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More crap: Arnold wins CA

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posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 09:08 AM
Speaking of Dead Kennedys, Joe Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer and the father of Ted Kennedy, best known for being the inspiration for the Mayor of Springfield on the popular television cartoon "The Simpsons".

I guess that now Arnie will try to Terminate some very expensive car registration fees.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 09:13 AM
Arnie is not a Nazi, he is Catholic and he said the only reason he ran is because he wants to effect change in government. Hes tired of special intrests groups running government.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:20 PM

I am truly saddened this night. I thought Bustamonte would pull through.

Colonel, Colonel. Tsk Tsk.

Why would you support Bustemante? We both agree illegal immigration is a problem, yet Bustemante not only violently opposed prop 187, but he used to belong to La Raza, which is about like a Mexican Nazi party.

The fact is:

Californbias have been scrwed by the democrats. Davis turned the worlds 5th largets economy into a downward spiral.

Californians simply were tired of him and his worthless leadership, they hated him with a passion. I know this because Im still in contact with my family and friends down there.

I believe it is mostly the democrats fault they lost this election, Colonel, because they failed to pick a Candidate that could really win back the trust of the public. Picking Bustemante was suicide, not only is he a racist that supports Californias biggest problem, illegal immigration, but he was also the LT Govonor under Davis, the same man who #ed up the state in the first p[lace. Do you think that since they want to get rid of thjier current regime, thaT they would elect it again? Comon, Colonel, dont support any candidate just because hes a democrat dude.

Even the Hispanics did not care much for Bustemante, which again, shows how out of touch Democrats are with reality. Most Hispanics in California are legal immigrants, who also oppose illegal immigration because it ruins it for everyone. The Democrats thought Bustemante could seize the hispanic vote. I think Democrats really need to get back in touch with the very voting blocs they always have tried to cater to and win.

The Democrats blew this election because they could not come up with a better candidate than Bustamante. Its not like there wasnt a better candidate out there, the Democrats are simply guilty of fatal stupidity and miscalculation. They had the responsibility of winning back voter trust by providing a better candidate, and they failed.

They have no one to blame but themselves. I hope this is a lesson to them in the future.

The problem with the Democrats is as I said, they are too out of touch with the population. They havent yet figured that no one wants leadership that hangs too far left. If the Democrats would catch on to this and start electing strong, moderate candidates, they would have far more success.

But, Colonel, I hope the recall is a lesson to you in supporting any party member. You need to start demanding better quality candidates if you want the democrats to seize leadership in the future.

It could have been done in this election, the Democrats could have taken it by offering a real and serious candidate whose stances were clear and popular, and had a good track record.

I am glad Bustamante did not win, tho9ugh, because he would have killed California even faster. Had the Democrats brought on a real candidate (dunno who, in California, would have been ideal, since I havent paid much attention to thier politics.)

Anyway, Colonel, the people elected Arnold schwartzenegger. Even if the election was rigged, the fact they wanted Davis and his pathetic leadership out was a clear sign from the people:

WE are tired of idiots and thier far off ideals and agendas #ing us up, and we will take anyone, including an action movie star republican over that same leadership anyday.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:30 PM
What a landslide....

53% percent of CA voted for the recall. More than half the state was tired of Davis/Bustamonte. Which means that if the dems try a recall anytime soon, it will most likely backlash in their face.
Another interesting stat I saw this morning is that 1 in 4 dems vote republician. 75% of dems voted for the democratic party, and 25% voted republician.
Also,despite the the womanizing claims that have been floating around anywhere between 50% to 55% of woman voted for Arnold.
And Bustamonte only had about 10% more voting points from hispanics. Arnold did well with hispanics.
Bustamonte killed any chance of being elected or stopping the recall in the last debate. In a nutshell, he admitted to overspending and fiscal mismanagement. Then had the gall to tell Californians that we are going to have to tighten our belts and get ready for more taxes. Wrong answer...they spent all of our money,then were going to take some more from us. Add to that letting illegals being allowed to have drivers licience's and tripling vehicle registration fees, then tax us some more. I tell ya what the dems have balls...they said all of this with a straight face.
But at least most of CA was able to see through the lies and greed. Saw through the big name dems supporting Davis.(Clinton,Pelosi,Boxer,Fienstein and others) And said enough.
But to say Bush has CA in his a little far fetched at this point. It is still a very Democratic state. Bush spent a lot of money campaining here in 2000. Gore spent next to nothing and did not do a lot campaining here and still won the state. By a pretty wide margin.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
There is absolutely no hope for America. We have a failed businessman running the Presidency and we have a Nazi as the governor of CA. America will never bee the powerhouse it used to be.

