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We now fear our neighbor as much as we fear the "other" political party, is the US doomed?

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posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

I stand corrected, and applaud your use of the system to prove a point

Sorry for my misunderstanding.

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: The2Billies

I stand corrected, and applaud your use of the system to prove a point

Sorry for my misunderstanding.

That's ok. I've misunderstood my share too.

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

Be careful saying that,I got punished for saying something like it.
But thank-you very much for posting this interesting thread.
I will try to talk to my neighbors a wee bit more in the future.

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

originally posted by: Metallicus

originally posted by: operation mindcrime
a reply to: Metallicus everything in extremes with you?

If it's not black than it must be white...I probably wouldn't want to ring your door as a neighbor with a complaint.


I have a zero-tolerance policy for anything that threatens freedom and personal liberty. So, yes, when it comes to that particular topic I am very passionate.

General rule of thumb, if one of the two parties are in power, your personal liberty is threatened.

One side wants to tell you which words and ideas are in or off limits, or how you protect yourself...

The other side wants to tell you if a plant is OK to ingest, and up until a few years ago, who you could marry.

Those are just examples, we all know we could think of plenty more.

Well, considering I am not attracted to men and I don’t do drugs only one side of the aisle can actually cause me problems right now. That being said, I am for legalizing most substances as are a growing number of Conservatives. As far as homos go that horse has already left the barn and is no longer an issue.

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

I don't delve in much myself. I'm pretty vanilla in many ways.

That said, I try to always get as many rights as possible... Even if it's ones I wouldn't take advantage of.

Per many concervative being "for" something, the political leaders aren't the same. This is true for some of the left as well.

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: Metallicus

I don't delve in much myself. I'm pretty vanilla in many ways.

That said, I try to always get as many rights as possible... Even if it's ones I wouldn't take advantage of.

Per many concervative being "for" something, the political leaders aren't the same. This is true for some of the left as well.

Political ‘leaders’ rarely have the best interest of the people in mind regardless of which side of the aisle they say the support.

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 07:36 PM
I've never lived in a neighborhood anywhere where neighbors didn't know each other well and talk to each other regularly. I've lived in the middle of the concrete jungle, the 'burbs, and semi-country/small town-ish. Where I am now in a middle class neighborhood, you're downright weird and looked at funny if you don't bother to get to know your neighbors.

a reply to: The2Billies

The stupid mistake was buying in an HOA neighborhood to begin with. Only live in them if you're wiling to stick to the rules you see when you have the open house walkthrough, not buy with the goal of changing them yourself. That makes you the dick neighbor moving in on a high horse.

Personal disclaimer: never lived in an HOA home, never want to. Have plenty of friends who do, the general consensus is to go with the flow you knowingly bought into, since it's key to living in one peacefully instead of being the squeaky wheel. Know what you buy into before you actually BUY IT.

posted on Oct, 2 2019 @ 10:45 PM
Ive not had neighbors since I moved N of the Mason Dixon. Im in the Midwest and people are bizarre. I dont fear my neighbors, they fear me and thats the way I like it.

One example :
Some kid my daughter was friends with came over and they caught my carpet on fire with nail polish remover and a candle. I took her home, her dad was only home, and said my kid was grounded from friends over for a period of time. Im always very polite and Im naturally soft spoken. I was out on my porch when the mother came ripping down the road and slammed on the brakes in the middle of the road in front of my house. Shes ranting and raving and said for me to come out to the street cause she wasnt coming onto my property to kick my hiney. I said ok, sat my tea down and walked down to the road... so she got in her car and sped away. WHAT THE HELL?! I mean, she invited me.. then took off. Later on the police showed up and it seems she said I was being violent with her, blah blah. I looked at the cop like they were stupid and said... so, someone comes to your home and starts a ruckus and then somehow its YOUR fault when you say ok ?? Or something to that effect. Basically, dont make a problem and there wont BE a problem, dummy. Never heard from the loony woman again. Thats pretty much the experiences Ive had over the last decade here.

It was not long after my daughter had passed away and I wasnt in the mood to deal with anything at all. It was still cold out and I got a knock on my door at about 10 PM. I opened the door and a woman was there with about 7 kids and she was crying. She said they were at Laser tag ( which is down the street from me) and she got into a fight with her boyfriend and he left her there with all these kids that were at her kids bday party. I invited them all in, let them play my daughters game systems and etc while her mother used my phone to call her sister to pick them all up. The mom told me she had knocked on the whole side of my street and no one would answer the door and thats why she was crying. I said I wasnt surprised.

Im not surprised either. The world has become self centered and uncaring. Theres no humility or love for our fellow humans regardless of we agree with them and their choices or beliefs or not. Makes a person want to poke people in the eye with a stick or something.... my neighbors SHOULD fear me.

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

I have had peaceful and considerate neighbors.

They have all been Muslim. One neighbor (who moved 😢) reached out to me in the hallway one day. She apologized for her daughters loudness? Which I never heard lol. Then I told her I never hear it, then I apologized for my son’s loudness (music and whatnot), to which she said she couldn’t hear it?

We ended up exchanging phone #s for emergencies. Other people would not have known we were friendly.

We were there for each other when needed, but didn’t interfere or cause unnecessary problems for each other over ridiculous things (like noise for example).

When you live in an apt with neighbors, there is going to be noise.

I have another neighbor who would give dirty looks to the family across from her because their baby would cry. They were the nicest couple and their daughter was adorable. They ended up moving back to France 😢.

I can’t stand problematic neighbors, and where I live is really quiet. People have no idea how lucky they are til they get a really toxic one.

Anyways, I miss Pria, and kind hearted neighbors.

Not everybody is approachable, body language is my first queue, constant complainers are the 2nd. Nothing to do with media for me. Just plenty of experience.

edit on 4-10-2019 by KTemplar because: Irish typo

edit on 4-10-2019 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2019 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: chiefsmom

Fear the neighbors? Nope.

Our nearest neighbor, about sixty feet away, across the road, is a really nice guy. The others, who are about 3/4 of a mile away, are just as nice.

The more I learn, and experience, here in the Deep South--and northern Alabama is about as "Deep South" as it gets, the more I like it.

If you're quiet and somewhat reclusive, as I am, you get left alone if that's what you want.

If you're more out going and sociable, they are, too.

Fear? Nothing of the sort. I've never "feared" a neighbor in my life. Dislike? Maybe. Fear...not so much.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 07:19 PM
With all the distractions in the world it's easy for most to just give up and lose their souls in defeat to the evil that is all around spreading like wildfire. It's as if most people are being herded to their doom by a collective A.I. beast system.

The devil and his agenda is real. Just take a look around. The power of genuine heartfelt prayer though, is more real, and more powerful than any evil manipulative beasts.. and their false gods.. in the universe. It's the simplest thing for every human to know within their heart. If the masses would realize this, and fight against the evil agenda, all the propaganda of fear and control would have no affect upon them. The world would be changed in an instant. And simple neighbor disagreements would be just that. Simple neighbor disagreements.

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