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Ratzinger, the last planned Pope - the "nazi Pope" as "From the glory of the olive"

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posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 08:36 AM
These are the illuminati Times codes confirming who the illuminati planned as the last Pope

Notice that in Germany the only reference to this was hidden somehwere in the lines of the "Economy - Multimedia" section of the on-line version of TV news channel N24.
Headlines: "Ratzinger finds Fans im Internet" ...

Anyway, if you had read this you should have known this for a while:

Ratziner was the man that welcomed them officially in the "Church", in 1982...

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 11:37 AM
Lots of kids were inducted into the Hitler Youth, and there is nothing wrong with being a member of the regular German Army, even in WWII. The SS, sure, thats a different story, but the Army? No way.

The son of a rural Bavarian police officer, Ratzinger was six when Hitler came to power in 1933. His father, also called Joseph, was an anti-Nazi whose attempts to rein in Hitler’s Brown Shirts forced the family to move home several times.

Yeah, he sounds real evil.

He joined the Hitler Youth aged 14, shortly after membership was made compulsory in 1941.


Two years later Ratzinger was enrolled in an anti-aircraft unit that protected a BMW factory making aircraft engines

The entire society was militarized.

He was sent to Hungary, where he set up tank traps and saw Jews being herded to death camps. He deserted in April 1944 and spent a few weeks in a prisoner of war camp.

Desertion was punishable by death, and the nazis were very interested in cleaning house even at that late stage.

There's nothing here that says this guy is a nazi.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Lots of kids were inducted into the Hitler Youth, and there is nothing wrong with being a member of the regular German Army, even in WWII. The SS, sure, thats a different story, but the Army? No way.

wasn't the Germany Army different from the SS,etc?
thats what i remember hearing and studying.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 11:50 AM
I would agree that Ratzinger isn't a Nazi.

He is, however, the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the the Doctrine of the Faith. Which, before it got cleaned up in a PR move by the church, was known as the Holy Office of the Roman and Universal Inquisition. (Remember them? Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition?)

He is a theological Ultra-Conservative with strong ties to the Roman Catholic cult-like organization Opus Dei.

During the Papacy of John Paul II, Ratzinger and his Congregation suppressed the Latin American liberation theology movement, hardened the Church's opposition to gays and lesbians, toughened statements against assisted suicide, and generally moved things in a more conservative direction.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by infinite
wasn't the Germany Army different from the SS,etc?
thats what i remember hearing and studying.

Definitly. The Army, SS, SA, and Gestapo were all seperate things. The Army in WWII was the Army in WWI and previously. It was just the german army. The SS, SA, and Gestapo were nazi organizations and political tools, paramilitaries too.


All good and fair reasons to reject him. The nazi-slur is an affront to the victims of actual nazis, on that I think we can agree.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 01:40 PM
hitlerjugend as head of the church.....

this just confirms the everlasting love between nazis and vatican and doesnt surprise a bit. Or is anyone even surprised?

[edit on 18-4-2005 by nukunuku]

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 02:35 PM
So, effectively, you are saying that no one who was young and in germany during the war is allowed to every do anything, because they are nazis, right?

I mean, the youth group was made mandatory. How is that this guys fault?

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 02:40 PM
no thats not what i was saying

and i didnt say it was his fault

[edit on 18-4-2005 by nukunuku]

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 02:50 PM

Definitly. The Army, SS, SA, and Gestapo were all seperate things. The Army in WWII was the Army in WWI and previously. It was just the german army. The SS, SA, and Gestapo were nazi organizations and political tools, paramilitaries too.

To further clarify this, when thinking about the guards at the death camps, etc. we're talking SS and other specialty officers, not your rank and file German soldier. Though the Nazi party was in power, not all Germans were Nazis... The SS were pretty much the ones who'd be organizing the book burnings, rounding up Jews, etc. Sometimes the German soldiers would be forced to assist and follow orders, etc. but they weren't the ones in charge of such operations and were rarely involved knowingly, in such actions. Most German soldiers had no idea about the camps, etc.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
To further clarify this, when thinking about the guards at the death camps, etc. we're talking SS and other specialty officers, not your rank and file German soldier. Though the Nazi party was in power, not all Germans were Nazis... The SS were pretty much the ones who'd be organizing the book burnings, rounding up Jews, etc. Sometimes the German soldiers would be forced to assist and follow orders, etc. but they weren't the ones in charge of such operations and were rarely involved knowingly, in such actions. Most German soldiers had no idea about the camps, etc.

Thanx for clearing this up,
i new that the Germany army wasn't what Hitler prefered cause Hitler wanted to replace them by the SS.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 03:31 PM
From the article in question:

“Resistance was truly impossible,” Georg Ratzinger said. “Before we were conscripted, one of our teachers said we should fight and become heroic Nazis and another told us not to worry as only one soldier in a thousand was killed. But neither of us ever used a rifle against the enemy.”