[Edited on 7-10-2003 by Colonel]

well President Lincon Was A Failed Buisness man And he became one of the greatest Presidents There ever was. Bush Has Been Thru A Lot of Crap As President . Mostimportantly 9/11 I Agree With His Decisions. What The Hell Did You Want Him To Do Just Ignore Bin laden And Sudamm Insane ?? If He Had Done That The He Would Have been A Coward. IN MY OPINION He Is A Great President. how can you judge arnold before he has even done anthing ???

[Edited on 8-10-2003 by tealc]

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:41 PM

performance is fine but not when it is about implementing a politically correct agenda engineered by globalistic socialists in some professors office god knows where.

I would rather have less done but that which strengthens the US become a priority.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by tealc

Originally posted by Colonel
There is absolutely no hope for America. We have a failed businessman running the Presidency and we have a Nazi as the governor of CA. America will never bee the powerhouse it used to be.

[Edited on 7-10-2003 by Colonel]

well President Lincon Was A Failed Buisness man And he became one of the greatest Presidents There ever was. Bush Has Been Thru A Lot of Crap As President . Mostimportantly 9/11 I Agree With His Decisions. What The Hell Did You Want Him To Do Just Ignore Bin laden And Sudamm Insane ?? If He Had Done That The He Would Have been A Coward. IN MY OPINION He Is A Great President. how can you judge arnold before he has even done anthing ???

[Edited on 8-10-2003 by tealc]


posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:46 PM

Well, I'm sorry but your State deserves what it gets.

"Arnold Unplugged - It's hasta la vista to $9 billion if the Governator is selected."

[Edited on 8-10-2003 by Colonel]

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by nyeff
What a landslide....

53% percent of CA voted for the recall. More than half the state was tired of Davis/Bustamonte. Which means that if the dems try a recall anytime soon, it will most likely backlash in their face.
Another interesting stat I saw this morning is that 1 in 4 dems vote republician. 75% of dems voted for the democratic party, and 25% voted republician.
Also,despite the the womanizing claims that have been floating around anywhere between 50% to 55% of woman voted for Arnold.
And Bustamonte only had about 10% more voting points from hispanics. Arnold did well with hispanics.
Bustamonte killed any chance of being elected or stopping the recall in the last debate. In a nutshell, he admitted to overspending and fiscal mismanagement. Then had the gall to tell Californians that we are going to have to tighten our belts and get ready for more taxes. Wrong answer...they spent all of our money,then were going to take some more from us. Add to that letting illegals being allowed to have drivers licience's and tripling vehicle registration fees, then tax us some more. I tell ya what the dems have balls...they said all of this with a straight face.
But at least most of CA was able to see through the lies and greed. Saw through the big name dems supporting Davis.(Clinton,Pelosi,Boxer,Fienstein and others) And said enough.
But to say Bush has CA in his a little far fetched at this point. It is still a very Democratic state. Bush spent a lot of money campaining here in 2000. Gore spent next to nothing and did not do a lot campaining here and still won the state. By a pretty wide margin.

And you're proud to have Arnold for your gov?
McKlintock to hades, so be sent?
That Diebold has the vote machine contracts in 14 counties is not a problem here folks?
World's 5th largest economy now run by people NO ONE KNOWS AND DID NOT VOTE FOR !?!

America: land of theft; while possibly not here in this Right Wing coup, on a presidential scale in 2004...again.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:50 PM
WRONG He Eliminated The Terrorist Threat . You Can Not Blame Him For Not Finding Them. That Is The Millitarys Fault. Bush Has Done Every Thing i Would Want A President To Do In The Situation. He HAs Showed The World We Will Not Tolerate Terrorisim. He Showed The World That We Will Not Be Struck Below the Belt And Just Pretend It Never Happend. He Showed The World WE Will Not Be Bullied Or Threatned.
That Is Every thing I Would Expect From A President.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by THENEO

performance is fine but not when it is about implementing a politically correct agenda engineered by globalistic socialists in some professors office god knows where.

