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UFO Forum READ BEFORE Posting **02/18/2007 UPDATE***

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posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:55 PM


posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:57 PM


posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:58 PM


posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:03 AM
After doing some research and not finding the answers I am looking for, I found this website. I tried to make my own post, but it wouldn't let me because I am new. So I will just post my question here and see if I can some answers.

My question is this, If a person had a real ufo, well not really a ufo but some kind of wierd metal disk (broke up) in their possesion, and possibly some kind of aliens (dead) on their land and well hidden from any road, or people, what do you think it would be worth, who would you go to, to make sure the goverment just didn't come take it from you. If it crashed on your property and you really didn't care about where it came from, only you know it didn't come from earth, and you can't get inside to see whats in it, but maybe aliens, and just wanted the money for the damn thing, who could you go to, to help set it all up and sell it to the highest bidder, or whoever. I'm asking what would it be worth?..Who would you call to help negotiate a deal with certain people that would want to buy it?

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by justaquestion

You would never get the money in your hand. DoD would be on your butt before you could get any further.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by justaquestion

It isn't a matter of money but a matter of mankind. If you disclose the evidence properly, you'll earn money anyway. If I were you I would contact as many none state organisations, reporters and people that are involved in UFO research to give them the opportunity to study and release the evidence.
You could meet up with them first, blindfold them and than lead them to the evidence.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 02:40 AM

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:28 PM
Why aren't new threads on new footage from Alison Kruse allowed? Is there a general agreement among staff that she is a hoax or is it just the mod "semperfortis", who appears to have been tricked by some regular trolls? In threads about Alison at least 50% of posters say they don't think it's a hoax. Yet certain people have harassed the mods to the point of closing these threads immediately. The same troll every day for hours and hours not adding ANYTHING meaningful to the thread(s).

I get the feeling ATS is not allowed to feature those videos because they are TOO real... Is this an official policy or just one mod?

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Springer

This is why I love ATS. Practical and efficient.

I think you people have a very fair and no non-sense approach, (speaking as someone who has been banned from the site) and courtesy is mandatory. It sort of keeps things on more of an adult level.

I had to read many posts before I learned the knack of disagreeing with someone without resorting to the oh so tempting character assaults.

Now I have to leave threads without returning to look at responses. I will not allow an unfavorable response to one of my comments draw me into a personal argument. Won't let strangers push buttons and I have some buttons as sensitive as a kittens whiskers.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by sandwiches
I get the feeling ATS is not allowed to feature those videos because they are TOO real... Is this an official policy or just one mod?

It's probably because she has been shown to take videos of planes, and has shot lasers at those planes....

I think there are plenty of her vids in the HOAX section....

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by sandwiches
Why aren't new threads on new footage from Alison Kruse allowed? Is there a general agreement among staff that she is a hoax or is it just the mod "semperfortis", who appears to have been tricked by some regular trolls? In threads about Alison at least 50% of posters say they don't think it's a hoax. Yet certain people have harassed the mods to the point of closing these threads immediately. The same troll every day for hours and hours not adding ANYTHING meaningful to the thread(s).

I get the feeling ATS is not allowed to feature those videos because they are TOO real... Is this an official policy or just one mod?


Subsequent to the extensive analysis of Kruse's material, the ATS Owners & Moderators decided that Kruse is a hoaxer & her material will always be assigned to the "Hoax Forum".

There was a thread about that a little while ago.

I'll see if I can find it for you so that you can read it for yourself.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Toxicsurf

Originally posted by sandwiches
I get the feeling ATS is not allowed to feature those videos because they are TOO real... Is this an official policy or just one mod?

It's probably because she has been shown to take videos of planes, and has shot lasers at those planes....I think there are plenty of her vids in the HOAX section....

That's my point. Her videos are being placed in the hoax section simply because of the amount of misinformation being spread. The deniers (of ongoing investigation) cause such an uproar that the mods have apparently gotten sick of it. Your laser pointer argument is weak. IF you were investigating UFOs you'd be more interested in the footage of the UFOs than the actions of the human.

Perhaps she has filmed a plane or two and mistook them for UFOs - I don't know, I didn't see anything that struck me as false - I use my own logic and don't let suggestive statements (which are few with her I find) distract me from my efforts to find the truth. The large majority of her footage is UNEXPLAINED. You are lying if you say you can explain it and even if you can make something up it doesn't mean we shouldn't keep investigating.

