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So when does the chit-chat start? Right now!

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posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 02:09 PM
Wow, Spira, that was some snowfall! It's so dry out here, that that might be the only snow I'll see this year! Thanks ... and, here, have a sherry.

olaru, I love you back! Here, let me share my cough syrup with you. You know, I always told my students I loved them. I would stand in front of each class and say, "I love my students! Like a mother loves her children. And just like a mother doesn't have a favorite child, a teacher shouldn't have a favorite student. You're ALL my favorite students." Invariably, one student then would pipe up, "My mother tells me my brother (sister) is her favorite!" I would stand there smiling, repeating, "You're ALL my favorite students!", but in my mind I'ld be answering back to that student, "And I sure can understand why!" ... please pass the cough syrup back this way, I need a swig ... anyway, there were times I would tell a student or two, "I'm glad I'm not your mother!", and they would reply, "So am I !" We'ld laugh.

Remember the Crazy Maria I told you about? She was in my last class of the day, and one day towards the end of the school year, I noticed, as she walked in and sat down, that one side of her face was horribly swollen and bruised. She was carrying a tiny bowl of salt and a small wet cloth, which she used for dabbing up salt to then dab the cuts in her mouth. Ouch! Her eyes had that painful glare that I had seen before in the eyes of pets that had strayed from the property, returning wounded after having tangled with another animal or a car. "Leave me alone. I just need to lay low for awhile. Then I'll be alright."

My first thought was, "Oh, Jesus, somewhere on campus is another student who just tangled with Maria!" I immediately phoned the office, but I bypassed the Vice-Principals and phoned her counselor, to form a plan of action first. I got the story. Yesterday evening, Maria and her boyfriend were out walking in their neighborhood, when they were accosted and beaten up by some young men. Because of our student's age, we had no obligation to report anything to police. That would be left to Maria. The counselor thought her jaw might be broken, but Maria never went to the hospital. According to her, "Hospitals ask too damn many questions, and I'm not going to answer their damn questions!"

And so Maria sat all period at her desk. The bowl of salt carefully placed next to book and paper on the desktop, pencil in one hand to do her work, cloth in the other hand ready to dab her wounds. I have a feeling that Grandma told her how to use salt to help heal wounds, just as my parents had extolled gargling with salt mixed in warm water to cure a sore throat.

... oops ..cough cough... another swig of syrup, please ... some of my students would tell me about how their Grandmas kept part of a marijuana plant in liquid in a jar, to be used for various ailments. Of course, not everything Grandma proclaimed about the nature and treatment of illnesses was accurate or true. One year a recent school graduate, son of field workers, had gone away to a university, where he suffered a brain aneurysm and died. A rumor, no doubt spread by Grandma, was going around his little town, that the reason his head exploded was because he had studied too much!

Well, my students came to class, surrounded my desk, wanting to know if the rumor were true. I softly told them, no, your friend (relative) did not die because he studied too much. You can't die from studying too much. The kids were relieved. Well, there seemed to be a couple who were disappointed, because I had just taken away what seemed a great excuse for not studying hard.

Ok, I gotta wrap this up. It's all true today, except for my need for cough syrup, although MrD and I certainly do have a need for some, as we're suffering from that terrible flu going around. Anyway, back to Maria. And why what olaru said jogged a memory.

When I was on the phone talking to the counselor, I would glance at Maria, only to be met with that painful glare. After I hung up, I walked back to her desk in the corner, looked her in the eyes, and said that I knew what had happened and that I was so sorry. There was nothing else I could say. Except one more thing. "I love you, Maria." Then I walked away.

