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what happened in the US today, During the NZ shooting MSM blanket coverage" DISTRACTION?

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posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: oldcarpy

Then those detectives need to listen to more Alex Jones, everyone knows these are false flags filled with crisis actors.

They do? "everybody" huh?"

I must be out of the loop as it's "news" to me! There was AFAIK Only a few 'actors' here ... the gunmen and some politicians i.e. NZ's PM

Must be that 'fake news' eh but?

posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 04:54 AM
Great job OP....yes TPTB are desperate and are now focusing their energy on and in Countries NOT NAMED USA....the Rats are all jumping ship ….they SO NOT WANT THE WORLD TO SEE TRUMPS SUCESS....they do not want the world to see AMERICA HEALING HERSELF......they cannot have this because they are now trying to DRILL DOWN INTO THE CORE OF OTHER COUNTRIES THEY CAN EASILY CONTROL.

posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: one4all
Great job OP....yes TPTB are desperate and are now focusing their energy on and in Countries NOT NAMED USA....the Rats are all jumping ship ….they SO NOT WANT THE WORLD TO SEE TRUMPS SUCESS....they do not want the world to see AMERICA HEALING HERSELF......they cannot have this because they are now trying to DRILL DOWN INTO THE CORE OF OTHER COUNTRIES THEY CAN EASILY CONTROL.

BINGO~! Another enlightened soul here! Nice to meet you

posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

I'm a firm believer of move here and adopt our values or # right off to where you came from.

It's an unfortunate reality having to deal with radicalised people, they are dangerous and come in all shapes and colors.

posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyJetson
They do? "everybody" huh?"

I must be out of the loop as it's "news" to me! There was AFAIK Only a few 'actors' here ... the gunmen and some politicians i.e. NZ's PM

Must be that 'fake news' eh but?

Nope. Everything is fake. No one got shot in Las Vegas, Sandy Hook or in New Zealand (not even a real place). Everything I learned from mass shootings I learned from Alex Jones. Gay Frog will not be silenced.

edit on 16-3-2019 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer

posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: Subaeruginosa

originally posted by: rickymouse
I heard from someone who lives in OZ that the Muslim immigrants are a problem over there in some areas.

Yeah sure, just like any country, we have a few rough areas. There's also always going to be young people who group up and go out and stir up some s#.

Sometimes these young people may even happen to be of middle eastern descent. But to claim we're having some big problem with specifically "muslim immigrants", is total news to me.

IDK, maybe the person who told you that is just regurgitating the nonsense they heard on talk back radio or something.

The person I know lives close to one of the areas where they have been shuffling immigrants in. That is in OZ, not NZ.

No, the person is not regurgitating nonsense, she is hearing about it from events in the local area that are happening. I have not messaged the person in about six months now, so I do not know how it has been late.. It is not as bad as some of the other European countries have had it though. Of course governments want to cover up this failed forced integration of way different cultures they are trying to employ, but that is business as usual

It's nonsense, there a few areas in outer greater Sydney that muslims are concentrated, as we know they are isolationist and don't really integrate, but to claim they are causing problems is garbage and not based in reality .

I can only know what the woman and her husband living near Sydney tell me is going on over there, She seems levelheaded, but does get around and talked to the neighbors and locals in her area. I do not think she has had personal bad experience with the refugees, but she said she knows a few people who had experienced some problems with some of the young Muslims causing problems.

So, I have no personal knowledge on this, the people I know do not seem racist at all, nor do they seem like islamaphobes. They are not personally effected but some people they know are complaining, and the local police are ignoring their reports of what the muslim group is doing, blowing it off without even going talk to the gang.

posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

No doubt there are some muslims causing problems, but there are all sorts of people that cause problems, it's more concentrated where there are higher population density.

If the cops are ignoring complaints it is likely they don't have enough actual evidence to do anything about it.

There are certainly gangs of youth getting around causing trouble, that's city life for you, there are gangs of youth getting around here where I live now in the country, seems to me it's a youth problem.

posted on Mar, 17 2019 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyJetson

originally posted by: one4all
Great job OP....yes TPTB are desperate and are now focusing their energy on and in Countries NOT NAMED USA....the Rats are all jumping ship ….they SO NOT WANT THE WORLD TO SEE TRUMPS SUCESS....they do not want the world to see AMERICA HEALING HERSELF......they cannot have this because they are now trying to DRILL DOWN INTO THE CORE OF OTHER COUNTRIES THEY CAN EASILY CONTROL.

