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So what, Jesus may have walked on water, but could he have....

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posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: Topcraft
a reply to: DaCook

You really hold a lot of hate in your heart don’t you. Hate for God, hate for Christian and especially Catholic believers.
I’m sure you hate many other people. Hate will eat away at a person till there is nothing left.

True Christians and Catholics hold love in their hearts. Love, and the joy that comes from knowing God. I think you enjoy trying to destroy our faith, you surely try hard enough. Or is it envy? Things maybe not going so well in your life? Maybe lost a loved one and blame God for not intervening?

Many but not all of us have been touched by God, some call it being born again. It’s what we strive for, what we pray for.
That my friend is the power of prayer. Some people think God exists to serve us, they pray to win the lottery or something else they desire. It doesn’t work that way. Science cannot define God, God defines Science.

Christians have been persecuted since their beginning for various reasons, mostly for the concept that there is something greater than man, they fear a loss of control over the people. To them it’s a dangerous belief. Others just can’t stand the fact that we have found pure happiness and joy in our lord and savior, when they themselves just can’t seem to find meaning in their lives.

I’m not an evangelist, believe what you wish. What more can I tell you, Buy a puppy maybe?

Did you evet think about stopping the whine and actually contributing something? When asked to prove god was real, you said nothing except to duck and cover, challenging me to provide proof of the scam. Which I did and you did nothing but duck and cover again. You provided nothing.

I’m not the one trying to con anyone. Yes, poor, poor Christians being picked on and all they want to do is control your life and have a hand in your back pocket. Poor babies.

I did not kill thousands, did not steal a million through an elaborate con, nor do I have a website asking for donations and in particular will your wealth to me so I can do “gods work.” How much of the donations actually go back into the community to help those who need it? Nationally about 4 cents on the dollar. The rest is kept by the church. For Lear Jets so their ministers can talk to god in private. I'm also not the one picking up hookers nor having a gay three way with Jessica Hahn. Helping the poor n needy all right.

If I need a puppy, you need some cheese to go with the whine. Greatest lie ever told and you are not bright enough to figure out you were a victim of a lie.

I’m all for freedom of religion, knock yourself out. However, there should also be freedom from religion. Stop trying to load the deck by telling people whom to vote for. Stop loading the deck by loading the Texas schoolboard so they pick books that favor the Christian view of Sharia Law. Stop demanding 10 commandments in governmental buildings. Stop demanding prayer in school. Do your own thing, not impose it on others.

It is about time more people exposed Christianity for what it is, a big lie and a con game. No hate involved, sometimes the truth actually should work and expose out the conmen.


posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: DaCook

I don’t remember ever killing thousands, or stealing a million, I don’t pick up hookers or have 3 ways, I don’t tell anyone who to vote for. I demand nothing from anyone, neither do I con anyone. If any one is whining here, I think any reasonable person on this site can easily see who it is.

Oh, there is hate involved in your posts make no mistake, it’s obvious. You don’t have the power to affect my faith, or make me angry, and that really bothers you. You can make any accusations you like, I don’t mind in the least.

You say you are for freedom of religion? You are deluding yourself, you stated your stance on religion. You condemn religion.

It makes no sense to continue this conversation, I wish you peace and happiness in your life, and I will pray for you.
edit on CST2021p2021-12-30T17:39:07-06:00Thu, 30 Dec 2021 17:39:07 -0600pmf31 by Topcraft because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: DaCook

I use to know a wonderful christian lady from the internet that claimed she had visitations from Jesus. She asked if I wanted Jesus to visit me and I answered yes thinking nothing would come from it. I was indeed visited by a powerful entity that could force visualizations into my waking state mind. Whether that Jesus was the original Jesus written in books or a manifestation of thought empowered by the many minds. I cannot say. But Jesus is certainly real to many. But that many, might be limited to a handful, that can open their conciousness to the universe and beyond....

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!"

The I AM that I AM is the seat of your conciousness. The thoughts that flood that seat of conciousness is the noise that seperates you from the whole.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: glend

Beautiful, thanks for that.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: Topcraft
a reply to: DaCook

I don’t remember ever killing thousands, or stealing a million, I don’t pick up hookers or have 3 ways, I don’t tell anyone who to vote for. I demand nothing from anyone, neither do I con anyone. If any one is whining here, I think any reasonable person on this site can easily see who it is.

