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Young teens ambush Ohio Mall

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posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: underwerks

What are these “malls” you speak of? Can I order one on Amazon?

! I rarely give you stars, but this one deserved it!


posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 06:41 AM
“Teens.” Any other shared traits besides age and gender? Anything at all?

I have no idea what should be done about this increasingly common mass lawlessness. Not too many years ago these little monsters would have gotten the crap beat out of them by police and sent to jail, where they would have had a most unpleasant stay. But our society is so afraid now of appearing racist or insensitive that we’re helpless against them. They know it and have absolutely no fear of the repercussions for their actions. The 70 percent illegitimacy rate among blacks has a lot to do with this, but you’ll never hear Al Sharpton, Cory Booker, Oprah or other so-called black leaders condemn it. I fear for our future.

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Tarzan the apeman.

"A good spanking" Okay, boomer...

Now now, if nothing else was done semi-right by the Boomers that spawned the Millennials that spawned these kids today (parenting training knowledge IS passed on, after all) then at least acknowledge the square kids today that don't do squat out of line -- they WERE disciplined. It's a dying breed, but they're out there.

My kids haven't done anything stupid enough to warrant a spank since they were much younger,and nothing that grounding them to their rooms for X number of days with no rights to anything but the bathroom and meals can't fix, but I'd be hard-pressed to not knock 'em with the clue-by-four if they did s# like this to businesses.

Speaking as a Millennial here, the way my peers raise & discipline their kids is crap. You're raising animals. Fekking discipline them, you idiots. If that requires a smack to the ass as a teen, by all means, a humbling smack to the ass as a teen can work wonders -- my best friend's mom bestowed a single swift one to me in my early teens when I went along for a shopping trip and acted up, and I shaped TF right up on the spot & never did it again. Embarrassment WORKS at that age.

The other thing we need to do is commit. Get married, stay married. If you're skeered of a signature on a contract, suck it up and commit old-school person to person and MEAN IT. Don't man-hop like a ho, don't chick-hop like a man slut. And by all means, start openly ridiculing & shaming people who do. The sooner society starts meting out some consequences for it and the lousy home lives it creates that lead to gutter trash adults, the better.
edit on 12/29/2019 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Tarzan the apeman.

"A good spanking" Okay, boomer...

Now now, if nothing else was done semi-right by the Boomers that spawned the Millennials that spawned these kids today (parenting training knowledge IS passed on, after all) then at least acknowledge the square kids today that don't do squat out of line -- they WERE disciplined. It's a dying breed, but they're out there.

My kids haven't done anything stupid enough to warrant a spank since they were much younger,and nothing that grounding them to their rooms for X number of days with no rights to anything but the bathroom and meals can't fix, but I'd be hard-pressed to not knock 'em with the clue-by-four if they did s# like this to businesses.

Speaking as a Millennial here, the way my peers raise & discipline their kids is crap. You're raising animals. Fekking discipline them, you idiots. If that requires a smack to the ass as a teen, by all means, a humbling smack to the ass as a teen can work wonders -- my best friend's mom bestowed a single swift one to me in my early teens when I went along for a shopping trip and acted up, and I shaped TF right up on the spot & never did it again. Embarrassment WORKS at that age.

The other thing we need to do is commit. Get married, stay married. If you're skeered of a signature on a contract, suck it up and commit old-school person to person and MEAN IT. Don't man-hop like a ho, don't chick-hop like a man slut. And by all means, start openly ridiculing & shaming people who do. The sooner society starts meting out some consequences for it and the lousy home lives it creates that lead to gutter trash adults, the better.
I agree with everything you wrote. We need a lot more parents like you.

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 07:03 AM
Underwerks' funny notwithstanding (sorry, still laughing at that one)...

This is becoming a real problem, and the solution is not a good thing. We are becoming a society of drones. Closed in at home, rarely going out... because going out now involves a lot of issues. Everything we do is over-regulated and socially scrutinized to the Nth degree. I'll freely admit I rarely go out; being a smoker, it's just too much hassle dealing with the militant anti-smokers among us, and the possibility of jail time for attempting to remove someone's jaw from their face so I can beat them with the jawbone of an ass is real.

