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The truth comes out about Katrina

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posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 03:07 PM

The blame game by the Dems/Libs has backfired. I wonder if any of the 'blamers' will apologize.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by ferretman2

The blame game by the Dems/Libs has backfired. I wonder if any of the 'blamers' will apologize.

Apologize? Never, they'll just move on to the next phony scandal

That's fine, every time the dems make a big stink trying to blame Bush for something, it only serves to elect Republicans.

For those who aren't American, FEMA is not a first responder. It's up to each sovereign state in the US to protect and provide for its citizens in case of emergency.

The blame for whatever failures occurred in the wake of that hurricane, lay squarely at the feet of the state and local governments. Which, by the way, are run entirely by dems.

[edit on 31-1-2006 by ElTiante]

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 10:50 PM
As of now, 355 people have viewed this thread......yet only one comment.....

Goes to show that when dems/libs are wrong they just move on to the next false charge...............

I can't wait till the elections this year just tp hear4 the dems/libs complain that no ones votes for them......

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 01:26 PM
i think that you were the wrong one on this issue...
bush and his admin are wrong about almost everything and that we should be trying to figer out how the heck to help the mudslide, earthquake, and post-tsunami victems



posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by ElTiante

Originally posted by ferretman2

The blame game by the Dems/Libs has backfired. I wonder if any of the 'blamers' will apologize.

Apologize? Never, they'll just move on to the next phony scandal

Right on. When I think back over just the past year, and remember all the scandals the Dems have accused Bush and his admin of, it's actually funny. Nothing ever sticks - maybe we should call him the "Teflon President".

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:22 AM
Excellent find!
So .. the question is .. since the bigot
Mayor wants New Orleans to be 'chocolate' ... did he allow the
mostly white patients in nursing homes and in the hospital
to die because they were vanilla and not chocolate? hmmmm?

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:34 AM
That sounds like a great thread title, just to see dems/libs reaction....

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 08:52 AM
All this over a E-Mail !!!!! The Gov. would have jumped all over this first thing if it was real. Come on people we know that a E-Mail could have be made up. The more time goes on the more info they can make to look like it was not ME.

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 09:46 AM
Pshh, the scandal isn't about before the hurricane--its about the four days after when Dubya sat on his big fat money maker and let americans die and after four days of leaving the american people in new orleans to fester in their own filth what is the appropriate action G. Dub ? "Why that would be to send in troops that are told to shoot americans first and ask questions later, oh, and don't forget to confiscate their guns, so that they have no means to protect themselves, their families, and their property."

apology? you can't be serious. I think an apology was already given and it came out of G. Dub's mouth. Tis sad when we gotta play politics with an issue like this. You can't excuse anyone one is exempt.

posted on Feb, 4 2006 @ 03:02 PM
The topic of who was responsible for the debacle in the aftermath of Katrina has been beaten to death. People still blame Bush, when so much was the fault of Nagin and the governor. But that's neither here nor there. The fault is not with Bush; it's just easy to blame him.

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 02:21 PM
Picking sides or parties only distracts from the fact that FEMA has a multi-billion dollar yearly budget, yet took days to drop food and water.

Regardless of who dropped the ball first, Uncle Sam screwed up bad.

While the mistakes the local gov't made are aplenty, Big Bro should have swooped in to save the day a little faster than 4 days.

Am I incorrect in thinking that the federal gov't could have sent food and water a little earlier? It only seems right in a country that can bomb across the globe in hours.

In summary...Nagin and Blanco screwed up, but can't we trust the federal government to aid first, blame later?

posted on Feb, 6 2006 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
Am I incorrect in thinking that the federal gov't could have sent food and water a little earlier? It only seems right in a country that can bomb across the globe in hours.

In summary...Nagin and Blanco screwed up, but can't we trust the federal government to aid first, blame later?

Unfortunately, you are incorrect. The call for federal relief must be made by the governor's office.

It sounds ridiculous at first glance, but it is a matter of preserving the sovereignty of the states.

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 07:50 AM
You can shove it with the state sovereignty crap. I watched for three days on the news while people died because of some bull# policy? The significance of your states rights and your paper trails is moot when thousands die.

