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Police state, only way to be safe

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posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:25 PM
considering the uk has stopped four terrorist attacks since 7/7 they must know what they are doing. Its no secret that big brother is more attentive in the uk , and they more closely resemble a police state. so i now ask, would it be better for the usa to move towards more control by our goverment and the law. maybe a patriot act 3. more cameras , more wire taps, ect ect. all the polls say that americans care most about our safety so i think the masses, would love such an idea. peace

[edit on 13-8-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 10:15 PM
You must be joking. Seriously. The attacks are planned by the government to do a police state. And you're thread is a proof that it is working. No FACKING police state or they'll see what we are able in term of REAL terrorism against the government forces.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 10:16 PM
Remember reading an article somewhere that stated many of the things the govenment does in the UK are totally against the US Constitution and would never fly here.

A police state is exactly what the terrorist want. My goal, as a US citizen is....I would like to see the US get out of Saudi Arabia. Do you know MOST of the beef that the Muslims in the Middle East have with us is US troops stationed in the "holy land" of Saudi Arabia???

I would like to see the war on terror to return to what it was 30 years ago...a REGIONAL conflict over land. Let the people in the region determine their own destiny and leave us out of it.

We stationed troops in Saudi Arabia after the bull# oil embargo of the 70's. That freaked everyone out so to make sure that would never happen again, we station troops. Now that we have troops in Iraq and enough hardware in the region (warships/submarines) to retaliate against any possible future embargo.....we could get a lot of Muslim support if we left Saudi Arabia.

I'd like to hear from any Muslims on this board about my idea? Any good?

[edit on 8-14-2006 by Springer]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:05 PM
if it means i can go to the movies without being blown up, if it means i can fly anywhere in the usa without being blown up, if it means that i can be safe from crack addicts who might wana rob me for crack money then im all for a police state. more power to the goverment. its our only hope to never be hit from home grown terrorism. we need more cops and less guns in the hands of the people. imagine if we had a camera on every corner and every alley in american cities . it would be a great deterent. if the goverment could wire tap everyone we would have less crime. jsut build more prisons. its cheaper then wellfare. crime in america is on the rise. remember us americans want saftey more then education and a clean planet. we need a bigger brother watching us.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:16 PM
It would work wonderfully if not for one small problem.

Human weakness.

See, the reason we have crime and terrorism in the first place is because some people are keen on taking advantage of others. Give folks power, and some will run wild, killing and maiming and intimidating others for personal benefit.

Since the government is just made up of people, there's nothing to stop them from abusing their power and making the situation even more miserable. The more power they have, the greater the potential for abuse.

Based on the statistics, I believe the American people have more to fear from cancer and diabetes, so why don't we spend the money there? Statistically, it would protect a LOT more people from harm.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

Originally posted by BANGINCOLOR
freaked everyone the fuuck out so to make sure that would never happen again,

ABOUT ATS: Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors
Circumventing the censors to provide a misspelled simulation of a curse word is simply not allowed.

I can't believe you people would live in a police state, Why don't you ask people that have.
Try this one on for size your my neighbor and I don't like you cutting the grass Saturday mornings, well now I'm pissed off so I call the local Gestapo and say I heard my Neighbor out on his back porch and they where talking about the Constitution, I think you should come by and see them.
Well guess what now my neighbor doesn't cut the grass on Saturdays, because he's no longer their.
If you have not got the balls to live or die as a free person, then you deserve enslavement.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:36 PM
but we already live in a police state, and its only getting worse. it might as well be out in the open so we dont have to worry about our goverment watching us.
we would know they are totally watching us. the people already are abusing the power. lets just make it more obvious. it would prevent some people from trying to take advantage of other people. it would reduce crime, it would destroy the gangs in america. it would help crack down on illegals and wrong doers.
every election year since 9/11 the biggest factor in how people voted was supposedly their desire for more security and safety. so lets give big brother more power. its inevitable. peace

[edit on 13-8-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by elitegamer23
if it means i can go to the movies without being blown up, if it means i can fly anywhere in the usa without being blown up, if it means that i can be safe from crack addicts who might wana rob me for crack money then im all for a police state. more power to the goverment. its our only hope to never be hit from home grown terrorism. we need more cops and less guns in the hands of the people. imagine if we had a camera on every corner and every alley in american cities . it would be a great deterent. if the goverment could wire tap everyone we would have less crime. jsut build more prisons. its cheaper then wellfare.

So when was the last time you heard someone was blown up going to the movies in the US?
How often do US planes blow up?
Just use pepper spray on the crack addicts.....
The American government already has enough power. I say more power to the people.
Most home grown terrorism is from political corruption.
If you take away weapons from American civilians you take away their freedom.
If you put cameras on every American street corner you take away freedom.
If you wire tap every American you take away freedom.

You want to put Americans in prison don't you....

It seems you want the so called terrorist to win.. Terror wins if Americans lose their freedom.

[edit on 14-8-2006 by XPhiles]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:40 PM
sauron i forgot to reply to you for im very very sleepy. you wouldnt be able to make up lies about your neighbor. everything would be heard. they would know your neighbor wasnt saying anything and they would know you made it up. so you would maybe be punished for wasting the time of the nsa, fbi, cia, big brother. we would all have to be on our best behavior.

xphiles your right, ive never heard of someone being blown up in a theater. but for some reason everytime i go to the movies with my daughter, usually once a weekend, im sitting there looking at everyone heads in a perfect place to cause mass casualties. thank god we dont have suicide bombings in america. because a packed movie theater would sadly be a perfect place to cause massive carnage. next time you go to the movies. imagine one grenade or a suicide vest going off, head level.

if we ever see suicide bomings in america, i see this as one of the targets.