Oh, there is hate involved in your posts make no mistake, it’s obvious. You don’t have the power to affect my faith, or make me angry, and that really bothers you. You can make any accusations you like, I don’t mind in the least.

You say you are for freedom of religion? You are deluding yourself, you stated your stance on religion. You condemn religion.

It makes no sense to continue this conversation, I wish you peace and happiness in your life, and I will pray for you.

Sounds like you need a link to the medical research that proves prayer does not work. Knock yourself out. If it worked, we would not have clinics nor hospitals, we would have prayer meetings.

Freedom from religion? Ya, mind your own business and let people be people. It is not anyones right to dictate what people do at home behind closed doors. Seems Christianity feels like they own the world. Speak of hate!

I have no problem with gay people, not my thing; but just people. All gods people, created by god right? So why does Christianity have a problem with gay people? Being they do, my best suggestion for loving Christian’s is to not be gay. Problem solved.

So what kind of cheese did you pick out?


posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: glend
a reply to: DaCook

I use to know a wonderful christian lady from the internet that claimed she had visitations from Jesus. She asked if I wanted Jesus to visit me and I answered yes thinking nothing would come from it. I was indeed visited by a powerful entity that could force visualizations into my waking state mind. Whether that Jesus was the original Jesus written in books or a manifestation of thought empowered by the many minds. I cannot say. But Jesus is certainly real to many. But that many, might be limited to a handful, that can open their conciousness to the universe and beyond....

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!"

The I AM that I AM is the seat of your conciousness. The thoughts that flood that seat of conciousness is the noise that seperates you from the whole.

Cool! I once did lsd while I was 19 in the army in a bar in Germany. Had to pee and you would not believe the colors I saw in the urinal while peeing. A brilliant green like a shamrock. When I left the restroom a strong feeling, message hit me. There is no god.

Glad I gave that stuff up before I was 20 years old. Nasty stuff. But I can relate.


posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: DaCook

Excellent. So you understand that perceptions from the mind can be colored. What makes you so sure that your perceptions today are not colored.

posted on Dec, 30 2021 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: DaCook

I was going to leave this thread, but decided now to stick around awhile.

I am a straight male and have been married for 47 years so you can see where I’m coming from.

ABSOLUTELY WRONG The Jewish faith may have a problems with gay people, I’m not really sure. So if we have anyone from that faith reading, maybe they can answer you. The Christian Bible is divided into two parts. Old Testament, and New Testament. To me as a Christian, the focus is on the New Testament. It’s my opinion that the old is needed to understand the new. A reference of sorts to put everything in context.

Christ released us from the laws of Moses. I really cannot remember anywhere in the new that forbids it. If you could point me to it I’d appreciate it. Christ is a God of love, peace, mercy and acceptance. He would never turn away anyone that comes to him. And if it’s ok with him, it’s ok with me. I still believe that you are the sex you came into this world with, and really don’t understand the attraction, that’s just me tho.

The God of the old lightened up a bit when Jesus was born, good thing for us.

The rest of your post isn’t really worth the time it would take to explain. I don’t type.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 03:35 AM

originally posted by: glend
a reply to: DaCook

Excellent. So you understand that perceptions from the mind can be colored. What makes you so sure that your perceptions today are not colored.

Guess because i haven’t done lsd since the early 70’s? And grew out of being a dumb kid?

edit on 31-12-2021 by DaCook because: Maybe I should have not had that last drink?

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 03:55 AM
Seriously, you are telling me the white evangelical movement is not both anti-gay and not pro life?

For the record, I’m an old fart also and the gay marriage thing is still a bit of a something to get used to. Plus, not a real fan of abortion. Probably won’t be having any. But, I’m not a 15 year old female and was never raped nor sexual abused by my older brother. Dunno. But then again, really isn’t a decision for the church to make is it? Seems personal. Appears you agree.

Bye, bye.


posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: DaCook

I assure you as far as on this earth Christians can care less about who is gay. The Lord has given many over to homosexuality today because they have failed to retain God and his words in their hearts. Read Romans chapter one.

However God loves the homosexual not his homosexuality. So in essence Christians we don't accept LGBTQXYZ as a right lifestyle we are not against those who practice such.