What struck me about that girl was how tough she was. A possible broken jaw, but here she was at school, trying to work and heal at the same time. I wondered how many other students, my braggadocio young males, for example, or even adults, would have been able to be as tough. I just hope she can get through her life with some success and not end up in prison at some point. If she does end up in prison, then I pity the person in there who gets tangled up with her. Maria's tough.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 07:09 PM
Ach, meine Freunde, I am so embarrassed. When I was here earlier, I forgot to read and post the new Lounge Noir Drought Emergency Action Plan. Ok, here goes ... oops, no, no, that was the Cease and Desist Letter ... "lewd conduct", my ass .... ok, I found it. .... dadadadadada ....yadayadayada .... ok, basically, drinks will no longer be watered down ...yay! .... but if you want ice, you have to bring your own ... boo! ... showers must be taken with at least one friend .... "if it's yellow, let it mellow. if it's brown, flush it down" ... "the aforementioned is for toilet use. swimming pool and spa hygiene rules still prohibit involuntary and voluntary discharges of human waste" .... wow, I didn't realize we had a rule for that ... I guess we all need to be aware of that one .... ok, getting down to the end ... you'll have to request a glass of water in the buffet, no longer will water service be automatic ... oh ... oh! Now that's neat! ... Lounge Noir will provide free cheap plastic reusable water bottles in Lounge Noir's distinctive colors ... didn't know we had any! ... oh, the same colors as the 2007 Tucson Summer Kids Golf Program ... we just have to use the stickers and markers provided to cover over the logo and "personalize" our own bottle .... the intent is to encourage Lounge Noir members to conserve water here by bringing it in from outside sources ... the bottles, stickers, and markers are available on a table in the foyer .... supply will last until either the drought or supply ends ... right now they're free, but if the drought ends before the supply runs out, price goes to $5 per bottle in order to help fund the LN "Charity Fund for Members Who Can't Pay Their Tabs" .. hey, I didn't know we had such a thing! I would have signed up long ago, instead of borrowing money from you guys! ... methinks MrP has a personal slush fund ... well, I'm not going to say anything. God bless MrP! Without him we wouldn't be here! Jeeves, a round of those Happy Hour well drinks, not watered down, remember!, so we can toast our founder, MrP.
edit on 27-1-2014 by desert because: sp

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 08:30 PM
Oh, lets get our Drink on!

i'll take a Bottle of water first to get it started!

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:01 PM
DP! Good to see ya! By a bottle of water, I assume you mean one of those free ones out in the foyer. The first fill up here is free, then you have to bring it in already filled after that. Our regular supply of bottled water ran out last week, and I cancelled ... called ... called our supplier to get more. Since delivery seems to be a little slow ...must be all those football parties lately haha ... allow me to unveil my new brand of bottled water. Between retirement income and my tab here, I thought I'ld better find a new source of income.

DP, since you have been responsible for taking our entertainment here to new heights, and since you're the first Noirian today to request bottled water, you get your first one free. In fact, I'll start you off with one you might like. I call it DarthEssence. Bright, bubbly, exquisitely refreshing.

Like all my products, this line is hand filled at its source. In fact, you, my friend, are drinking perhaps the purest water of all my lines. For the source that fills each bottle of DarthEssence is non-other than LN's very own beautiful fountain out front! Oh, I always get that reaction from my customers at first. .... here's a napkin, and allow me to wipe down the bar in front of you. Yep, delightfully surprised.

If you feel like some physical activity later today, you might want to buy some MarkSpritzer. Comes right from the tap I put in on the pool filter line; don't worry, the tap is on the pipe post-filter. Nothing but the best for my customers. And for those of you who have already tried and commented on it, I think you need to try it again, now that I've read and posted our pool and spa hygiene rules. I think you'll find the taste and quality has improved.

A bottle to go, DP? Não? Mas por quê? ... Here, maybe since it's early in the day, you might like my rejuvenating product, Fountain of Youse, named after my dead, beloved Grandmother, who, before she died, lived a long and healthy life and really did say "youse", no "z", straight "s". Now, the tap for this product was going to remain secret, and, no, its not from Grandma's old condo in Florida. Please, I have more respect for the dead than to kid like that! As my Grandma would tell us kids, "Youse always must respect the dead." Anyway, since we're all fellow Noirians now, I'll let you know where the tap is.

You see, when I was surveying our property for compliance with the Drought Emergency Plan Part O, for Outside, I realized that our golf course and disc golf course were already using reclaimed water, soooo, I figured that whatever didn't kill you would make you stronger, or as my Grandmother would say, "Whatever doesn't kill youse makes youse stronger." So, as all of you are walking away from the ninth hole to rejuvenate yourselves at our bar, I'll be out of sight behind the shrubbery there working hard at hand filling from the tap.

