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What would happen if the government said that alien life existed?

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posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 02:02 PM
After being a believer of alien life for quite some time now, I want to know how people would respond if the government announced that there is life on other planets?

Would all the UFO forums start to get more threads and replies about peoples experiences, and would the government say exactly what happened at Roswell?

Would people's stories be more believable?

Or would the UFO forums get less replies as there would be no more need to ask questions about them?

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 02:21 PM
I would say "they're finally telling us the truth"!!!!!

They would somehow redeem themselves...Its not all lies, after all!

As a christian, i could live with the news, after all, if God created us, he must have created others as well.

No, the chatter wouldnt diminish...It would get stronger..Who are these people (things), which planet, will they be back, what do they want? It would certainly open us up for more questions, imo.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 02:31 PM
I imagine those "in the bible belt" would take great issue with this revelation. I wouldn't be surprised if they didnt believe it. I mean denial IS the one of the first stages no?


posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 02:46 PM
If there was concrete proof of the existence of alien life it would be the most significant discovery in human history. But there are too many variables to say how the world would react. I believe the 1st thing that would happen is the militaries of the world would immediatley begin assessing the threat. Kinda sad but true. But i wonder if an actual alien craft landed at the white house or downing street or where ever, would that be enough proof? I would actually have to see it in person. How could it be proven that it was ET?

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 03:13 PM
well if this happend i would wish that many of the worlds governments would proclaim marshal law. I mean there will always be one country, one city, one town,one person/group that will say hey if this is true then the bible blah blah blah stuff is wrong and we are all impure and stuff. I dont really know what will happen but its possible that many people will be heart if the government does say that.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 03:41 PM
I would have to say that the first thing would be a major attack on government the files dealing with UFO phenomenon through the Freedom of Information Act. Everyone would want to know how long the governments knew and exactly what they know. Then I can forsee other governments possibly either trying to ally themselves with us or rallying against us. Reason being that everyone knows the US has had a technical advantage when it comes to the military and most suspect, I assume, that our advancements have been due to alien technology. Not to discredit the many scientists that have poured their lives into their work but our advancements since around the time of the Roswell crash have been astounding. We are leaps and bounds ahead of anything any other country can try to aspire to. Next, mass hysteria!
Religion would be turned on its ear. Imagine explaining the fact that "God" created heaven and earth and everything inbetween but a race of aliens show up and say that they dont believe in "God". Dont forget that we would be dealing with a race/species that would be farmore advanced than us. It could trigger a world war.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 03:46 PM

Imagine explaining the fact that "God" created heaven and earth and everything inbetween but a race of aliens show up and say that they dont believe in "God

But, won't it stop us from wasting our time by stopping us worshipping false Gods?

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Serum39
I imagine those "in the bible belt" would take great issue with this revelation. I wouldn't be surprised if they didnt believe it. I mean denial IS the one of the first stages no?

Speaking as someone from the 'Bible Belt' I do not think that the revelation of beings from another planet will rattle our world all that much. There has always been the underlying belief that God and his Angels are ET's. God especially is not of this world which technically makes him an ET to begin with. When people think of Heaven they do not look towards Earth, they look towards the sky. God is an all powerful being who created the Earth and the Heavens, but there is nothing that says he cannot be an alien. Even the Catholic church has taken the stance that any off world beings would still be children of God, created by him. There is a very intriging debate going on right now regarding someone called 'Anonymous' who has been posting some info regarding a race of Aliens called 'Ebans'. The intertesting thing about them is they worship a single deity they call the 'Supreme Being'. Now I do not know whether to by into this story or not but I thought it interesting that the Ebans worship God pretty much as people here on Earth do. I do not think many God feaing people will be surprised when the big secret is finally disclosed!!

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:13 PM
Hello all, my 1st post as a returning member. ( from a few years ago)

So what would happen if the government revealed the presence of Aliens and showed proof to the masses? Hmm.

At the very least.... Economic Collapse.

Upon hearing the news, the people who were able to deny the existance before so they could get on with their lives would suddenly be forced to deal with it mentally.
-Insecurity would be rampant.
-Many would take early retirement.
-Many would quit or just stop going to work.
-Some may abandon their homes to live in bunkers or wilderness.
-Our nationwide spending habits would suddenly change from luxury goods to more survival oriented goods.
-There would be a run on the banks to get your funds out and spend them on survival gear for the family.
-The investment system and stock market would be crushed. (who is going to invest in such an insecure market?)
-Some large corporations may fail. (Haliburton would probably survive, lol)
-A run on the grocery stores for food to stock up, with a subsequent shortage of food because the masses are frozen and don't go to work.

I think you are missing the reason this is still a secret.
For this country, and possibly the world, to function in the normal way we are used to, the population has to have a sense of security.
Aliens present a huge insecurity that our government has no real control over.

