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Chinese Woman Protester goes nuts during pres HU & Bush speech

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posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 03:35 PM

I look forward to a day when our President actually has to to listen to the people. He apologized for the protestor. He should have leaned over and said "Well that is what being an American is all about, the right to demonstrate". Maybe if he had seen a few protestors in those free speech zones he might know this.

Umm... perhaps you did not notice the protests and demonstrations outside the White House perimeter? Your right protesting is American, however not on restricted venues. Even you must know that freedom of expression and speech have their limitations, it’s not an open-ended check to disrupt and shout whatever you want.

[edit on 21-4-2006 by WestPoint23]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23

I look forward to a day when our President actually has to to listen to the people. He apologized for the protestor. He should have leaned over and said "Well that is what being an American is all about, the right to demonstrate". Maybe if he had seen a few protestors in those free speech zones he might know this.

Umm... perhaps you did not notice the protests and demonstrations outside the White House perimeter? Your right protesting is American, however not on restricted venues. Even you must know that freedom of expression and speech have their limitations, it’s not an open-ended check to disrupt and shout whatever you want.

[edit on 21-4-2006 by WestPoint23]

Says who? It isn't the Constitution that says free speech is limited to certain areas or only under certain circumstances.

I know who says it, the same people who say you can't own an automatic weapon despite the 2nd Amendment. The same people who says the Federal government can make legislation on things like the environment, crime, domestic terrorism, etc. overstepping their powers.

But MSNBC, FOX, CNN, or any other news company won't chastize the Secret Service for breaking up a peaceful demonstration that was legal and AMERICAN.

[edit on 21-4-2006 by ImplementOfWar]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 03:51 PM

Says who? It isn't the Constitution that says free speech is limited to certain areas or only under certain circumstances.

Says the US Supreme Court and United States Congress, one is charged with interpreting the constitution and the other is charged with making legislation. Its not up to you or me to decide what the constitution means and how we should follow it, we are a nation of laws not men. Also, if you have a problem with these laws then go take it up with you local court, however until then what this woman did is illegal and improper.

[edit on 21-4-2006 by WestPoint23]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23

Says who? It isn't the Constitution that says free speech is limited to certain areas or only under certain circumstances.

Says the US Supreme Court and United States Congress, one is charged with interpreting the constitution and the other is charged with making legislation. Its not up to you or me to decide what the constitution means and how we should follow it, we are a nation of laws not men. Also, if you have a problem with these laws then go take it up with you local court, however until then what this woman did is illegal and improper.

[edit on 21-4-2006 by WestPoint23]

Actually the Supreme Court isn't supposed to interpret the Constitution, they are supposed to enforce it.

It is written in English. It takes common sense to interpret it.

"Freedom of Speech" is pretty clear. How you can interpret that to mean we can limit speech is beyond me. I'm not saying we should allow people to make death threats and talk obscene, I think we should have integrity in government and amend it like we are supposed to.

[edit on 21-4-2006 by ImplementOfWar]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 04:38 PM
Cummon- remember NY during the RNC? Do you call that democratic or open martial law? People getting arrested and sent to a warehouse for hours and hours for walking on the wrong tile and so forth. Keep a watch on that Fuehrer Bush or we will go the way of China soon.

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by backpain
what nations leader, unions leader, religious leader, or corporate leader does not live off it's followers money? it's sort of the way it works. as far as spending it in the west? it seems clear that "master Li" does not support the ccp, so why would he spend his peoples money there? i think what he is doing makes a stronger point than living lavishly in the country that is the suposive suppressor.

If china is such a wonderfull place to live, why am i (caucasion) a minority in a major canadian city? and why are "master Li" followers sitting out in the rain praying, meditating, or what ever they are doing?

i program on the detroit network claimed that most college students in china never heard of the democracy movement in tiananmen square, and i dont want to get into their labour laws in construction, but i will say it's not forced labour, but it's no less dirty.