Hey, if youse guys go here, you'll be treated to the current view of the beach by Hearst Castle where the elephant seals congregate. Usually there are only about five or six seals sunbathing, but since their birthing season has just begun, you'll see how crowded it has become. Enjoy learning about them, too.

Take care, and luv u all!

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by desert


So good to see you - I've missed you and your stories

All this talk of drought and water is making me thirsty...I believe I'll have that sherry, then even more sherry - then commence to dancin' for rain

Hopefully the drought breaks soon desert. Soon - as in tomorrow. I know it couldn't come soon enough

So, I've been watching the seals here for the last little bit - thank you for that

I'm mesmerized - and speechless...dumbstruck

I'll be back with more when the dumb wears off


posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 07:26 PM
Whew, my new business here is keeping me too busy! I'm retired, for heaven's sake! Well, here's today's supply for tomorrow. ...Done! ... Here are the cases of my two latest water lines.

For Spira, I have created Walkabout. One sip and not only are you refreshed but you feel as if you possess insight into the Universe. For this water is flung from the LN sprinkler system, upwards to Father Sky, where Brother Sun imparts power to each molecule while it falls gently into each bottle lovingly and strategically placed by me, as I walk about the grounds each morning. Some customers swear I place the bottles on ley lines, but I only lay them where they can lie ready to accept the daily outpouring of life giving liquid. Actually, with the new Drought Plan, that daily outpouring will fall to outpourings only on odd number days, and then if that doesn't produce sufficient water savings, the output will be cut back to once a week.

And for olaru, I have olaru'sGreen. For this, I had to search and search until I found exactly the right spot. The old adobe tool shed. And if one partakes of the herbs found inside this shed and climbs to sit on the tile roof, one can see all there is to see of Lounge Noir and Life. The source of olaru'sGreen is on the south west corner of the shed, in constant shade of the yuccas and Jimson weed that thrive there, with just enough clearance for a bottle that must stay in place for awhile, as if in silent meditation until it is filled to the fill line with wisdom.

For you see, the liquid that drips, drips, drips into each bottle from that special faucet began its journey through inorganic, sterile pipe material, until, finally, it is able to end its journey through layer upon layer of organic material, material so full of vibrant green, vibrating Growth, that the pipe can no longer contain such Growth but it gushes outward and downward into daylight, infusing each drop of olaru'sGreen with itself. Those who have sat atop the adobe shed in daylight usually take two bottles up with them, one to splash away body heat, the other to quench thirst. But even if one sits atop at nighttime, a
bottle of olaru'sGreen is still needed, for when the inside of one's mouth starts to feel like the dry wool of a desert sheep that rests on the parched desert floor in summer.

Please note. Supplies of olaru'sGreen are extremely limited. olaru'sGreen takes time to collect, but then so does Life.

RIP Pete Seeger. Pete, when the time comes, I want to sing with you in that sweet bye and bye.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by desert

For Spira, I have created Walkabout. One sip and not only are you refreshed but you feel as if you possess insight into the Universe. For this water is flung from the LN sprinkler system, upwards to Father Sky, where Brother Sun imparts power to each molecule while it falls gently into each bottle lovingly and strategically placed by me, as I walk about the grounds each morning. Some customers swear I place the bottles on ley lines, but I only lay them where they can lie ready to accept the daily outpouring of life giving liquid. Actually, with the new Drought Plan, that daily outpouring will fall to outpourings only on odd number days, and then if that doesn't produce sufficient water savings, the output will be cut back to once a week.

Nothing I can do now but smile :-)

So lovely was that - puts me in the mood to lie on some ley lines...under some stars. If only

I got tired of knowing stuff a few days ago - so I didn't know this

Good night dear Pete - sleep well


sssshhhhhhhh....the seals are sleeping

edit on 1/28/2014 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 03:00 PM
Spira!!! So good to return here and find you in good spirits as usual. Jeeves, our usual sherry, thanks. Life is always better with a smile and a story.