ATS needs to think about how to improve their site. Controversial subjects need to be highlighted not suppressed.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 02:02 PM
For what it's worth.
A MUFON field investigator reports UFO's turning into fake plane's.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:16 PM
Finally A Chance to tell (believe it or not) a REAL "UFO" encounter!
I will start out with the standard dribble here guys in an attempt to prove (or disprove if thats your forte'..) What type of person I am as an observer. Im 49 years old/ male/ live in Texas/health care worker (Therapist) for 18 years...prior to that I was a Union Plumber . Have had 12 surgeries to date/ 1.5 years chemo/ getting ready for another spinal surgery (this will be number 6 in that category..). Prior to sighting I was one of those who made fun or at least in a cynical flare would say "well...if I ever saw a UFO I would jump out screaming get yer lil green/grey/whatever butt down here and lets TALK! COMMUNICATE so all these other flurbs will stop coming up with such flimsy excuses for proof (or lack thereof)".
1. I was proven quiet wrong for that and have eatn my proverbial hat for over 30 +years now...
2. It was literally the most terrifying instance in my entire life.
3. I have found over the years just how difficult it is to file yet alone prove similar cases and I'm just now getting my first shot at even being heard out!!!.
MUFON at at least 4 other sites never so much as gave me a reply so I am in awe/ appreciation for the opportunity thus.
at approx 2:45 am mid-Nov. of 1983 after relieving myself (like guys do at nite). I went to the South window to overveiw my possibilites of hunting (nite-calling) for coming Fri. NIte. to the West at about 15 degrees WSW I noticed 2 parallel maneuvering bogies..the unique part was 1. that speed/intertia and stopping/turning that was taken place was beyond human tolerance in ANY conventional/known craft at present time (or now as far as I know...). 2. I looked away and varified time/temperature/ weather conditions/and make sure I was awake as well. crystal clear nite, I tried to get my X-wife to wake up to no avail. after veiwing them for approx. 5 minutes they paried and shot due north then at about a 50 degree climb vanished at an impossible rate beyond site (i.e. literally beyond stratosphere to my knowledge understanding at the time)
I then went back to bed tried to wake up the "X" and finally just gave up and thought it all over. Just before finally rolling over I had realized I had saw a full moon due overhead...I thought "well then chance of "calling" maybe ok considering it should be on the "wane" and wont be as brite as it was this past weekend /////////////errr...full moon...past weekend??.....
OK..that didnt make sense at all so I said "screw goin to sleep something's not kosher or im exp. the most vivid/lucid dream I ever have!
Got up went back to window...looked overhead and realized I now see I fullmoon "looking" orb and 1/3 of another and the outer rim of something that makes NO NOISE/ROUND/recessed bottom with what appears to be parkerized alloy surfurace (I was also a gun customizer off and on so was familiar with alloys/metal surfacing).At this point my heart rate climbed I KNOW to over 150 and I started to sweat profusely....I then did all could to calm myself because I realized anything this advanced probably realized I was there and every move/gesture/physiological response could stand the chance of all those goofy shows coming a reality ... I focused on lowering my heartrate...slowly went back to my bead and dropped respiratory rate, covered my head with pillow and prayed literally with every part of my Not a big amazing story but what is, is the incredible health misfortune "I,X-wife, now dead 2nd born son, and even my eldest son to some extent have exp. over the years since.
What Im trying to say here guys is.... IT WAS REAL/ i believe it to be FROM AMERICA/ and I also believe it pours out RADIATION like Niagra Falls discharges GPM of water every frikn DAY!!!
\thanx for yer time,
p.s. I have time I will tell you about another one when I was 9

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 07:58 AM

I have read about half the posts below. I am a brand new member. Here for about 15min. I have never belonged to anything like this before, so I am completely ignorant of the troubles associated with blog sites.

However, while searching for some information on UFO sightings, I was greatly disturbed by some of these posts and felt compelled to respond.

I joined this site, because it seems to be an opportunity to discuss the deeper issues in life with intelligent human beings, rather than teen-aged bs. That being said...I can't help but notice the angry, defensive tones expressed by some.

Let me assure you, that as a new person here, I will make mistakes. I've never had anyone to discuss these things with, so I will likely bring up issues that are old news to most of you.