China wants to create an army of citizens that think exactly the way that the government does, which can be fine during a cause, but they are artifitially creating this, by not telling the whole story and allowing their people to be fully convinced. instead in most cases it is quit clear that there is only one way of looking at things, and everything else you think about is nonesense. ok communism, but if you think about it that is not far off of what is happening in the west either, only slower and with a more "natural" touch

all i can say today is today's china really have much more ways to look at a thing u just don't want to believe it. AS WELL AS MOST WESTERNERS.

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 06:59 PM
And give a leader of a country a state welcome is a "bend like clinton" !?
...lmao, american people trust yourself even if you give hu state welcome you are still the strongest nation on earth for now.
doing things this way can only show the world how arogant u are and this is not smart at all.

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 07:58 PM

Actually the Supreme Court isn't supposed to interpret the Constitution, they are supposed to enforce it.

Actually, no. It has been established that the US Supreme Court interprets the constitution, the Legislative Branch (Congress) passes legislation and the Executive Branch enforces the constitution as interpreted by the Supreme Court and enforces the legislation passed by the congress.

"Freedom of Speech" is pretty clear. How you can interpret that to mean we can limit speech is beyond me.

Actually its not so simple, if it were there would be no need for courts. One more thing freedom of speech is limited by a thing called time place and manor, if you cant understand don't worry, smarter men than me and you have invested much more time in making these decisions.


And give a leader of a country a state welcome is a "bend like clinton" !?

This administration reserves state visits for strong allies, and for countries with whom we have a very good relationship with, not for countries who we have regional tensions with and not for countries who are based on a communist system of government. You have to earn a state visit, you are not entitled to one.

[edit on 21-4-2006 by WestPoint23]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 08:29 PM
Damned if you do, Damned if you don't. Give a state visit like most nations and send a signal saying the torture/brutality of the Chinese Goverment is OK. Don't give it and your acting arrogant.

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Nakash
Damned if you do, Damned if you don't. Give a state visit like most nations and send a signal saying the torture/brutality of the Chinese Goverment is OK. Don't give it and your acting arrogant.

Coming from an American I presume? I hope to God you know that the majority of the world view torture and brutality as synonymous with America. Wonder why America is the second most negatively viewed nation in the world? Ever thought of the invasion of Iraq? The prison torture scandals? Let's look at the past few decades. Staging the Tonkin incident to start a war with Vietnam? The My Lai massacre? Canceling the Vietnamese election for their own leader because Ho Chi Minh was destined to win? How about domestic issues? Civil Rights? How long ago was it that MLK marched for equality? How about when police officers would look away when mobs lynched African-Americans? YOUR recent history, and current events, aren't exactly something to be proud of yourself. It's despicable when people become so hypocritical and say things like "CHINA IS EVIL", "CHINA DISGUSTS ME", and bs like that I see so much here. It's beyond infuriating.

Sure the Chinese gov't has done things that weren't so great, but you've got to understand why it is doing so - to ensure stability and ensure it's double digit economic growth rate (fastest in the world of industrialized nationed). As you can see, China is not only rapidly progressing economically, but also socially and politically. Look at the situation now and 50 years ago, China has liberalized to a huge extent and continues to do so.

I really don't understand why people think that more discussions with China is a bad thing. Honestly, I don't. Can ANYONE even give me a good reason why the U.S. and the PRC should not work out it's problems. To those people. what do you suggest? That the US invade China like it did to Iraq? Or just turn completely ignore China?

Look, I'm not bashing the United States of America. I was born, raised, and currently live here. I love this nation, but there are just so much ignorance about China here and the ignorant things that people say about China are really infuriating.

BTW Westpoint is right, the Supreme Court's job is to interpret the Constitution and they haev the power to declare a bill unconstitutional and strike it down.

[edit on 21-4-2006 by k4rupt]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 08:52 PM

Sure the Chinese gov't has done things that weren't so great, but you've got to understand why it is doing so - to ensure stability

So let me see:

-100,000,000 dead in the Maoist purges, great leap forward, and cultural revolution.