We are against Witchcraft but not against witches. We are not against wine but against Drunkenness. We are not against smoking but against poor stewardship of ones money and body. We are against the Women's lib movement but not against independent women. we are against killing the unborn but not against those who practice it.

Are you starting to understand. Just because we are against practices of people does not mean we are against the person who practices such. We love them and want to see them saved from the penalty of their sin which only comes through faith by God's grace on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

edit on 12/31/2021 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Well said, and explained much better than than I could. My hope, is that more people would get involved in this conversation. Believers, nonbelievers and even haters.

There are a lot of lurkers out there, I was one. Maybe the subject needs a separate thread inviting everyone into the conversation. We can deal with criticism and insults with no problem, that just strengthens our faith. And possibly we could help people understand that we are no threat to anyone.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: Topcraft
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Well said, and explained much better than than I could. My hope, is that more people would get involved in this conversation. Believers, nonbelievers and even haters.

There are a lot of lurkers out there, I was one. Maybe the subject needs a separate thread inviting everyone into the conversation. We can deal with criticism and insults with no problem, that just strengthens our faith. And possibly we could help people understand that we are no threat to anyone.

My obvious assumption is Chester John is a gay Christian. Cool, however what you say is not what is preached by most white evangelistic churches. They seem pretty hell bent against gay people.

It seems a few still do not get that Christianity and God are simply a hoax for power and profit. Even act frustrated even though they presented zero proof of God. Which I don’t blame anyone as it is an impossible task. There is nothing you can present.

How about a little more proof it is a hoax? Exodus! Moses leading the Israelites through the Sinai desert for 40 years out of slavery and into the promise land??

Problem is, there is zero proof it actually happened. The estimated number if it was true would be 2.4 million people. At a time where the average life expectancy was probably not more than 40 years and that there was not sufficient resources to support that amount of people. The real deal killer….. Where is the evidence it happened? Like where did they bury the dead, leave any trash? Like broken pottery maybe? Just like Jesus, there is no evidence the story is real.

Believe it or not, I actually get Christianity. Christ the Redeemer and the Giant Cross in Peru are basically Christianity’s Goodyear Blimp. Branding and Marketing. Churches such as the Vatican, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, La Sagrada Failia in Barcelona or even the church in Rio where the inside was plated in gold. Awe and shock! We loved visiting them. Can imagine a poor farmer living in basically a hut would be in absolute astonishment. Not only for the power of god factor, they make money off them. You really don’t think you can tour them for free do you? Revenue source. After all, it wasn’t their money to build them anyway, it was given to them.

Even get Christian Bible School and day care. It’s part of psychological warfare. Get um while they are young, no excuse for parents to not attend church increasing profits.

Even get the saving of people! Sure Christianity wants to save you, they want to save people from their wallets!

The more ya know. The more audacious and criminal it gets.


edit on 31-12-2021 by DaCook because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: DaCook

I think you need to get away from the YouTube videos you have been watching, and like I said before, you assume too much, and really know nothing about our faith. Assuming someone is gay, why should that matter to you? Keep it up by all means. You really are quite amusing, and surely don’t realize how ridiculous you sound.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: DaCook

Dakook, You assume to much and that is what your problem is. Assumption is the Mother of all Error, I am a Straight White male, married 24 years, w/3 Children. Served 15 years in the mission field been saved by grace through faith for 28 years.

You are deceived! God is Real and God is alive. I will pray that he makes himself known to you.

There is no PROOF evolution is real yet by faith you accept it. You are very religious when it come to evolution.

Why don't you try and prove there is no God. Oh you cant it is all ASSUMPTIONS.

Only God could support that many people in the wilderness for 40 years. All riches and All the cattle on a thousand hills belong to God. It was all miraculous and there is plenty of proof archeologically that they lived in the wilderness 40 years. You just haven't read any of it by choice. And that which you do read you refuse to accept it and believe it.

the Govt school is part of psychological warfare against Christianity get them while they are young and indoctrinate them to LGBTQ and FORNICATIVE lifestyles as normal, Evolution as fact with no proof, physical matter as eternal, that there is no God (like you say), and Sexual pleasure is looked upon as the ultimate pleasure one can have in this world. This last one destroyed Sodom and 3 other cities, it is what destroyed Jerusalem and Israel, it was the downfall of the Roman Empire and it will be what will lead to the final tribulation of the world before Jesus Returns to take his kingdom.

