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Sobering interviews with returning soldiers

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posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Kukula, I could only assume youre a hippie..YOU LIVE IN OREGON!
The whole state is a federal preserve for hippies!

Anyway, thats good, being a good and constrctive hippie, marching right in the face of the govornment and placing the blame right where it belongs: the hands of the high holy criminals! As long as this generation of hippies veers from the idiocy of the post nam spitting hippies, then I shall refrain from pelting you with big chunks of cooked beef that come from cows that were cruelly tortured to death!

Keep up the good work, then, and keep on marching.


posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by ROGUE
In the early days people who returned from War were heroes,now they are "Murderers" and similar crap.

The Vietnam war was the start of this "Peace dude!" lets make love not War well thats sweet with me but with screaming idiots like the NKs threatening to use Nukes and sending missiles towards and over Japan.
You cant just sit ther and say "Hey dude were all friends dont do that" it just doesnt work.
You are not dealing with a rational person as with Saddam and similar meat heads.

I think a heap of people on here need to think what would happen if you were there in Iraq or in Afghanistan "You say peace dude" over there and you will have invasive crainial surgery from a AKM round.

They dont care,you read what that guy is saying ALL OF IT he has been through hell and back as soldiers do in War.You try to free a people from a mad tyrant and then his people shoot you in the back in the street,and the US troops etc can only fire when fired upon.(which is generally too late for somebody).

I really think alot of people just dont have enough understanding about War and pitting another human against another.
And I guess without seeing it and experiencing it first time you will never know.

On the battlefeild its "them vs us" and when you are looking down the iron sights at a guy who is trying to kill you or your family/friends/comrades there is no second thought its just pulling the 2 stage trigger back to 3 and survive for a little longer.

I have lost family and friends to War and terrorism and know where the guy is coming from.
One of my relatives was gunned down in cold blood on the banks of a lake by the IRA in front of his son who grew up to later join the ranks of the British Army and served his time well....proudly..

1. This administration IS making murderers of our soldiers.

2. You give the North Korean's way too much credit. They're known for their whining bluffs. And they REALLY scare me.
We all know it's a brutish world. Just because you are knowledgeable enough about the NEO CONS being frockin' stupid enough to have opened this PANDORA'S BOX, does not make one a meat head. Why don't you refrain from name-calling and say something intelligent.

3. I think I'm QUALIFIED to speak to you accusations as I have seen it first hand while serving with the 101st Airborne Division. (HAVE YOU?) Our people coming back from this NEO CON adventure into madness are gonna need some serious psychological counseling after what they've been so thoughtlessly and recklessly put through. IMPERIALISM AND WAR FOR OIL IS NOT WHAT THEY ARE SERVING THEIR COUNTRY FOR!
Their job is to DEFEND OUR COUNTRY!

4. Please don't give me that BU# about how we liberated those poor Iraqi's from that brutal dictator Saddam. You ask me, we shoulda took him out the first time when we had him in our crosshairs. NONE of this SHYTE would be happening right now. WHY DON'T YOU EXPLAIN TO US WHY WE DIDN'T WHEN WE HAD BAGHDAD SURROUNDED in the winter of '91? YOU CAN'T BECAUSE THEY HAD THEIR LITTLE PLAN. BABY STEPS RIGHT UP THE SAUDI'S ARSE.

5. Do yourself a favor and quit buying into this frocking ridiculous fiction called the War on Terror. IT DOESN'T EXIST, AT LEAST NOT THE WAY YOU THINK IT DOES. IT'S A FROCKIN' LIE.

And finally, understand, soldiers views are somewhat skewed, or biased toward believing in the word of the government. (And God Bless 'em, I used to be one of 'em. Had I known what I know now, I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep at night after what I went through. Fortunately, I was true believer and very proud of my unit and service. I'm still proud of the men and women who serve. But who they serve these days, unfortunately, may as well be Satan himself.) They are taken in usually at a very young age, before their reasoning and education has fully developed. And they are brainwashed, fed horrific garbage to make them hate a percieved enemy, largely of the government's own creation, especially as in the case of "Al-Qaida."
This war in Iraq is complete BU# and it's NOT worth one single American, British, Aussie or even Iraqi life! Open your mind and open your eyes and put down that frokking flag you're blindely waving that was MADE IN CHINA long enough to do some RESEARCH. FIND THE TRUTH! IT'S OUT THERE FOR ANYONE WITH BRAIN ENOUGH TO FIND IT!

