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Finally experienced my first racism

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posted on Aug, 8 2019 @ 11:32 PM


*ALL MEMBERS** The recent surge in Hatred, Racism, and Sheer Stupidity STOPS NOW.
*** ALL MEMBERS *** Ending Rudeness, Hate, Bigotry: Getting Back to Basics

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You are responsible for your own posts.....those who ignore that responsibility will face mod actions.

and, as always:

Do NOT reply to this post!!

posted on Aug, 8 2019 @ 11:33 PM
Cool your jets....

Who loves ya, baby.....

posted on Aug, 8 2019 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: circuitsports

Let me try this again, in a less frank manner.. The offending person was more than racist. He's mentally unstable. The FBI told us to alert authorities when coming across extremely unstable people. No?

Beyond the fact that racism itself is (IMHO) a mental illness, you recognize the person as "mentally ill", so you must recognize that his behavior toward you was not racist related, it was mental illness related.

I really see no reason for you to bend it into a discussion on racism. I'm sure that racism against white folks exists somewhere, someplace. But this encounter simply has nothing to do with racism, as far as I can see.

This thread, however, is another question.

posted on Aug, 8 2019 @ 11:42 PM
Call me a cracker,honkey,whitey......I'll just laugh in your face....and say "if I actually had feelings,that was so far from hurting them it's funny".

posted on Aug, 8 2019 @ 11:51 PM
It's really sad to see these things ramping up in the world. Whenever someone threatens you because of your race, it means they have bought into a dangerous lie and have become a working part of that lie. A lie that destroys peoples lives.

This world WILL be judged.

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 12:37 AM
I blame the MSM for not only reinforcing and promoting this divisive hatefulness, but actually promoting racism and hate by purposely lying and cheating in order to incite this entire thing.

If they showed reality, which is that 95%+ of people get along and are working together to end racism, this wouldn't be happening.

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: rnaa

Oh you say name calling is not racism is that so?? So when my feller Chico's call any single human of varying skin shades with Asiany eyes Chino or chinita, that is not racist?? They are all saying literally China man/woman Chinese man/woman even if they are from any dozen or other nations who's native population can have degrees of these traits.

I just ranted about this in racism lol. Racist ass Spanish speaking folks! I tell you, I don't even enjoy speaking Spanish, all the folks I grew up dealing with the harassment and their teases. I mean, I know from experience how ignorant American public schools are,. But do they try to levy mearly appearing as someone from that region of Earth as an insult too?? My ol lady says it's a Florida thing she thinks, says New Mexico schools felt welcoming and cozy I guess is best as I can esplain.

Thankfully I learned early to laugh off the ignorance and just snap back. Anger can be channeled back with a counter of positivite energy such as laughter. If it does not sit with you, it stays with them and they end and up just feeling kind of dumb later for it.

Thankfully a potentially mentally unstable terrorist racist lvl3 will be investigated and let off back into the world to terrorize innocent citizens just pursuing happiness once more.

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: rnaa

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: circuitsports

Let me try this again, in a less frank manner.. The offending person was more than racist. He's mentally unstable. The FBI told us to alert authorities when coming across extremely unstable people. No?

Beyond the fact that racism itself is (IMHO) a mental illness, you recognize the person as "mentally ill", so you must recognize that his behavior toward you was not racist related, it was mental illness related.

I really see no reason for you to bend it into a discussion on racism. I'm sure that racism against white folks exists somewhere, someplace. But this encounter simply has nothing to do with racism, as far as I can see.

This thread, however, is another question.

The mentally ill can be racist too. The club isn’t exclusive.

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: circuitsports
I live in So Calif and it happens all the time here,usually black lady's in 40's and 50's think they can say anything they want
starting crap in stores,end up kicked out like wild beasts,like they own territory,it's the media

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: circuitsports

Definitely a psycho... but I'm not sure it's about racism. Or not only about racism. You could have been any race/creed/color and she just would have applied the appropriate slur -- whatever it may have been! I doubt she discriminates. She sounds like an equal opportunity hating thug.

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 07:39 AM
Can't we just all hate each other equally?

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: rnaa

If calling someone names isn't a sign of racism, then we wouldn't have racial slurs.

Cracker is a racial slur when used that way for all that it's not widely recognized the way certain other racial slurs are.

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: circuitsports

Tell us what the racist was buying at the grocery we can boycott all the companies he supports.

Isn't that how it is done these days?
edit on 9-8-2019 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2019 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: circuitsports

Maybe if you just said, "I'm sorry" to the guy in the first place he would not have been triggered by your scowl.

There's always a way you can be to make the best out of every situation.

edit on 9-8-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 12:33 PM
It has all gone way out of hand. And I mean the meaning of the word racism.
Anyone healthy will look at different humans with a careful eye, if we were all stupid and stood there in our caves or huts and welcome everyone without suspicion, we would have never got here as only those with mal intend would have survived, going round and abusing this nonsense.

If it isn't colour, it will be something else you are not familiar with. Ask our cat, anything and anyone out of the norm is at first a danger, until she gets to know them or it and then makes up her mind.