As bright, deep thinking human beings, it is my hope that you will have some understanding. Perhaps try to remember the first time that you tried to communicate via a web-site and then have open arms.

My initial reply was to be to a post about the UFO over the Chinese airport. I see now that it is locked, so I will express myself here.

It is my opinion, that to lessen tempers, words like "guarantee, always, never, without doubt etc" should be avoided. We are intillectual infants in this world. Again, just my opinion, but, the mark of a truly wise person is the understanding that we don't really "know" anything. So to present yourself as one who does, really, only represents misguided arrogance.

I am looking forward to coorespendance here about things that I am unable to speak freely of. I hope that my post will enable some of you check your egos at the desk. Seems to me that none of these forums should be taken or given personally.

Side Note: I think humanity is blinded by our own arrogance and that we are getting ready for a huge wake-up-call! What that is...I don't know...and BTW...neither do you...


posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Indefaticable

It is something you just have to get passed, and if there is a poster you really get annoyed with, use the ignore, I know I have many people who add nothing but negativity ignored.

it seems like the moderators don't have any intention of doing much about the obvious mud slinging arena that is the UFO forum

The new Greer and Hoagland is evidence enough, posting throughout the thread that it shouldn't even be discussed because they are "money grabbing charlatans". Little discussion actually is taking place because there is a select few who have been on the offensive the whole time derailing discussion.

Yes, responding to an honest question about disclosure with something like "who cares because Greer and Hoag are frauds", is what I consider derailing, even more so because almost every inquiry to the video has been met by something similar to this.

Id really to know what the mods like to think on this, because it is so out of hand, you want to be a skeptic, fine, you don't wanna believe them and think they are frauds, fine. But when 75 % of each page is filled with the same thing, which has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand it gets rather annoying.

If the mods really think that 18 pages of "Fraud and charlatan" from the same people, are stimulating intelligent discussion than I'd like to know why.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by kyle43

When the purveyors of the tale, or, the source of topic ARE known hoaxers, BS artists, etc... what do you expect?

How would you respond to a thread about ethics, human kindness and compassion that was sourced from Joseph Stalin?

I know that's an extreme analogy but the point stands...

The two fellows in question have consistently spewed the most ridiculous tripe, utterly false "predictions" and assumptions, presented terrible fakes as images of "Alien Ships", up to an including MOTHS, rock formations on Mars and charged people money for their wares.

Summing the above up what else would you call them? Why would anything they present be worthy of discussion?


posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Springer

Then why even allow the discussion? By allowing ridicule, insults, and sarcasm throught the whole thread, from the same group mind you, you are allowing the topic to not have any hope of getting discussed. Just because someone is a "proven" liar, which in reality we all are, doesn't mean the things he speaks about are also 100 % false. Can you really say that they don't make any interesting connections? The crop circles of the schematics of Mars, then Fox coming out with a "new picture" of Mars that day is pretty damn interesting.

Having the same thing posted over and over does nothing, ATS wonders why there is so much hate. I have an idea for this, because ATS allows the skeptics to be downright jerks. Like I said before, being a skeptic is one thing, but having an intelligent conversation is another.

It isn't about "Greer and Hoagland" being known liars. That isn't what its about and truthfully I'm sure a lot of what they have said is a bunch of bull but they also have said a lot of thought provoking things. And another thing that many people never want to bring up with Greer is that he had how many credible sources confirm many of the things he talks about?

It is about people wanting to have the honor of derailing the thread because they have nothing else to add. What if I came to everyone of your threads spamming that you are not to be trusted because you are a mason (I dont know if you are) or because ATS is a "phys op" operation. Will I be banned or will I be aloud to go for 20 + pages literally spamming that you shouldnt be trusted for whatever reason. I can understand, I really can, the reasons why people say he shouldn't be trusted, and you know what, he shouldn't. But even he deserves to have his ideas discussed. The saddest part is that no one interested in the things they say got to have any worthwhile discussion because a few rascals took it upon themselves to be the holy crusaders of ATS, slaying down followers of ignorance. Give me a break...because at that point it is doing more harm than good.

Whats next, are you going to tell me who I should listen to and who is worthy of actual intellectual conversation? Sounds much like Stalin to me...

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 05:48 PM
wow ats site design has really changed.. i liked the old one more... :/ reading it has been tough and posting is even harder.

it's difficult to navigate and there are too many icons and i just got tricked by that background ad!

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