-6000 people arrested last month in Changkunk for practicing Falun Gong. Torture,rape, and deaths abounded.

-1.3 million dead Tibetans, a 50 year occupation which continues

-War in the Horizon with Taiwan. Millions could die.

All for progress right? No, sorry, but that's why the CCP isn't overthrown overnight by Chinese. It's their little excuse for every single atrocity- from selling organs to forced labour camps. No, I don't buy that, the CCP's days are numbered.

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 09:03 PM
This kind of thing would never happen in China, this is why so many'dissidents' and falun gong types exist only in countires outside of China...and no matter how many spies and secret agents China sends overseas they cannot regulate or prevent free speech...Neither America nor China are innocent of human rights violations but a democracy is always going to be better for the people than a communist. And might I add do not be so quick as to dismiss China as 'evil'. They are not evil...its the government that is incompetent, and governing a country of 1.3 billion is not an easy task, and s***happens

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Nakash
So let me see:

-100,000,000 dead in the Maoist purges, great leap forward, and cultural revolution.

WOW how in God's name did you get that number? You've got to be kiddin me. Everyone knows what Mao did is wrong, but to increase the deaths by 20 million doesn't help you, it makes you look pathetic.

-6000 people arrested last month in Changkunk for practicing Falun Gong. Torture,rape, and deaths abounded.

Falung Gong is an evil cult. Don't even TRY and argue this, it would only show how ignorant you are of what they do. I've posted before on what Falung Gong is about, read it.

-1.3 million dead Tibetans, a 50 year occupation which continues

1.3 MILLION? Wow, seriously your numbers are WAY off. I don't know if your doing this on purpose or if your misinformed.

Hm... let's talk about the US and the Native American population. Their whole population nearly wiped out, all their land taken, and if you really think about it, an occupation which continues today.

Err.. first of all, most Tibetans in China now would agree that they are better off UNDER China. Even the Dalai Lama has stated that Tibet is better off under China. Are you that ignorant? Tibet before and after China. you can't even compare the change in the standard of living and life in general. Ask any Tibetan in China about their grandfather's life and their life. I'm sure you'd be quite surprised.

-War in the Horizon with Taiwan. Millions could die.

Uh... You kiddin me? War is FAARRR from the horizon. The Parliament in Taiwan has recently become under control of the KMT by a HUUGEE landslide. KMT is pro reunification. The president, Chen... lol... he's anything but history in the upcoming elections. His support rating is standing at near 20% and if I do remember correctly, he is being recalled currently.

All for progress right? No, sorry, but that's why the CCP isn't overthrown overnight by Chinese. It's their little excuse for every single atrocity- from selling organs to forced labour camps. No, I don't buy that, the CCP's days are numbered.

Wow, and how so? Because of their double digit economic growth? Or their continuing liberalization? Yes, I'm sure their "days our numbered."

[edit on 21-4-2006 by k4rupt]

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 09:40 PM

Between 27,000,000 to 40,000,000 died in the Great leap forward. Followed by 10-15 million dead in forced labour camps. We will never know the actual number, but a conservative estimate is 77,000,000 people. Statistics don't matter, this must never EVER happen again. Yet it is. On a daily basis. Why don't we impeach Bush? This alone is a sufficient reason, giving moral support to a genocidal regime which has changed NOTHING overall.

Look at this video of brutality in Tibet, oh sure things have changed since then:

[edit on 21-4-2006 by Nakash]

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by Nakash

Between 27,000,000 to 40,000,000 died in the Great leap forward. Followed by 10-15 million dead in forced labour camps. We will never know the actual number, but a conservative estimate is 77,000,000 people. Statistics don't matter, this must never EVER happen again. Yet it is. On a daily basis. Why don't we impeach Bush? This alone is a sufficient reason, giving moral support to a genocidal regime which has changed NOTHING overall.