Say for instance, there was to be a Alien visitation that the goverment was aware would come in the future.
Would you tell everyone now and let your country fall into ruins because of these economic factors?
NO that would be irresponisble.
The goverment has a reponsibilty to keep the people and country going in a strong direction, and keep the peace and security we are used to.

So official disclosure would be highly irresponsible of our goverment, wouldn't you agree?

This is the way everything has to be. John Doe the worker can't be told the truth because he is unequipped to handle it.
People who are equipped to handle are pretty sure they already know the truth. But what percentage of people is that? 5%?

There is no other choice, regardless of the truth.
You would ruin the country if you disclosed now.
They will maintain the secrecy until it is no longer possible, or until it will no longer matter.
Until then, we should live it up and be happy, and make the best of our lives and whats left of them.


posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Infra_red
Religion would be turned on its ear. Imagine explaining the fact that "God" created heaven and earth and everything inbetween but a race of aliens show up and say that they dont believe in "God".

What if they came down and say they also believe in God. Maybe they will tell us which one is most correct out of our 4200(?) religions or which one is closest to what they believe..

It's something to think about.

[edit on 15-12-2005 by andpau66]

[edit on 15-12-2005 by andpau66]

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:21 PM
If the government already knows something, then they definately aren't ever going to spill the beans. They have spent too much time and too much money covering up everything. All the crashes, all the secret bases, all the documents. If they were going to reveal it out of the goodness of their hearts, I feel it would have been done by now. So unfortunately we may never know. Not in our lifetime, anyway
. Or unless the aliens decide to circumvent the government and take it into their own hands, making mass-appearances worldwide.

The only reason I can think of that the government would reveal it's knowledge about aliens would be if it had to recruit people to fight in a major war against them.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Infra_red
Reason being that everyone knows the US has had a technical advantage when it comes to the military and most suspect, I assume, that our advancements have been due to alien technology. Not to discredit the many scientists that have poured their lives into their work but our advancements since around the time of the Roswell crash have been astounding. We are leaps and bounds ahead of anything any other country can try to aspire to.

I have to disagree with you here. The reason the US has the most technologically advanced weaponry now is because the US is a superpower and we spend more on military than anyone else. I am sure the british, french, japanese and so on could be at least comparable to the US technologies in weaponry if they had the budgets or defense contractors do. No doubt the USSR would be right there with the US if they still existed

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:38 PM
The government comes clean. Since they have mastered enough technology to get here in the first place they have obviously been evolving a lot longer then we have. In fact, they have evolved to the point where religion is no longer part of their society. They have answered the "big questions" Now they are willing to share the answers with us. Humankind is enlightened.

The burden of not knowing is lifted. Humankind evolves in a great leap as a result of the disclosure and subsequent revelations. War is abolished, rascism eradicated, poverty stamped out, and health care, education, and energy provided for everyone. Instead of spending billions on defense countries would pool their economic forces.

Space stations would be built, planets would be visited, nebulas would be studied, diseases would be cured, oceans would be saved, and the human race could finally say they are damn close to being grown up.

Idealistic? Ya betcha!


posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:39 PM
Unless the government could *prove* that alien life existed, absolutely nothing would happen. Without proof, it's just talk, and about as believable as anything else the government tells you.

If they were able to prove it, then I think it would depend whether it was actual physical contact with the aliens, or just picking up alien radio on SETI. If the former, it could change everything. If the latter, it would probably change very little.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:51 PM
I wouldn't believe it and start faking pictures of pictures with no aliens in it.

Seriously though, some really messed up stuff would happen, religions would get all tetchy and then conflicts would break out.

In all, it would be a right load of fun!

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:52 PM

War is abolished, rascism eradicated, poverty stamped out, and health care, education, and energy provided for everyone. Instead of spending billions on defense countries would pool their economic forces.

Racism eradicated? I dunno. It seems that any group that is new to an area seems to get discriminated against. There has been discrimination against just about every new group to come to North America, or any other area.

I can see it now, "We don't want you greenies around here." Women and children crying when they see an alien walk down the street. All the language and cultural barriers. All the super-advanced aliens and their equipment taking your jobs. It would probably be a nightmare.

Extraterrestrial aliens would get about the same greeting as international aliens...

Unfortunately it's just human nature I guess

[edit on 15-12-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by apocalypta
War is abolished, rascism eradicated, poverty stamped out, and health care, education, and energy provided for everyone. Instead of spending billions on defense countries would pool their economic forces.

Space stations would be built, planets would be visited, nebulas would be studied, diseases would be cured, oceans would be saved, and the human race could finally say they are damn close to being grown up.

Idealistic? Ya betcha!


I hope the same, but don't think it will be that easy.
Eventually that may happen, but it might take a new generation of people.

If the Aliens were able to somehow, "Calm" us or "Enlighten" us with some power they have, then maybe it could happen quickly.
However that could be considered mind control.