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 08:12 PM
Sorry to disagree - but i for one support our troops in Iraq . We are brits - doing what we said we would - standing houlder to shoulder. And I dont care for the belief that this is oil - this was done to take out an evil man - and the US did that in a way unexpected by anyone - fast clean and clear. Yes i agree that the cleanup is messy - hell we have many years experience in Nortern Ireland to teach you - but we are getting there as you will in Iraq. Vietnam is maybe something America needs to think about - and East Coast - you were 101 ? wernt they the guys spoken about in the book "Chickenhawk" - the old cavalry soldiers - who in the words of "Apocalypse Now" - "traded their horses for choppers and toured nam looking for the Sh1t" - a proud lineage for any force.

I read a lot of military bloggs - and some of them are quite lifting about the work your troops are doing to aleviate the suffering there - all I can really off is a quote from my favorite screen writer - "Never Start a fight but always finish it" and America be proud - you did that on the day I watched you pull down that (cant post that word here) statue. From this side of the channel we salute you and get your boys and girls home safe.

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 08:33 PM

Sorry to disagree - but i for one support our troops in Iraq

If you cared and supported them, youd get them the # out of this Vietnam 2.

They dont want to be there. As far as uplifting blogs........

LMAO. Havent you heard about the fake good news letters coming back from Iraq? Commanders are faking good news letters to give the illusion of a great time and good work. The truth is:

The average soldier will not see a computer till he comes back home. internet access to the average field soldier is non existant. who has access to computers? commanders, admin and medical personel.......

Anyway, I dont support my former commerades getting killed, poisoned, or mentally destablized for the freedom of a country that has no desire for our western "corruption". There is still plenty of dislike over there for Americans, they are quite displeased with us. If they are anything like the saudis were, our troops are NOT enjoying themselves, and many are sitting there questioning everything.

I support my troops. AT HOME WHERE THEY BELONG> WHERE THEY WANT TO BE> WHERE THEY WILL BE APPRECIATED AND PROPERLY USED. This is the home they signed up to defend. They did not sign up to free foreign cultures and nations. They did not sign up to defend oil. They signed up for AMERICA.

# Iraq. If Saddam was good enough to fund and support for 10 years, then he was good enough to stick around another ten without our favor. or 20.


We won because it was the equivilant of a swat team taking out a troupe of two boyscouts armed with slings. Hardly a fair fight, lol. Had he had anythign left to fight with, it might have been ALOT different........

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 08:40 PM
Skadi - I was also talking about my country men out there - we dint fight in Vietnam - but my friends are also out there fighting at your pesidents behest. I for one am hapy they are ther doing a job we asked them too.

As for the blogg issue - please take a look at a couple of sites - there are troops there with internet access and laptoops and one is running a campaign to deliver toys to children - and has been so sucesssful the US military has stopped delivering to him because of numbers of packages.

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 08:41 PM

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 09:11 PM
How quickly some of YOUS on here have forgotten 9/11.

Its not over with we got along way to go.

There was a saying many years ago. "We must NEVER let this happen again"
It was repeated by many at the time.

It referred to Hitler.

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 09:25 PM
Katie - I agree with you so much
I lived in NYC a number of years ago and lost friends in the WTC - thats why i am a suporter of your efforts and our guys work in the gulf. Sometimes i think this site loses perspective of hat is really happening out there and im sorry but some americans cannot just get past what these people are capable of - they prefer to blame it on some fragment of imagination - that the big bad NWO will take their guns from them - well Art Bell has a lot to answer for.

Actually as we say about our veterans of WW1 and 2 - we will never forget - and yes i bought my poppy today

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Katie
How quickly some of YOUS on here have forgotten 9/11.

Its not over with we got along way to go.

There was a saying many years ago. "We must NEVER let this happen again"
It was repeated by many at the time.

It referred to Hitler.

The problem is Kate, we haven't forgotten 9-11, as a matter of fact it dominates many of our thoughts constantly... why???? because it stinks... it is rotten to the core, its the dirtiest most shamefull act that has ever been committed by a small group of rotten-to-the-core S.O.B's.

It's fundamental to the shaping of the new world, sure the cards are stacked in favour of our nations, but where does humanity sit in their equation?

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 12:57 PM
Silk, the above blog is not by an enlisted field soldier. Its an officer in the MI. BIG difference. Of course life shall be hunky dory and full of roses and charity for him. This is basically what I have been telling you: The foot, forward, combat arms people over there do not have access to computers but very sporadically. A friend of mine, who is a combat engineer, has sent one email to us at home, when he was back in the rear. Other than that, its been sporadic handwritten letters, when he had time to write them.

None of my other friends have been anywhere near a computer with internet acess. It has been sporadic letters on paper home about whats going on, and whats going on isnt too pretty. Officers, especially rear eschelon or higher grade jobs, of course, life is sweet for them over there.