BINGO~! Another enlightened soul here! Nice to meet you

How about the most recent step forward by the Humanitarian Heros batteling the global Cabal.....they have begun the process of removing the reward dynamic from the deepest oldest guards....the CHILDREN of the Humanitarian Terrorists are now being systemically DISENFRANCHISED.....they are NOT BEING ALLOWED TO BEENFIT FROM THEIR PARENTS LIVES OF CRIME SOMETIMES GENERATIONAL CYCLES OF GRAFT COLLUSION AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANTY.....all it took was breaking open the pay-to-join Academic fraud that is GLOBAL but has only recently been blown open in the USA.....MANY of the old TPTBs Families are being "outed"......its now up to other Countries to catch on to what the USA is doing to clean house and then follow suit ASAP and use the Momentum of Trump and Friends to begin to make change in their own Countries.....other Countries should now be blowing up the same ACADEMIC FRAUD and forcing Global change by IDENTIFYING the elites and by branding them publicly.

Every Country in the world should FOLLOW THE NEW USA and adjust their laws surrounding pedophilia and allow for the seizure of assets to offer restitution to victims....this allows ALL OF THE TRUE GLOBAL CABAL TO BE DISARMED FIANCIALLY AT ONE TIME in your ENTIRE COUNTRY....and by many different Treaties GLOBALLY.....for their Achillies heel is that they ALL had to commit crimes to join the Cabal and they had to be the most heinous they chose crimes against children...they CHOSE THAT.....yes methinks comeuppance is on the way as we speak for a lot of these anti-humanitarian monsters.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

It feels like I've wasted precious time skimming through this thread looking for an answer.

Here is something for you, it took me a minute to dig up.

"But New Zealand has been chosen because we are not a place where violent extremism exists." As states by the prime minister of New Zealand. Chosen by whom ? There you go.

Chosen by muslims. A big part of her speech was how these people weren't born there. But they choose to come.
Were they invited?

At first I was shocked at how honest she was being...

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyJetson
a reply to: oldcarpy

When posters jump into these tragedies straight off claiming staged event with actors etc

where DID I SAY ANYTHING about such things?

Don't "put words in my mouth" thanks very much

Seeing as how I never actually referred to you you can get back in your box now.

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 01:57 AM
Mo. Senator Roy Blunt was banned from a GOP dinner, because he voted to block President Trump's Executive Order to protect Americans.


posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyJetson
Y'all know all the talk about how big the cabal are on their 'symbolism' yeah?

I'm sure the autists here can easily see the remarkable amount of 'symbolism' involved in this one event that's happened in New Zealand

a mass shooting at a Muslim mosque in Christchurch (!!)

which (obviously) at prayer time is containing Only Muslim men! I could go on and on but you get the idea. AFAIK it's also some special Islamic 'holy day/time' etc ... this "event" is Full of symbolism!

and it 'sits wrong' with me just like LV did ... hey does anyone Know what happened there?

That was another Media Distraction while 'the magic was done' in front of your eyes!

What have we missed?

If this isn't an 'organised attempt' to disrupt the MSM "news cycle" IDK what is.

First of all, having been in Australia for the past two years, I can say that there has been SFA 'news' about the "general state of US politics" AT ALL! It's almost like it's just been 'forgotten'! Oh we get all the Hollweird crap but nada about ANY of the politics currently occurring there. You have to dig deep into the internetz just to find some 'opinion', let alone "fact"!

The Oz MSM certainly aren't talking about anything but this 'shooting in NZ', BUT it's narrative has become "those poor Muslims everywhere, it's such a tragedy yada yada ... which = Not. A. Word. about anything else!

Le 'perfect excuse' NOT to cover 'other things' and having 'plausible deniability' in the future when people ask (the obvious) "But Why Didn't you even mention the Facts about the events which occurred today in the US 'govt/courts'

BTW Rupert Murdoch was born an Aussie and inherited his 'media empire', which he discovered (back in the 1970's) he could 'utilize' his media network to influence political events, e.g. "who got elected" simply by using his 'networks' to support those he wanted to support while denouncing those who he 'had no reason to' support ... and so he wouldn't.

This was the beginning of The End of "honest and unbiased journalism" worldwide! During this period the C_A used their 'powers' to have one of The Greatest Prime Ministers of the country, a guy named Gough Whitlam -- a man who did More for the people than any of those before him

Gough was 'ousted' by the Queen's 'representative', the Governor General -- who is the only person who has the power to "remove the Prime Minister" from their 'office'.

His "crime" was to insist the US reveal to him WTF they are doing at their "base" at Pine Gap in central Australia ... purportedly where the C_A's main spying headquarters were (are?) based -- it was where the very first Keyhole Satellites were monitored and the data decrypted --- Remember Christopher

Why do I think this? For several reasons, but Q et al is The News the MSM do not want to cover in any way!

It has got to the point in The Plan where 'enough people are aware/awake it becomes "statistically impossible" to Stop the 'spread' of the events currently occurring in the US courts and government. Even using these tired old tactics of some "terrorist tragedy" to evoke public 'FUD' I think the 'balance point' of public opinion has changed enough that I doubt many will be 'interested' in the 'scripts' currently being read by (so called) reporters/journalists worldwide

And Right Now we are at the 'start of the exposure" with previously 'sealed' documents and Proof 'coming to light' which is The Last Thing the DS want and have been trying extremely hard to stop or hinder. This is a Desperate attempt at Distraction.

