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Racial Profiling Of Muslims

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posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 09:58 AM
most you say not trying to be racust well your wrong that is racist targeting muslims thats racial discrimination and some you say you should well thats not fare every one should and yes this will course massive tensions between communities and i do not want to see that so all you racist shut up

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:06 AM
Wow bro..

A few commas, a period here and there, and I might know exactly what you're saying.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:14 AM
Well it's been almost a year - and with the exception of two Muslim ATS members (I'm guessing) I have not seen moderate muslim groups come out and comdemn the extremists who are perverting their religion. Instead you have continued threats/acts of violence over cartoons, Rushie being Knighted, increasing the work week/not guaranteed jobs (France).

Where are the marches by moderate Muslims? If 'gigantic' marches can be held due to some cartoons, etc. why have they not marched against the extremism which is giving Islam a 'bad-name'?

Marches against President Bush: Check
Marches against the War in Iraq: Check
Marches against the Danish Cartoons: Check
Marches against the Knighting of Rushdie: Check
Marches against Islamic extremism: Fat Chance!

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 04:47 PM
You know, research helps before posting.

British Muslim group condemns car bombings

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 05:26 PM

i was going to post a full string of instances of Muslim leaders condemning violence, from 9/11 to the London car bombs. But then I realized that there are issues behind these peoples posts that will not allow them change their minds no matter how much evidence I post.

It's a matter of people needing to blame people and find a scapegoat to attack when they feel helpless. The idea that there are people out there that are, for all intents and purposes, invisible. That cannot be isolated from the crowd because they are just like you and me. Sure, they find a common thread, but that thread extends to too many people to just blankly qualify as the "bad guy" That scares the hell out of people.

It reminds me of an episode of the Twilight Zone that I saw recently. There was this quite neighborhood that lived happy little lives. Then, one day, they see a UFO. Soon after, all of the lights went out. Everything that needed electricity was dead. Cars wouldn't start or anything.

The first thing they did was panic. They all crowded around each other in the middle of the street trying to figure out what was going on. Then, they noticed that someone's car could start. Well, that guy must be in cahoots with the alien. Git 'im!!!!

Eventually the neighborhood destroyed itself without the aliens even lifting a finger.

This will be us. We'll destroy ourselves before any "terrorist" does it.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 08:43 AM
The world is more than just Britain.

Rab - why don't you list and provide proof of these 'massive' marches which have taken place against Islam extremism?

Considering Islam is the world's largest religion (or a very close second), the 'few' whom have stepped foward disappeared just as quickly.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by ferretman2
The world is more than just Britain.

Rab - why don't you list and provide proof of these 'massive' marches which have taken place against Islam extremism?

Here's a few that I found with a 30 second google search. I'm sure you could find even more since you are so well versed in the topic as to state in absolutes.

Considering Islam is the world's largest religion (or a very close second), the 'few' whom have stepped foward disappeared just as quickly.

I assume you mean from the news media. Why wouldn't the news report that Muslims were against violence and terror? Hmmm, lets think on that one for a second.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 10:21 AM
Ras- maybe you should read you're sources:

It has not happened much in Europe, but Hassan is planning for the Muslims of Cremona to show publicly that they are as much against terrorism and violence as Italians are. In coming weeks, Muslims will march against extremism carried out in the name of Islam. "If the million Muslims who live in Italy don't say anything, it means we are giving a green light to the terrorists," he said.

The article only states the idea of having a March.

Did the 'March' ever take place?

The Morrocan march is impressive, unfortuantely I do not recall any media coverage of this, also this was back in 2005. What other demonstrations have there been on this scale.

[edit on 6-7-2007 by ferretman2]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 10:46 AM

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 12:21 PM

The first link only states that a march was planned; did it ever take place?

The second link can be summed up by two of the comments:

That is a very deceptive headline as it leads people to believe that it was a demonstration against all terrorism. This seems to be a demonstration against the more specific sort of terrorism of muslim against muslim. Laudable no doubt but unless you have other evidence it doesnt count as muslims upset at Terror bombings in Israel, London, Madrid and the United States.

