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Have you guys ever heard of Aleister Crowley?

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posted on May, 1 2006 @ 11:47 AM
The story I heard was that Crowley mastered the art of cult formation. He took pride in it, and formed many.

Spearhead, I would argue that he simply created an alternate ethical system. rather than counterdicted an absolute one.

But in the end, I'll stick with the more traditional system. My intuition sets off giant alarms when I am surrounded by the Consumer that is the modern objectivist. I wonder how many of them leave the process with all of their spiritual organs intact.

[edit on 1-5-2006 by Ectoterrestrial]

[edit on 1-5-2006 by Ectoterrestrial]


posted on May, 2 2006 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by spearhead

that's a pretty good biography on Aleister Crowley.

No it's not. if you wish to read a good bio of Crowley check out Do What Thou Wilt by Lawrence Sutin. A ok representation of Crowley warts and all. there is a better one but as it's written by a member of the O.T.O. I'd guess you would not believe it.

It explains how he came to writing The Book of Law, which now some crazytown people follow,

Thanks for calling me names.

Lets just say... i think the publishing and general accpetance of this book brought a new view to the way we as people look at society and ourselves.

Very true.. well other than the general acceptance part. the BotL is really not generally accepted by occultists, much less the general population.

It is as if this book tells you its ok to be evil and careless but also at the same time love each other and feel no guilt for boning your neighbors wife. (that is just crazy ain't it).

source The book of the Law chapter 3 verse 63

III:63. The fool readeth this Book of the Law, and its comment; & he understandeth it not.

Here's the site for the crummy fools that follow this religion.

I'm a crazytown crummy fool? Thanks


Just noticed you have a link to in your sig... I suggest you take some time and reflect on the meaning of tolerance.

Originally posted by The_Doctor
Crowley and others like him are insane. The guy thought he was the prince of darkness like seriously.

He thought no such thing like seriously. he just like used the name to freak out the straights man.

Do you think you're a Doctor like seriously?

[edit on 5/2/2006 by Cug]

posted on May, 2 2006 @ 08:29 PM
No I was just watching Dr. Who when i signed up for my account here. (good oldie sci-fi)

I still stand by my words that any follower of cults including everything from christianity to any other worship cults are a sham and have no real meaning or value. Just as crazy as the easter bunny or the tooth fairy.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 02:57 AM
i think if you find some sactuary with his words that's good for you.

But its people like him starting his little undercover sex rants and devil preaching that put the world where it is today. This sort of behaviour fueled the real secret societies that run the world today. Look at all the politicians and rich big wigs in the Freemasons and Skull and Bones or what have you.
They are all in on the "crazytown" gig (look at the bohemian grove stories) which would surely reflect very much of what Aleister Crowley was all about.
There for redering it invalid in the deny ignorance category. In fact i an denying ignorance by wanting to expose him.

[edit on 4-5-2006 by spearhead]


posted on May, 4 2006 @ 03:19 AM
Well I have to say you really don't know what Crowley was about.

But this is getting WAY off-topic for the UFO forum.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Cug

Originally posted by spearhead

that's a pretty good biography on Aleister Crowley.

No it's not. if you wish to read a good bio of Crowley check out Do What Thou Wilt by Lawrence Sutin. A ok representation of Crowley warts and all. there is a better one but as it's written by a member of the O.T.O. I'd guess you would not believe it.

Well please tell us what the Book it is man so we can read it for ourselves. I like reading anything on Crowley.


posted on May, 5 2006 @ 07:53 AM
Perdurabo: The Life of Aleister Crowley by Richard Kaczynski, Ph.D

He also have a smaller book called Perdurabo Outtakes (The Blue Equinox Journal #1) that have transcripts and news clipping from 2 trials Crowley was involved in that he cut out of the book for space reasons.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 12:35 PM
Hey Cug, I did a little research on Perdurabo and apparantly someone is working on a movie about Crowley's life. The movie is said to be about two -thirds complete. A trailer can be seen here.


posted on May, 24 2006 @ 03:08 PM
Production on Perdurabo has been stopped. Looks like they may pick it up again in 2007.

Another movie announced at about the same time was Aleister Crowley: Revolt of the Magicians. (about the breakup of the Golden Dawn) But I have heard nothing about it lately.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Cug
Production on Perdurabo has been stopped. Looks like they may pick it up again in 2007.