I would rather have less done but that which strengthens the US become a priority.

Accepted, we agree performance is important, although I can't connect Davis with any globalistic socialists, I hardly know him. I think Californians have had a raw deal for quite some time and the dot come bust was always coming, but the handling of the $9 billion will be a key indicator for me.

I agree with you that Arnie will do very little.

But from my standpoint, I would rather see a politically correct agenda any day over the politically corrupt (morally bankrupt) course of the Bush admin. Temporary though that may be, the damage that is being done is enormous, and if you think it strengthens the US in any way at all, history will prove you sadly mistaken.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:55 PM
I Only Ask Because i care But I Have Two Questions For You Colonel.

First Did You Ever Serve In A Military Branch?

Two. What Would You Have The President Do After 9/11 ?

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:01 PM
1) No.
2) Fly to Washington to reassure the American citizen. Take control and not let a Mayor from New York do it.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by tealc
WRONG He Eliminated The Terrorist Threat . You Can Not Blame Him For Not Finding Them. That Is The Millitarys Fault. Bush Has Done Every Thing i Would Want A President To Do In The Situation. He HAs Showed The World We Will Not Tolerate Terrorisim. He Showed The World That We Will Not Be Struck Below the Belt And Just Pretend It Never Happend. He Showed The World WE Will Not Be Bullied Or Threatned.
That Is Every thing I Would Expect From A President.

Terrorist threat gone? There're family members on the ground out flanked, and more so by the day, who would heartily disagree. Not to mention those nano fragments of souls blown to beejebus during the last several terror bombings.

Military to Blame for not finding him? How could they find Osama or Saddam if we have them already?

Everything you'd want a president to do? Like tell bold faced lies about a non imminent threat, build up a third world despot to world stage capacity, launch an unsanctioned war, spend untold billions on crony capitalism contracts, untold billions in deceitful accounting, Vietnam death count for our military, and NO EXIT STRATEGY. Great job!

Bullied ? Really? Must have been sleep walking for these last 3 + decades.

But really......are you under 20 yrs old? Cause I'll douse the flames...a little.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by kukla

The real burning question here is "How many Diebold techs were applying 'patches' to GEMS this week?"

Also..and this gets to my point about noting the order in which the counties post results..are the Diebold counties first or last..?

I'm not sure if this has been posted yet but this truly the only place to being the operative word..


The official stats have been impossible to get to the whole while, people suspect they are 'flooded'.

The Diebold counties were last to report, I gather there were selective problems with the machines throughout, with unknown consequences.

I relied on CNN figures.

And judging from what I read here this morning, 53-47 in favor of Davis's recall is how it panned out.

Which equates to what I predicted when the count was under 30%, and saying 56-44. I will trust my own call on these things again in future rather than the pundits and media commentators.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:04 PM
Operational Procedures Prohibit The President From Doing That Untill The Situation Was Under Control And The Secret Service Decided It Was Ok For Him To Be Moved. That Was Not His Choice He Was not Given The Choice To Go To New York. The Secret Service Would And Could Not Allow Him To Be In A Situation Like That.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:07 PM
Oh, I guess YOU'RE the Head Secret Service guy here. And WHO'S the president? Secret Service or Bush?

You just believe anything they tell you don't you?

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:08 PM
My Current Age Is None Of Your Concern But I Will say That I Have Served This Country For 6+ years. If we Had Not Attacked Afganistan They Most Certainly would have hit us again. You Can Never eliminate All Terrorists. it can not be done. So We Started With The Largest Terrorist groups. the ones that could do the most damage.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

You just believe anything they tell you don't you?

I hate repeating my self.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:11 PM
Gary Coleman could do a better job than Davis.
Why is so hard to understand it is not just a republician thing. Californians from all walks of life signed and recalled Davis
25% of dems voted republician,that should tell you something. Davis/Bustamonte are as bad as it gets.
The people stood up and made a change...for the better.
People a crying that Arnold has no experiance(and it is a concern of mine as well) but look what happened to CA with a guy that has 25 years of experiance. He drove the state into the ground.

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