However, if its more of a going from 3Dimensions to 4Dimensions, or a higher vibration of human consiousness, this may be a non-issue.

Pretend I am a government official in charge of eventual disclosure.
Convice me that we should disclose, and why it would be a good time.

Here's a few more problems I see with disclosure.

1 - Abductions - People are going to want to know the Who/What/Where/When and especially WHY did this happen to them? There are a lot of Alien Paranoid people. These people are going to want answers and may get violent to acheive those answers.

2 - Implants - Again, people will want to know why, and what these implants exactly do. Keep in mind we were not asked permission to have these things put in us.

3 - Wild Stories - This goes along with the original posters idea. Will the message boards be more flooded or less flooded? And what will they be flooded with? You will have new wackos in "war of the worlds" mode convicing us to take up arms against the new enemy. And now EVERY story about aliens will suddenly be believable and maybe taken as truth, even if it is not. People will come out of the woodwork relaying that wierd experience that was surely an abduction, and be SCARED, and cause others to be scared too!! It may be a cause for more paranoia and fear. Weeding out the truth may be a daunting task!

4 - Alien's power - People will want to know what their technology is, and what they are capable of. Then... they will want that technology for themselves. We are a greedy species. You think that will change overnight?

I have more problems that must have answers, but will wait for suggestions on how to deal with these issues of disclosure first.

Convince me that disclosure is a good idea...

[edit on 15-12-2005 by KDX175DUEX]

[edit on 15-12-2005 by KDX175DUEX]

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin

It would probably be a nightmare.

Extraterrestrial aliens would get about the same greeting as international aliens...

Unfortunately it's just human nature I guess

[edit on 15-12-2005 by Yarcofin]

Human nature would change. fundamental questions would be answered.

Is there a god? No. Life is found in many forms and many different places. Even if evolution isn't 100% correct it is the closest to the truth.

What happens when we die? Our bodies return to ash. Our brain is part of our body. Ergo our consciousness which "lives" in our brain dies as well. A fundemental law of nature. Of course the alienes would share some of their technology with us, life spans would be extended. Full lives would be virtually guaranteed.

What is my purpose in life? The purpose of every other creature which ever evolved on any planet: Procreate therefore living forever by passing on its DNA.

What happens to us when we no longer have to " fight" to survive? What happens when accidents and disease are no longer an issue? of course it would takemillions of years for us to evolve into different creatures asthetically. But I hope mentally we could evolvemuch faster.


[edit on 12/15/2005 by apocalypta]

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by KDX175DUEX

1 - Abductions - People are going to want to know the Who/What/Where/When and especially WHY did this happen to them? There are a lot of Alien Paranoid people. These people are going to want answers and may get violent to acheive those answers.

Full disclosure would have mean full disclosure. If they don't tell all then crazies and cooks will always get an ear. I do believe most abduction stories are crazy and/or kooky! Not all, but most. If you discredit the loons they have no power. No doubt anyone who had been wronged or traumatized in anyway would demand justice. An advanced race would also value justice very much. An interglactic court of sentient rights perhaps?

2 - Implants - Again, people will want to know why, and what these implants exactly do. Keep in mind we were not asked permission to have these things put in us.

Any implants of course would have to be explained. Becasue initially people with stories would have the worlds ear, therefore it would be int he govt and aliens best intrest to come clean

3 - Wild Stories - This goes along with the original posters idea. Will the message boards be more flooded or less flooded? And what will they be flooded with? You will have new wackos in "war of the worlds" mode convicing us to take up arms against the new enemy. And now EVERY story about aliens will suddenly be believable and maybe taken as truth, even if it is not. People will come out of the woodwork relaying that wierd experience that was surely an abduction, and be SCARED, and cause others to be scared!! May be cause for more paranoia and fear. Weeding out the truth may be a daunting task.

Yup that would be a challenge. One reason I put some credence to people who belive the government may be trying to soften us up now via media influence. Message boards would be crazy!! Then again with the prevelance of conspiracy talk on the internet I sometimes wonder if it is also being maniupulated.

4 - Alien's power - People will want to know what their technology is, and what they are capable of. Then... they will want that technology for themselves. We are a greedy species, you think that will change overnight?

Yes we are greedy, and if we want the economic, technological, and scientific advnacements that the visitors offer then we will cut the # or they will annihalte kidding!

I have more problems that must have answers, but will wait for suggestions on how to deal with these issues of disclosure first.

Convince me that disclosure is a good idea...

Hell I haven't convinced myself yet!

Best wishes


posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 05:22 PM
Government? I'm sorry I did not catch that Government (S)? I don't think Mr. E.T wants to speak with 20 + governing bodies on a planet. Aliens will come to us in there own way. But for now its best too stay out of human Evolution.

To answer your topic question if alien life existed on other planets, Well I think that's all that would say. It is hard to believe that we are the only beings in this universe. Just open your mind don't close your mind only to limit your self too the many different Answers too your questions.

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