Other cats or dogs who just happily jump up anyone have been known to be abducted or tortured by kids. That won't happen to our careful cat who is racist and plastic-ist and noise-ist and human-ist and doorbell-ist.
She's safe!

I have the feeling that you have to love and embrace absolutely anyone without question or else you are Satan-Hitler. Which is BS. I can not like whom I want and I also can get to know them and change my mind or not. It's my perogative. I can find certain human breeds more attractive, clever or more violent if my experience has taught me these things.

That's what experience is for. You experience something more than three times and your brain makes a note of it. Are you 100% right or is there room for error? Well of course the fourth to 100th experience might be just positive...guess what, that will change your mind too. It's amazing how well that works.

Actual knucklehead racists [if white] with swastika tattoos who go round in groups just beating up or lynching foreigners are as rare as any schizophrenic with violent/murderous intentions, actually rarer. They exist and if you check their IQ, you'll find they are on the low end.
They are thick as sheeet and should be incarcerated if caught in a criminal act. But that's it.

Other normal people who live peacefully and have their preconceptions but are courteous to others in case they are actually alright are NOT RACISTS! [Yes I shouted!]

To say that should actually be a crime. To call someone something this insulting should be treated the same as if I call you a n***er. Both is dumb, shows that whoever says this has teh IQ of an amoeba and is incapable of living in a civilised society.

So YOU [anyone who has done so] who calls everyone who is just human and wants to discuss other humans of different heritage a racist, is a massive moronic problem we have nowadays. YOu are actually worse than who YOU call a racist, you are a sheet stirrer!

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: loam
a reply to: circuitsports

Your problem is you exist.

Lol, ok, I get it now, you must write children's books.

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: rnaa

originally posted by: circuitsports
a reply to: carewemust

I appreciate you had a bad encounter with an asshole who called you names. But name-calling is not racism. It MAY be an example of acting out an underlying racist attitude, sure. But people call people names all the time just because they are angry. You don't have to be racist to be angry and go over the top expressing yourself.

On the other hand...

"I have a feeling this person has a history of incarceration so maybe."

On what is your feeling based?

If the cops said so, then that is one thing (but then it wouldn't be a 'feeling' would it?), but if it was based on the fact that he was black, and quite likely "disturbed". then that is a whole 'nother thing altogether.

Are black guys the only people who get angry for no particular reason?

I also have a feeling there is not a lot of black woman who dress manly with sunglasses on at night running around threatening to kill people in the grocery store in this area, so it's again possible that help will find them.

Where does this "feeling" come from? Have you encountered "black women who dress manly with sunglasses running around threatening to kill people"? Was your 'perpetrator' such a woman (you didn't mention this in the OP).

What does it mean to "dress manly" in 2019"? Please think about your answer... is this a passive-agressive shot at lesbians?

Why does an encounter with an obviously disturbed individual bring up the idea of racism to you? What does race have to do with mental illness?

I tired to omit certain things from the first post I didnt feel were relevant at the moment they occurred and auto correct changed some language that apparently got it flagged as an attempt to duck censorship but I will address the things said.

I will absolutely demonstrate greater caution now towards certain things - as this person was shouting this stuff across the store, the employees were already dialing the Sherriff the manager was running to kick them out two black gentlemen also walked into this black woman screaming I'll kill you white racist mother etc at a white guy, luckily they realized straight away this person had a problem and went about there business and it didn't turn into wannabe hero time.

My feelings were based on the general appearance of the person physically as well as several tattoos indicating affiliations that were so poorly done that I would say they were jail gang tattoos, I've had enough experience with them to feel comfortable in making that assumption.

It's not a passive aggressive shot at anyone - my sister is a lesbian who married a federal law enforcement officer after many many many relationships so I have see all types as well as many personal relationships, there are ways in which people self identify in dress and manner and I respect there attempts to do so.

When a woman is wearing a mans cologne, mens jean shorts, mens button up short sleeve shirt and there hair in a way that suggests it's of little consequence I respect they have made a conscious decision to appeal to women that prefer that type of woman. Just like if I walk around in my motorcycle jacket and boots.

A person can be both crazy and racist and lesbian - the young girl bagging her groceries had a disgusted look on her face, she said nothing to her, the kid checking out who had called the manager while she was still there, got no issues, the asian manger who chased her into the parking lot, nothing.

The white guy who moved her cart up after she forgot it to load his groceries was the target of her tirade of racist comments and the only one.

In retrospect I wish I had the prescience of mind to keep her talking awhile longer and get my camera out as it seems common that as these issues occur, people become emboldened by them.

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: circuitsports
i grew up with mates from many different places races colours and guess what, everyone of them was biased towards someone else because of different cultural upbringing so everybody is racist in one way or another and to say you are not is ridiculous .

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: rnaa

So just to clarify your stance here

Had the exact situation happened, and the OP been a black man and the angry shopper white and shouted I will shoot you N-word, would you also be saying it has nothing to do with racism?

posted on Aug, 9 2019 @ 07:19 PM
If I am to be insulted;
I must first value your opinion.
-Doc H.

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