[edit on 13-8-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:47 PM
Sauron, did you said I was for a police state? If so, you're wrong, I believe that the government should let the people alone and apply the constitution.

There's no terrorists that will make give me up my liberties, no government, no one. The constitution is the base of the country and those who don't like it, must move away. If someone want police state or is a spineless believer of the government, go to North Korea or China.

I spit on people who want to gave up their liberties for security. Shame on them and go to another country. And i spit even more on this administration and those who support it because they are against the american people, american way of life and the american constitution. Fark them!!

And if they push even more for the police state, I'll fight it till my last breath, because it's my duty as a real patriot to protect the constitution and the sacrifice our forefathers made in the revolution and all those who died for it.

admin edit: please stop trying to circumvent the childish word censors

[edit on 8-14-2006 by Springer]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:51 PM
NO I did not mean you believe in a Police State
This is what I was talking about

Originally posted by Vitchilo

ABOUT ATS: Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors
Circumventing the censors to provide a misspelled simulation of a curse word is simply not allowed.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:52 PM
vitchillo ever thought of defending the constitution with your life since your such a patriot. enlist in the army , navy , airforce or marines. spitting on your fellow americans is a cowardly way to be a patriot. and it would probably get a bigger responce then a simple spit back. we need more patriots like you fighting the war in irag. please enlist or your full of it.

[edit on 13-8-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:05 AM
Sorry but those who wants to trade our rights and liberties for fake security are traitors to the constitution. This government is a traitor to the americans and to the constitution.

I'll not enlist in the army because the army is not doing what it was doing before, protecting the country and serving people. It's use is now for serving corporation and Bush Co. interests in the middle-east making illegals wars against fake threats.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:06 AM
You must work for the Elite, elitegamer23

How can anyone want state control in every facet of their lives. Dont you know what big brother entails? Dont you know that the government is engineering the terror so they can do this? Dont you care about your constitution and your basic freedoms?

Go read the Domestic Security Enhancement Act, the Patriot Act 3 as you call it, it is scientifically crafted tyranny people like Hitler and Stalin only dreamed of having. It means the end of freedom as we know it.

Study human history, it is always the same: Elites obsessed with controlling their population.

If you care about your family, you will fight this global police state, big brother, fascist New World Order. I cant believe there is even talk about how giving up all our freedoms and privacies will keep us safe from evil terrorists, its nonesense! We cant be safe and secure without our god given rights. Wake up people, your lives are in danger! Dont be fooled into being so afraid of some muslims a thousand miles away, when the real threat is occupying your government and banks. Elite vs the People, thats what this war on terror really is about. Which side are you on?

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:10 AM
some patriot you are sauron. your not willing to defend the constitution with your life as you have stated. do you think all the men who died in vietnam werent patriots? im guessing you think it was a corrupt goverment fighting that war as well. ok sorry people its late late late, i have to wake up for work in 5 hours, i better go to bed. ill leave you with this, since 9/11 we have seen more of a police state in america. and 0 count it 0 terrorist attacks from al qaida. isnt the idea to prevent another 9/11. by all means necessary. may peace be with us all.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:11 AM
If being a a patriot means joing the army where i can be vaccinated, inocculated, and trained into total stupification, where I am little more than a robotic killer trained to follow orders like a dog; then be forced to go overseas to kill poor people who fight against us because we invaded their land; all to make our satan worshipping, american hating president happy by getting his oil for him and making him, his daddy and all his friends even more richer than they already are with defense companies profits.....than you can just call me a patriot hater.

REAL patriots stand up for the US constitution, the blue print for a free and safe society. You want a society full of fear, wars, and control, Join the New World Order.

[edit on 14-8-2006 by AscendedMaster]

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by elitegamer23
imagine if we had a camera on every corner and every alley in american cities . it would be a great deterent. if the goverment could wire tap everyone we would have less crime. jsut build more prisons. its cheaper then wellfare.

Don't need to imagine, I've read 1984. No thanks.

Got a question for you.
Have you or any family members ever fought to preserve the freedoms of this country? If so, I'm sure they/you didn't fight just so we could descend into a police state.

Members of my family have sacrificed much, starting with the Revolutionary War, to ensure those freedoms and I would NOT betray them.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by elitegamer23
some patriot you are sauron. your not willing to defend the constitution with your life as you have stated.
I did my time in the Canadian Army thank you.

do you think all the men who died in vietnam werent patriots? im guessing you think it was a corrupt goverment fighting that war as well. ok sorry people its late late late,
Yes I do think it was corrupt, just as this War on Terror is corrupt.

[edit on 14/8/2006 by Sauron]

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:28 AM
PLz disregard my ramblings, I'm a moron...

Edit to delete post...

[edit on 14-8-2006 by Vasilis Azoth]

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Vasilis Azoth

Originally posted by elitegamer23
vitchillo ever thought of defending the constitution with your life since your such a patriot. enlist in the army , navy , airforce or marines. [edit on 13-8-2006 by elitegamer23]

In the U.S. Constitution the Federal gov't is not given the right to create an army. It also says that any powers not specifically given to the federal gov't or specifically denied to the states automatically belong to the states. As such any federal army is unconstitutional. And it then follows that any U.S. soldier is a traitor as he is serving in an unconstitutional organization.


Just to know, do you got data to back this up? Thanks! If it's true, then we need to go in court against the government. Is it the case also for canada or others countries or is it only the US?

[edit on 14-8-2006 by Vitchilo]

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