Some locals in Traunstein, like Elizabeth Lohner, 84, whose brother-in-law was sent to Dachau as a conscientious objector, dismiss such suggestions. “It was possible to resist, and those people set an example for others,” she said. “The Ratzingers were young and had made a different choice.”

I tend to think that anybody who was a Hitler youth is entirely unfit to represent the world's people in any major capacity, particularly that of Pope. Resistance in 1941 was possible, particularly for a German (as opposed to a Jew, homosexual or gypsy). Explain to me again how 14 years old is too young for a young man to know right from wrong?

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, whose strong defence of Catholic orthodoxy has earned him a variety of sobriquets — including “the enforcer”, “the panzer cardinal” and “God’s rottweiler”

The need for a Pope still baffles me, but JPII was at least a pacifist. Ratzinger sounds like the antithesis of JPII. If all these Catholics need a figurehead and leader, shouldn't the guy be a peaceful sort, particularly in this new century of sabre-rattling and outright warfare?

Nygdan said: So, effectively, you are saying that no one who was young and in germany during the war is allowed to every do anything, because they are nazis, right?

That's a broad brush you're using to paint this question. Of course ex-Nazis shouldn't be prevented from doing "anything", but being Pope is not just "anything". But then, since they let child-sex-obfuscator Bernard Law run the papal mass recently, I guess the church still has no shame.

Cardinal Law Leads Mass for the Pope, and Some Protest

[edit on 18-4-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 04:35 PM
but I can't say I agree with this guy being Pope. Not necessarily because of his past but because he is obviously a 'hard-liner'......what the church needs is love, peace and growth with the times, not someone stuck in the darkages. As for the Hitler youth thing, ugh - as if Ratzinger is going to admit he volunteered!? No way. No one would.

Jeeeepers, I mean, this whole papal thing is a joke. There is some guy who's been covering up countless abuses by priests in US, taking part in the Popes funeral???? The God I know wouldn't be too thrilled with THAT!

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 06:49 PM
The coming cerimony, the LAST planned Pope, was carefully staged.
This KEY photo alone, released by the illuminati in January 2005,
tells the true story of World War II.
St. Malachy's prophecy, by giving a precise time line, is to be seen at the same level as the charlatan Nostradamus at his "best", i.e. the only time he risked a prediction:
Nostradamus - an illuminati favorite for almost 500 years
Satanists staging self fulfilling prophecy for John Paul II as De Laboris Solis

So what do the illuminati mean with "From the glory of the olive"?

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 07:17 PM
Here's the top 3

Dionigi TettamANZI of Italy and Francis ArINZe of Nigeria, and of course the favorite German cardinal Joseph RAtZINger.

[edit on 18-4-2005 by ThePunisher]

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 07:31 PM
Personally, I hope he is a Nazi because world politics is getting a little boring lately. We need someone to stir us up. Let it be...let it be.......

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 07:58 PM
We'll know if he's a Nazi or not if he gets elected and the first thing he does is throw out a Nazi salute.

I'm just wondering the the Illuminati will be upset if that black bishop is chosen instead. Boy, that ought to set some tongues to wagging.

Love and light,


posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by nukunuku
hitlerjugend as head of the church.....
this just confirms the everlasting love between nazis and vatican and doesnt surprise a bit. Or is anyone even surprised?
[edit on 18-4-2005 by nukunuku]

"Ist das nicht ein Schnitzelbank? ... Ja! das ist ein Schnitzelbank!.....

Oh die Schoenheit, an der weg...ja! das ist ein Schnitzelbank...."

By the way nukunuku, regarding your avatar...why is that rabbit wearing a skirt? Something you need to tell us?????

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 09:11 PM
Oh, so he's German so he must be a nazi right

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 09:59 PM
Croat, Ratzinger was in the Hitlerian Youth and even fought in the Nazi army before the war ended! He was a teacher at one of the most conservative universities in Europe and he has always condemmed every culture of religion that was non-European, and he reisntated the INQUISITION! This should not be taken lightly...

If this man gets to be pope, it's gonna be the end of the Catholic Church.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by MattMarriott
This KEY photo alone, released by the illuminati in January 2005,
tells the true story of World War II.

The photo's been around since WWII... it's only your interpretation that's new.

St. Malachy's prophecy, by giving a precise time line, is to be seen at the same level as the charlatan Nostradamus at his "best", i.e. the only time he risked a prediction:

Malachy missed at least one Pope and has been "off the mark" for every pope that's lived since the discovery of the document. It's a forged document.

Satanists staging self fulfilling prophecy for John Paul II as De Laboris Solis

Satanists could care less about the Pope. Pope doesn't figure into any Satanist enclave.

So what do the illuminati mean with "From the glory of the olive"?

It means "after we take over the world we will force everyone to drink martinis!"

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