For Christ's Sakes... So the US enslaved millions of Africans, massacred Native Americans and stole their land, so what do you suggest? That was history, and so was what Mao did.

Wow, you just don't get it do you? The government of China in the time of Mao and government of China CURRENTLY is not even comparable. Seriously, I suggest you learn more about China before making these ridiculous suggestions as "impeaching Bush for giving moral suppot to a genocidal regime." That just proved how ignorant you are of China.... seriously. It's a totally diffrerent country from when Mao reigned, and now. You CANNOT EVEN COMPARE. What Mao did was wrong, nearly all Chinese know that his mass murders were wrong and most Chinese despise it. But what you are saying is completely ridiculous. It's like saying America is an evil nation because it has enslaved millions of people in the past and has forced milions more Native people out of their land and has massacred many of them. Ridiculous huh?


Look at this video of brutality in Tibet, oh sure things have changed since then:

Again, are you seriously going to base all Tibetan lives on that video? It's like me seeing a video of a Black guy getting beat up by a White cop and thinking that's how life is for every black guy in America. Ya kno what I mean? For Christ's sakes if you go to China and ask any Tibetan, they KNOW that because of China, they have risen out of a Dark Age society, they have electricity, running water. They live in civilized societies and towns. Ask any Tibetan and they will tell you how life is before China and how much improved it is now. Even the Dalai Lama said Tibet needs China and has quoted

"Tibet is backward. It's a big land, rich in natural resources, but we lack
the technology or expertise (to exploit them)."
"So if we remain within China, we might get a greater benefit, provided it
respects our culture and environment, and gives us some kind of guarantee."

"China is changing for the better."

"So, for our own interest, for Tibetan interest, we remain part of
People's Republic of China,"

He pointed out he was not seeking separation and said he believed Tibet
would benefit by remaining part of China."I think all Tibetans want more
prosperity, more material development," he said. "It's a poor society."

Seriously though... At least gain a little bit of knowledge of China and don't be so damn hypocritical, before you start uttering in here again.

[edit on 22-4-2006 by k4rupt]

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 01:07 AM
No difference. A group of technocrats and CCP bootlickers head a country of 1 billion people, no free speech, no free press, Goverment brutality continues as usual (maybe not on a cultural revolution scale, but you get the point). No really, the only thing that's changed is that Deng Xiaping saw the USSR crumble to pieces and was smart enough to say to himself "hmmm, that happened way too quickly" and then introduced some Capitalist freedoms into the country.Otherwise we got a dictatorship.

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 01:17 AM
Wow, seirously you haven't even read what I stated. Read your comments and read what I have posted. Please respond to what I have said instead of just saying "No Difference." You're pathetic. I provide you with all this evidence, all these arguments, and all you do is post "no difference." You have got to be kiddin me.

How can you even deny that China has not changed at all. How can any intelligent being even say that? Do you even know where China is on the map?

You... are ridiculous.

[edit on 22-4-2006 by k4rupt]


posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by Nakash
It doesn't matter either way what they believe in, this is a clear attempt to deflect attention from what the CCP is doing- killing thousands along with rape, torture and forced labour.The real reason the CCP hates Falun Gong? easy- jealousy and fear of organized resistance against them. I know the CCP is wrong because they treat all groups not affiliated with their socialist tyranny as outlaws.

Good comment.


posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by k4rupt

The Chinese state media has been slandering these people by saying their leader lives in America off his followers money, and that Falun Gong is "Witchcraft". Please don't take the bait.

YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDIN ME! "Master Li" Does live off his followers money,

How did you know that? Did you hand in money? That is slander.


posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 07:05 AM

The two key sources who revealed live harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners' organs at Sujiatun Concentration Camp spoke publicly for the first time on April 20, at McPherson Square, Washington, D.C. At a press conference attended by hundreds of people, they testified about the CCP harvesting organs from living Falun Dafa practitioners.

ccp is more evil than Nazi.

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