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Operation: Gaslight

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posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 07:32 PM
In 2016 Donald J Trump became the 45th President of the United States of America.

His mission was in his own words, 'To Make America Great Again' .

The establishment, led by the most rotten candidate in United States history Hillary Clinton lost their minds shortly after they lost the election.

Flunkies in the MSM, products of the CIA Operation Mockingbird alongside liberal academics, celebrities and other 'experts and influencers' launched the biggest campaign of treason and insubordination against a sitting president the world has ever seen.

Their preferred method of attack is a technique known as gaslighting.

What is gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which a person or group causes someone to question their own sanity, memories, or perception of reality. People who experience gaslighting may feel confused, anxious, or as though they cannot trust themselves.

Sourc e

According to medicalnewstoday the following tactics are used to gaslight someone:

Countering: This is when someone questions a person’s memory. They may say things such as, “Are you sure about that? You have a bad memory,” or “I think you are forgetting what really happened.”

As we all (should) know President Trump did not incite people to violence on what is now ridiculously known as January 6th.

A fake imagining of real events, it was not worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined.

Withholding: This involves someone pretending they do not understand the conversation, or refusing to listen, to make a person doubt themselves. For example, they might say, “Now you are just confusing me,” or “I do not know what you are talking about.”

Recently Project Veritas exposed the political weaponization of the k-12 curriculum bringing to light the corruption and abuse that takes place at schools.

Teaching activist Quintin Bostic admits selling critical race theory lessons to schools, despite ban

Trivializing: This occurs when a person belittles or disregards how someone else feels. They may accuse them of being “too sensitive” or overreacting in response to valid and reasonable concerns.

Remember the 'Mostly Peaceful Protests'?

Remember how many celebrities wished they could blow up the White House with Trump in it or decapitate him?

Remember the 'pandemic of the unvaxxed'?

Denial: Denial involves a person refusing to take responsibility for their actions. They may do this by pretending to forget what happened, saying they did not do it, or blaming their behavior on someone else.

Russia! Russia! Russia!

Some deluded leftovers to this day still think Trump was in cahoots with the Russians.

Involved in the biggest political scandal was a former President, a never to be president(still with her?) and some of the biggest players in the intelligence community to name a few.

Diverting: With this technique, a person changes the focus of a discussion by questioning the other person’s credibility. For example, they might say, “That is just nonsense you read on the internet. It is not real.”

Remember when they mocked people for doing their own research and labeled everyone who questioned the narratives, even professionals in their respective fields conspiracy theorists.

Remember Nina and the ministry of untruths?

Under Elon Musk's leadership of Twitter much has come out about how the giant social media companies surpressed views that went against the gaslighting narrative.

Stereotyping: An article in the American Sociological Review says that a person may intentionally use negative stereotypes about someone’s gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, nationality, or age to gaslight them. For example, they may say that no one will believe a woman if she reports abuse.

If you're a conservative you were/are labeled as 'a literal nazi' and your support of Trump 'was worse than if you were to support Hitler himself '.

Black conservatives were labeled as 'not being black' by Joe Biden himself, who deluded people among you heralded as a return to calmness and restoring dignity to the office of the presidency. Let's go, Brandon.

Gaslighting is a method of gaining control over someone else. It works by breaking down a person’s trust in themselves while increasing how much they trust or depend on the abusive person.

Funnily enough, the only people manipulated by Operation Gaslighting are the supporters of the very people who ran the phony racket.

And those among them who didn't fall for it but gleefully recognized that a sadistic brand of narcissm was now the preferred method when engaging with people of the opposite political spectrum.

This is has to be seen as serious business by all, which also explains the lack of sense of humor in those so afflicted and why the left can't meme.

But why did such a large segment of the population betray everything that America once stood for?

Intimate relationships
In relationships, an abusive person may use gaslighting to isolate their partner, undermine their confidence, and make them easier to control. For example, they might tell someone they are irrational until the person starts to think it must be true.