ALL religions including humanism wants to get the money pal. But you have not visited places that don't collect any money yet have thriving ministries that glorify God and not men.

If you want to see the real crime and the audacious behavior of all those who are like you. We read about your immoralities, your crimes and your exploits everyday in the news.

edit on 1/1/2022 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: Topcraft
a reply to: DaCook

I think you need to get away from the YouTube videos you have been watching, and like I said before, you assume too much, and really know nothing about our faith. Assuming someone is gay, why should that matter to you? Keep it up by all means. You really are quite amusing, and surely don’t realize how ridiculous you sound.[/quote

First, I do not watch YouTube videos about religion. Have better things to do. Many things I write about are anecdotal and things I have seen with my own two eyes. I make nothing up. Sounds like you have an issue with the truth. As usual, instead of attaching the message, you attack the messenger. If you have nothing to say, sit down and shut up.

You have made absolutely no comments of the Church funded medical research that completely disproves there is anything at all to the power of prayer. Nada, zippo, nothing. The funding by organized religion came back and bit them in the ass. As mentioned, why even have hospitals or clinics when all you have to do is have a prayer meeting?


posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: DaCook

Dakook, You assume to much and that is what your problem is. Assumption is the Mother of all Error, I am a Straight White male, married 24 years, w/3 Children. Served 15 years in the mission field been saved by grace through faith for 28 years.

You are deceived! God is Real and God is alive. I will pray that he makes himself known to you.

There is no PROOF evolution is real yet by faith you accept it. You are very religious when it come to evolution.

Why don't you try and prove there is no God. Oh you cant it is all ASSUMPTIONS.

Only God could support that many people in the wilderness for 40 years. All riches and All the cattle on a thousand hills belong to God. It was all miraculous and there is plenty of proof archeologically that they lived in the wilderness 40 years. You just haven't read any of it by choice. And that which you do read you refuse to accept it and believe it.

the Govt school is part of psychological warfare against Christianity get them while they are young and indoctrinate them to LGBTQ and FORNICATIVE lifestyles as normal, Evolution as fact with no proof, physical matter as eternal, that there is no God (like you say), and Sexual pleasure is looked upon as the ultimate pleasure one can have in this world. This last one destroyed Sodom and 3 other cities, it is what destroyed Jerusalem and Israel, it was the downfall of the Roman Empire and it will be what will lead to the final tribulation of the world before Jesus Returns to take his kingdom.

ALL religions including humanism wants to get the money pal. But you have not visited places that don't collect any money yet have thriving ministries that glorify God and not men.

If you want to see the real crime and the audacious behavior of all those who are like you. We read about your immoralities, your crimes and your exploits everyday in the news.

First, let me apologize, you say you are not gay, cool! I could care one way or the other. The old phrase: “no sweat off my balls.”

No proof of evolution? How stupid!

What an ignorant post! I provided a ton of proof. And what a dumb non-thinking excuse as to why Exodus was not impossible and just another bible lie. Lots of proof? Sure, Ron Wyatt provided all kinds of evidence. He is a known liar, con-man and has made a ton of money creating hoaxes for feeble minded people, just like the Catholic Church has done.

What happened to the Ten Commandments god gave to the Israelites to take into the desert? Ya, dumb me….. The Ten Commandments are in a Catholic church in Ethiopia and only the caretaker is allowed to see them. Makes every bit of sense doesn’t it. Especially the part it is a catholic church.

Guess I should not believe my lying eyes. In Lima, Peru there is a, guess……….. a Catholic Church, that has an actual spike/nail used to crucifix Jesus and once a year is paraded around the city. Do you know how many other Catholic churches in the world claim to have THE spikes/nails used to crucifix Jesus? Answer: Many. Even sadder, you cannot nail a person to anything using their hands to do so. The bone structure and tissue is not capable of holding the body weight.

Let me ask, what did Jesus eat at the last supper? If you believe the bible experts:

“A bean stew, lamb, olives, bitter herbs, a fish sauce, unleavened bread, dates and aromatized wine likely were on the menu at the Last Supper, says recent research into Palestinian cuisine during Jesus's time.”