Are we reaching for examples of muslims protesting the sort of terror we are familiar with in the West?

This rally indeed only wants "unity" within Islam and doesn't want minority Shiites persecuted by majority Muslims, the case in most Muslim countries. Also, among the many pictures of the rally was a banner that caught my eye: "Yesterday they attacked our Prophet & today they attack [can't read it, but it's either "us" or "our mosque" or some such. The point is the banner is blaming the West (read "the U.S.") for the mosque bombing.

So the rally/march was not against terrorism (western definition) but sectarian violence in Iraq.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 12:58 PM
Am I the only one researching this?

The first case actually did happen. I you looked past my article and found a little bit out on your own you would see that. But, since you seem to rely on other people to tell you where to look (which is probably why you were so sure that there were no marches like this in the first place) then I guess you're out of luck. It's part of the whole Deny Ignorance thing we agreed to do when we signed up for this site.

And so what if the second rally was against Muslim on Muslim violence? Does it make the rally any less anti terrorism? Just because the victims aren't middle class Americans or Brits doesn't mean they're not the victims of terrorism. Your ethnocentrism is showing.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:30 PM

Since you were the one to question my post, it was your responsibility to provide links to back up your claim. With exception to the Morocann march, you failed. All you provided were 'let's set-up a march' and a march which was against sectarain violence in Iraq (a noble cause) but not dealing with the original post in this thread.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by ferretman2

Since you were the one to question my post, it was your responsibility to provide links to back up your claim.

Really? I thought the way it normally worked was that if someone were to make a claim, they needed to back it up. You failed to back up your initial claim. I could have called you on that, but instead DJMessiah and I posted cases of where you were wrong.

With exception to the Morocann march, you failed. All you provided were 'let's set-up a march' and a march which was against sectarain violence in Iraq (a noble cause) but not dealing with the original post in this thread.

At this point, I think we're both pretty far off the OP. So I'll get back on track. But before I do, I want to give you this.

Originally posted by ferretman2
why have they not marched against the extremism which is giving Islam a 'bad-name'?

Marches against President Bush: Check
Marches against the War in Iraq: Check
Marches against the Danish Cartoons: Check
Marches against the Knighting of Rushdie: Check
Marches against Islamic extremism: Fat Chance!

I think I've shown in more than one post a big fat CHECK!!. There is a very vocal population of Muslims who are against the violence against other Muslims, and everyone else.

Now, back onto the topic, if there is this majority population of nonviolent Muslims, how can we use the race of the extremists against those who are far from extreme? It's the minority of the population, yet people are using this minority to tag the entire population.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 06:00 PM
OK terrorists are NOT MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!!! Simple as that. Ive had enough of these pathetic crazy terrorists calling themselves muslims, but the most annoying part, the biggest thing that makes me annoyed to the MAX, is when people believe these terrorists are real muslims, and that the daily musilms you see in the street are the same.

These terrorists go against everything in Islam. These Terrorists have killed MANY more muslims than anyone else.

These terrorists have caused more fear and problems to the daily lives of muslims than anyone else!

These terrorists are the biggest enemy of muslims.

In Iraq, not only do civilians have to worry about the army, but they also have to worry about terrorists killing their family, killing their friends, killing their lives!

These terrorists probably want you to think they are true muslims, so that they can create terror in the daily lives of you and muslims, they want you to fear the muslims next door to you, the muslims in that store, the muslim who teaches you son at school. They want to cause CHAOS, because they are TERRORISTS, and nothing else.

One more thing to add, I dont think searching only, asian and arabs will be very helpfull, because any white, chinese etc person can join these terror groups.

Thats it for now, Peace and love.

[edit on 6-7-2007 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 06:15 PM
Although i agree with the above post i must say one thing.