Think simps and beta males. People suffering with the mental disease gender dysphoria. Anyone who goes through life a victim.

Child-parent relationships
Abusive parents or caregivers may gaslight children to undermine them. For example, when a child cries, they may say they are “too sensitive” to shame them and make them stop.

Child-parent relationships gone wrong plays a big part in what shaped these people. The abused becomes the abuser. Putting children on medication that inhibits their development instead of cultivating a relationship with them because a teacher labeled them as having learning problems when the reason was bad parenting and not getting healthy attention thereby struggling to form balanced, healthy relationships because it was implied that there is something wrong with them when it was in fact people who never should have had children in the first place because they don't know the first thing about nurturing a child.

According to an article in Politics, Group, and Identities, racial gaslighting is when people apply gaslighting techniques to an entire racial or ethnic group in order to discredit them. For example, a person or institution may say that an activist campaigning for change is irrational or “crazy.”

Is it OK to be white?

What does this 👌🏻mean, and why did a Mexican immigrant get fired from his job when someone saw him doing this while driving his car?

Institutional gaslighting
Institutional gaslighting occurs within a company, organization, or institution, such as a hospital. For example, they may portray whistleblowers who report problems as irrational or incompetent, or deceive employees about their rights.

From cringy commercials lecturing down on you for 'toxic masculinity' etc. to Military personnel who refused the vaccine to doctors and nurses etc. [cont]
edit on 23-1-2023 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 07:51 PM
It's a big list, and now they want amnesty for all the harm they caused?

Causes of gaslighting behavior
Gaslighting is a behavior that people learn by watching others. A person who uses this tactic may have learned it is an effective way of obtaining what they want or controlling people.


If you've ever wondered how so many people seem to have gone nuts, even people who appear competent and are highly qualified and successful in their careers, now you know.

There is a huge psychological crack in their personalities, and TPTB created and encouraged the conditions that enabled these people to bring out the worst in them.

Sometimes, people with personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) exhibit abusive behavior. A 2020 articleTrusted Source states that people with NPD have:

-a consistent need for admiration and attention

-a belief that they are better than everyone else or special in some way

-a lack of empathy

The past few years speak for themselves, and these are the facts.

Gaslighting also operates on a broader scale as a feature of systemic oppression. People in power sometimes use it to damage the credibility of a person or group, which disempowers them.

In short, this is Operation: Gaslight.

How to respond to Operation Gaslight:

Talking to someone trustworthy: Confiding in a friend, family member, or counselor may help someone gain perspective on their situation. The person can also act as a witness to events.

Taking pictures: Photographs can also help someone “fact check” their memories.

Keeping voice memos: A device that can record sound can work as a quick way for someone to describe events in their own words.

ATS is an island in a sea of confusion, where people huddle together to wither the storm. Some of us have a volleyball called Wilson that we talk to admittedly but everyone is welcome nevertheless.

Gaslighting is a form of abuse that involves a person deliberately causing someone to doubt their sanity. This may cause feelings of confusion or powerlessness. The long-term effects of gaslighting include trauma, anxiety, and depression.

When it feels like it's becoming too much of a burden, talk to someone you can trust, i.e anyone but a progressive liberal Marxist person.

The best way to expose the gaslighters is through humor, not violence.

To ridicule them is to strip them of their ilussory moral high ground.

Make sure your children understand the reality of the situation, bombarded as they are with fake news etc.

Their future hangs in the balance.

Let's go, Brandon!

edit on 23-1-2023 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2023 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 07:54 PM
Its just another tool in the psychological manipulation toolbox and weapon of 5th generational warfare.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

You literally did every single one of those listed in your OP.
Was that on purpose?
As to your OP I agree but also firmly aware that every party does ot just as much.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

I have noticed that many people when thinking back to the past, count COVID as three years, to determine how long ago it was. Pre COVID and post COVID.