Sorry, forgot, youre brit. Youre guys ARE over there. Why would you want them there? In case you havent noticed, its becoming alot clearer alot quicker to the Brits the whole war was a fat lie and scam. Why keep your guys over there for an American lie? Already, 9/11 is being more and more questioned as a possible govornment act, what will you do when it comes out that even the basis of the war on terror is all a big fat lie?

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 01:44 PM
And Ive been thinking about moving to Seattle or somwhere in that area?

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 01:55 PM
Sorry Skadi - my bad choice for a Blogg - but i chose it more to do with the work he is doing for children than what he was actually soing over there. There are a number of other Bloggs that are from enlisted men - its worth a search and you can find them.

As for the reason we Brits support our forces - its pretty simple to me - the time to argue whether they went or not was before the war - once they are committed then its in our nature i think to support them and worry about the reasons why after. Whilst they are there they are doing their duty and fighting in the name of a country I hold dear.

I might not like the guy who sent them - indeed im a party memeber for the opposition - but at times like these we tend to have a consensus in that all parties support the troops.I do distance that support from the reasons why and the wherefore of why they are there. And I too am interested in the outcome of the Hutton inquiry - i think Mr Blair will find its conclusions uncomfortable - and last weekends heart problems may very well lead to a convenient resignation.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 08:13 AM
I hope for your guys sake, silk, that Blair resigns too. And I hope with his resignation, come the withdrawal of British troops, since they were sent there on false pretenses. It would be a shame to see them entangled in this second episode of Vietnam. (dont worry guys, for those who point out the casulaties are too light to be vietnam, remeber, Vietnam started out pretty tame too, were only there so far 6 months, Nam alsted 10 years, which is about how long our leaders plan on keeping us there....dont worry, the body count will shoot up in a while.:@@

The warrants site yes, is touching, its nice to see an officer doing somethign constructive for a change other than sending his troops to paint his humvee shiny to impress the general when he comes to make an inspection......and I hope his project is sucessful. Unfortunately, for the field soldiers, whether they be infantry, Marines, Cav, maintaince, missiles, support, ect, the opportunity to do such pleasant touching things is pretty much nil. If youre not being run ragged to the point of nervous breakdown by your commanders, if youre not dodging bullets, or cautiously looking around wondering where the next bombing will be, or having to amke that killer instinct choice and blow the # out of a few Iraqis you suspect have guns aimed at get the point. GenerALLy, these are normal combat stresses, things that have been a part of war, but......when you add low morale, lack of heart for the task at hand, doubt, confusion, lack of any decent command, fatalism, hostility, distrust, paranoia, ect.....youre fighting a losing war, as they discovered in nam. Another forever war, yet another war, shall America end, with no closure, only a trail of broken lives, shattered souls, and uncertain futures?

Idf like to nip this Iraq thing in the ass right now before it gets irreversably worse. The bombings and attacks have increased, Saddam pretty much is no where close to being found. Soldiers are dying more often. More hostility from the population. Iraq still a mess. Distrust on both sides. When all the smoke clears, who do you think is gonna take the heat? Whose gonna burn at the stake? Whose gonna take the blame, the bullets, the hatred, the burden, the guilt of the war?

The soldier, thats who. Thats why I support thier immiediate removal. For them. They dont deserve this. They deserve better. This crooked evil administration may not care, but I do. This was never meant to be thier war, thier war is not as savior of othernations, but Americas hope and pride, first and last lines of defense.

For the Brit troops, I couldnt tell you what they are thinking. I would imagine, if they have seen the same # there, they are probably thinking "what a #ing farce".

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Silk
Sorry to disagree - but i for one support our troops in Iraq . We are brits - doing what we said we would - standing houlder to shoulder. And I dont care for the belief that this is oil - this was done to take out an evil man - and the US did that in a way unexpected by anyone - fast clean and clear. Yes i agree that the cleanup is messy - hell we have many years experience in Nortern Ireland to teach you - but we are getting there as you will in Iraq. Vietnam is maybe something America needs to think about - and East Coast - you were 101 ? wernt they the guys spoken about in the book "Chickenhawk" - the old cavalry soldiers - who in the words of "Apocalypse Now" - "traded their horses for choppers and toured nam looking for the Sh1t" - a proud lineage for any force.

I read a lot of military bloggs - and some of them are quite lifting about the work your troops are doing to aleviate the suffering there - all I can really off is a quote from my favorite screen writer - "Never Start a fight but always finish it" and America be proud - you did that on the day I watched you pull down that (cant post that word here) statue. From this side of the channel we salute you and get your boys and girls home safe.