When I got back, without my glasses on, I didn't know what all those little yellow things were that showed up at the bottom of my computer screen. They looked like tiny pieces of yellow sticky notes. But now I found this,
, as you can see. But look what else I found. A whole set of glasses for the bar! Sweet!

I forgot to warn you, that looking at the seal rookery can be highly addicting. Last summer I found some interesting streaming webcams ...and, heck, I was just lookin' at the rookery every day when there were only two or three seals sun bathing ... but before long I got this pop up on my screen from my ISP kindly informing me that I was nearing my data plan usage and that I might have to pay for more gigs if I continue "my addiction to these streaming videos" ... my words, not theirs ... Ah, heck, it's worth it!

I've been up and down that stretch of Hwy 1 many, many times, and I can remember when those seals started to make their appearance there. When my sons were boys, I remember driving along and noticing a couple cars stopped and people gathered on the bluff looking excitedly at the shore. Well, we decided to stop, too, thinking, wow, maybe there's a dead whale down there or something ... a carcass was always something of interest to my family, we're not the Adams Family ... Anyway, we, too, stopped.

I gotta admit, when I saw what was on the beach, I thought, "That's the ugliest damn seal I've ever seen!" But over the years, whenever we were out that way, we'ld always stop at that spot. So many people started stopping, and as the colony grew, there became a need to fence off the rookery, to stop people from going down to frolic and photograph. Soon the viewing location became a larger, safely accessible spot, complete with both docents and plaques with information about the rookery. So, with the addition of the webcam, it's a great opportunity to view nature in the wild.

Spira, thanks for sharing that video of Pete. You know, when I was 10, the first song I learned to play on my first guitar was that song. Boy, did I want to play and sing that song! I loved to sing it along with Pete, Peter, Paul, and Mary, or The Kingston Trio. Because I had way older sisters, I heard music that others my age may not have heard at the time played in their homes. I remember my mother giving one sister grief over a Joan Baez album she had brought home to play on her stereo; no, Mom, Joan would never sing like The Andrews or Lennon Sisters.

Spira, before I go, I gotta run something past you. Now, I'm gonna warn you, this might put some more dumb on ya. But I need some help with this one, to see what I'm missing. Here goes ...

I received a catalog in the mail a couple days ago. Since I'm at the point in my life where I'm getting rid of stuff, I'm emailing the co's that I no longer need catalogs from them, but I will glance through them if they show up, just to enjoy looking at what I no longer desire. So anyway, I see a picture of a cute puffy pillow that looks like a chocolate Easter Bunny. Chocolate colored cloth, white whip stitching, white bow. Adorable!

Ok, so I start to read the description. "Chocolate Bunny Decoration. The softest chocolate bunny you'll ever see!" Ahhh, that pillow is sooo adorable! Then I read "Decorative use only." Huh
No, don't tell me there has to be a warning that this OBVIOUS pillow is not a real chocolate bunny candy meant to be consumed!! The next thing in the description is "Polyester." Shouldn't that one word ALONE be the tell that this PILLOW is not to be eaten

Spira, what am I missing about the need to state "Decorative use only."?? What am I not getting, not understanding?

If I were a parent who saw my four year old munching on that thing, believing it to be a real chocolate bunny, I think I would immediately grab that child by the hand, march down to the hospital where s/he were born and demand to know which babies were switched at birth there the day my child was born! Certainly, this child could not be mine!

Don't tell me this May on You Tube, we're going to be treated to a viral video of Daddy secretly videoing Sonny BoyBoy as he sits on the sofa trying to gnaw away at what he thinks is a real chocolate bunny? "hee hee yucka yucka Just look at that boy tryin' to eat that stuffed rabbit MahMah Pat gave him for Easter. Ain't he a hoot? Dumb as his Mama. hee hee"

Spira, what don't I get? Ok, now I'm thinking. Did they mean to state, "Not a toy."? As in "Don't give this to kids because it's really just meant to be an adorable looking dust collector and won't hold up to being carried around." Certainly they didn't mean that if you put it in your child's Easter basket, he or she would proceed to eat it!? Or did they? I don't know! Have I lost faith in the human capacity to just use basic common sense??