From what?

Hey, I'm not from the US, but can anyone tell me "what happened in the US courts today that were "significant/important"?

Does anyone know what's happening in the US today?

And this 'supposed' self admitted 'racist', a lone wolf who until only recently' had been "traveling the world" and "just decided to stay in NZ" where he suddenly turned into this anti Muslim fanatic with access to guns and ammo, a car, GoPro etc etc

My 'problem' is that unless he's some rich kid OR being financed by some 'group' is yet to be mentioned, although apparently "he says he acted alone of his own volution", How the hell did he a) afford to behave as he did? i.e. travel freely, "decide to stay in NZ" , but a car, internet provision (requires ID etc) get guns etc etc? (did he have a job? GF?)

Why stay in NZ? Unless it was planned Again "it's reported he said it was an "impulsive decision" BUT there's NO WAY you can do something like this "spontaneously" as a recent arrival to NZ..

Sheesh I have bikie friends there and if I tried Really Hard with LOTS of bucks to spend (i.e.$2-5k per gun on the black market) a car, food and accommodation etc etc and it would take me at least a month to get all those things together starting from scratch -- SO nake him an Aussie and it helps 'explain' his Kiwi connections ... although the whole story it still stinks to high heavens to me

R: Does Anyone Know what's happening (happened?) in the US today? Anything significant?and BTW. Does anyone know what's happening in the US today?

As an Australian who has lived in NZ for a few years, a land once known for it's 'fierce warriors' and No doubt they were

The Maori were The Only 'national group' (or 'residents' rather than 'race') of people who successfully and consistently repelled the British attempts to "steal their land, (which is also their "mana" or 'spirit' just like the American Indians and the Aussie aborigines and others, just the "idea" of "owning the land" was something they couldn't get their heads around!

As their 'mana' (spirit) is directly connected to the 'motherland' and so in a sense, they were "selling their souls" IF they 'sold/traded' their land to the British.

And it mucked with their heads that the British DID! (sell their land ergo they sold their 'mana'/souls for money!!

"money" Another foreign concept to the Maori! ... And the Maori had heard that some British people HAD in Fact, "sold their souls to satan for money!",, as we now know they indeed did/do!

The Oz MSM certainly aren't talking about anything but this 'shooting in NZ', BUT it's narrative has become "those poor Muslims everywhere, it's such a tragedy

By saying this they are supporting, by garnering support for, ethnic substitution, of Muslims; in place of whites.. Its as plain as day.

posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: vinifalou
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

It hit the news yesterday so there should be talking points for the next few days about the corruption being exposed in the Obama government.

Now the MSM who don't want this information out, has a new narrative to air 24/7. That was the point of the OP.

sorry for the belated reply, but BINGO!

ONLY a few members here "got it" . . . as I said, I Only discovered in Online, there was NOTHING about it in our MSM

And aside from "Trump Bashing" there is still SFA information about what's happening in US politics here in Oz - in October 2019

p.s. In this thread there are people saying the coverage of NZ ranged between "30secs ONCE" to "been on tv ALL day"

And people wonder why "the other guy hasn't got a clue"!
edit on 20-10-2019 by JohnnyJetson because: msmsmsmsmsm's

posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

"But New Zealand has been chosen because we are not a place where violent extremism exists." As states by the prime minister of New Zealand. Chosen by whom ? There you go.

No, there you go!

Keep questioning the Obvious

posted on Oct, 20 2019 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
What is the majority of the members on this thread’s problem?

This seems like a perfectly reasonable above top secret conspiracy post.
And we’ve seen these types of false flag cover ups happen before.

What, people died so we shouldn’t investigate because people died?

You sound like my less imaginative friends on 9/11. “Dude just shut up with the conspiracy stuff. This is a terrible tragedy”
Flash forward to today - “dude you were right about 9/11”

I mean, do you members not like the op member or something?
Thought this was a motha fracking conspiracy site!

And this member NAILS it! Thanks mate

posted on Oct, 21 2019 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyJetson

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

"But New Zealand has been chosen because we are not a place where violent extremism exists." As states by the prime minister of New Zealand. Chosen by whom ? There you go.

No, there you go!

Keep questioning the Obvious

But if it's obvious why question it?

posted on Dec, 22 2019 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: oldcarpy

originally posted by: JohnnyJetson

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

"But New Zealand has been chosen because we are not a place where violent extremism exists." As states by the prime minister of New Zealand. Chosen by whom ? There you go.

No, there you go!

Keep questioning the Obvious

But if it's obvious why question it?

It wasn't I who was "questioning the obvious" but the foolish person I was replying to, who already does!

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