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Military Whistle Blower - 5 Year Cancer Average was 38,700 (2016-2020). In 2021 it's 114,645

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posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: network dude

True, but are we thinking the 296% increase in cancer is only happening in the military? If not then we would see huge increases in regular hospitals along with the other thread stating 1 out of 33 are hospitalized or dead due to the Vax.

Now if it's only happening among the military why do you think that is? Something specifically given to them only?

Anecdotally I did ask my Aunt(In a different state) after reading this if she noticed more people getting chemo, etc at the VA hospital where she goes for treatment. Her cancer appeared before vaccinations. She stated she has not noticed an increase in people when she's been in for treatment and various related surgery in the past year. She has been triple vaxxed and her cancer is now in remission.

the reason this stands out as opposed to the VARES reporting is the inability to fudge the numbers. Folks on your side seem to have issues with any data that doesn't fit the narrative. This data is solid. I'd think rather than trying to explain it away, you might want to dig into it a bit and see if there is anything to it. Pretending it's not happening won't change anything. And since "your side" is the side that can't get enough jabs, you might want to know if the jabs are not as wonderful as you continue to claim. I'm not worried, I didn't get one. I got covid quite early and am satisfied with my antibodies.

For you and all the other jabbers who can't get enough juice, I hope this is not related to the vaccine. Cancer is an awful thing, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

You say that, but the OP does not link to the military data, nor is it available anywhere online?

Where is he getting this data from?

How can we be expected to dig when the data does not exist?


posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
Has anyone verified if these numbers are remotely accurate?

Can't verify it, the data does not exist, except, it would seem, in the OP's mind..

edit on 27-1-2022 by PerfectAnomoly because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Sorry for you and your brother as well. Yes, I am glad his suffering was not too long and he was very strong minded until the last few days...

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:31 PM
We need more info on this. I work in healthcare and during peak Covid a lot cancer screenings simply could not be done.

One number I want to see is the number of screenings that were done.

Regardless this seems like a very large number and one that should be looked into for sure. It's scary because 2022 we are estimated to have around 1.9 million folks diagnosed with cancer. If we see an increase it will be hard to hide.

100% increase - 3.8 million
200% increase - 5.7 million

You can't hide that.
edit on 27-1-2022 by HawkeyeNation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: Arizona2

originally posted by: frogs453
There seems to be some dissonance here at ATS. We have a 296% increase in cancer in one year. Another post states 1 out of 33 people will have a severe reaction or die from the Vax.

Yet, in any post with reports of hospitals being overwhelmed with Covid patients the very same people post, "my wife works in a hospital, they are empty". "I work with hospitals and they tell me they are empty." " Hospitals are not overwhelmed!"

So, where are all of the cancer patients going for treatment? Where are the people who are suffering and dying from the Vax being treated as ATS insists hospitals are not seeing an influx of people?

If you have that many people with cancer and that many people in the hospital with severe reactions or death, where are they? With the total of 150 doses(3 each 50 people) in my family alone, where is our cancer and reactions and death? It's been over a year now? Still only know of long term problems and death among those I know that were unvaccinated and had covid.

You are aware that military members with cancer just don't go down the street to the nearest ER, right? This isn't the gotcha moment that you thought it was.

The problem with this is we still should see this uptick in the general public because there are many numbers.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:26 PM
With milley and austin still in their seat the data will never see the light of day except through whistle blowers that will have a hard time bringing said data to the light.

It would not surprise me in the least, but to play a little bit of devils advocate.

Some areas have switched to using a new hydraulic fluid that is very toxic but much more efficient called skydrol.

We have an issue getting people to wear the proper ppe, in part because the fighter mafia doesnt like to buy the actual right stuff instead get "suitable subs" that never work quite right.