I find myself doing it also. Now that was some serious gaslighting.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

You literally did every single one of those listed in your OP.

Except I know how to meme.

I'm glad you can admit to the reality of the OP.

Please show me where I attempted to make you question reality.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 08:48 PM
Excellent post and well written.

It is true, that a large part of the American population became radicalized in the course of six(6) years.

Watching my fellow brothers and sisters burn is terrible.

However, these people brought this upon themselves by believing these lies, too much faith in the system I suppose...

That or faith in institutions that nornally shown good will, not act out of political activisim.

At some point, we'll have to deal with these consequences.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Can't really add to that.

Well said.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 09:58 PM
Yes, well thoughtout. I actually didn't know what gaslighting was. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

It's totally not new, society and its official narrative have always functioned that way. If you're not 'normal' you are fringe.
That's just how it is.
Normal always was and always will be an artificial construct only maintained by the will of the individual.
What you experience as 'gaslighting' is the consequences of your decision to abandon 'normal'.

I mean the illusion is that there ever was a time when the official narrative of what is normal ever had anything to do with 'truth', or the opinion of any majority. It's about what's acceptable in the framework of a forever evolving definition of 'what is right'. And that's basically also since the start of human civilizations a matter of power.
Since power is only maintained as along as the official narrative is supported by enough people still deciding they want to be part of society.

Meaning the attempt to gaslight the other side is the only weapon in every power struggle since the invention of society.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 10:51 PM
All that can be boiled down to a selfish ego trip. That's what we used to call that kind of behavior.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 11:05 PM
I feel you brother. In my opinion after 911 everything changed.

Ask yourself what was different pre 911? No TSA, no wire tapping, no big brother. Now its eyes in the sky.

Who has more eyes in the sky?

Elon give interest or internet for basically free. We had 1500 satellites in space the poor Elon comes along and puts over 12,000. I'm not a mathmatician but I'm sure he means well.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 01:06 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 01:23 AM
Gaslighting people don't do it on purpose, they just are incompetent.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: Peeple

What you experience as 'gaslighting' is the consequences of your decision to abandon 'normal'.

I disagree.

Normal was abandoned in favor of gaslighting, and the general catch-all term for those who resisted was 'deplorable', supplemented by every - ism to paint regular people as villains.

The tactic was to shame people into abandoning the reality of the situation.

When lies were discovered, such as the Russia hoax there was zero accountability and the aggressors simply moved on to the next illusion as crafted by the social engineers in positions of power.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

This is much more than a selfish ego trip.

I do believe the doomsday clock is going to be updated today.

We are being conditioned to a place where it is commonly understood that the majority of people on earth is not necessary anymore and need to be exterminated.

Every new crisis is part of the 'death by a thousand cuts" strategy.
edit on 24-1-2023 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: BFree

In the long run he does appear to be part of the problem.

I see him as a prime example of 'the road to hell being paved by good intentions'.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: Untun

Those at the top who initiated the process new exactly why and for what reasons this tactic was selected to spearhead their social conditioning campaign.

And it makes sense that it comes from the elites because a super rich, super powerful person believes they are never wrong.

They are not accustomed to being questioned by those who are simply supposed to follow orders.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 04:17 AM
An excellent thread written in 2010 which goes much deeper into the details of deception through sleight of hand tactics and a handy guide to decode what you see and hear on MSM:

Sometimes a gem of a thread fly by under the radar, as is often the case on ATS.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

No. The illusion is simply that it's something new, which it isn't.
The normal is to accept the social schizophrenia, what you call gaslighting is replacing one artificially crafted construct of reality with another.
The 'regular people' are a bunch of insane moddufuggas, just like the ones they're trying to dominate and that totally goes both ways.
And it was like that in Ancient Egypt, in the Roman Empire,in the Brittish Empire, under Kennedy, .... always.
Humans are inherently insane, 'psychotic' is normal. That was never different.

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