Remember my lying eyes? In Cusco, Peru in the Cathedral Basilica in Cusco's main colonial square is a picture of Jesus and his posse having the last supper. Guess what they are eating? Well, one item for sure is Guinea Pig. Guinea Pig in Peru is considered a delicacy and eaten at holidays. More marketing and disinformation by the Catholic Church to win over the locals.

So, all religions want money and I have not traveled anywhere that doesn’t collect money that glorify god and not men?

OK, I’ll take that bait also. Xian China is the birthplace of Buddhism in China. It is the end of the Silk Road where spices and silk were traded. The most fantastic display of street food in the world. We did not have to pay a dime to visit the Buddhist Temples.

In Thailand (as in all over Thailand) there are Buddhist Temples. Almost all are free. Seems like we did pay a small fee to visit Loha Prasat in Bangkok and for sure we bought pants as we were wearing shorts and that is considered disrespectful.

More lying eyes: In Mumbai India, the Ganesh Festival celebrates the Hindu’s honor of the arrival of the elephant headed man god. (was on business in India w/o my family) visited the festival and toured their religious sites. It again, was free.

Not a mama’s boy sitting in momma’s basement watching porn. Former food and travel writer formally trained in both Tokyo and Shanghai China in Asian Cuisine. Currently writing a cookbook, certified food judge twice judging the World Food Championships and have appeared on national TV. I was not interviewed this year and doubt it will be on TV.

See you holy girls later.


edit on 3-1-2022 by DaCook because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: DaCook

No proof of evolution? How stupid!
Ok if you will porovide absolute, verifiable and scientific proof that Evolution is a FACT resulting in TRUTH. Please provide examples of the 10,000 missing links from the rock cooling water struck by lightening that resulted in the creation of an amebae or other one celled animal. Proof that LIFE came from a NON-LIFE ROCK.

In return for your worl, I will give you proof from unsaved scientist who have proven that evolution is a lie and not scientific.
edit on 1/4/2022 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: DaCook

No proof of evolution? How stupid!
Ok if you will porovide absolute, verifiable and scientific proof that Evolution is a FACT resulting in TRUTH. Please provide examples of the 10,000 missing links from the rock cooling water struck by lightening that resulted in the creation of an amebae or other one celled animal. Proof that LIFE came from a NON-LIFE ROCK.

In return for your worl, I will give you proof from unsaved scientist who have proven that evolution is a lie and not scientific.

More pure stupidity.

What an unsaved scientist says, is not science nor fact. You seem easily swayed by basically nothing.

Guess if I want to really push the the issue, worked in the surgical field helping teach over 100 surgical courses and helped develop surgical devices. Owned my own consulting company. At one time was asked to serve on a task force overseeing standards for 11,000 surgeons. Did all the clinical work on developing “cold ultrasound” technology. Does that count as science? Got into the culinary arts after my medical career.

Again, you show your disillusioned view of reality and never provide fact. Tell you as I told your buddy (the defender of god), if you don’t have any facts to share, sit down n shut up. Not one direct response to the clinical studies that prayer is a hoax. Nada, zippo, nothing, etc.

Onward christian solders. Get back when you develop a lick of common sense.


posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 02:07 PM
“New numbers released Tuesday from The Barna Group, the country's foremost researcher on religion, show that two out of five pastors nationwide are seriously thinking about quitting the ministry.

More than 4,000 churches closed in America in 2020. Over that same time, over 20,000 pastors left the ministry and 50 percent of current pastors say they would leave the ministry if they had another way of making a living.”

This is from the Christian Broadcasting Network. An obvious pro Christian source:

New Barna Survey Finds That 38% of US Pastors Have Considered Leaving Ministry | CBN News

Typical Christian morals………… They ask for donations at the bottom of the page.

In the US, the number of religious “Nones” have grown by 30 million of the last decade” Pew Research Center.."

In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace | Pew Research Center ([/url]

This will be my last post on this issue. Basically it is like dealing with uneducated 8 year olds. The fact is Christianity is slowly dying on the vine. People have figured out the impossible, never happened and nothing but the greatest lie ever told. For gain of course.

Onward Christian Solders. Some day you will make it to high school. Na, just kidding. I know better.


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