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SETI makes alien contact?

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posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 09:41 AM
very well could be taking it out of context, but who really liking this thread very interesting stuff for a newbie like myself!

[edit on 28-6-2006 by Skeptik1st]

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 10:20 AM
they aren't alien signals...
they are our own... must be the colonists on mars sending a "need more vodka and more TP" transmission...

If this was true, then yes, NSA or other agency would attempt to block transmissions...
they aint ready to open the can of worms...

but cans of worms, sometimes open themselves...
and soon, other countries Seti programs will start, and we wont be able to censor those so easily...

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 11:10 AM
Has anyone here ever been to NRAO in Green Bank, WV. It is a very interesting place. A full description of my trips there are probably better suited for another thread, so I'll make this short. Tours there are free, and major universities often conduct research there. During a visit two weeks ago, one of the guides, who was also a student researcher, made a point that now that SETI was no longer federally funded, it no longer had to vet its research through the govt. She seemed quite pleased by this, and looking back, a little excited. There are other things, but like I said, probably more appropriate for another thread.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 11:18 AM
Did you read the article, there was jamming by the NSA, atleast that's what they claim.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 11:20 AM
You only need to watch the US president and then the other world governements. If all the sudden they start doing things that are no there norm... Like GWB making a monument outa some ocean to preserve it or the rush to get the Shuttle back into orbit even though the guys who should be listened to about the safety of it all are reaasigned and dismissed just before the launch or or...... keep an eye out on how the governements start changing their colors. An ET would mean all of the world is unsafe even if the ET's are benign the world could not afford to sit by and trust ET to be nice.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 01:58 PM
"I suppose it could be but SETI has too much at stake to hoax signals. The whole project, funding, etc. would be jepordized. I would think private supporters would bail and it would be a very big black eye. Plus the UFO/ET community would look pretty bad and I do not think SETI would want that to happen."

SETI does have a lot at stake but if they could sucessfully hoax a signal then they would get all the money they ever wanted. See SETI is a fading program anyway it's lack of results etc. will be responsible for it's downfall. As for investors there would be no reason why they would have to know. As for SETI not wanting to make people look bad SETI is not a person it is a program with lack of results. Something like hoaxing a signal would be great for them if they did it as in terms of $$$.

As for the NSA blocking them I think that it is a convenient story. Only because I do not beleive in a government cover-up. Though the conspiracy theory is interesting I still have as of yet to see concrete proof of one.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
As for the NSA blocking them I think that it is a convenient story. Only because I do not beleive in a government cover-up. Though the conspiracy theory is interesting I still have as of yet to see concrete proof of one.

Are you kidding? You don't believe the government would do any of this? Again, are you kidding? Yes, the government is true blue and never does anything that it does not tell the public all about. Is this what you would believe or am I misreading your overwhelming trust of the government to be up front with everything and never mess with anyone?

Anyway, I think some here may be confused as to the difference between older signals and the newer ones that are said to be definitely extraterrestrial in nature and are occurring more and more frequently. This according to high ranking official of SETI.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 02:37 PM
To those that would think this being a hoax,excuse me but this isnt a discussion on a Dan Brown novel, and yes, since the NRO *ARE* responsible at the Gov level for monitoring ET contact, yes they are probably trying to scramble the signals since they know the signals are going to DR.Greers CSETI, for those out there that think you can stop this, Disclosure has gone too far for your debunking pleasure,there is no stopping disclosure,if not today then tomorrow... and you know as well as i do,it`s inevitable.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 02:40 PM

Disclosure has gone too far for your debunking pleasure,there is no stopping disclosure,if not today then tomorrow... and you know as well as i do,it`s inevitable.

How so, show us?
I do believe disclosure is possible but the way you describe it, no.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by jbondo

Are you kidding? You don't believe the government would do any of this? Again, are you kidding? Yes, the government is true blue and never does anything that it does not tell the public all about. Is this what you would believe or am I misreading your overwhelming trust of the government to be up front with everything and never mess with anyone?

We're talking about radio signals. Any jamming from earth will be obvious and can be triangulated. The same with jamming from space. It is basically noise trying to cover noise, and there isn't any evidence of that other "noise".

