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Gods Dont Exist

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posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 03:10 AM
Actually, I consider atheists closed minded too. This is why I'm agnostic. While I have my inclinations, I can't deny that anything is possible, until there's proof that it's not. Yet, I'm extremely skeptical of anything, until there's solid fact to base it upon. This doesn't keep me from having my own hypothesis, but it does keep me from believing in far fetched tales without reason. Atheists deny the possibility of any being more intelligent or powerful than us. It's a big universe to make that kind of claim, IMO. The odds imply that there is a huge possibility of life elsewhere, and perhaps more advanced or "superior", if you will, than us. The very definition of "atheist" denies even that possibility, IMO.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 03:47 AM
I don't believe anything you have to say. Who do you think you are a god? Oh my you should read the bible and stop thinking so much. Can't you be brainwashed like everybody else? hahaha.

"Can god be omnipresent? If so, then god would have to exist in hell. Apparently they say hell is a place where god doesnt exist, meaning god is no omnipotent. "

I know what you are saying. And I think alot of the things you say are correct. Who the heck could know that stuff huh? If God and god and god did this for the fact that he works like a fiend to find more and more and more...I don't see why He wouldn't have anything to do with hell itself when there is a wealth of information there as well. Except he created it too you know, for what ever reasons. What do we truly know about places like that? I think you have a point when you say

everything has it's right measurement. Everything is created in a balance everywhere, anywhere. All balances equal each other and therefore God can be at all places at all times. Difficult to explain. Yet, a Black hole and Earth are two tOtally different things. And yet Earth is over here in it's sphere while the black holes are over there in theirs. The birds fly in the sky and the one who flies the highest even cannot fly higher than the fact that it needs oxygen and at a certain point oxygen begins to cease to exist in so thick a field.

You're a superstar that's right you are. When you're thinking like this you are doing your work load. I hope to see you blessed in the strange and mysterious ways that only God at this point in time can know to give you.
And one day may we too know if it so suits us to know, to find the ways that all of these things are created that God has left for us to find in His trail....of rage of creations!
Even so I don't think that we are old news for God like some of these posts that fade away or die. Like I said, like you said, there is a balance in everything. And all things are accounted for.

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 04:05 AM
"Souls don't exst, why? There is no evidence for souls. "

The thing with souls right now is that to some there is evidence because they have been doing their own research. And that is how THEY have their facts. Now if you are talking about scientist and microscope well we aren't fully there yet, at the same time we do have some evidence since after death the body suddenly weighs some amount less. That is a start. What we need to do if you want more evidence is to create better instruments on which to gather evidence from. Are you willing to pitch in? Haha. Time to go to work!

And it sounds like you may be interested in that kind of work?

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by SamaraMorgueAnn
Oh my you should read the bible and stop thinking so much.

I'm sorry, but this pretty much sums up the majority of people who believe in god. Thank you for the laugh!
After that sentence, I saw no reason to continue reading anything else you typed.

[Edited on 9-14-2003 by Satyr]

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 04:13 PM
In otherwords, jag, it was too much for you to comprehend? Im sorry, would you like me to simplify it so you can understand, or has that ability been robbed by the mind jellifying effects of the Holy Babble?

Compared the the, um scholarly quality of your former thread (i.e. fit for the World Weekly News) i suppose Im gonna have to simplify.

1. Book of Esther made up story, not historical fact. No such events took place within the Persian empire history. It was a story for morale for the Hebrews to give them another holiday to celebrate.
2. The story of the flood was ripped off from older Babylonian myths. They had a myth of the flood, and a hero who built a magic boat that predates the bible hundreds, maybe even a thousand years.
3. The story of jesus. Look at any other pantheon in history. Myths and prophecies of virgin mortals and godesses abound, giving birth to heros and saviors.
4. Adam and Eve. Another ripped off old Babyulonian myth. See Babylonian god Ea.

Would you like to compare prophecies from other relgions?