I live in a area with a huge Muslim community. Now most of the elder Muslims are genuinely nice people. Its the younger Muslims who tend to use the fear factor of Muslim terrorists and hang round in the gang culture.
Ive heard it all. Whilst out one night i heard a group who whilst in a debate with a group of English kids were shouting "Ill suicide bomb myself in your church" and "Im proper Al-Quada and ill blow you up"

Surely if the elders could hear this these lads would end up with a thick ear but it seems the younger Muslims (Or some of them) love the fear factor that surrounds them. The scary thing is is that its these young men the fanatical leaders try to recruit

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by thesaint
I noticed this in the press today. Dont know if anyone else has posted of this.

It says security at airports etc are to target young Muslims for security checks.

I cant see the muslim community being happy with this this seems like racism at its highest. Is this the way things need to go in order for everyone to feel safe.

Im all for makiing it safe and performing the neccasary checks but if this comes into action i can see relations between ourselves and Muslims getting out of hand


Mod Edit: All Caps Title – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 8/15/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

Racism??? more like statistics... The old white lady and her grandson aren't the terrorists... Aside from the Oklahoma bomber and the IRA can you name any terrorist act carried out by non muslims... in the last 30-40 years...

I can not. The truth is the middle east region is a breading ground for such fanatics. No amount of political correctness changes that fact... Just like how the cops look for drunk drivers because they cause accident

[edit on 9-7-2007 by American Madman]

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by American Madman
Aside from the Oklahoma bomber and the IRA can you name any terrorist act carried out by non muslims... in the last 30-40 years...

1. Why are we excluding the IRA and Oklahoma City?

2. How about abortion clinic bombings, assaults on black people during the civil rights movement. The assassination of MLK. And that's just North America.

I can not.

Sounds like you need to do a little research, and stop making snap decisions.

The truth is the middle east region is a breading ground for such fanatics.

It's also a breading ground for doctors, lawyers, physicists, engineers, mechanics, farmers... regular people. And in much higher numbers too.

Just like how the cops look for drunk drivers because they cause accident

A better analogy would be cops looking for white people because they have a higher percentage of being drunk driving.

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
1. Why are we excluding the IRA and Oklahoma City?

2. How about abortion clinic bombings, assaults on black people during the civil rights movement. The assassination of MLK.

He's excluding these items because none of them represent a current threat. When was the last abortion clinic bombing? Can you tell me when the last IRA bombing took place? Islamic terrorist bombings haven't happened since, well, yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that......Probably today too. Hopefully you can see how this differs from a handful of abortion clinic bombings that happened years ago. Go ahead and bring up the Crusades. That's the usual favorite rebuttal. Hardly recent history. I doubt any Christian knights will be boarding planes to the Holy Land today? Islamic terrorist on the other hand are a real possibility.


Islam is not a race. It's a religion and there's nothing wrong with saying that a specific religion is dangerous if you have proof. It would be wrong to profile them if this was something that people couldn't help, but since this is a lifestyle choice, an optional choice, feel free to be skeptical of Muslims if you wish. A religion that restricts young men's access to women and promises 72 of them if you kill yourself sounds like a bona-fide conspiracy to me.

[edit on 9-7-2007 by dbates]

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by dbates
He's excluding these items because none of them represent a current threat. When was the last abortion clinic bombing?

September '06 isn't a current threat?

Is April '07 too long ago? Is that not a real threat?

How about May '07?

And on and on

posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by dbates


Islam is not a race. It's a religion and there's nothing wrong with saying that a specific religion is dangerous if you have proof. It would be wrong to profile them if this was something that people couldn't help, but since this is a lifestyle choice, an optional choice, feel free to be skeptical of Muslims if you wish. A religion that restricts young men's access to women and promises 72 of them if you kill yourself sounds like a bona-fide conspiracy to me.

However, selecting individuals based on their being middle eastern, and assuming their Muslim is racism. How would one know unless they are asked their race? Skin tone and clothing perhaps? And where is the proof that the religion is dangerous? A few "Bad Apples"? And as for the restriction of access to women....c'mon dude. That's not specific to Islam. Christianity does it, as does Judaism, just in different ways. And find me where it says they are promised 72 women if they kill themselves.

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