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The 757 Hitting the Pentagon

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posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 09:13 AM
Because there were expansion joints at those positions. But not in the center. The expansion joints were the weakest part of the building.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 09:13 AM
One thing to be sure. The fires were on the roof or below the roof in the building ?

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 09:28 AM
The fires were in the building itself, but there was significant sinking at the expansion joints on either side of the impact site.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 02:25 PM
Just a quick note regarding the object being carried by those guys in uniform.

Whatever it was, it was light. Almost all of those guys are carrying the weight way above their heads.

One good comparison to the weight would be a coffin. In all events, the coffin is carried on the bearer's shoulders. Why? Obviously nobody wants to drop it. A precious cargo is being carried. It's heavy, approx 80-90kgs (approx 180lbs) as "cargo" and perhaps even that same again in the coffin itself.

Those guys looked like they were having no trouble at all carrying that object. Not one of them seem to be struggling.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 11:41 PM
Zaphod ... are you an airline pilot ?

Your claim that some sort of autopilot computer could have been used by the hijackers to fly the 'fighter jetlike' path is utter non-sense.

The GPS, Autopilot systems on airliners are used to follow flight plans based upon nav points. While the autopilot features are all based on holding a heading or alt .... spiral 270' hi speed manoevers can't be entered into the plane's 'computer' anywhere.

Go buy FS2004 and try and get a 757 to autopilot the 270' spiral into the pentagon at 500+ mph .... even amateur simulation pilots know that's impossible.

Until the suppressed pentagon videos are released ... nobody will know for sure what happened that day .... but it is common knowledge that complicity (government, mossad etc.) at some level occurred on 9/11 and 19 saudi's were not responsible.

It is so obvious with all the so called evidence ... "Atta's passport found on street by fed." LOL or the arabic how fly a jetliner books & boxcutters in the car left at the airport or the hundreds of mossad agents caught in the U.S. with direct ties to 9/11 including the dancing mossad agents who were filming the WTC on 9/11 and who were found to have cash, fake passports, boxcutters and explosive residue in the moving vans on 9/11.

It is even funnier seeing some members on this board attempting to defend everything the government spoonfeeds them about 9/11 ... face the facts they are lying ............ just listen to Silverstein at this link

Silverstein Pullit admittance

While I'm not convinced Bush was complicit (he's just a stupid monkey puppet) they are definately others who were like the many Israeli Whitehouse controllers.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 11:50 PM
I know this is a little off topic but, it is not as amazing as you think to find something like a passport surviving the crash.

One of the passengers' mileage cards was found intact.

In February, the day of the Columbia tragedy, we got word they'd found her United Airlines Mileage Plus card. It was found very near where they'd found a piece of her right hip. We imagine that she used the card early on the morning of Sept. 11 to get on the plane and just stuck it in her back pocket, probably her right back pocket, instead of in her purse. They have found no other personal effects.

We got the card in the mail, FedEx'd from the New York City Police Department property room. We can't open it yet. It just sits in our home, in a cabinet, until we can look inside. We might never.

Flight 93 left behind a lot of personal effects fully intact from the wreckage.

But searchers also gathered surprisingly intact mementos of lives lost.

Those items, such as a wedding ring and other jewelry, photos, credit cards, purses and their contents, shoes, a wallet and currency, are among seven boxes of identified personal effects salvaged from the site. They sit in an El Segundo, Calif., mortuary and will be returned to victims' families in February.

"We have some property for most passengers," said Craig Hendrix, a funeral coordinator and a personal effects administrator with Douglass Air Disaster Funeral Coordinators, a company often contacted by airlines after devastating crashes.

Hendrix said United Airlines' insurance underwriter hired Douglass on Sept. 12 to handle not only funeral arrangements for the victims but also the return of personal effects.

If all those things can survive, I don't see a passport surviving to be all that miraculous. It's not like it was the only thing to survive the plane crashes.

edit: BTW you don't happen to have a source for all that Mossad information do you? I don't recall hearing anything like that.

[edit on 12-10-2005 by LeftBehind]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 11:52 PM
Screw it. Just ain't worth it.

[edit on 10/12/2005 by Zaphod58]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:24 AM
Link Here

[edit on 13-10-2005 by Zamboni]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:33 AM
Here is another Link

that explains hundreds of mossad in the U.S. and their spying ....

BTW why would Atta even have a passport on that plane ... passports aren't needed for domestic flights ... and why wasn't any of the 19 hijackers on any of the official flight passenger lists released on 9/11 ?? If they used non-arab aliases then why bring a legitamate passport ??

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:45 AM
And those 'mossad' movers really got around ....


and more Israeli's caught this time with Nuke & Pipeline Plans .. Link

You need to remember something about the Mossad .... they use deception and false flag ops to implicate Muslim Terrorists .... just like they did on 9/11 .... the ultimate false flag op with the help of several other Neocon Zionists from PNAC and the Whitehouse.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by Zamboni
BTW why would Atta even have a passport on that plane ... passports aren't needed for domestic flights ...

I'm from the UK. When I visited the US I found people often asked for photo ID, say in shops when I was using a credit card. My UK driving licence didn't include a photo, so I took my passport everywhere instead.