If you wish to support a mammoth fraud, that's fine with me. And by the way, my opposition to this whole clusterfrock comes from the fact that I DO SUPPORT THE TROOPS. If you're willing to go to go over there and offer your body up or your loved ones as cannon fodder b/c you have some kind of uniformed and naive belief, then, by all means pick up your weapon and gas mask and move out.
Yeah right, trust me, I would have been the first one to kill Saddam Hussein (Boogie Man #2) had I caught him in my sites during the first Gulf War, but I didn't have that privelege. I won't even say what I think of your greedy leader and mine, and what our governents did to fund and supply the monster you so hate, when we found it convenient, or in our best interest.
Yes, I served with the 101st and am proud to say they were some of the finest men and women I've ever known. But that doesn't have a rat's azz to do with the current criminal conduct our government's have engaged in. (REad the Nuremburg protocols, for starters. And I also suggest renting the movie Lawrence of Arabia for a little background history on Mesopotamia.)
It's true, our troops on the ground, as well as the brits and Aussies are doing the best they can at their lowly levels. I truly thank you for your appreciation towards the troops, they deserve it; but please, don't let emotion take the place of knowledge and reason. It won't do any of our soldiers a damm bit of good.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Katie
How quickly some of YOUS on here have forgotten 9/11.

Its not over with we got along way to go.

There was a saying many years ago. "We must NEVER let this happen again"
It was repeated by many at the time.

It referred to Hitler.

Sorry kiddo, don't mean to be rude, but you REALLY need to do some research. While you're at it, please share with us what Saddam Hussein and IRAQ had to do with 9-11? I'll give you a hint, NOT A FUKKKEN THING. WAKE UP.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 01:40 PM
My girlfriends brother just came back for 2 weeks in Iraq. He had to pay his airfare to come home to see his 6 month old baby.

Anyway.....he used to ask his mom to send new underwear since he had lost so much weight he couldn't wear his old stuff.

He also says that he is working double and triple shifts doing things such as minesweeping, police work etc (he is in a maint. unit.)

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Herder
My girlfriends brother just came back for 2 weeks in Iraq. He had to pay his airfare to come home to see his 6 month old baby.

Anyway.....he used to ask his mom to send new underwear since he had lost so much weight he couldn't wear his old stuff.

He also says that he is working double and triple shifts doing things such as minesweeping, police work etc (he is in a maint. unit.)

That really sucks azz! I feel for him! It's a travesty that the soldiers have to pay for their own transporation and whatnot. The people running this show are gonna rot in hell.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 09:16 PM
I have a freind that is stationed in Iraq. His best freind was shot in the head and died bleeding in his arms. He wants to go home... can you blame him?

In the past, million of servicemen withstood situations like these and continued to fight because they were fighting for something they believed in(wether it was true or not).

From what I have gathered from personal experiences(never trust the media), our servicemen are reaching dangerously low levels of morale that kills their fighting spirit and encourages disorder.

Over time, the command structure will deterioate and casualties will rise unless we pull out soon. The U.S. is not prepared to fight a guerilla war against an enemy that most people do not hold in contempt. There is no fighting spirit, no drive to go on.

If Bush wants things to continue like this, he better have one hell of a propoganda campaign and lots of those little plastic flags.

posted on Oct, 27 2003 @ 09:36 PM
I came home on leave shortly after spending a wonderful month in Grenada,was walking down state street in madison wisconsin on my way to meet a ride home,and some silly ass student felt the need to give me some # about wearing my dress greens,beret and jump boots,called me a baby killer,HAHAHAH.
Yup 1983.
He was lucky I was in a hurry to get somwhere,or I would have taken the time to explain something to him.
War is no place to learn about reality.
It certainly ruined the good mood I was in,being home and all after some of the things I still wake up seeing today,still.
And grenada was short and sweet.
I hope the "Iraccident" is over soon,nobody deserves to be alerted to reality like that,especially reservists.

posted on Oct, 28 2003 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
I came home on leave shortly after spending a wonderful month in Grenada,was walking down state street in madison wisconsin on my way to meet a ride home,and some silly ass student felt the need to give me some # about wearing my dress greens,beret and jump boots,called me a baby killer,HAHAHAH.
Yup 1983.
He was lucky I was in a hurry to get somwhere,or I would have taken the time to explain something to him.
War is no place to learn about reality.
It certainly ruined the good mood I was in,being home and all after some of the things I still wake up seeing today,still.
And grenada was short and sweet.
I hope the "Iraccident" is over soon,nobody deserves to be alerted to reality like that,especially reservists.

I salute you, unbalanced. Brother Airborne.
You're a hero. That student can be stupid because of people like you.

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