell or trade. keep an eye out for RFID implants as I and many others believe that this will be the mark implanted on the right hand or the forehead

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 07:28 PM
here is my take on the number"666" it is (this is my o2 cents worth)= ^^^ or Ronald Wilson Reagan,or the COMPUTER=666,and last but not least RFID tagging and chip, tracking. thought i would through in my o2 just for the"H" of it

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by glan

Does anyone know how to properly calculate the Mark of the Beast?

[Edited on 22-11-2003 by glan]

With the prevalence of Swedish Rounding, 'his' number is now 670!

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 04:45 PM
Rev 13:8
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

The number of a man, named Herman Cain; His great plan is 9-9-9

six hundred threescore and six, 666 or 6-6-6. The number of the beast is usually referred to as "six-six-six" and not "sixhundredsixtysix"

Is it only a coincidence that his "big plan" turned upside down is the number of the beast, pronounced with the same emphasis ?

Herman Cain has said: "You Mess With Israel, You Mess With the U.S"

The flag of israel has the 6 pointed star.

Some could argue that us&israel are the beast in the modern world

edit on 28-9-2011 by varikonniemi because: typo

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:21 PM
I think you're all just reaching for explanations. Only the ones who wrote the number in the bible know what that means. Ask the author. Oh wait, he's dead.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by glan

It is carbon 12. 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons. Carbon is the mark of man. We are mostly carbon. The mark is also a currency of Germany. They are the head of 'The 10" in Europe. These are the 10 kings of Revelation. The mark currency will be the carbon exchange. This is code of the exchange of humans. They tried hard to get this passed as cap and trade in the US. It will come back. Watch for it.

edit on 28-9-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 10:55 PM
www your on the beast! you will not buy or sell. But there be one over it. every store you go to is connected by www. Think about can you buy or sell without WWW 666 But! the MaN ANTI WILL TAKE OVER. AND RULE OVER ALL.

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