Jeeves, a glass of house red wine, and a couple aspirin, please.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by desert

Yaaas gurl! can i start a TAB? hopefully the tips start coming..

Speaking of Entertainment, i'm hoping i can get some Drag Sisters to come with me, maybe we can start a "Showgirls" type production, if not my Solo acts shall do

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 08:56 AM
DP, may your tip jar overfloweth! Of course anyone here may put on a show. As a member in good standing, you're entitled to free use of the LN Production Department to assist you. Here, here's the sign up sheet. I notice that Edna McNutt and the NuttCrackers cancelled, so maybe you want to pencil in your name in their spot. Live entertainment is always welcome here.

You know, DP, I have a memory from the early 1960s of my Mom having a conversation in our living room with someone. She was telling them about a place in San Francisco that she and my Dad had gone to, where there were these men dressed up as women, and they were so beautiful and entertaining. I'm pretty sure that this is the place she was talking about. Finocchio's Pretty "Wow!", huh?

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 06:33 PM
Jeeves, here, when Spira shows up, give her this bottle of sherry, compliments of CA Gov Jerry Brown. Tell her to keep dancing. It rained today! Of course, the snowfall seems to be the equivalent of providing ice chips to an ill person, but we'll take anything at this point. .... here, here's another bottle of sherry. Keep her dancing. We're desperate out here.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by desert

I forgot to warn you, that looking at the seal rookery can be highly addicting.


Yesterday morning I opened that link just as dawn was breaking there on that beach. It was all grey - you could barely make out any detail. After a few minutes you could just begin to see some shapes - all lying still. Then a gull flew by, and a flipper waved. It got a bit lighter, you could see the water, more gulls, more flippers and seals beginning to throw back their heads to bellow and bark...

I could barely tear myself away - but I had to head out the door

I love nature cams :-)

Spira, thanks for sharing that video of Pete. You know, when I was 10, the first song I learned to play on my first guitar was that song.

I love Pete - my dad had some of his stuff, so it was some of the first music (and some of the first thinking) I was exposed to when I was a kid

That was also one of the first songs I learned on my first guitar desert. That and House of the Rising Sun - taught to me by an honest to goodness hippie

Smiling at Joan Baez... :-)

Since I'm at the point in my life where I'm getting rid of stuff, I'm emailing the co's that I no longer need catalogs from them, but I will glance through them if they show up, just to enjoy looking at what I no longer desire.

Boy - do I get that!

Spira, what am I missing about the need to state "Decorative use only."?? What am I not getting, not understanding?

You make me laugh desert - and I can't help you - it beats me... maybe we spend so much time in virtual worlds these days that we are left with nothing but virtual IQs

Jeeves, a glass of house red wine, and a couple aspirin, please.

Not the house red (don't ask) - let's break out the good stuff tonight

But the house aspirin will do I think


edit on 1/30/2014 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:13 PM

Jeeves, here, when Spira shows up, give her this bottle of sherry, compliments of CA Gov Jerry Brown. Tell her to keep dancing. It rained today! Of course, the snowfall seems to be the equivalent of providing ice chips to an ill person, but we'll take anything at this point. .... here, here's another bottle of sherry. Keep her dancing. We're desperate out here.

I'll keep dancing - but careful what you wish for

Sometimes the weather has a mean sense of humor


P.S. desert - don't know if you've seen Olaru hereabouts lately, but he's sporting a new look

Very becoming

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by Darth_Prime

Darth - do you take clumsy girls with ugly shoes?


(Don't be afraid to say no)

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

Gurl, i don't discriminate! as long as you serve some Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talent!

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 04:16 PM
olaru, you look like someone who has been to the top of the tool shed, accompanied by a case of your bottled water. Very becoming, indeed!

Anyone besides me waiting for the Winter Olympics to begin? I hear that they're going to start some events with a loud toot from a Zhaleika, so as not to confuse the sound of a terrorist attack with that of the starter pistol. Oh, God, sick joke ... I'm sorry.