[edit on 28-6-2006 by hogtie]

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 03:38 PM
Even if SETI did find a signal, which they might of, the effect to the world would be slightly catastrophic - there are many religions which are basically told that Earth is the ONLY place that life exists in the universe (e.g. Christianity). I don't believe that SETI would ever announce a confirmation and basically they are a pointless organisation, IMHO.

Anything like this will be suppressed; nothing will get in the way of the status-quo, ever.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 03:46 PM
I'm not too sure what to make of this.I've heard SETI and Disclosure are both very reputable,but I haven't really read up on them.If this is true,like some others said,it'll probably be swept under the rug for some dumb reason.Hopefully though,if these programs are as trustworthy as some say,they will continue to push to get this info out to the mainstream.That is,considering it is what they believe it to be.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 04:23 PM
With all the nerds working on the SETI project, there is no way they could keep this quiet for very long.

It would appear in every newspaper and technical journal in the country within a matter of days.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 04:44 PM
The indoctrination process for disclosure is well planned and its in full execution, babysteps are working, but the problem still remains bridging science and religion (since they`re both out to prove the same thing) and that *remains* the biggest obstacle, But if you look around you (in the world) that process is also well on its way to being acomplished (albeit way tougher), so there is a plan and i understand the fear *some of you* have to this happening, but it`s gonna happen and and we will be witness to this in the next 8- 12 years maybe way before that. I know it sounds far away, but for the sake of humanity advancing forward, it will happen.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Retseh
With all the nerds working on the SETI project, there is no way they could keep this quiet for very long.

It would appear in every newspaper and technical journal in the country within a matter of days.

I think your viewpoint is fairly stereotypical ... I doubt that any confirmed signals would be firstly reported to some 'nerd' poring over a monitor - these would probably be reported to someone higher up in the chain of command?

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 05:01 PM
Just like any of the other hoaxes going on in the study of extraterrestrial intelligence, any claims that are buried under government interference are bogus. If SETI had received a verified, extraterrestrial signal, the guy who fronts a TON of money to these people, Paul Allen, would very likely be the first to know -- not the government. I'm sure he'd have something to say in all this.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 05:22 PM
In the end, we are only left with the usual speculation, what ifs, etc. Personally, I think these guys might just have hit a signal or two. But until an oval eyed critter from Rigel or Orion personally invites me for a beer (instead of the usual probe) I will settle for being somewhat of a skeptic.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Easy Tiger

Originally posted by Retseh
With all the nerds working on the SETI project, there is no way they could keep this quiet for very long.

It would appear in every newspaper and technical journal in the country within a matter of days.

I think your viewpoint is fairly stereotypical ... I doubt that any confirmed signals would be firstly reported to some 'nerd' poring over a monitor - these would probably be reported to someone higher up in the chain of command?

And the nerd is then capped in the head? LoL. What Retseh was saying is that those guys would eventually spill the beans.

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Chaz

I wouldnt think it real at first.

Then I heard the guy say that more signals appear and the signals get stronger? Then I remembered Independence Day.

And I wondered whether an alien race that has been observing earth would reenact something from an alien invasion movie because they thought it was funny.

But if there are signals, well, why not tell about it? I understand SETI wanna verify it first ofcourse, but if they are real, we should soon hear about them.

That supposedly NASA is blocking signals is ofcourse nonsense. You can't block signals from space dude, even if it isn't on any wavelength that people on earth would use, you would need a strong emitter. Ofcourse maybe NASA had one standing ready just in case lol. But if aliens wanted to contact us, im sure they can outsmart NASA right? I mean come on, NASA?

posted on Jun, 28 2006 @ 06:01 PM
I kind of find it hard to believe that a "Privately Funded Program" such as SETI would allow the Government to get a hold of this vital information. Then again, the Gov. has always had the people by the wavos when it come's to such topics of possibly being in all scence of the word "Reality" and think they (GOv.) should have the total control of it's disclosure of such a find.
Another thing that pop's to mind is, "What if after they cut the funding for SETI, they had already initiated a much more powerful way to pick up E.T.'s signal and keepoing it an absolute "Top Secret" facility, and leaving SETI on the way side thinking that it would cease to exist with no inclination of how the richer part's of our general public would pick up the tab?"

One of my thinking "HARD" moment's, but could be very feasable,Not?

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