If that's not the explanation then maybe we need to ask what else would he do with it? (Although, small point, it wasn't Attas passport). Leave it behind in the hotel? Throw it away? Now that really IS going to look suspicious, if anyone finds out (and there's no point whatsoever in taking the risk). Keeping it with you is the safest option.

and why wasn't any of the 19 hijackers on any of the official flight passenger lists released on 9/11 ??

They were ( ). If you're referring to the CNN lists, then they're not "official passenger lists", and specifically say the hijackers were left off anyway. See the No Hijackers... thread for more, & continue the debate there if you want, because we're well off-topic for this one.

[edit on 13-10-2005 by ashmok]

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Screw it. Just ain't worth it.

Valiant effort Zaphod. Don't let it get you down man. You can tell everyone you told them so when the copped vid's are released. Cheerio.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 08:56 PM
I hope this image shows was on an earlier link. It's the first time I've seen this image.

Does this image help at all - surely it wouldn't be that difficult for someone with the right equipment to work out what the plane / missile is? Is it the right proportion / height for a 757 for instance? It looks 1 to 1.5 storeys high.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Veritas76
I hope this image shows was on an earlier link. It's the first time I've seen this image.

Does this image help at all - surely it wouldn't be that difficult for someone with the right equipment to work out what the plane / missile is? Is it the right proportion / height for a 757 for instance? It looks 1 to 1.5 storeys high.

That image has been posted and analsyed plenty of times in other threads. (I'm only stating a fact, not having a go)

My understanding of the whole situation regarding this image is as follows:

It was taken from a security camera at an entrance.

The image is in real time, that it the camera only takes pictures at 5 frames per second, or whatever the actual rate is rather than the 25fps used on TV.

The lens is focused for near objects, it hasn't picked up distant objects very well. Various attempts have been made to match a 757, global hawk etc etc etc to the images, nothing I have seen is conclusive one way or the other.

Well, there is the discussion on that image as I have understood it so far.

More info can be found here


posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Veritas76
I hope this image shows was on an earlier link. It's the first time I've seen this image.

Does this image help at all - surely it wouldn't be that difficult for someone with the right equipment to work out what the plane / missile is? Is it the right proportion / height for a 757 for instance? It looks 1 to 1.5 storeys high.

Wow, look at that non plane hit the pentagon! Oh it must be a missle

My gosh, as much as I believe the US allowed or was complicit in 9/11, the idea that no plane hit th epentagon or it was a missle is phooey from all the evidence I've seen. why people believe crap like Loose Change is beyond me.
I can buy explosives bringing down WTC1,2,7 but I don't buy a missle hitting the pentagon.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 07:11 AM
i dont see a plane here really. certainly not evidence of a jumbo.

isee what looks like a tail fin in one screen which goes in the next so it looks like part of something, but there is a white trail behind it. maybe smoke or something. so its a bit confusing.
also it looks to be extremly low, almost on the ground. This thing flew over the motorway? were there overturned cars and things, anyone have pictures?

interesting that site linked from earlier
Flight 77

Im looking at the maguire statement.

The FBI has 85 videos that might relate to the flight 77 crash.
on review 56 of them did not show either the pentagon, the crash site or the impact of a flight 77
16 of the remaining 29 did not show the crash site or the impact of a flight 77

Of the remaining 13, 12 only showed the penatgon AFTER the impact!
Whats this all about?

Only ONE showed the impact of flight 77.! lol

Among the 85 videos was one from the Gitgo Gas Station, Arlington.
PENTTBOM (lol love the name, penatgon bomb? anyway) and FAVIAU determined '...the video did not show the impact of flight 77 into the Penatgon'

Which is fine but it leaves open what it might show instead. Thats does not confirm that it shows nothing of interest.
Again the same with a video from Doubletree hotel, '...did not show the impact of flight 77 into the pentagon'
Video they allegedly confiscated from Sheraton National could not be located.

All very interesting

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:54 PM
I can tell you with 100% certainty what the gas station video showed. . . .

The Gas Pumps!.

Have any of you ever watched one of those “real police video” shows when they show the robbers in the store videos?

Once again, why would anyone expect to see anything from a gas station security video is beyond me.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
I can tell you with 100% certainty what the gas station video showed. . . .

The Gas Pumps!.

Have any of you ever watched one of those “real police video” shows when they show the robbers in the store videos?

Once again, why would anyone expect to see anything from a gas station security video is beyond me.

Oh come on Howard, you weren't expecting anyone to use common sense were you? After all - everyone knows that Gas station CCTV records the sky and/or the surrounding area.. don't we?

Love the over turned cars comments that people keep coming up with - was this a Spielberg movie?

[edit on 1-11-2005 by AgentSmith]

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
I can tell you with 100% certainty what the gas station video showed. . . .

The Gas Pumps!.

Once again, why would anyone expect to see anything from a gas station security video is beyond me.


ill give you that, but the why was it taken by the FBI aye?

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 02:44 PM
I imagine it would be standard procedure to confiscate all CCTV within a certain area in case it has anything of any use in any way.

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