It's not just smoking; that's just the example I use... there are movements to ban perfume too. Anything that can in any way offend someone else is a risk. Wearing MAGA caps is another good example.

One also has to deal with these kind of instances: kids running wild and no real police protection. Now add in the hysteria (mostly unwarranted) over active shooters... the chances of being a victim of an active shooter are something like the chances of being struck by lightning in the left shoulder while driving a Toyota due west during rush hour, but the media makes sure we think otherwise.

Now add in the high cost of things bought locally. I just bought me a game controller... saw them at WalMart for anywhere from $50 for a little clunky-looking thing to $400 for a nice one... but I got a nice wireless one coming at me from Amazon that I paid $30 for. Anything not bought by a large percentage of the public is usually just not available locally, either. It's just so much easier to shop online.

Going to a movie? No, thanks. I get to sit in a too-small, sticky seat that creaks every time I try to lean back, so I can watch the kids running around in front of the screen and listen to the couple two rows back having a fight over who gets to pick the movies. If I stay home and watch the exact same movie, I can watch when I want, sit in my recliner, lean back whenever i choose, eat what I want, drink what I want, both for 1/10 the price, smoke if I want, pause the movie if I need to visit the little rednecks' room, set the volume where I want, tell others around me to shut the hell up, and if there are kids running in front of the TV that's my fault.

Don't want to cook? No problem! We have Uber Eats now. Your food is delivered right to your door.

Visiting a friend? I still do, but many people visit their friends virtually 24/7... who needs more?

Hell, I can even pay my property taxes and car tags online now! No more dealing with that silly metal detector (apparently there is enough iron in my blood to set the silly thing off... and don't even mention my steel toed boots). Banking is online now. Concerts are on TV. WalMart is delivering groceries in some areas. There's already curbside pickup here in this rinky-dink town.

We're coming to a point where there will be no stores. There will only be warehouses. People will leave home to work and for no other reason (some places are letting people telecommute too). That makes it easier for us to be force-fed whatever propaganda the media and warehouses want to feed us. As robotics improve, even going to work will be a thing of the past.

And do y'all want to know what the real hoot will be when that comes? These hoodlums, the very ones who helped drive everything, will be the first ones complaining about it. Me, I'll be fine. I got plenty of land to walk around on, I'm retired, and I got friends who live on the next plot over. Plus, life has shown me that social interaction is typically more painful than pleasurable. As it is, I have a 10-year old vehicle with less than 30k miles on it. Might not have to ever get another one at this rate... works for me, since all they make today are ugly SUVs and tiny cars that I can't get into and out of without folding myself up in a pretzel.


posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

Heh, you sound like me only a few years ago. Absolutely spot on advice, but it won't help. We've gone too far.

Best thing you can do right now is take care of you and yours. Train your kids on not just how to be responsible adults, but also on how to effectively deal with irresponsible adult bodies inhabited by animals. That's the real challenge today.

Then just sit back and watch the world burn. Have popcorn... lots and lots of popcorn.


posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

I still like the stocks and pillory idea, though..

And passersby can throw rotten fruit at them for the duration of their punishment. Much better than a spanking, which in all likelihood would have the police presented at your front door and you charged with child abuse, which would then go on your permanent record making you a social pariah for the rest of your mortal life.

I think, however, that makes me an Colonialer, well beyond that of a boomer... but who knows with all these new terms and things, these days.

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 07:37 AM
Heavily armed citizens, think bazookas and bull whips, need to patrol the malls with the intent of shooting and whipping to kill these hoodlum thugs. Only then will it be safe for geriatrics to return to the air conditioned indoor walking course that is your obsolete shopping mall.

edit on 29-12-2019 by AugustusMasonicus because: 👁❤🍕

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

To be fair, some smokers are purely ignorant, sitting under "No Smoking!" signs while I'm trying to eat, and I have to deny the urge to ask them, ever so politely "Can you read?" and when they ask, indignantly "Yes, Why?" I point towards the "No Smoking!" sign.

Uber eats is really nothing new. Pizza's have been home delivered for over 200 years from my recollection. And even some Chinese places deliver. I wish they'd deliver fish and chips though, but I am thinking back to when it was $4 for a large piece of snapper and a large load of chips... now it's $15 for a tiny bit of recooked sardine and half a potato cooked in stinking old chip oil. So the deliver prices would only add to the sadness at having such a miserable meal, even if home delivered.