1. The Norse. the ragnarok, or the twilight of the gods. The fire giants and frost giants would battle in the end, Loki the deciever released from his chains to run amok in the world. the Fimbulswinter, after the fire giants scorched the world, it would be engulfed in a winter that lasted 3 years, and killed all life except one man and woman.
2. The hindus. Believe that there is an inevtiable cycle of birth and death, creation and destruction, that occurs in the universe, and each cycle of destruction gives borth to another. Some of thier myths speak about speers of fire that shall eminate from the sky, and plagues born of the gods will engulf the earth. And then the cycle will start anew.
3. The greeks. They believed that someday the wickedness of men would go unchecked, the gods would fade, and chaos would engulf the world and it would be destroyed by fire.

All of the above have prophecies of heros who would come and save the world. the Norse: baldur, the sacrificed murdered god of light who would ressurect when the world was born anew, The Hindus, Krishna the redeemer who was crucified long before jesus was ever an itch in some drunken roman legionaires codpiece, and the greeks: pick one. They had many.

Still too much for you to digest?

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Satyr
No amount of evidence can convince the brainwashed. It's pointless to even try to show you logic.

Yeah, you're right there...

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 08:38 PM

Quote from Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
3. The story of jesus. Look at any other pantheon in history. Myths and prophecies of virgin mortals and godesses abound, giving birth to heros and saviors.

Out of your vast knowledge would you care to give us some examples of "other pantheons". Many are at a loss to know to whom you are refering.

1. Book of Esther made up story, not historical fact. No such events took place within the Persian empire history.

What is your documentation that the Book of Esther was a made up story and how does that apply?

The Hindus, Krishna the redeemer who was crucified long before jesus was ever an itch in some drunken roman legionaires codpiece, and the greeks: pick one. They had many.

Also could you list the Greek crucified saviors? Could you show where in the Mahabharata Sri Krishna was crucified?

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 08:58 AM
Hey Superstar,

Thanks for your logic, alot of it feels so solid...

However, I would like to ask you about your implicit denial of the mind/body duality. From my research, I have found that the scientific and philosophic communities are very split (hee hee) on this subject.

If you imagine your mother, you can see her very clearly, you know how she looks, you can even remember the way she smells. Does that picture of your mother exist? If it does, it is formless because we cannot detect that picturing with a valid sense awareness. (something is form if it can be detected by a valid sense awareness). If something formless can exist, from where does it come from? How can something formless (mind) come from something which is form (sperm and egg)?

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 10:30 AM
Jag, go to the library. My knowledge of this subject comes from a large number of books Ive read on the subject.

Punch in Jesus myth in your search engine. There are entirely too many links for me to post here, so Ill post a few.

Krishna Crucified

The pantheons I describe should be basic knowldge to anyone really. The days of the week, from tuesday to friday, are all named after Norse gods. (Tuesday=Tyrs day, Wednsday=Wodan/Odins day, Thursday=Thors day, Friday=Freija's day). Easter is named after the Germanic goddess Eostore, who had a pet bunny that laid colered eggs in celebration of spring.

Easter was stolen from a pagan spring celebration. The sacrifice of a pure god of light and sun was as old as man himself. Almost every ancient pagan peoples had a story of the grain or nature god being sacrificed to ensure the survival of mankind and the return of light. jesus was not unique.

Jesus Myth is an interesting book, worth a read.

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 11:38 AM
I u say there is not enough water for it to rain that long. He created water he can take it away or create more!!!!!!!!

next u say bout incest, where does desiese come from... sin! so in the beggining was there sin... no, so ppl lived longer and incest didnt mean desieses spread!

next u say that God cant make a stone more powerfull than him therefor cant b all powerfull, if he did he wouldnt b all powerfull!

God is truth, does truth exist of course it does, so does God!

He loves u, in the bible over 500 prophacies have come true! jesus fuffiled 300 prophacies! u say there is no God y? coz theres evil- the bible doesnt say theres not evil or suffering it just says God will help u through, if he met with u things would b difverent but u dont want him to so he wont!

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 12:02 PM
For a general refutation of the Parallels to the Jesus Myth see my posting in (near bottom of Page 1):

Also see "What Atheists think about Graves" (Bottom of Page 2):

For atheist comments on Graves work and Jesus parallels in general see:

To quote Mr. James Carrier (atheist author of above page):
"I have confirmed only two real "resurrected" deities with some uncanny similarity to Jesus which are actually reported before Christian times, Zalmoxis and Inanna, neither of which is mentioned by Graves or John G. Jackson."