Another movie announced at about the same time was Aleister Crowley: Revolt of the Magicians. (about the breakup of the Golden Dawn) But I have heard nothing about it lately.

When you first said production stopped or when I first read that line wrather, I conjured up thoughts of people mysteriously dying on the set or something like they did in - The Exorsist.
I got the book last week titled Perdurabo and am enjoying reading it.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 12:39 PM
Part of the reason Crowley was thought to be “Evil’ is because he was obsessed with antagonizing Christians. Alister Crowley firmly believed that Christianity was “The Great Deceiver” of mankind. Mr. Crowley derived an enormous amount of entertainment from getting Christian’s panties wound up in a bunch.

However, if you have a SERIOUS interest in mysticism, Crowley’s “The Book Of Lies” is one of the best “store houses” of mystic knowledge.*

* not counting the Sepher Sepheroth, of course.

[edit on 6-6-2006 by hlesterjerome]

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 10:51 PM
i heard about a student at university who stumbled upon the book of law in the university library. i believe the book was found in a subasement. after reading the book, this young man began to have disturbing visions as the text began to "manifest itself." he was almost driven to madness.

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by LooseLipsSinkShips
i heard about a student at university who stumbled upon the book of law in the university library. i believe the book was found in a subasement. after reading the book, this young man began to have disturbing visions as the text began to "manifest itself." he was almost driven to madness.

Sounds like a made-up story to me. Can you elaborate more?

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by MajesticJax

That makes about 5 now, huh Cug? LMAO. Seriously, I think the connection between Crowley's Alamantrah Working and the increase in UFO sightings is a subject that desrves to be researched.

and it makes 6 of us now.

I don't know if i am a thelemite or not, but for sure I'm in love with Crowley and his work, i consider him to be one of the greatest persons the world has ever seen. Whoever had the chance to know him in person was a very lucky man. I'm just a neophyte and a humble student of occult.
But for sure those who follow him are my brothers.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 05:59 AM

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 06:00 AM

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 06:29 AM
hes a privileged old fool. nothing of what he says has any practical implications.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 06:43 AM
There are so many things about Crowley which defy traditional researching methods, in terms of gaining a solid picture of the gentlemans psyche, and real attitude.
Heh, just goes to show how confused the uninformed are about the fellow...
I have a long pointy beard, and long dark brown hair shot through with the odd grey here and there. A couple of years ago I had a habit of going out wearing leather trousers, big black boots with spikes, a waistcoat with bolt heads on it, and a silk ruff collared shirt, all in black. One day I was walking in town, and a random hobo looked up at me and said "Holy (swear word) ! I thought you were Aleister Crowley!
Its pretty obvious that I share no physical attributes with the fellow,and yet, because of my dramatic olde worlde attire, and my crazy hair and beard, this hobo thought I was someone who actualy never outwardly appeared as anything other than a regular chap.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 10:59 AM
Firstly, nearly all the salacious stuff about Crowley was printed by newspapers that , at the same time were saying, what a; "Jolly good chap the Herr Hitler Is". Ie, the Daily Mail and the Telegraph.

Secondly, they only published the stories when they knew Crowley didn't have the financial wherewithal to take them to court over it.

Thirdly, The quote everyone seems to try and damn him with is completely taken out of context and never fully quoted. "Do thou what thy wilt shall be the whole of the law, but remember, thou reapest what thou sow". Which is not quite the same meaning as many would have you believe.

Fourth, Whatever the bloke was and truth is, he was a *rock star* before the name was invented, id anything. They guy climbed without oxygen one of the highest peaks in the world. A feat still unequaled to this day.

The truth is, if you actually read his works and many of them are actually just a wind up for gullible fools, seeking a simple way to power. He actually says himself, in effect, it's all a load of bull. The whole point is to challenge yourself on a daily basis and never just accept that which you are told as truth simply because of a person's position in life.

Flawed ? yes of course he was, but he presaged the modern world in so many ways, in his understanding of the way the media was moving.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by ProdigalSon


Actually, it likely way more than the 7 we know of so far.

And, you are right, Crowley is one of the most misunderstood people in the history of the Human species.


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