Besides, I'd never trust Uber eats, they'd molest the food while on the way. I've seen door cam footage of one Uber eats delivery guy eating some chips from a McDonalds home delivery, thinking "they'd never know.."

Dirty devils.

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

If everyone was just trained in the art of Ninjitsu, carried Ninjato's, and were well equipped on how to wield them, then these thugs who refuse to learn even basic English, common decency or even self control, would soon be a thing of the past.

Feudal America. Where honor among warriors is the first lesson taught.

Well, it's a nice idea, doubt it'll catch on however.

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: TrustedTruth

There's a balance that could exist with smoking, but right now all the advantage is to the anti-smokers. In most towns, it is illegal for anyone to open an establishment that allows smoking. I know of one place here that does, and it's a tobacco shop.

Uber Eats is based on the pizza delivery model, yes, but the difference is that now any restaurant becomes a delivery establishment. It is ushering in a new societal norm. At one time if you wanted a hamburger, you had to either find a pizza place that made crappy hamburgers or go get it yourself. Now, with Uber Eats, I can have an Arby's roast beef while my wife has a Big Mac and my friend who is visiting can have a Wendy's Double with Cheese... all delivered right to the front door.

And don't worry about the driver "molesting" the food... chances are the dude that made it did a little "molesting" as well. It won't kill you... usually...


posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Oh god, now I won't be able to drink enough charcoal to feel clean inside after I eat McDonalds again

True enough about Uber eats.. But in todays world, there was an open market, and someone had the idea.. it was inevitable really. We are being so dumbed down and complacent about how the real world works, that soon enough people will wonder what that big bright thing in the sky is, as it looks nothing like what they saw on facebook in that sunset photoshopped piece.

Pretty much everywhere here has banned smoking in any establishment. Everyone piles outside for a quick fag (and not that sort) and then pops back in for another pint. They've even made it illegal to smoke walking down public street malls. Doesn't stop anyone, it's only a $50 fine if you're caught. About as much as a packet of smokes.

But one type of smoker I cannot stand is the one who stands right next to you as you're eating and he's smoking a clove cigarette. I mean, dear god, wt actual f are those things about. Why not just sit around a bon fire, inhale the burning timber and chew actual cloves. :/

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Along with being grounded until they were old enough to leave my home. If behavior was ever repeated, bordering school here they come.

I raised a nephew that I had to put in boarding school for two years to get straightened up. Worked wonders.

He is a grown man now with children of his own. He tells his kids, "Don't mess with Big Auntie, because Big Auntie Don't play."

Parents have to care and be in their childrens' life. Too many of those children don't have anyone in their lives that actually love and care about them.

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: TrustedTruth
If everyone was just trained in the art of Ninjitsu, carried Ninjato's, and were well equipped on how to wield them, then these thugs who refuse to learn even basic English, common decency or even self control, would soon be a thing of the past.

Feudal America. Where honor among warriors is the first lesson taught.

Well, it's a nice idea, doubt it'll catch on however.

I'm all for it. Can we compromise and have swords and bazookas?

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 09:17 AM
I don’t know if their behaviour has anything to with not being parented or loved. There is a growing culture among youth about mob mentality. You can see it in some protestors and Antifa members. Young adults are being taught scare tactics and it’s filtering down to the younger youth.

These youth are much more concerned with impressing each other than they are worried about what parents will do.

Sign of the times.. and it will get worse..

2 Timothy 3:1-5 .....'This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.'

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I think boarding schools are a coming thing, out of necessity. I'm heading out in a few minutes for a late Christmas, but I'm gonna throw an idea out here:
    We need to establish a new prison system. The one we have now is split into two parts: juvenile facilities, which are nothing more than mean teachers, and adult facilities that are not designed for children. When kids go bad wrong, there needs to be a third option that is designed for children, but also takes into account these kids are out of control.