For more on Osiris, Horus, and Jesus "parallels see":

And finally for comments on a historical Jesus see:

And for reliable information on Krishna and Hinduism see:

And for reliable information on Shayka Buddha and Buddhism see:

As for Acharya S the operator of, I wonder what Freudian analysis would reveal about her. She seems obsessed with crucificion and virginity.

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Adrianay
I u say there is not enough water for it to rain that long. He created water he can take it away or create more!!!!!!!!

The same amount of water that's been on earth, has always been on earth. Where else can it go or come from?

He loves u, in the bible over 500 prophacies have come true! jesus fuffiled 300 prophacies! u say there is no God y? coz theres evil- the bible doesn't say theres not evil or suffering it just says God will help u through, if he met with u things would b difverent but u dont want him to so he wont!

What a circular, rhetoric argument you make!
That's about the most reaching, idiotic theory I've heard in a long time. Name a few of these "prophecies". (And learn how to spell "prophecies", too....or get a spell checker. Have you ever noticed that people who spell the worst seem to believe in this sh*t more than anyone?) Go ahead! Give us some of your best "prophecies", so we can tear them to shreds.
But before you do, let me bestow upon you a prophecy of my own.

All life on earth will cease to exist.

There. Now, keep in mind, since I assigned no time limit on this "prophecy", I am now a prophet! This is bound to happen, oh......some day. I won't say when, otherwise it would be far to easy to prove that I'm a fraud, right?

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 01:27 AM
I find it hard to say that we can prove there is no god, as if we humans are even remotely intelliegent to understand the universe.

We still don't understand earth completely.

Reminds me of 2001, man masters his tools, then he is a slave to his tools, he is the master of earth, but an infant in space (has to learn to walk again, crawl before you walk)

To think we are even capable of understanding the secrets of the universe is sooooo... Naive.

edit: I can't even type my sentences correctly half the time now, lol.

[Edited on 17-9-2003 by Lysergic]

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 01:31 AM
Satyr, look at (fulfilled prophecy):

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 01:41 AM
Why don't you summarize it for me? I don't feel like reading scripture. Most of it is so vague, it's more irritating than slamming my dick in a car door. Leonardo Da Vinci and Nostradamus were also prophets, if you really want to believe they were.

No doubt you found a nice website to cut and paste all that from.

Here you go...

[Edited on 9-17-2003 by Satyr]

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 01:43 AM
EyeHateGod exist tho!

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 01:57 AM
Satyr, why don't you read the post. You are capable of reading? No I did not copy it from a web site page. And I find your statement slightly insulting.

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 02:31 AM
I'm so very tired of reading scripture. I stopped a long time ago, and every time I get goaded into reading it again, I find that it's only more wishful and/or manipulative thinking. Why won't you summarize it, so I can judge whether I want to spend hours reading something I don't particularly want to waste my time on? Unless you can show me some spark of reasonable logic, I'll consider any bible "prophecy" as credible as scientology. I noticed your age isn't in your profile. Any reason for that? I like to know what age people are. Mainly because I find that many younger people are more gullible to religion and other far fetched beliefs.

[Edited on 9-17-2003 by Satyr]

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 02:40 AM
1. Predicition Messiah 483 years after decree.
2. Decree in 457 B. C.
3. Messiah in 27 A. D. (Year baptized).
4. Prophecy predicts destruction of Second Temple
5. Temple destroyed 70 A.D.
6. Copies of book where prophecy found dated 125 B.C.

Read Post for more details. It is fulfilled prophecy - live with it.

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 02:51 AM
I truly doubt it. Even if so, it has nothing to do with proof of the existence of "god". It also is not proof of any "messiah", unless that's what you really want to believe. Prophecies are for those who want to believe in the first place. Live with it. I may look into it further, when/if I have time. Although, I suspect that this is more vague BS that can easily be debunked by practically anyone who's not already convinced there is a god and was a messiah.

Do you have any idea how many predictions I could make that would "seem" to come true within 450 years time? I'll bet some would seem eerily accurate, especially if people already believed them beforehand.

[Edited on 9-17-2003 by Satyr]

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