Thats one example I am sure the army, marines and navy have things that are highly toxic with minimal ppe, I have noticed in the USAF that they are a little lighter on teaching about this stuff than when I came in, I imagine the same goes for other branches.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:32 PM
link Written by Great Game India? Sounds like a crap source.
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: frogs453
Just to clarify, the post your referring to about 1 in 33 vaccinated- it's not saying 1 in 33 vaccinated lol jts talking about one batch of the vaccine. It's referring to one single batch number, there's SO MANY batch numbers.

posted on Jan, 29 2022 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: HawkeyeNation

originally posted by: Arizona2

originally posted by: frogs453
There seems to be some dissonance here at ATS. We have a 296% increase in cancer in one year. Another post states 1 out of 33 people will have a severe reaction or die from the Vax.

Yet, in any post with reports of hospitals being overwhelmed with Covid patients the very same people post, "my wife works in a hospital, they are empty". "I work with hospitals and they tell me they are empty." " Hospitals are not overwhelmed!"

So, where are all of the cancer patients going for treatment? Where are the people who are suffering and dying from the Vax being treated as ATS insists hospitals are not seeing an influx of people?

If you have that many people with cancer and that many people in the hospital with severe reactions or death, where are they? With the total of 150 doses(3 each 50 people) in my family alone, where is our cancer and reactions and death? It's been over a year now? Still only know of long term problems and death among those I know that were unvaccinated and had covid.

You are aware that military members with cancer just don't go down the street to the nearest ER, right? This isn't the gotcha moment that you thought it was.

The problem with this is we still should see this uptick in the general public because there are many numbers.

I think the point the whistle blower was making was that this data may not exist in civilian hospitals because (and the msm has been tonnoying this) hospitals are (apparently) overrun by covid, so cancer screening has been cut back significantly, plus people are avoiding taking their potential melanomas to surgeries and hospitals out of fear of catching covid there. Hence there’s probably a tsunami of undiagnosed cancers built up in the civilian population.

The whistleblower's point was that throughout covid, unlike civilian care the military has maintained their usual high surveillance with the usual routine of check ups etc. Therefore the military data provides the true snapshot that civilian care cannot at this time.

I can’t see a reason to believe that this military snapshot wouldn’t reflect the civilian one we’re lacking.

The reason for this big uptick in cancers is up for debate, but of course the vaccines are on the list of suspects that it’s our leaders responsibility to investigate; which I doubt they’ll do since they’d be potentially incriminated if the findings point to the vaccines.

edit on 29-1-2022 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2022 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero
Quite a bit of a red flag.

Escalating doses were given to subsequent cohorts, and one cohort received a booster dose after 1 year.

posted on Jan, 29 2022 @ 05:05 AM

originally posted by: BigfootNZ
So your comparing a 5 year average with a single years value? Why not wait another 4 years and see what the new 5 year average is... some of those years between 2016 and 2020 could well have been (and would have been) higher than the average as well as lower.

Also if its the vaxx wheres the same increases youd expect to see in the civilian population?.. wheres the huge influx of sudden cancer diagnosis in the general vaxxed population? If the vaxx is causing the cancers (question which type/s is it causing? the vaxx cant cause ALL types of cancers after all) then for a cancer to get to a stage where its caused by the vaxx then found within that same year that has to be one hell of a malignant beast and those sorts of things dont go unnoticed for long.
Go out and find the current cancer rate for this year. CDC doesn't have them. Even if it is vaccines causing cancer they will spin it like everything else.

posted on Jan, 29 2022 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: vNex92

Quite a bit of a red flag.

Escalating doses were given to subsequent cohorts, and one cohort received a booster dose after 1 year.

I'm not sure of the point you are trying to make.

posted on Jan, 29 2022 @ 05:46 PM
"38,700 per average year Multiplied by 5 years = Appx. 193,500 (again over 5 years)
114,645 in (wait for it… wait for it…) 11 months
Not sure what your saying here unless I am looking at this 💩 wrong then by all means correct me"

In the first 11 months, there is almost the previous 5 years rate this rate, the 5 year 'total' may well be over 573,225 cases...

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