I think it's about time the Lounge Noir team begins training for the Winter Olympics. Someday I know we'll take the Gold in the Summer Olympics, if the IOC finally includes Jello Wrestling and Wet T-Shirt Diving. olaru has been an outstanding wrestling coach; I know he makes us practice so much and constantly wants perfection with the great moves he comes up with, so I want to win one for him! ...oh, what's that, there's no Wet T-Shirt Diving competition but wet t-shirt contests in dive bars? Either way, olaru has us cross trained for both ... Anyway, the Summer Olympics Gold is assuredly ours, if only we continue petitioning the IOC. People, the petitions are on the back table, so get to work making up names to add.

Now, as far as this LN Winter Olympics team, I have high hopes. Afterall, everyone who becomes a member of Lounge Noir seems to go downhill very fast. So, medals, people, I expect medals!

Let's celebrate! I'm making Russian Mules for us, and serving them properly in these cute little copper mugs I picked up in the thrift store. And, look, they're Winter Olympic souvenirs! See, right there, they're etched with "I'm So Chai" Whata deal!

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 10:12 PM
Well, how's everyone doing this evening? As I sit here, I have been watching some amazing triple loops and beautiful, perfectly executed spins. I, myself, completed a quad triple Klutz. I guess I'll let Jeeves know to throw some more salt on the sidewalks.

Oh, Spiiiraaaa, I have another webcam site. YOSEMITE!

MrD and I watched a Youtube video of the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival. If you want to know what I looked like in my younger days, just notice the girls with long, dark hair. What a trip to see that video! I had tears in my eyes when I heard the song, If You're Going to San Francisco. MrD and I lamented how everyone we knew who dropped acid in those days are now of the age when we're all taking antacids. hahaha

Well, I best be back to practicing for the pairs side-by-side Swizzles. I have the clockwise stirring down, but I need more work on the counterclockwise.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by desert

HI all. It's a little windy here tonight, but otherwise lovely - hope you all are well

I love that song desert - I had to go have a listen. Then I decided to watch the whole video - thank you for this - just what I needed tonight :-)

ANd the webcam! Was so excited to go see. It's night there now :-) (I'll be sure to check in the morning)

I tried to find you a webcam of a nice desert - desert, and all I could find was Temecula. It's night there too

Wonder if it looks any better in the day...

OK - I'm outta here. Working on my double putz...almost perfect

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 02:11 PM
First order of business here, I must read to all LN members from the Olympic Declaration from our Lounge Noir Glorious Committee for the 2014 Winter Olympics ... never knew we had one! better prepare for Korea ... ahem ... Dear Glorious Athletes, You have performed admirably for the motherlounge. The gold you have brought back will be melted down and remade into glorious gold plate chargers for the buffet. To honor you at our closing ceremony, all drinks and food will be free tonight. Long Love the Motherlounge! ...wait, I think that should read Long Live the Motherlounge! ... ah, heck, it's all good!

Yes, Spira, there is a resemblance to Temecula out here. Thank you for the webcam. Actually... MrD and I are finally back to our neck of the desert. Yay! Last night we sat around our friends' campfire, under the blackest star-filled skies. Love the Winter sky but have never been able to stay outside for long. Last night as we walked back the 150 feet to our site, I realized that I was wearing long jeans and short sleeve t-shirt, sandals and a light weight jacket. Unheard of for Feb 22!! And, there will be at least another 10 days of this most unusual weather. Usually we're still bundled up at night in lined boots, wool sweater, hat and gloves, and maybe even down coat.

We have only seen a scrawny jack rabbit, but the foxes were out last night around the campfire. Next time, I will tell about the place we saw on our ride Saturday. I told our friend, next time take us on a day when it's not so crowded. haha That's a joke, because we still saw only 10 other people there, not counting the ones running around in military fatigues with rifles. I love the desert!

Jeeves, cranberry tea to go, please. Oh, before I go, I want to say a huge Thank You to the LN Ice Hockey team. Not only have you succeeded in winning, but you have cleared the driveway of all those frozen camel doots. Way to go, glorious team!

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 06:05 PM
Those weren't camel doots. Something is very wrong with the rabbits around here.

I'm parched.

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