How can you possibly argue otherwise?

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 08:08 AM
With all due respect to the OP, this is something I really don't understand. How many people died in and immediately after the hurricanes? How many people were left homeless? And it turns into a liberal-vs.-conservative argument. I know you aren't starting this argument ferretman, you're basically just responding to the initial blames. But can't it be enough to say that America dropped the ball?

I mean, if someone comes into my house and robs me blind because my wife leaves the door unlocked, it's just as much my fault for not double checking the lock before I go to bed. Sure, I can say it was her responsibility, but I could've done something myself to make sure it was taken care of.

Same thing here. The ball was dropped on pretty much every level, and really shouldn't be a partisan issue. People on both sides of the fence had a chance to make sure things were taken care of. And I really don't think those people who lost homes or loved ones will feel better at night thinking "damn, at least it was the republican's fault Bobby's dead," or "see, we're sleeping in a FEMA trailer--that's what happens when you vote democrat."

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
You can shove it with the state sovereignty crap. I watched for three days on the news while people died because of some bull# policy? The significance of your states rights and your paper trails is moot when thousands die.

How can you possibly argue otherwise?

Shove it yourself, friend. I was merely answering your question by stating a fact. I didn't "argue otherwise". If you don't like the policy, then do something about it. Don't jump down my back.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 08:10 AM
Forgive the outburst, I just have no tolerance for someone who uses bureaucracy as a means to justify the indifference our government exhibited. I was embarassed to be an american after seeing that on TV and you all should be too. We fumbled big time and the whole world watched. To blame paper trails and political parties is rediculous.

AMERICA screwed that up bad. There is no other way to view it.

Please remove your blinders.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
AMERICA screwed that up bad. There is no other way to view it.

Louisiana screwed up bad. I think that's what this thread is all about. AMERICA did the best it could during the largest natural disaster in American history. But it's easier to blame a person you hate, then to face the facts. We all know who's fault it is whenever anything goes wrong in this country right? I guess that's just part of the job description.

Remove your blinders.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 09:35 AM
Hey, if I were in charge watching what I saw on the tv, I would have immediately ordered food and water to be dropped everywhere. Uncle Sam's power can circumvent bureacracy when it wants just didnt want to. Ill let everyone else debate why.

And I dont hate America. I love America. Thats why I am embarassed that we can't coordinate an effort to save lives right here in our own country.

This thread is about blaming, and I could care less who you all think screwed this up. We can tag all different factions of Gov't, whether state, local, or federal, but I view the Gov't as one big entity. And this big entity botched a natural disaster with the whole globe watching. And even now we have nothing better to do than bicker about who messed up. Everyone with any authority to help those people screwed up.

We should be arguing how we fix it, not whos at fault.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by LostSailor
Louisiana screwed up bad. AMERICA did the best it could during the largest natural disaster in American history. But it's easier to blame a person you hate, then to face the facts. We all know who's fault it is whenever anything goes wrong in this country right? I guess that's just part of the job description.
Remove your blinders.

You go say your sorry to all the bodies that they put in the ground that they could have saved just with sending in help the next day!! When it comes to helping save someones life You don't stand around going [Is it my job or can I do this without having a ton of paper work to do after]!
They clam that THEY did not know how bad it was there! IT WAS ONE WORLD NEWS FROM THE TIME IT MADE LAND FALL TILL THEY SENT IN THE HELP.
If you are walking down the sidewalk and see a person drowning in a pool in a yard with a fence around it and You are a lifeguard, What would You do?

I know I would be over that fence and in that water to help that person out and I would not sue it there was a dog that bit me on the ass getting in there too! Do you think that person would get upset of Me trespassing into there home to save there life ?

My luck would be that that person was trying to commit suicide in the pool.
I would get them out and the person would shot Me with the gun that could not shot themselves with and clam that I broke into there place and tried to kill them and they shot me in Self defence.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 03:24 PM
The Government can not supercede and automatically send troops without the Govenors request; if the Government were to make an excemption for this time what is to stop them from making something up and sending troops anywhere?

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