    I'm proposing a system of prisons that work more like boot camps than prisons. Any child that is deemed "out of control" can be sent to his boot camp where they are tightly monitored, but still taught. That's reville at 05:00, inspection, report for breakfast, calisthenics, and then classes where any wrong behavior is met with appropriate corporate punishment or loss of privileges. Then a few hours of supervised freedom, assigned chores, and it's lights out. Rinse, lather, repeat. No summers off, no unsupervised time, no leniency on rule-breaking, until the sentence is up. This facility can also handle kids after they become technically adults to a point, so anyone who commits a crime worthy of extended stats in their late teens is there for the full duration.

    Two ways to get in there: commit a crime that is classified as an "adult" crime (or enough misdemeanors to qualify), or a parent can petition the family court for a review if they feel their child is "out of control." Simple legal violations, like one shoplifting or getting into a fight once won't do it. Have a rap sheet of stealing a mile long, or get into a fight 4 days a week for a few months, and you can be sent in. Any fighting with a deadly weapon (knife, gun, baseball bat, etc.) gets you in first time, whether or not there's a pattern.

    There would have to be special consideration given to age range and severity of the crime. Some offenders would be in more of a prison-type environment; others would be in more of a boot camp setting. Older kids would not be allowed around younger kids. No drugs, or you go straight to the prison section. No weapons or you go straight to the prison section. Those who are still deemed hazardous to society after they turn 18 with two years in the facility are transferred to an adult prison to finish their sentence.
Now that's a rough idea, but I believe there is merit in it. Kids need to be controlled to a certain degree and it appears many parents are simply not doing that. As it is, a kid who gets out of control winds up spending time in juvey so often it doesn't act as a deterrent anymore... they continue to get bolder and bolder, until they are finally caught in a crime so horrendous they are charged as an adult, and their life is over. That's not right... a child's mind has not fully developed, and I believe most can be turned back to the straight and narrow if they get back in control early enough. This would be a last chance for full redemption in the eyes of the law, and a chance for parents to get some help before a problem kid kills someone.

Oh, obviously no charge to parents who ask for help.

Oh, and I'll add to the above: any criminal sentence (applies to those who are convicted of a crime and sent in) stays on their criminal record until they are discharged from the facility and go two years without another serious offense. If they can do that, expunge their record. Second sentence, no expungement, though.


posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: TrustedTruth
If everyone was just trained in the art of Ninjitsu, carried Ninjato's, and were well equipped on how to wield them, then these thugs who refuse to learn even basic English, common decency or even self control, would soon be a thing of the past.

Feudal America. Where honor among warriors is the first lesson taught.

Well, it's a nice idea, doubt it'll catch on however.

I'm all for it. Can we compromise and have swords and bazookas?

I say yes. For those long range mobs that come heading your way... one hit, problem solved. Good idea!

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

Well, im not sure getting married fast is a good thing. Marriage is good for a kid but it's difficult to expect people to like and love each other until they die. That only happeneds with a few lucky people.

I do agree people shouldn't have kids until both adults know they plan on being together for a long time. However, i don't think some ATS thread is going to dissuade some young person from poppin out babies.

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Sheye
No! They are just learning the real lesson of life. We have had it knocked out of us since WW2. When the men returned from that war they realised what it means to stick together as a "team". We had it before with Communities. They stuck together and fought for one another. Now, some-one moves in next door they wont talk to you they wont integrate into the community. Except, except, those that do not want to integrate. Islam, Hasidic Jews, Blacks, etc. don't be afraid to see what's in front of your eyes.
In America this trouble is coming mainly from one community and that's because they've had it stamped in them from the 60s. Black power, together we are strong, proud to be black etc. need I go on. And this message has come from adults. The kids have just learnt that all that is true. Stick together, you've got the power.

posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 12:04 PM
The generation after booms had a rough childhood. They were beat beyond belief. These kids were also beat. Some wanted to make sure this never happens again. CYS was born. To protect kids from what they had to live with. The thing is. Power corrupts. These people have used thier ability to the worst. Making it almost impossible to punish. All a kid has to say now is my dad hurt me and now that family is in the $hit. That's the problem. It isn't boomer's. It the next generation making punishment almost illegal. Plus the drug epidemic and social programes rewarding single house holds and schools not being able to punish. If we still have the dunce cap. Who knows what kind of world this would be.

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